Ohio History Journal

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"Tory Proprietors of Kentucky Lands, The," by Wilbur H. Siebert. Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 48-71.
... THE TORY PROPRIETORS OF KENTUCKY LANDS THE TORY PROPRIETORS OF KENTUCKY LANDS BY WILBUR H SIEBERT Professor of European History Ohio State University From the days of its earliest settlement down through the American Revolution the Kentucky country was the scene of proprietary projects or hostile activities by Loyalists several of whom were first connected with Fort Pitt and afterward with the British post at Detroit It is needless to say that the hostile activities included more or less ...

"Lucas Sullivant-His Personality and Adventures," by Jane D. Sullivant. Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 177-189.
... LUCAS SULLIVANT--HIS PERSONALITY AND LUCAS SULLIVANT--HIS PERSONALITY AND ADVENTURES BY MISS JANE D SULLIVANT Aside from court records and a few lingering oral traditions the principal source of information concerning the life and personality of Lucas Sullivant is to be found in the Family Memorial written and published for private distribution by his youngest son Mr Joseph Sullivant in 1873 Upon this source all subsequent histories of Franklinton and even of Columbus and Franklin County have ...

"The Execution of John Brown," Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 290-299.
... THE EXECUTION OF JOHN BROWN THE EXECUTION OF JOHN BROWN BY MURAT HALSTEAD The execution of John Brown was on the second of December 1859 the scene in a field a furlong south of Charlestown seven miles from Harper's Ferry The sensation caused by the John Brown raid was something wonderful The excitement of the whole country was out of all proportion to the material incidents The shock was because the feeling of the people that the slavery question had reached an acute stage and demanded ...

"Early Days of the University of Dayton: Excerpts from the Chronicles of Nazareth," edited by George Ruppel, S.M.. Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 378-387.
... EARLY DAYS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON EARLY DAYS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON EXCERPTS FROM THE CHRONICLES OF NAZARETH edited by GEORGE R U PPEL SM The Chronicles of Nazareth is a manuscript history of the first thirty years of the present University of Dayton It was written by Brother John A Brueck in the latter years of the nineteenth century as an informal record of the Society of Mary in America and of the school for boys begun at Dayton in 1850 The Nazareth in his title comes from the ...

"A Canoe Journey from the Big Beaver to the Tuscarawas in 1773: A Travel Diary of John Heckewaelder," Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 283-298.
... A CANOE JOURNEY FROM THE BIG BEAVER TO THE A CANOE JOURNEY FROM THE BIG BEAVER TO THE TUSCARAWAS IN 1773 A TRAVEL DIARY OF JOHN HECKEWAELDER Translated and edited by AUGUST C MAHR Professor of German Ohio State University By 1772 due to circumstances beyond their control the missionaries of the Moravian Church among the Indians in Pennsylvania had found it inevitable to abandon their two mission stations on the upper North Branch of the Susquehanna Friedenshiitten about one mile down the river ...

"The Sandusky River," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 191-247.
... THE SANDUSKY RIVER THE SANDUSKY RIVER LUCY ELLIOT KEELER The Russian peasant's phrase The road that runs would have appealed to the primitive people who in generations past paddled upon the waters and occupied the valley of the Sandusky River For some eighty miles it traces a winding way through northwestern Ohio rising in the Palmer Spring of Richland county flowing through Crawford Wyandot Seneca and Sandusky counties its mouth directly north of its source and its general course forming a ...

"Plowshares and Pruning Hooks for the Miami and Potawatomi: The Journal of Gerald T. Hopkins, 1804," Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 361-407.
... edited by edited by JOSEPH E WALKER Plowshares and Pruning Hooks for the Miami and Potawatomi The Journal of Gerard T Hopkins 1804 Post-Revolutionary War Americans saw in the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains the means to redress the economic ills inherited from the war and its interruptions of trade Settlement west of Pittsburgh was handicapped during much of the 1790s by the hostility and military success of the midwestern Indian tribes Yet as Curtis P Nettels wrote in that decade as ...

"Minutes of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society, Held in Columbus, February 18 and 19, 1891," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 261-315.
... MINUTES MINUTES 0F THE Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society HELD IN COLUMBUS FEBRUARY 18 AND 1 9 18 91 Thursday February 19th the society came to order in the State Library There being present the following members Wm E Moore of Columbus A A Graham of Columbus N S Townshend of Columbus H A Thompson of Westerville J A Anderson of Columbus L B Wing of Newark Geo F Bareis of Canal Winchester A R McIntire of Mt Vernon D J Ryan of Portsmouth J J Janney of Columbus S S Rickly of Columbus Thos E Van ...

"Charles Dickens in Ohio in 1842," Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 72-81.
... CHARLES DICKENS IN OHIO IN 1842 CHARLES DICKENS IN OHIO IN 1842 BY HEWSON L PEEKE In his work Charles Dickens in America by W Glyde Wilkins the author says Dickens' opinion of the American newspapers was fully expressed in one of his letters to Forster in which he wrote 'of course I can do nothing but in some shape or other it gets into the newspapers All manner of lies get there and occasionally a truth so twisted or distorted that it has as much resemblance to the real fact as Quilp's leg to ...

"Newspaper Correspondence," by John Henri Kagi. Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 292-421.
... NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENCE NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENCE LETTERS TO THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE TOPEKA KANSAS July 14 1856 Do you know for what Mr J Speer Editor of The Kansas Tribune and a dozen or more others -- some of the best men in Kansas--have been compelled to flee from their families and homes and become exiles in a strange land If you do not the sub-joined letter will initiate you into the secret How the original letter was obtained I know not but I have seen it and the following is a verbatim et ...

