Ohio History Journal

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Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 105-107.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Country Printer New York State 1785-1830 By Milton W Hamilton New York Columbia University Press 1936 361p 375 One of the most colorful figures in the period immediately following the Revolutionary War was the country printer the printer-editor-publisher who was indeed a distinctive character in his community Too often the press as an institution and influence is identified with the great dailies published in the chief cities of our country Too little attention is ...

"Failure of Michael Baldwin: A Case Study in the Origins of the Middle-Class Culture on the Trans-Appalachian Frontier, The," by Andrew R. L. Cayton. Volume 95, , Winter-Spring, 1986, pp. 34-48.
... ANDREW R ANDREW R L CAYTON The Failure of Michael Baldwin A Case Study in the Origins of MiddleClass Culture on the TransAppalachian Frontier In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries it became fashionable to publish massive volumes detailing the histories of individual Midwestern counties Very often these books were the products of the cooperative efforts of several county residents who employed a topical rather than a chronological approach to their subject With the obvious goal ...

"Baseball in its Adolescence," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 111-127.
... BASEBALL IN ITS ADOLESCENCE BASEBALL IN ITS ADOLESCENCE by CARL WITTKE Chairman o f the Department o f History and Dean of the Graduate School Western Reserve University In 1939 Americans celebrated the centenary of their national pastime because a baseball commission created in 1907 to settle the hotly disputed question of who originated the modern game awarded the honor to Abner Doubleday A number of writers continue to insist that Alexander Cartwright of New York City drew up the first ...

"Lynching and Law and Order: Origins and Passage of the Ohio Anti-Lynching Law of 1896," by David A. Gerber. Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 33-50.
... DAVID A DAVID A GERBER Lynching and Law and Order Origin and Passage of the Ohio Anti-Lynching Law of 1896 Americans are increasingly discovering that the United States has had a relatively lawless and violent history and that the problem of violent social disorder has continually plagued the nation The truth of this assertion as well as its implication for a deeper understanding of the country's social processes have tended to elude liberal scholars bent on tracing the steady progress of ...

Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 196-205.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies AMERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES Cincinnati Jacob R Marcus Director Two important manuscript collections the Jacob H Schiff Papers and the Felix M Warburg Papers have been acquired recently by the archives In addition to numerous other documents and manuscript collections the minute and record books of thirty-one Jewish congregations were added during 1951 to bring the total to over five hundred volumes the largest collection of this type extant ...

"A History of Banking in Ohio," Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 312-322.
... A HISTORY OF BANKING IN OHIO A HISTORY OF BANKING IN OHIO BY P W HUNTINGTON President Huntington National Bank Columbus Ohio The early history of banking in the state of Ohio is much obscured by want of records on the subject but enough is known to demonstrate the fact that banking has been an important factor in the growth of the commonwealth from the beginning of its existence down to the year 1912 The first institution in Ohio to issue notes for circulation as money was the Miami Exporting ...

"Dr. T. C. Mendenhall Entertains First Class to Enter Ohio State University," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 645-646.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 645 Reviews Notes and Comments 645 agriculture Secretary Hoover of commerce Secretary Davis of labor and fifteen residents of Marion Plans have already been perfected for raising the funds for the Harding Memorial and before this issue of the QUARTERLY reaches our readers the necessary contributions will have been subscribed DR T C MENDENHALL ENTERTAINS FIRST CLASS TO ENTER OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Dr T C Mendenhall who delivered the annual address published in this ...

"Claude Meeker: Journalist-Diplomat-Gentleman," by Lowry F. Sater. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 591-600.
... CLAUDE MEEKER CLAUDE MEEKER JOURNALIST-DIPLOMAT-GENTLEMAN BY LOWRY F SATER A stranger entering the office of Claude Meeker in his absence would have recognized almost at a glance the unusual qualities that characterized the man The arrangement and completeness of the room evidenced a well-ordered and discriminating mind a love of the beautiful a familiarity with good literature an enthusiasm for outdoor life a wide acquaintanceship with the leading men of the State and nation the elements of a ...

"The First Ten Years of the Toledo Blade," by Douglas C. McMurtrie. Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 428-440.
... THE FIRST TEN YEARS OF THE THE FIRST TEN YEARS OF THE TOLEDO BLADE By DOUGLAS C MCMURTRIE The Toledo Blade is approaching its one hundredth birthday--a long life for a mid-western newspaper-- and it occupies still as it did during its infancy a commanding position in the life of its community In view of its long service the history of its beginnings becomes of special interest There is here presented a detailed record of the first decennium of its existence The Blade was not the first ...

Volume 56, Number 3, July, 1947, pp. 305-313.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies CAMPUS MARTIUS MUSEUM Edith S Reiter Curator On May 2 the Museum was the subject of the second of a series of semimonthly broadcasts given over station WMOA by the Marietta Chamber of Commerce The broadcasts are done in the manner of the Information Please broadcast Questions were on the Museum its exhibits and the early history of Marietta CHAMPAIGN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Charles Stickell President The annual birthday party of the ...

