Ohio History Journal

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"Shaker Medicines," by Harry D. Piercy. Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 336-348.
... SHAKER MEDICINES SHAKER MEDICINES by HARRY D PIERCY MD When I began the study of this aspect of Shaker industry I was soon impressed with the large volume of material available As I read I became more and more interested because I found here the reflection of the therapeutic means and methods used to heal the sick in the remote past In the famous Papyrus Ebers dating about 1552 Bc are found the names of many herbs and mineral products that have been used by physicians from that early day down ...

Volume 65, Number 1, January, 1956, pp. 86-110.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Social Ideas of the Northern Evangelists 1826-1860 By Charles C Cole Jr New York Columbia University Press 1954 268p bibliography and index 425 Charles C Cole Jr has written an objective and well-balanced account of the relation between leading evangelical clergymen and the reform movements which characterized the several decades before the Civil War The author recognizes that the evangelists were above all concerned with the problem of individual salvation Their ...

Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 301-307.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Territorial Papers of the United States Compiled and edited by Clarence Edwin Carter Washington United States Government Printing Office 1934 Vol I preliminary printing 15 V ol s II and III 200 each Of the projected volumes of this monumental work the ones now published are especially important to those interested in the history of Ohio The series deals with certain western tracts of land which were governed by Congress and the National Executive as colonies or ...

"Governor Othniel Looker and His Descendants," Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 446-451.
... GOVERNOR OTHNIEL LOOKER AND HIS GOVERNOR OTHNIEL LOOKER AND HIS DESCENDANTS In the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly volume 31 pages 215-217 there is a sketch of Governor Othniel Looker In it is copied a previous sketch in which the statement was made that Governor Looker left no records relative to his life succeeding his service in the governorship and that he died unmarried The sketch at that time furnished from reliable sources by the present writer gave additional information ...

"Attempts to Preserve National Cultures in Cleveland," Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 128-149.
... ATTEMPTS TO PRESERVE NATIONAL CULTURES ATTEMPTS TO PRESERVE NATIONAL CULTURES IN CLEVELAND By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE Historically the social activities of the foreign born in Cleveland present a somewhat confused picture Certain of their activities represent an attempt to preserve their native culture Some of these have the active support of native Americans for the purpose of exploiting the wealth of culture represented in the various nationality groups in the city A second purpose of this ...

"Schoenbrunn Anniversary," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 587-589.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 587 Reviews Notes and Comments 587 industry of its people has erected into a state which though only thirty-fifth in area has become among its sisters of the Union fourth in population and in wealth exceeded only by New York Pennsylvania and Illinois This text-book is a credit not only to the authors but to the publishers as well By its attractive illustrations its appropriate maps and its illuminating graphics they have produced a work that will make its study ...

"President Harding and His Cabinet," by Robert K. Murray. Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 108-125, notes 185-188.
... PRESIDENT HARDING AND HIS CABINET by ROBERT K MURRAY Among the many controversial facets involving the life of the twenty-ninth president of the United States few have prompted more conjecture and analysis than the choosing of his cabinet The fact that one of his selections achieved the distinction of being the only cabinet officer to go to jail that another resigned under a cloud of suspicion and still a third narrowly missed criminal conviction places Warren Gamaliel Harding in a unique ...

"The Carmichael Case: Animal Science At The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, 1905-1921," by Chris Cumo. Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 31-41.
... CHRIS CUMO CHRIS CUMO The Carmichael Case Animal Science At The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station 1905-1921 The late nineteenth century was an important period in Ohio because agricultural education and science began to take shape then Farmers had welcomed the Morrill Act of 1862 and the Ohio legislature translated it into institutional form by creating The Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College in 1870 which the Board of Trustees renamed The Ohio State University in 18781 Its creation ...

"Early Ohio School Books," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 579-580.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 579 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 579 is evidenced by the registration list which has been as follows for the year ending Sept 1st 1 924 viz September 1147 April 175 October 413 May 11 73 November 169 June 1092 December 128 July 1522 January 35 August 2108 February 14 March 177 Total 8153 The Maximum Sunday attendance was 245 The maximum week day attendance was 160 The average daily attendance was 24 The maximum monthly attendance was 2108 The average monthly ...

"Robert Bulkley: Progressive Profile," by William D. Jenkins. Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 57-72.
... WILLIAM D WILLIAM D JENKINS Robert Bulkley Progressive Profile Twenty years ago American historians characterized progressivism as a political movement whose reform impulse was rooted in the status anxieties of its predominately middle-class membership Since then a generation of historians has effectively challenged the simplicity of that hypothesis and replaced it with the notion that progressivism was more diffuse in nature No longer viewed then as a movement cohesive in philosophy and ...

