Ohio History Journal

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"Pharmaceutical Education in Nineteenth-Century Ohio," by Robert A. Buerki. Volume 104, , Winter-Spring, 1995, pp. 42-84.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A BUERKI Pharmaceutical Education in Nineteenth-Century Ohio The development of pharmacy as a profession in America had its roots in English customs and traditions the colonial practice of pharmacy differing from that of its mother country only in being more lax and unrestricted and standing on a somewhat lower level Only a small minority of its practitioners was educated beyond an apprenticeship that lacked both the system and standards that strong English guilds had once ...

"'Do the Job He Left Behind': The Cleveland Womanpower Committee, 1943-1945," by Julieanne Phillips. Volume 109, , Summer-Autumn, 2000, pp. 144-166.
... Do the Job He Left Behind Summer-Autumn 2000 pp 144-166 This article is presented page by page and footnoted according to the original print version If a sentence appears to be incomplete scroll down to continue with the next page Copyright 2000 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Do the Job He Left Behind The Cleveland Womanpower Committee 1943-1945 By Julieanne Phillips We feel you just haven't come to grips with the manpower problem or realized that there is a problem ...

"Minutes of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, Ohio , April 13, 1954," Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 283-287.
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Columbus Ohio April 3 1954 The Ohio Academy of History held its annual spring meeting at Columbus April 3 1954 Registration was followed at 10 A M by two concurrent sessions at the Ohio State Museum At one with Robert Hilliard of Ohio Northern University as chairman James H Rodabaugh of the Ohio Historical Society presented a paper on Opportunities for Writing and Research in Ohio History Comments were made by Randolph C Downes of the ...

"Simon Kenton-Supplementary Note," by R. W. McFarland. Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 281.
... SIMON KENTON-SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE SIMON KENTON-SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE R W MCFARLAND Inasmuch as I had personally known only a part of Simon Kenton's family and the record of the William Kenton family gave only two or three items about Simon I consulted one of Simon's descendants and he gave the number of children of each marriage to the best of his knowledge The date of the second marriage was taken from the county records From the same gentleman I got a clue which enabled me to locate Simon ...

Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 40-76.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner Volume One 1830-1859 Edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer Boston Northeastern University Press 1990 xxxvii 538p illustrations editing principles chronology abbreviations list of recipients notes 13000 per set The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner Volume Two 1859-1874 Edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer Boston Northeastern University Press 1990 vii 703p illustrations notes index 13000 per set Literary giant Henry James dubbed him the ...

"The Clean Conscience of a Dirty Sweep: McGuffey's 'Little Chimney Sweep' and Another," Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 265-272.
... THE CLEAN CONSCIENCE OF A DIRTY SWEEP THE CLEAN CONSCIENCE OF A DIRTY SWEEP McGUFFEY'S LITTLE CHIMNEY SWEEP AND ANOTHER by GEORGE L PHILLIPS Assistant Professor of English San Diego State College When by good fortune I come upon a story about a little chimney sweeper one of Lamb's tender novices blooming through their first nigritude the maternal washings not quite effaced from the cheek going sturdily about his business of cleaning soot out of foul chimneys my heart misses a few beats as I ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 93-94.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Academy of History Fall Meeting will be held at the Toledo Museum of Art on Friday October 6 2000 The Executive Council will meet at 300 pm and a reception will take place at 530 pm For further information contact Richard Spall Ohio Wesleyan University Department of History Delaware Ohio 43015 e-mail ltRFSPALLccowuedugt Northwest Ohio Quarterly a peer-reviewed history journal founded in 1929 and published by the Lucas CountyMaumee Valley Historical ...

"The International Institute: First Organized Opposition to the Metric System," by Edward F. Cox. Volume 68, Number 1, January, 1959, pp. 54-83.
... The International Institute The International Institute First Organized Opposition To the Metric System By EDWARD F Cox SWEEPING AROUND THE GLOBE in the nineteenth century was a new reform bidding for universal acceptance the metric system of weights and measures Coming into a world burdened with a fantastic metrological diversity it arose in answer to the articulate needs of an emerging modern science an expanding world economy of commerce and industry and a growing trend of international ...

"Relation of a State Historical Society to Local Historical Socities," by William D. Overman. Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 241-246.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 241 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 241 item of which was a diary 1821-1826 of Charles Willing Byrd the last Secretary of the Northwest Territory The Clark County Historical Society under the direction of Mr Arthur R Altick sent in a most interesting report of the year's activities giving an account of additions to their collections and a summary of exploration and field work Mr Altick feels that the major accomplishment during the past year was the ...

"Historical Society Buildings," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 546-555.
... HISTORICAL SOCIETY BUILDINGS HISTORICAL SOCIETY BUILDINGS COMPILED BY THE EDITOR On the following pages are presented brief statements of what Illinois Wisconsin and Minnesota all younger states than Ohio have done for their historical societies Half-tone cuts of the New Hampshire and Ohio buildings are also shown Other states and a number of cities have erected buildings not less notable The Historical Society of Buffalo has a building of which any state might be proud The work of this ...

