Ohio History Journal

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"Remarks of George A. Katzenberger" (Fort Jefferson Dedication) Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 116.
... 116 Ohio Arch 116 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The evil that men do lives after them The good is oft interred with their bones May it not be thus with Arthur St Clair but rather may this monument long stand as a fitting tribute of respect to his memory May the broken granite boulders typify the strength and rugged virtues of that stalwart patriot and his faithful followers and may this bronze tablet fittingly recall the advancement of the western frontier to this place Mr President ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 659-663.
... Annual Meeting of Board of Trustees 659 Annual Meeting of Board of Trustees 659 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO OCTOBER 8 1927 1100 A M The meeting was called to order by President Johnson There were present Messrs Johnson Thompson Wood Furniss Orton Bareis Laylin Goodman and Florence and Mrs Dryer Trustee Emeritus Prince Secretary Galbreath and Director Mills were also ...

"Painters and Patrons: The Fine Arts in Cincinnati, 1820-1860," by Kathleen M. Dillon. Volume 96, , Winter-Spring, 1987, pp. 7-32.
... KATHLEEN M KATHLEEN M DILLON Painters and Patrons The Fine Arts in Cincinnati 1820-1860 In short we should foster western genius encourage western writers patronize western publishers augment the number of western readers and create a western heart1 -Daniel Drake 1833 Dr Daniel Drake a Cincinnati physician and public benefactor made his plea for a distinctly western culture at a gathering of Ohio and Kentucky teachers in 1833 If the arts received public support Drake believed Cincinnati and ...

"Speech of Gov. Frank B. Willis: Upon the Occasion of the Removal of the Battle Flags to the Rotunda of the Capitol," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 240-241.
... 240 Ohio Arch 240 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications to him of vouchers approved by the supervisor of public printing and the adjutant general E J HOPPLE Speaker of the House of Representatives EARL D BLOOM President of the Senate Passed March 21 1917 Approved March 30 1917 JAMES M Cox Governor Filed in office of Secretary of State April 2 1917 SPEECH OF GOV FRANK B WILLIS UPON THE OCCASION OF THE REMOVAL OF THE BATTLE FLAGS TO THE ROTUNDA OF THE CAPITOL This is an inspiring spectacle The ...

"Ohio Generals and Field Officers in the Civil War," by W. L. Curry. Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 306-311.
... OHIO GENERALS AND FIELD OFFICERS IN THE OHIO GENERALS AND FIELD OFFICERS IN THE CIVIL WAR BY COLONEL W L CURRY In every crisis through which our Nation has passed since the firing of that shot at Concord April 19 1775 that was heard around the world there seem to have been men born to meet every emergency statesmen and men of military genius called from the walks of civil life to carry the ship of State safely through both in peace and war Therefore when the first gun of the War of the ...

"Ohio Society S. A. R.," Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 121-122.
... Edilorialana Edilorialana 121 order the numerous and important historical events that transpired in his county The little book is illustrated and has a large folding map of the territory which it treats Auglaize county was a sort of geographical and historical pivotal point in Ohio It was the chief gate way for Indians and whites between Lake Erie and the Ohio river for sixtyfive years 1749-1814 The reader should remember that the Maumee rises in the southern part of our county Auglaize south ...

Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 204-218.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Union amp Emancipation Essays on Politics and Race in the Civil War Era Edited by David W Blight and Brooks D Simpson Kent Ohio The Kent State University Press 1997 x 231p illustrations notes selected bibliography index 3500 Examining the impact of slavery and race on American politics and culture during the decades surrounding the Civil War this collection of essays is especially useful for scholars of northern party politics in the 1850s In the first of three essays ...

"Prospective Endowment of the Hayes Historical Society in the Spiegel Grove State Park," Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 571-574.
... History of Archaeological Society 571 History of Archaeological Society 571 long I shall honor his grave with a better tombstone and write an inscription upon it that will inform the passerby who occupies that lonely spot Give my respects to old Uncle Dan Allman tell him I should be glad to hear from him Accept of these lines and remember a Son a Brother and his little family Goodbye Mother and Friends WILLIAM WARNER SARAH WARNER ALI C E WARNER the babe PROSPECTIVE ENDOWMENT OF THE HAYES ...

Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 90-96.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies AMERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES Cincinnati Jacob Marcus Director The growing collections of congregational minute books genealogies and personal papers of notable Jewish personalities are being cataloged and made available for researchers Dr Stern-Taeubler's book The Court Jew has recently been published BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Brecksville Ernest Green President The association is at present furnishing a room at the museum ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 110, , Summer-Autumn, 2001, pp. 190-192.
... Book Reviews Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 190-192 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page NOTES AND QUERIES Ohio History is pleased to announce the launch of its new online archive wwwohiohistoryorgpublicationsohiohistory Researchers can browse the complete text of the journal including footnotes and images from the ...