"Early Ohio School Books," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 266-269.
... 266 Ohio Arch 266 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications sentiment has not been aroused to the point of appreciation and to a large degree self-support is too frequently committed Respectfully submitted Signed H R MCPHERSON The report was ordered received and placed on file REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EARLY OHIO SCHOOL BOOKS The Chairman of the Committee Mr John R Horst read the following report Your committee on Ohio Early School Books respectfully reports that it has completed a fair ...

"The Bunch of Grapes Tavern," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 136.
... 136 Ohio Arch 136 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications THE BUNCH OF GRAPES TAVERN In Old Boston Taverns -a rare little pamphlet published in Boston in 1886 and written by Samuel Adams Drake--is an entertaining little chapter on the Bunch of Grapes Tavern the inn that figured so historically in the early stages of the organization of the Ohio Company of Associates The tavern stood in King Street now State Street at the upper corner of Kilby Street It was not far from the site of the Boston ...

"Marcus A. Hanna and Theodore E. Burton," by Wilbur Devereux Jones. Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 10-19.
... MARCUS A MARCUS A HANNA AND THEODORE E BURTON by WILBUR DEVEREUX JONES Instructor in History University of Georgia The tempestuous career of Marcus A Hanna during the triumphant days of the Republican party at the turn of the century is still the object of considerable interest to the historian While his importance is generally recognized possibly even exaggerated the available biographical material on Hanna is not very satisfactory partly because the accounts tend to be biased partly because ...

"Thomsonianism in Ohio," Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 322-331.
... THOMSONIANISM IN OHIO THOMSONIANISM IN OHIO By FREDERICK C WAITE PhD Ohio has long been a battleground Because of its geographical position its terrain and its internal and bordering waterways it was the site of many wars between different Indian nations before the white man came and also near the end of the eighteenth century the location of the major warfare between the white men and the Indians Because of the geographical position fertility of the soil and ownership during the colonial ...

Volume 72, Number 3, July, 1963, pp. 243-256.
... BOOK REVIEWS THE HEARTLAND OHIO INDIANA ILLINOIS By Walter Havighurst Regions of America Series edited by Carl Carmer New York Harper amp Row 1962 xi 400p map illustrations bibliography and index 595 This book portrays and interprets the history achievements and character of the area which became Ohio Indiana and Illinois from the coming of the French to the present Professor Havighurst understands that the area has a favorable location and that it is rich in natural resources He is also aware ...

Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 454-455.
... Historical News Historical News David C Riede has been appointed an instructor in the department of history at the University of Akron Mr Riede received the BA and MA degrees in history from the University of Iowa and is now completing his dissertation for the doctor's degree Maxwell Whiteman has been appointed assistant director of the American Jewish Archives Jacob R Marcus the director of the archives is the recipient of the 1954-55 National Service Award of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity This ...

"The Heavenly City and Human Cities: Washington Gladden and Urban Reform," by John M. Mulder. Volume 87, Number 2, Spring, 1978, pp. 151-174.
... JOHN M JOHN M MULDER The Heavenly City and Human Cities Washington Gladden and Urban Reform Historians have generally viewed the rise of the social gospel during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as a response to the problems posed by industrialization immigration and urbanization Ever since the publication of Arthur M Schlesinger's pioneering analysis in 19321 historians have examined American religious groups especially American Protestants to determine the ways in which they ...

Volume 48, Number 3, July, 1939, pp. 271-281.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Segments of Southern Thought By Edd Winfield Parks Athens The University of Georgia Press 1938 392p This aptly titled volume was one of the first to be issued by the University of Georgia Press recently established to care for the literary output of southern thinkers and writers on subjects of regional interest and importance Admittedly informal the articles which compose the book are written from a point of view which the author calls the distributistagrarian one and ...

"Address of Charles R. Williams (Dedication of Hayes Memorial)," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 439-451.
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 4 39 ask each and every one of you to register here on this consecrated spot a solemn vow to preserve this nation forever and forever to the American - peaceably if we can forcibly if we must but for America America forever and forever Mr Charles R Williams of Princeton biographer of Rutherford Birchard Hayes then delivered the following address ADDRESS OF CHARLES R WILLIAMS We are met today to signalize the formal dedication of ...

"Herman Melville and the Ohio Press," by George Kummer. Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 34-36.
... HERMAN MELVILLE AND THE OHIO PRESS HERMAN MELVILLE AND THE OHIO PRESS By GEORGE KUMMER Early in 1858 Herman Melville passed through Ohio on a lecture tour The hastily written notices of his address which appeared in the newspapers of Cleveland Cincinnati and Chillicothe add a few details to our sketchy knowledge of his career as a lecturer and show how the author of Moby Dick impressed the people of what was then called the West The average Ohioan of that day was not greatly interested in ...