... Monument at Fort Jefferson Monument at Fort Jefferson 113 5 PRESENTATION Geo A Katzenberger 6 UNVEILING Elizabeth D Robeson 7 MILITARY SALUTE Gun Squad Co M 3rd Regt 8 STAR SPANGLED BANNER Drum Corps 9 ACCEPTANCE ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLICProf J T Martz 10 HISTORIC ADDRESS Judge J I Allread 11 YANKEE DOODLE Drum Corps 12 A WORD FROM THE RED MEN L E Wills 13 BENEDICTION Rev G W Berry ADDRESS OF FRAZER E WILSON SECRETARY GREENVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY One hundred and sixteen years ago to-day a ...
... Fremont in History Fremont in History 49 FREMONT IN HISTORY BY JULIA M HAYNES The Sandusky country in aboriginal history possesses a peculiar charm and fascinating interest During that period of years which fills western annals with the story of intrigue and bloody conflict the plains and prairies of the Sandusky valley were the home of the most powerful and most generous of the savage nations Less than a century ago these plains now covered by a thriving city presented an interesting variety ...
... THE WOODBRIDGE-GALLAHER COLLECTION THE WOODBRIDGE-GALLAHER COLLECTION BY HARLOW LINDLEY Introductory The Library of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society recently secured a very unusual collection of material consisting of letters manuscripts journals account books maps pamphlets and books The manuscript collection consists of about 1100 items the most notable of which is the Woodbridge-Blennerhassett collection of approximately 600 items A word of explanation concerning the ...
... SKETCH OF CORNSTALK SKETCH OF CORNSTALK 1759-1777 The following sketch of Cornstalk is from the Draper MSS Border Forays 3 D Chap XVIII in the possession of the Wisconsin Historical Society Madison Wisconsin It is herewith published for the first time through the courtesy of Dr Reuben GoldThwaites Secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society-EDITOR The early history of Cornstalk1 is involved in obscurity During those eventful years of Indian attack and massacre between 1754 and 1763 there can ...
... 584 Ohio 584 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The Tymochtee remains the 'Bend' remains the 'High Bank' remains and these monuments retain their relative positions substantially as they have existed for the last 150 years The actors in the tragedy have long since joined the silent majority but the early undisputed tradition yet lives in the memory of living witnesses and under the walnut trees in the bend of the creek just across from the High Bank is the 'exact spot' where the great ...
... edited by edited by ALVIN EUSTIS On the Road in 1835 A Journey of the Reverend James McElroy The following letters of Rev James McElroy are addressed to the minister's wife in Delaware Ohio and describe a journey from that town to Lexington Kentucky in 1835 The Episcopalian clergyman had taken a leave of absence from the parish of St Peter's in Delaware in order to serve for a time as agent for the American Bible Society1 James McElroy was born in Ireland in 1805 and studied there for the ...
... LUCAS SULLIVANT--HIS PERSONALITY AND LUCAS SULLIVANT--HIS PERSONALITY AND ADVENTURES BY MISS JANE D SULLIVANT Aside from court records and a few lingering oral traditions the principal source of information concerning the life and personality of Lucas Sullivant is to be found in the Family Memorial written and published for private distribution by his youngest son Mr Joseph Sullivant in 1873 Upon this source all subsequent histories of Franklinton and even of Columbus and Franklin County have ...
... THREE CENTURIES OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY THREE CENTURIES OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY By M M QUAIFE The name Maumee is a variant of Miami and comes from the Miami Indian tribe When the French first came into the Northwest they found the Miami living in eastern Wisconsin Following LaSalle's advent in the Illinois country they moved southward around Lake Michigan and for many years c 16901702 one of their important towns was located in the presentday Chicago Loop Eventually they journeyed eastward to the ...
... 56 Ohio Arch 56 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications emphasized by the hundreds of Japanese lanterns strung along either bank and in sweeping festooons across the big Lake Erie bridge Near the bridge and extending across the river were seven of the largest boats in the river bearing huge electric transparencies upon which appeared six-foot letters spelling the name Croghan which was also seen in a set piece The hit of the evening was the reproduction of Fort Stephenson on the southern ...
... THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD S S KNABENSHUE TOLEDO The Underground Railroad was not under the ground nor was it a railway but there was a fitness in the name which caused its general use to express one of the most remarkable phases of the long struggle against slavery and the Slave Power The term was a popular mode of referring to the various ways in which fugitive slaves from the South were assisted in escaping to the North and especially to Canada It was often humorously ...
... Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 Dedicatory Exercises May 30 1914 339 who were following us in the retreating continental Ice Sheet in Ohio as the Eskimo are still doing in Alaska and Greenland Thus geology and archaeology join hands in our state to shed light on the earliest conditions under which man struggled to maintain his existence in this world of thorns and thistles of earthquakes and volcanoes and of waxing and waning ice sheets The contrast between those conditions and those in which ...
... NINTH ANNUAL REPORT NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Ohio State Archaeological and Historical SOCIETY TO THE GOVERNOR From February 19 1893 to February 19 1894 To th e HON WILLIAM MCKINLEY Governor of Ohio SIR-The eighth annual report of this Society was a resume of the work to that time chiefly along lines connected with the department of American Archaeology and History at the World's Fair Since the date of that report our labors have been principally directed toward completing in the best manner ...
... DEFIANCE IN HISTORY DEFIANCE IN HISTORY By FRANCIS PHELPS WEISENBURGER Today we stand in the heart of the historic Maumee Valley Long before any written records chronicled the story of the region French traders moved up and down the river in the long journey between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Basin To the French the site of Defiance was known as Au Glaize or Grand Glaize Among the Indians it was the site of the Tu-en-da-wie village of the Wyandots and the En-sa-woc-sa of the Shawnees1 ...
... The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield 363 No other county in the state is so rich in early history as Sandusky A British post was established here during the Revolutionary War Here the first permanent white settlers located and the first marriage between whites was performed Especially during the War of 1812 was it a famous battleground In marking one by one these historical places we as an organization are not only showing patriotism in ...
... An Outing on the Congo An Outing on the Congo 3 49 AN OUTING ON THE CONGO A VISIT TO THE SITE OF DUNMORE'S TREATY WITH THE SHAWNEES 1774 BY WILLIAM H SAFFORD Many of your readers are doubtless familiar with Stanley's expeditions in Africa tracing the wendings of that hitherto unknown river of her western deserts called the Congo His first exploration was in search of Livingston and the second of his voyages was for the purpose of locating that eminent and eccentric traveler Emin Pasha and thus ...
... INDEX INDEX Agricultural progress in Ohio before 1825 255 334 1831-37 355 1838-42 397-8 414 1852 440 1857 469 Assessed valuation of property in Ohio 439 520 Banks chartered in Ohio before 1815 257 260 261-3 under Bonus Law of 1815 273 275 277 1829 344 1831 359 1832 362 1833 with capital of a million 364 1834 367 Bank Commissioners of Ohio enactment of law providing for 392 first report of 392 report of 1842 favors restrictions on banks 401 Bank Committee report of in Ohio legislature in 1819 ...
... DEDICATION OF MONUMENT TO GEORGE DEDICATION OF MONUMENT TO GEORGE ROGERS CLARK Enthusiastic interest was manifest at the dedication of the monument to George Rogers Clark August 8 on the site of the battle of Piqua near Springfield Ohio It was here on August 8 1780 that George Rogers Clark and his little army of Kentucky frontiersmen vanquished the Shawnee Indians and burned their village This was a punitive expedition provoked by the incursions of the Indians into the territory south of the ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA TRUSTEE MEETING AT SPIEGEL GROVE On Thursday June 30th the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society held a regular meeting at the residence of Colonel Webb C Hayes Spiegel Grove Fremont Ohio It was a most interesting and memorable occasion Colonel Hayes had invited the Trustees to be his guests the day named above and day before and on Wednesday noon the the 29th several of the Trustees upon their arrival at Bellevue enroute to Fremont were met ...
... MONUMENTS TO HISTORICAL INDIAN CHIEFS MONUMENTS TO HISTORICAL INDIAN CHIEFS BY EDWARD LIVINGSTON TAYLOR It will always seem strange that the Indian tribes erected no monuments of an enduring character to mark the last resting place of their dead especially so as they had constantly before them the example of the burial mounds of the race that preceded them in the occupancy of the country as well as the later example of the white race whose custom of marking the graves of their dead was ...
... 102 Ohio Arch 102 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications war for independence would have been greatly at variance with the desires of the American people Authorities for the above article are John J Jacob's Biography of Michael Cresap Olden Time-Monthly historical paper printed by Nevin B Craig at Pittsburg 1847 Statement of George Rogers Clark Washington-Crawford Correspondence-Butterfield Doddridge's Notes Narrative of Capt John Stewart Pennsylvania Archives McKiernan's Border History-W H H ...