"Emerson and Ohio: A New Emerson Letter," by N. C. Davis. Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 101-102.
... EMERSON AND OHIO EMERSON AND OHIO A New Emerson Letter1 by N C DAVIS Graduate Assistant in English Ohio State University The following excerpt is from the editorial columns of the Cleveland Herald for March 2 1852 RALPH W EMERSON Writes from Concord Feb 26th to one of our citizens who had written to him when recently in Buffalo to come here and lecture Your letter I found on my road but it offered me fruit which I could not eat however fair All my days were promised for the Lyceums along the ...

Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 442-450.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION Mrs Bertha C Fosnocht President The Association is cooperating with the Brecksville Board of Library Trustees in making a canvass of community sentiment regarding housing facilities for the town library a historical museum and other community activities An invitation was extended to about 24 organizations to send representatives to a meeting called for that purpose Friday evening September 1 9 DAYTON ...

"Triumph of Liberty: 1788-1888, The" (Marietta Centennial) by R. K. Shaw. Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 216-218.
... THE TRIUMPH OF LIBERTY THE TRIUMPH OF LIBERTY 1788-1888 WRITTEN FOR THE MARIETTA CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION BY R K SHAW We meet this splendid April morn Where EQUAL LIBERTY was born We meet to celebrate the birth Of her whose hand redeems the earth This day in joy and pride we meet To worship at triumphal feet Her age this day-a hundred years As measured by the rolling spheres As measured by her works sublime She grandly runs abreast of time Here FREEDOM built her perfect arch Through which her ...

"Dress Rehearsal For World War I: The Ohio National Guard Mobilization of 1916," by David A. Niedringhaus. Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 35-56.
... DAVID A DAVID A NIEDRINGHAUS Dress Rehearsal For World War I The Ohio National Guard Mobilization of 1916 The Ohio National Guard like the National Guard of other states has a long history of service to its citizens and to the United States Its heritage is rooted in the militia system that has played such a vital role in the nation's history In times of crisis-natural disasters civil disturbances or wars and rebellions-it has often been called upon to serve until the crisis subsides and either ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 220-222.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR SOLDIERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION BURIED IN OHIO This is the title of a book which has long been in demand by citizens of Ohio and many beyond the borders of that state who have learned through tradition or otherwise that their Revolutionary ancestors came to this state and are probably buried here The arduous work of collecting material for this volume was undertaken by the Daughters of the American Revolution under the ...

"Report of Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Held in the Museum and Library Building of the Society, March 26, 1931," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 549-554.
... REPORT OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF REPORT OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HELD IN THE MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING OF THE SOCIETY MARCH 26 1 931 The Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual meeting March 26 1931 at 2 o'clock p m in the trustees' room of the Museum and Library Building The following members were present Johnson Bareis Florence Orton Spetnagel Goodman and Hinkle ...

"Some Bibliographical and Research Aids to American Medical History," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 305-325.
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY OF THE PERIOD OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY OF THE PERIOD 1835-1858 SOME BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND RESEARCH AIDS TO AMERICAN MEDICAL HISTORY By PHILIP D JO RD AN PHD The history of medicine in the United States is a relatively recent field of investigation1 Historians and scientists too long ignored the fertile field of the progress of medical and surgical practice in this Nation If the scholar concerned himself at all with the advance of medicine and its auxiliary disciplines he usually ...

"Frank Lloyd Wright's Westcott House in Springfield," by Stephen Siek. Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 276-293.
... STEPHEN SIEK STEPHEN SIEK Frank Lloyd Wright's Westcott House in Springfield To investigate the career of Frank Lloyd Wright from 1893 to 1910 is to examine a period of architectural thought so rich that later historians would term this era Wright's First Golden Age1 The automobile and the airplane were two inventions that became synonymous with the advent of the twentieth century but no less innovative were the attempts of Frank Lloyd Wright to develop an architecture indigenous to American ...

"Early Ohio Painters: The Prewar Years," (Collections and Exhibits) Volume 73, Number 4, Autumn, 1964, pp. 254-262, notes 272.
... COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS EARLY OHIO PAINTERS THE PREWAR YEARS by DONALD R MacKENZIE HIGHER standards in painting characterized the pre-Civil War period of art in Ohio Improved transportation encouraged artists to travel and almost every painter visited New York frequently touring Boston and Philadelphia as well There they had the opportunity to see a limited number of imported European paintings and a variety of notable American works Most established painters who desired it were ...

"Early Efforts at State-Level Law Enforcement: The Failure of Ohio's Supervision of Local Police Authorities, 1902-1925," Volume 90, Number 2, Spring, 1981, pp. 141-157.
... STANLEY L STANLEY L SWART Early Efforts at State-Level Law Enforcement The Failure of Ohio's Supervision of Local Police Authorities 1902-1925 At the time of its founding in 1803 Ohio placed responsibility for enforcing its criminal statutes and maintaining public order in the hands of traditional local officials and did little to change this practice for ninety-nine years1 County sheriffs township constables city and village mayors and marshals and city watches carried the burden until 1859 ...