"Brady's Leap," by E. O. Randall. Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 457-465.
... BRADY'S LEAP BRADY'S LEAP BY E 0 RANDALL In what is known as Tract 29 issued in 1875 by the Western Reserve Historical Society the tradition-as the Tract calls it-of Brady's leap is related That a famous leap by Brady was made at the place generally designated as the site there is little or no doubt The time and attending circumstances of the achievement are much in dispute and wrote Mr L V Bierce in 1856 the numerous traditions respecting Brady's Leap across the Cuyahoga River and many other ...

"Moravian Massacre, The," by William M. Farrar. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 276-300.
... 276 Ohio Arch 276 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VoL 3 with its annual receipts from members' dues interest sale of publications etc will keep it on a plane with the best societies in the country and enable it to do its full share of usefulness The General Assembly has provided for the purchase and preservation of that remarkable earth-work--Fort Ancient-in the Little Miami valley It is the largest and most extensive prehistoric remains now in Ohio The move was most commendable and ...

"Defiance in History," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 65-70.
... DEFIANCE IN HISTORY DEFIANCE IN HISTORY By FRANCIS PHELPS WEISENBURGER Today we stand in the heart of the historic Maumee Valley Long before any written records chronicled the story of the region French traders moved up and down the river in the long journey between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Basin To the French the site of Defiance was known as Au Glaize or Grand Glaize Among the Indians it was the site of the Tu-en-da-wie village of the Wyandots and the En-sa-woc-sa of the Shawnees1 ...

"An Expedition Against the Shakers," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 403-415.
... AN EXPEDITION AGAINST THE SHAKERS AN EXPEDITION AGAINST THE SHAKERS MONDAY August 27 1810 -This day occurred in the county of Warren now Union Village near Lebanon in the State of Ohio one of the most extraordinary instances of unconstitutional proceedings and the most formidable appearance of infringement on the rights of conscience that ever was witnessed in this country A body of five hundred armed men equipped in uniform and in military order with their officers appeared on the ground ...

"Oberlin's Part in the Slavery Conflict," by Wilbur Greeley Burroughs. Volume 20, Number 3, July, 1911, pp. 269-334.
... OBERLIN'S PART IN THE SLAVERY CONFLICT OBERLIN'S PART IN THE SLAVERY CONFLICT WILBUR GREELEY BURROUGHS A M OBERLIN OHIO Little did the Rev John J Shipherd pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Elyria Ohio realize that in the founding of Oberlin he was to change the destiny of a nation He originated the plan in 1832 In November of the same year with his associate Philo P Stewart formerly a missionary to the Cherokees in Mississippi and at this time living with Shipherd at Elyria he selected the ...

"Prof. G. F. Wright's Address (Harrison-Perry Embarkation Monument)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 366-371.
... 366 Ohio Arch 366 Ohio Arch and Hist Society P ublications some on board the fleet to take their second position nearer Canada They arrived a little before sunset that day at East Sister Island while General Harrison and Commodore Perry in the Ariel made a reconnoissance of the enemy's coast It was not until the morning of the 27th that they began this last journey across the lake One account says the day was fine and a propitious breeze made their passage a pleasing pastime It was a sublime ...

"Attack on Fort St. Clair," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 419-420.
... Editorialana Editorialana 419 his trustees that he would not serve unless they would pledge themselves to raise an endowment fund They decided to start at once The financial committee which will have charge of raising the fund consists of L P Baldwin D Z Norton and W S Hayden Its power to name other members is unlimited Until the endowment fund is raised the museum will be supported as for the past two years in part on its guarantee fund and in part from the proceeds of a lecture course The ...

"Sketch of Cornstalk, 1759-1777," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 245-262.
... SKETCH OF CORNSTALK SKETCH OF CORNSTALK 1759-1777 The following sketch of Cornstalk is from the Draper MSS Border Forays 3 D Chap XVIII in the possession of the Wisconsin Historical Society Madison Wisconsin It is herewith published for the first time through the courtesy of Dr Reuben GoldThwaites Secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society-EDITOR The early history of Cornstalk1 is involved in obscurity During those eventful years of Indian attack and massacre between 1754 and 1763 there can ...

"The Ohio Canal: An Account of its Completion to Chillicothe," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 597-604.
... THE OHIO CANAL THE OHIO CANAL AN ACCOUNT OF ITS COMPLETION TO CHILLICOTHE BY GEORGE PERKINS About this time 1831 the news of the completion of the Ohio Canal reached our village This immense undertaking was brought about by the lack of proper means of transportation The roads throughout the state were primitive The wagons that traversed them were inadequate to transport products and needed goods and a universal sentiment was aroused for building a canal Uncle John Briggs and Samuel Probst ...

"The Personal Reminiscences of General Chauncey Eggleston," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 284-320.
... THE PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF THE PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF GENERAL CHAUNCEY EGGLESTON INTRODUCTION BY FRANK EGLESTON ROBBINS University of M ich ig an General Chauncey Eggleston one of the first settlers of Aurora Ohio was a descendant of the first settler of this name Begat or Bigot Eggleston who came to Dorchester Massachusetts in 1630 and was a first settler of Windsor Connecticut in 1635 Here he died September 1 1674 His youngest son Benjamin 2 born December 18 1653 married Hannah Osborn ...