"Merchants of Tomorrow: The Other Side of the 'Don't Spend Your Money Where You Can't Work' Movement," Volume 93, , Winter-Spring, 1984, pp. 40-67.
... CHRISTOPHER G CHRISTOPHER G WYE Merchants of Tomorrow The Other Side of the Don't Spend Your Money Where You Can't Work Movement For the most part the racial ideologies expressed by black leaders during the nineteen thirties can be classified on a rough continuum from the traditionally conservative and accommodationist Urban League through the more activist and protest-oriented NAACP the labor movement and the rise of industrial unionism and finally the Socialist and Communist parties One ...

"Disharmony in the Harding Cabinet: Hoover-Wallace Conflict," Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 126-136, notes 188-190.
... DISHARMONY IN THE HARDING CABINET HOOVER-WALLACE CONFLICT by EDWARD L SCHAPSMEIER and FREDERICK H SCHAPSMEIER The campaign of 1920 was a twofold success for the Republican Party Warren G Harding brought the Grand Old Party back into national power and he succeeded in reuniting the party The rupture of 1912 had been healed The cabinet represented all factions During Harding's presidency party harmony was sustained by balancing the desires of the Progressive and conservative wings -- neither ...

"Soldier's Creed, The," by Lester J. Cappon. Volume 64, Number 3, July, 1955, pp. 320-327.
... The Soldier's Creed The Soldier's Creed By LESTER J CAPPON Patriotism is an essential factor in waging war and shaping its outcome Since the causes of a war as fixed in the minds of the participants affect both the deeper and shallower feelings of patriotism and are in turn influenced by it loyalty and the will to fight are closely interrelated The concern of the military in recent years with the soldier's ideas of war aims has aroused interest in his attitudes during previous conflicts Among ...

"Ethnic Identity in Industrial Cleveland: The Hungarians, 1900-1920," Volume 86, Number 3, Summer, 1977, pp. 171-186.
... DANIEL E DANIEL E WEINBERG Ethnic Identity in Industrial Cleveland The Hungarians 1900-1920 Melting pot and Americanization assimilation and acculturation accommodation and integration are traditionally popular terms used to describe the processes of interaction between immigrants to the United States and American society Exploiting the country's vibrant economy having access to cheap and expanding communication facilities and enjoying their freedom from centuries' old political and social ...

"Necrology," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 523-524.
... Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting 5 23 the historical society a suitable site for the monument to commemorate the Battle of Fallen Timbers We are pleased to report that a beautiful spot has been selected by your full committee and the representative of the owner complete typographical surveys and maps have been prepared as has also a description of the property for incorporation in the deed The owner is an elderly lady whose brother a local real estate agent is ...

"The Western Reserve and the Frontier Thesis," by Kenneth V. Lottick. Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 45-57.
... The Western Reserve and The Western Reserve and The Frontier Thesis By K ENNETH V LOTTICK IT IS GENERALLY CONCEDED that Frederick Jackson Turner's frontier thesis was predicated upon a kind of geographical determinism--that somehow in crossing the Appalachian barrier old habits of thought and older customs and institutions suddenly withered away in the purer air of the new country1 Whether this thesis applied generally may be debated but it surely did not apply in western New York and in ...

Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 360-390.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Ohio Handbook of the Civil War By Robert S Harper Columbus Ohio Historical Society for the Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission 1961 78p illustrations map and bibliography Paper 100 This compact work is crammed with highly useful information Beginning with Abraham Lincoln's earliest appearances in Ohio before the disruption of the Union it covers in rapid-fire fashion a wide range of topics Ohio's reaction to secession to the firing on Fort Sumter and the state's ...

"George W. Rightmire, President of Ohio State University," Volume 35, Number 2, April, 1926, pp. 286-290.
... 2 8 6 GEORGE W RIGHTMIRE President of the Ohio State University GEORGE W GEORGE W RIGHTMIRE PRESIDENT OF OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY When Professor George W Rightmire of the College of Law Ohio State University was notified after the resignation of Dr W O Thompson that he had been chosen as Acting President of the University he was perhaps more completely surprised than any other member of the faculty or teaching force of this great institution The notification of his selection was the first ...

Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 145-150.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews American Business and Foreign Policy 1920-1933 By JOAN HOFF WILSON Lexington University Press of Kentucky 1971 xvii 339p notes bibliography and index 1250 Since 1929 the preoccupation of historians with the role and ideology of business in American life has been intense Studies of the Gilded Age such as those by Matthew Josephson and Charles Beard looked upon businessmen as robber barons in domestic affairs During the isolationist decade capitalists became those ...

Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 463-475.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The society has recently acquired a Kodagraph film reader a gift from the president James A MacDonell Several old Lima newspapers have been microfilmed up to 1912 Current papers have been filmed since January 1 1947 During recent months the society has been engaged in a campaign to collect unpaid pledges for the proposed 175000 museum A large percentage of the necessary funds ...