"Notes on the Ohio History Day Association Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Meeting," Volume 47, Number 1, January, 1938, pp. 74-77.
... NOTES ON THE OHIO HISTORY DAY ASSOCIATION NOTES ON THE OHIO HISTORY DAY ASSOCIATION TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY MEETING The Twenty-fifth Anniversary Meeting of the Ohio History Day Association was held at Park Place the home of Dr and Mrs Howard Jones Circleville Ohio Sunday October 3 1937 Ohio History Day is usually held at Logan Elm State Park but because of rain the first in the history of the celebration the 1937 meeting was moved into Circleville The feature of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary ...

"Address of Congressman Overmyer (Dedication of Hayes Memorial)," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 460-462.
... 460 Ohio Arch 460 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications technic Institute the Brooklyn Institute the Missouri Historical Society the Florida State Museum the president of Tufts College the National Society of D A R etc ADDRESS OF CONGRESSMAN OVERMYER Congressman A W Overmyer of the 13th Ohio District who came from Washington D C expressly to take part in the dedicatory exercises then delivered the following address Fortunate indeed are all of us who have been permitted to witness this ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 722-726.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR CONFERENCE OF PARK SUPERINTENDENTS The first annual conference of superintendents of parks under the custody of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Museum and Library building August 7 and 8 1929 The work of the conference is set forth in the following PROGRAM FIRST ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF PARK SUPERINTENDENTS Ohio State Museum August 7 and 8 1929 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AUGUST 7 I 5 Introduction and ...

See Book Reviews. Volume 112, Book Notes pp. 62-63, Winter-Spring, 2003, pp. 38.
... BookReviews Winter-Spring 2003 pp 38-63 PDF of Book Reveiws CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved and Book Notes Ohio The History of a People By Andrew R L Cayton Reviewed by H Roger Grant Buckeye Women The History of Ohios Daughters By Stephane Elise Booth Reviewed by Phyllis F Field Visions of Place The City Neighborhoods Suburbs and Cincinnatis Clifton 1850-2000 By Zane L Miller Reviewed by Dan Kearns Carl B Stokes and the Rise of Black ...

"Merchants of Tomorrow: The Other Side of the 'Don't Spend Your Money Where You Can't Work' Movement," Volume 93, , Winter-Spring, 1984, pp. 40-67.
... CHRISTOPHER G CHRISTOPHER G WYE Merchants of Tomorrow The Other Side of the Don't Spend Your Money Where You Can't Work Movement For the most part the racial ideologies expressed by black leaders during the nineteen thirties can be classified on a rough continuum from the traditionally conservative and accommodationist Urban League through the more activist and protest-oriented NAACP the labor movement and the rise of industrial unionism and finally the Socialist and Communist parties One ...

"Address of Hon. James A. McDonald (Centennial of Perry's Victory)," Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 63-72.
... The Centennial of Perry's Victory The Centennial of Perry's Victory 63 an approximation of the same moral responsibility for nations in dealing with each other that both good form and law impose upon individuals dealing with each other in society It will always be a source of regret to me that when England and France were willing to enter into general and unlimited arbitration treaties with us and the treaties were signed they failed for lack of ratification by the Senate They would not have ...

"The Taylor Family of Dentists," by Edward C. Mills. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 392-398.
... THE TAYLOR FAMILY OF DENTISTS THE TAYLOR FAMILY OF DENTISTS by EDWARD C MILLS DDS FACD Of the many families of America which have made outstanding permanent contributions to science and to the professions Ohio may claim one which has made a special contribution to the field of dentistry--the Taylor family The progenitor of this family William Taylor a Revolutionary soldier of Monmouth County New Jersey was born December 27 1744 His forbears of English extraction had settled in New Jersey in ...

"Useful Results of Historical Controversy: An Illustration and Suggestion, The," by William Z. Davis. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 566-571.
... THE USEFUL RESULTS OF HISTORICAL CONTROVERSY THE USEFUL RESULTS OF HISTORICAL CONTROVERSY An Illustration and Suggestion WILLIAM Z DAVIS LL D Judge Ohio Supreme Court The present controversy about the discovery of the North Pole suggests the thought that the truth of history is established by adverse criticism and thorough investigaton and that the truth cannot be hidden forever A striking illustration of this is found in the bibliography of the discussion over the question Who discovered the ...

"The Politics of Temperance in Ohio, 1880-1912," by Lloyd Sponholtz. Volume 85, Number 1, Winter, 1976, pp. 4-27.
... LLOYD SPONHOLTZ LLOYD SPONHOLTZ The Politics of Temperance in Ohio 1880-1912 The Price of an Ohio License What's the price of a license How much did you say The price of men's souls in the market today A license to sell to deform to destroy From the gray hairs of age to the innocent boy How much did you say How much is to pay How compare with your gold A license to poison a crime oft retoldFix a price on the years and the manhood of manWhat's the price did you say1 In 1913 the Anti-Saloon ...

"Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925: A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response," Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 5-23.
... SHIRLEY SUI LING TAM SHIRLEY SUI LING TAM Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925 A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response On September 22 1925 a Chinese waiter named Yee Chock was found dead with his head chopped off in the Chinatown section of Cleveland Ohio Identifying such a hatchet murder as being connected with rivalry among tongs a kind of Chinese association in America the Safety Director of Cleveland Edwin D Barry ordered a wholesale arrest of all the Chinese ...