Ohio History Journal

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"An Outing on the Congo. A Visit to the Site of Dunmore's Treaty with the Shawnees 1774," by William H. Safford. Volume 7, Number 3, April, 1899, pp. 349-366.
... An Outing on the Congo An Outing on the Congo 3 49 AN OUTING ON THE CONGO A VISIT TO THE SITE OF DUNMORE'S TREATY WITH THE SHAWNEES 1774 BY WILLIAM H SAFFORD Many of your readers are doubtless familiar with Stanley's expeditions in Africa tracing the wendings of that hitherto unknown river of her western deserts called the Congo His first exploration was in search of Livingston and the second of his voyages was for the purpose of locating that eminent and eccentric traveler Emin Pasha and thus ...

Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 505-514.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XV INDEX TO VOLUME XV A Avery Elroy M History of United States by 271 Abolition Chase's part in 314 States by 271 Finney John 189 Abolitionists Treatment of 209 Alder Jonathan meets Lucas Sullivant Badger Rev Joseph Missionary work 382 of 164 Sketch of 379 Banking National system of 329 Andrews Prof M R Address at Big Baughman A J Gathering of historical Bottom dedication 30 material by 391 Portrait of 30 The Underground Railway by Animals Prehistoric use of 66-72 189 An Indian ...

"Introduction of Methodism in Ohio," by I. F. King. Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 165-219.
... Introduction of Methodism in Ohio Introduction of Methodism in Ohio 165 INTRODUCTION OF METHODISM IN OHIO BY REV I F KING D D Dr King is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University in the class of 1858 He received the degree of D D from Miami University For forty-three years he has served in the ministry of his church and for fourteen years was a presiding elder in the Ohio ConferenceEDITOR The recent celebration at Delaware Ohio of the one hundredth anniversary of the introduction of Methodism in ...

"Tarhe, the Wyandot Chief, and the Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference," by Charles E. Slocum. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 313-318.
... TARHE THE WYANDOT CHIEF TARHE THE WYANDOT CHIEF AND THE HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE LR CHAS E SLOCUM DEFIANCE It is the desire of this writing to add somewhat to the mention of Tarhe the Wyandot Aborigine1 Chief and to the mention of the character of the Aborigines that appeared in the last number of the QUARTERLY although this addition shows their character different from that there mentioned Tarhe grew to adult life in very troublous times He was reared to savagery and to inebriety like ...

"Story of Fort St. Clair, The," by Ralph B. Ehler. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 515-519.
... Fort St Fort St Clair 51 5 For purchase of Site of Fort St Clair Preble County Ohio for historical and forestry purposes Title to be vested in The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for State of Ohio 10 000 Buildings 4000 Roadway 1000 Total Site of Fort St Clair 15 000 For this commendable action the good people of southeastern Ohio and tourists from other parts of the state are under lasting obligations to the General Assembly and especially to Honorable Harry D Silver State ...

"Antoine Francois Saugrain (De Vigni): "The First Scientist of the Mississippi Valley," by N. P. Dandridge. Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 192-206.
... ANTOINE FRANCOIS SAUGRAIN DE VIGNI ANTOINE FRANCOIS SAUGRAIN DE VIGNI THE FIRST SCIENTIST OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY N P DANDRIDGE M D In presenting my address which custom has made one of the duties of the presiding officer I shall depart somewhat from the practice of my predecessors and instead of bringing before you some medical question based on my own work or attempting a discussion of some topic now of active interest I shall take you to the backwoods and try and interest you in the life ...

"Dedication of the Logan Elm," Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 267-307.
... DEDICATION OF THE LOGAN ELM DEDICATION OF THE LOGAN ELM BY MISS MAY LOWE CIRCLEVILLE The second day of October 1912 marked an epoch in the history of Pickaway county Ohio for that day witnessed an event unusual even in the history of a nation This was the transfer with appropriate ceremonies of the famed Logan Elm which with the turning over of certain papers at the hands of the President of the Pickaway Historical Association to the President of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society ...

"The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 360-369.
... THE HARRISON TABLE ROCK AND BALL'S THE HARRISON TABLE ROCK AND BALL'S BATTLEFIELD On Saturday September 10 1910 the anniversary of Perry's Victory on Lake Erie 1813 two of the most important historical sites on the route of the Harrison Trail through Sandusky County were marked with bronze tablets and appropriate unveiling exercises by the ladies of the Colonel George Croghan Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution We publish the report of the proceedings as appeared in The Fremont Daily ...

"Diary of the Rev. James-Hanmer Francis, 1837-1838," Volume 51, Number 1, January-March, 1942, pp. 41-61.
... DIARY OF THE REV DIARY OF THE REV JAMES-HANMER FRANCIS 1837-1838 EDITED BY WINIFRED LOVERING HOLMAN1 James-Hanmer Francis son of James and Pamela Welles Francis born in Wethersfield Connecticut 2 8 May 1796 died in Middletown Conn II July 1863 aged 67 and was buried in Wethersfield He was a graduate of Yale University class of 1826 supplied in various parishes in Connecticut was the minister at Dudley Massachusetts from June 1 831 to June 1837 then went on the western trip described in his ...

"The Wyandot Chief, Leather Lips," by William L. Curry. Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 30-36.
... THE WYANDOT CHIEF LEATHER LIPS THE WYANDOT CHIEF LEATHER LIPS HIS TRIAL AND EXECUTION BY WM L CURRY Away back in the thirties of the 19th century a literary magazine of high order called The Hesperian of the West was published in Columbus Ohio In fact it is the only literary periodical that ever was published in the Capital City of Ohio In the publication of this magazine William D Gallagher and Otway Curry both men of high literary attainments were associated together as editors Poems from ...

