Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Dr. William Oxley Thompson Honored," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 313-317.
... DR DR WILLIAM OXLEY THOMPSON HONORED Dr William Oxley Thompson was the recipient of distinguished honors at the Scioto Country Club in Columbus Friday evening June 6 1924 The occasion was a silver jubilee dinner in celebration of the completion of his twenty-five years of service as president of the Ohio State University Guests to the number of 420 including trustees faculty alumni fellow college presidents and prominent citizens of the state and city were present and a spokesman from each ...

"Tribute of Ex-Gov. Myron T. Herrick (Ohio Battle Flags)," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 249-250.
... Battle Flags of Ohio Battle Flags of Ohio 249 If you will incorporate this letter I will be much obliged It will explain why I was not there and will also show that I appreciated the patriotic and significant character of the occasion Trusting that this will meet with your approval and again thanking you for the kindness you have shown me in this matter which I assure you is highly appreciated I remain Very truly your etc Signed J B FORAKER HON D A LIGGITT Rushsylvania Ohio TRIBUTE OF EX-GOV ...

Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 177-187.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Early Stockaded Settlements in the Governador New Mexico By Edward Twitchell Hall Jr Columbia Studies in Archaeology and Ethnology Vol II Pt I New York Columbia University Press 1944 96p Illus 200 This is a report of excavations carried on in north-central New Mexico by a joint expedition from Columbia University and the Laboratory of Anthropology Santa Fe New Mexico The purpose of the expedition was to expand our knowledge of the Rosa culture phase the oldest known ...

Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 195-220.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Abolitionists amp the South 1831-1861 By Stanley Harrold Lexington The University of Kentucky Press 1995 x 245p illustrations notes bibliography index 2995 Did the struggle to end slavery cause the Civil War Twentieth-century theories of the war from Charles Beard's economic interpretation to the currently fashionable cultural split between North and South have relegated abolitionist radicals to the sidelines as a causative factor in the war and by implication ...

"Report of the Committee on Logan Elm Park," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 262-263.
... 262 Ohio Arch 262 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Fort Miami -- We regret to report that this property is still in the hands of owners who do not seem much interested in its historic value Fallen Timbers-- At this writing the State Architect is engaged in landscaping the site chosen for the future monument to honor the memory of a great soldier and mark an historic spot It will be recalled that two years ago the Legislature appropriated 2000 for this purpose We had asked for 40000 for ...

"The Eclectic of St. Clairsville," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 387-391.
... THE ECLECTIC OF ST THE ECLECTIC OF ST CLAIRSVILLE by PHILIP D JORDAN Professor of History University of Minnesota and Research Associate Minnesota Historical Society For decades the charming village of St Clairsville named in honor of a stiff-necked soldier and governor who opposed Buckeye statehood played an important role in determining the development of the Northwest country Other Ohio communities-- classic-tinged Marietta Cincinnati the Queen City of seven hills sturdy ...

"Scott Papers: An Inside View of Reconstruction, The," by Charles M. Cummings. Volume 79, Number 2, Spring, 1970, pp. 112-118.
... CHARLES M CHARLES M CUMMINGS The Scott Papers An Inside View of Reconstruction In the light of contemporary turbulence over racial integration resurgent southern Negro voting power and upgrading of black history special significance accrues to the private papers of Robert Kingston Scott which were acquired in July 1969 by the Ohio Historical Society1 Scott was a Henry County Ohio physician who became a brevet major general for service in the Civil War then headed the Freedmen's Bureau in South ...

"The New City and the New Journalism: The Case of Dayton, Ohio," by James E. Cebula. Volume 88, Number 2, Summer, 1979, pp. 277-290.
... JAMES E JAMES E CEBULA The New City and the New Journalism The Case of Dayton Ohio Prior to the introduction of mass transportation systems the nineteenth century city was physically compact with diverse land usages in close proximity to each other With the availability of railroads street cars and inter-urban electric rail lines the urban population could live further away from the workplace and entrepreneurs would recognize the advantages of building in less congested areas These increased ...

Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 183-187.
... Historical News Historical News THE ELEUTHERIAN MILLS-HAGLEY FOUNDATION in c ooperation with the University of Delaware is again offering two fellowships in American history and museum training The fellowships carry an annual stipend of 1800 renewable for the second year and lead to a master's degree The fourteenth annual spring exhibition at the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio The Turn of the Century Cincinnati from 1890 to 1910 will be held from April 22 through June 26 Leslie H ...

"Newspapers and History," by Raymond F. Fletcher. Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 212-226.
... NEWSPAPERS AND HISTORY NEWSPAPERS AND HISTORY By RAYMOND F FLETCHE R Time's out of joint when a newspaper man ventures to speak at an annual gathering of a great state historical society Whenever a member of the Fourth Estate appraises history he must agree with the sages that it is at the root of all science the first distinct product of man's spiritual nature the unrolled scroll of prophecy the record of man in quest of complete living What possible connection can there be between proud ...

Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 117-118.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Territorial Papers of the United States Compiled and edited by Clarence E Carter Vol XIII The Territory of Louisiana-Missouri 1803-1806 Washington Government Printing Office 1948 xi 641p 350 This is the first of three volumes devoted to what the editor calls for lack of a simpler name the Territory of LouisianaMissouri-the part of the Louisiana Purchase to the north of the present state of Louisiana called officially the District of Louisiana 1804-5 the Territory ...

"Whitelaw Reid in Columbus," by Edward L. Taylor. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 513-519.
... WHITELAW REID IN COLUMBUS WHITELAW REID IN COLUMBUS EDWARD L TAYLOR Whitelaw Reid's first experience as a correspondent for a newspaper was in Columbus It began late in April or in May 1861 Before that time he had been for a few years the proprietor and editor of the Xenia Torchlight a paper published weekly at Xenia Ohio In the fall or early winter of 1860 his health not being good he disposed of that paper and went to Minnesota where he spent the winter for his health It is my recollection ...

"A New Serpent Mound in Ohio," by George Frederick Wright. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 1-12.
... OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS A NEW SERPENT MOUND IN OHIO GEORGE FREDERICK WRIGHT We herewith reproduce with permission from the SeptemberOctober 1908 bi-monthly number of The Records of the Past published at Washington D C an article by the Editor of that publication George Frederick Wright the distinguished traveler scholar and author professor of harmony of sciences and religion Oberlin College Ohio and now President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society ...

Volume 69, Number 3, July, 1960, pp. 298-325.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews In the Name of the People Speeches and Writings of Lincoln and Douglas in the Ohio Campaign of 1859 Edited by Harry V Jaffa and Robert W Johannsen Columbus Ohio State University Press for the Ohio Historical Society 1959 xii307p 500 The historically minded are having a field day in these years of the 1950's and 1960's in constant centennial celebration of the events connected with the Civil War Real contributions to the literature of history are emerging which will be ...

"David Zeisberger's History of the Northern American Indians," edited by Archer Butler Hulbert and William Nathaniel Schwarze. Volume 19, Numbers 1 & 2, January-April, 1910, pp. 1-173.
... DAVID ZEISBERGER'S HISTORY OF THE NORTHERN DAVID ZEISBERGER'S HISTORY OF THE NORTHERN AMERICAN INDIANS EDITED BY ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT AND WILLIAM NATHANIEL SCHWARZE INTRODUCTION The present volume reproduces the manuscript written in German by the Moravian hero-missionary The Reverend David Zeisberger at his mission home beside the Muskingum River in Ohio in the years 1779 and 178 0 Though there is extant a most excellent biography of this noble man The Life and Times of David Zeisberger by ...

"Boz Reports on Ohio," Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 195-202.
... BOZ REPORTS ON OHIO BOZ REPORTS ON OHIO By ROBERT PRICE On Tuesday the twenty-sixth of April 1842 Charles Dickens writing from America to John Forster in London began his letter with the heading Niagara Falls upon the English Side1 Then very suggestively he drew ten dashes underneath the word English 2 Dickens' first tour of the United States then just about completed had not been altogether pleasant The typical British attitude of the time toward people and things in the States had probably ...

"An Iron Workers' Strike in the Ohio Valley, 1873-1874," by Herbert G. Gutman. Volume 68, Number 4, October, 1959, pp. 353-370.
... An Iron Workers' Strike in An Iron Workers' Strike in The Ohio Valley 1873-1874 By HERBERT G GUTMAN DURING THE EAR L Y MONTHS of the depression of 1873 a serious strike of iron workers took place in the Ohio Valley The stoppage affected iron mills in southern Ohio and northern Kentucky and in Indiana Illinois Missouri and Tennessee as men left work in mills in large cities like Cincinnati Indianapolis and St Louis and in smaller industrial towns like Ironton and Portsmouth Ohio Newport and ...

"Fairfield County in the World War," Volume 36, Number 3, July, 1927, pp. 478-480.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR FAIRFIELD COUNTY IN THE WORLD WAR It may be too soon to write a great history of the World War We still stand in the shadow of that volcanic upheaval We are too close to it in time and interest to measure in due perspective its mighty proportions It is not too soon however to record the facts upon which that history is to be built The part of the United States in ...

"Market Integration, Urban Growth and Economic Change in an Ohio County, 1850-1880," by Jack S. Blacker Jr.. Volume 90, Number 4, Autumn, 1981, pp. 298-316.
... JACK S JACK S BLOCKER JR Market Integration Urban Growth and Economic Change in an Ohio County 1850-1880 In March 1870 the editor of a local newspaper in Washington Court House county seat of Fayette County Ohio announced the inauguration of a new service by the Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley Railroad The Train which leaves this place at 616 in the morning arrives in the city at 105 and leaves Cincinnati at 350 pm thus affording our citizens some FIVE HOURS for business or pleasure It is a ...

Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 91-96.
... Book Notes Book Notes William McKinley A Bibliography By Lewis L Gould and Craig H Roell Westport Connecticut Meckler Corporation 1988 xvi 238p illustration chronology bibliography indexes Published as part of Meckler's Bibliographies of the Presidents of the United States 1789-1989 edited by Carol Bondhus Fitzgerald this book represents the first attempt to assemble a comprehensive guide to writing on McKinley's life and his years in office In this ambitious series Meckler Corporation has ...