"Peter Cartwright's Circuit Riding Days in Ohio," Volume 74, Number 2, Spring, 1965, pp. 90-98, notes 145.
... Peter Cartwright's CIRCUIT RIDING Days in Ohio by CHARLES TOWNSEND A famous historian referring to the people on the American frontier once wrote Whether Scotch-Irish Presbyterian Baptist or Methodist these people saturated their religion and their politics with feeling Both the stump and the pulpit were centers of energy electric cells capable of starting widespreading fires They felt their religion and their democracy and were ready to fight for it1 Peter Cartwright one of the most ...

"The Removal of the Wyandots from Ohio," by Carl G. Klopfenstein. Volume 66, Number 2, April, 1957, pp. 119-136.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 66 NUMBER 2 APRIL 1957 The Removal of the Wyandots from Ohio By CARL G KLOPFENSTEIN The history of the removal of the Woodland Indians of the eastern half of the United States to new homes in the West in the 1830's and 1840's under the auspices of the United States government was a significant phase of the westward movement of the white man across the continent--if only for the fact that it was one solution employed in ...

"Mac-o-chee Valley," by Keren Jane Gaumer. Volume 26, Number 4, October, 1917, pp. 455-469.
... MAC-O-CHEE VALLEY MAC-O-CHEE VALLEY BY MISS KEREN JANE GAUMER URBANA As the American people rush along in their hurried life often observing only the big things of the world they sometimes forget the pleasure and value which may be derived from the smaller ones Let us consider the importance and significance of the lesser May we go into a very little valley which has been prominent in our country's history When one scans the broad Ohio which affords so many commercial advantages he thinks of ...

"Unveiling of Tablet at Fort Gower," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 87-94.
... UNVEILING OF TABLET AT FORT GOWER UNVEILING OF TABLET AT FORT GOWER Appropriate and interesting exercises marked the unveiling of a tablet by the Ohio Daughters of the American Revolution on the site of old Fort Gower at Hockingport Athens County Ohio The exercises preliminary to the dedication were held in the city of Athens Friday evening November 9 The formal dedication and unveiling of the tablet occurred on the day following at Hockingport The granite monument bears two tablets one ...

"A Grave in the Wilderness," by Byron R. Long. Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 81-104.
... A GRAVE IN THE WILDERNESS A GRAVE IN THE WILDERNESS BY BYRON R LONG When one considers the amount of material collected and published having to do with the story of Ohio and the Northwest Territory he is apt to hesitate before he sets himself the task of adding to that collection So many details of that history have been published already that one fears he may be traversing the same grounds when he attempts to narrate a detail that has grown familiar to him through personal and intimate ...

"Remarks of J. P. Moore" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 52-55.
... 52 Ohio Arch 52 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The name Croghansville for the village was probably first suggested by Josiah Meigs Commissioner of the General Land Office in a letter from Washington City April 12 1816 in which among other words are these If it were left to me to name the town at Lower Sandusky I should name it in honor of the gallant youth Col Croghan -and should say it should be Croghansville The name is still preserved in that of the school on the hill on the East ...

"Our Glamorous History," by R. Clyde Ford. Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 31-44.
... OUR GLAMOROUS HISTORY OUR GLAMOROUS HISTORY By R CL YD E FO RD A long time ago Pericles once said in a memorial day address outside the walls of Athens that it was fitting to remember the dead who had fallen on the fields of battle but also Athenians must never forget by what principles of action and deeds of valor Athens had risen to power and become great When we turn to our own history we can discover principles of action and deeds of valor to defend them that stir our souls It's that ...

"A Flight Across Ohio: The Escape of William Wells Brown from Slavery," by W. Edward Farrison. Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 272-282.
... A FLIGHT ACROSS OHIO THE ESCAPE OF A FLIGHT ACROSS OHIO THE ESCAPE OF WILLIAM WELLS BROWN FROM SLAVERY by W EDWARD FARRISON Chairman Department of English North Carolina College at Durham It was January 1 1834 On the previous night Captain Enoch Price a commission merchant and steamboat owner of St Louis Missouri had arrived on his steamer The Chester in Cincinnati This was a pleasure as well as a business trip and on it the captain had brought his family and also several of his house slaves ...

"Philosophy of Methodist Success; with Special Reference to the Northwest Territory," by David H. Moore. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 196-206.
... 196 Ohio Arch 196 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 The following is an abstract of the discourse delivered to the Methodists of Gallipolis by the Rev David H Moore D D of Cincinnati Editor of the Western Christian Advocate THEME - PHILOSOPHY OF METHODIST SUCCESS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God hath led thee-Deut viii 2 It is worthy of note that the successful peopling of North America was providentially ...

"Letters from Dr. Joseph Strong to Captain John Pratt," edited by Lockwood Barr. Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 236-242.
... LETTERS FROM DR LETTERS FROM DR JOSEPH STRONG TO CAPTAIN JOHN PRATT Edited b y LOCKWOOD BARR The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine Vol XIII No 4 March 1941 published extracts from the biography of Doctor Joseph Strong Yale 1788 written by one of his descendants Lockwood Barr Yale 1905 Since that publication there have been found in the Connecticut State Library fourteen heretofore unknown letters written by Dr Strong during 17931 795 while serving in the Legion of General Anthony Wayne in ...