Ohio History Journal

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"Politics and Repeal of Ohio's Black Laws, 1837-1849," by Leonard Erickson. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 154-175.
... LEONARD ERICKSON LEONARD ERICKSON Politics and Repeal of Ohio's Black Laws 1837-1849 During the campaign of 1846 the Cincinnati Gazette reported that Democratic and Liberty men viewed the National Road 40th parallel as a Mason and Dixon line across Ohio as far as the Black Laws were concerned' That same year a related proposition that a person's attitude towards these laws varied according to how many Negroes he had as neighbors was voiced by a Whig Representative T R Stanley from Scioto and ...

"Israel Williams," Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 249-250.
... Editorialana Editorialana 249 where we shall regard him with worshipful admiration and reverence Though decorated with all the honors a nation-a world-could bestow there shines through all the man-the noble spotless man There is no incident in history to our mind like that journey from Washington to Canton of the funeral train The catafalque upon which rested the body of the illustrious dead occupied the center of a spacious car-the sides of which were glass It was brilliantly lighted at night ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 36, Number 2, April, 1927, pp. 312-318.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR DEATH OF GRANDSON OF JOHN BROWN On March 21 1927 Charles P Brown son of Jason Brown and grandson of John Brown of Osawatomie and Harper's Ferry fame died at his home in Akron at the age of seventy-three He was the second son of Jason Brown His older brother Austin went with Jason and John Brown Jr to Kansas before John Brown Sr left for the West Austin died on the ...

Volume 74, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 63-68.
... B O O K R E V I E W S HAYES THE DIARY OF A PRESIDENT 1875-1881 COVERING THE DISPUTED ELECTION THE END OF RECONSTRUCTION AND THE BEGINNING OF CIVIL SERVICE Edited by T Harry Williams New York David McKay Company 1964 xliv329p introduction chronology dramatis personae and index 650 I approached the assignment to review this book not only with interest but also with some concern As a member of the staff of the Rutherford B Hayes Library and Museum some years ago I had become acquainted with the ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Held April 21, 1936," Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 287-291.
... PROCEEDINGS 287 PROCEEDINGS 287 MR STOUT To honor Mr Sater I think it would be very fitting that these resolutions become a part of the Minutes of our Society Will someone make a motion to that effect A motion was made by Mr Spetnagel and seconded by Mr Roof that these resolutions be made a part of the Minutes of the Society The motion was unanimously carried Mr Spetnagel chairman of the Nominating Committee then made the following report Speaking for your Nominating Committee I wish to ...

Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 267-286.
... BOOK REVIEWS THE WESTERN BOOK TRADE CINCINNATI AS A NINETEENTH-CENTURY PUBLISHING AND BOOK TRADE CENTER CONTAINING A DIRECTORY OF CINCINNATI PUBLISHERS BOOKSELLERS AND MEMBERS OF ALLIED TRADES 1796-1880 By Wa l ter Sutton Columbus Ohio State University Press for the Ohio Historical Society 1961 xv360p illustrations bibliography and index 800 On November 9 1793 there came from the crude hand press of William Maxwell the first issue of the Centinel of the North-Western Territory--Open to all ...

Volume 99, , Summer-Autumn, 1990, pp. 168-200.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Proslavery A History of the Defense of Slavery in America 1701-1840 By Larry E Tise Athens The University of Georgia Press 1987 xix 510p illustrations tables notes index 4000 It is evident that we must at some point have a meeting of minds regarding the old anti-slavery war not at all so that we can agree on details or even issues but in order to rephrase them for a new era It is a long time since specialists argued over the roles of New England abolitionists as ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 68-69.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Academy of History annual meeting will be held on Friday and Saturday April 26-27 1991 at Capital University in Columbus Ohio For details concerning the meeting contact Clayton R Koppes OAH Program Committee Oberlin College Department of History Oberlin Ohio 440741095 The Second Annual University of Cincinnati Social History Conference invites interested scholars to submit papers in social history broadly defined as any aspect of the history of ...

"Mound City Park," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 630.
... 630 Ohio Arch 630 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications 1 A circular letter to members of the Society asking them to submit names of prospective members 2 A blank form for the names and addresses of prospective members 3 A stamped envelope for the return of the list of prospective members 4 A circular entitled Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society--Notes on Present Activities Past Achievements and Future Prospects This material will be mailed from the office of the Secretary of ...

Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 409-420.
... Index Index ABBOT W W book rev 389-390 Arizona constitution of 1910 and Toledo Addes George and Toledo Chevrolet trade union 109-128 strike 335 350 355 Arizona Constitutional Petition League of The Adena People No 2 by William S Typographical Union No 63 Toledo Webb and Raymond S Baby rev 158Ohio 111 128 organized 112-113 159 activities of 114 115 119 120 124 Administration of the Historic Sites by 125 Richard S Fatig 261-263 Ashley Henry W 115 Agriculture crops in early northeastern Atlanta ...

"Charles E. Ruthenberg: The Development of an American Communist, 1909-1927," by Stephen M. Millett. Volume 81, Number 3, Summer, 1972, pp. 193-209.
... STEPHEN M STEPHEN M MILLETT Charles E Ruthenberg The Development of an American Communist 1909-1927 The Communist Party of America was the product of native radicalism and a foreign ideology that inflamed extremists world wide after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia In the United States many Socialists who had resisted American involvement in the First World War on moral and ideological grounds later saw the Bolshevik experiment as man's only hope for international peace class ...

"Colonel Harry Parker Ward," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 149-150.
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 149 The calendaring of Letters Received in the War Department files was approved Dr Mereness was given an extension of leave to September 30 with the understanding that he would continue to exercise general supervision over the work and that it would be carried forward by Mr Smith SOLON J BUCK Secretary COLONEL HARRY PARKER WARD Colonel Harry Parker Ward a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society died at his home ...

Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 331-397.
... TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO 331 TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO 331 Mendel Thomas Huxley Ernst Haeckel Johann Meckel Georges Cuvier and Sir Richard Owen This period witnessed also the founding of the science of anthropology which was a definite outgrowth of the biologic and evolutionary thinking of the nineteenth century The biological aspect of anatomy nurtured in European and especially in German universities was brought to the United States during the latter years of the nineteenth century by ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 109, , Summer-Autumn, 2000, pp. 187-189.
... Book Reviews Summer-Autumn 2000 pp 187-189 Copyright 2000 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page NOTES AND QUERIES The 2001 spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held April 6 and 7 at Capital University in Columbus For details contact Prof Thomas C Maroukis Department of History amp Political Science Capital ...

Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 329-350.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Land That I Show You Three Centuries of Jewish Life in America By Stanley Feldstein Garden City Anchor PressDoubleday 1978 xi 512 p illustrations selected bibliography index 1295 Together with Henry Feingold's Zion in America Twayne 1974 there now exist two full-length histories of the American Jewish experience While Zion in America is an exceptionally sophisticated and scholarly survey wrestling with most of the enigmas of American Jewish history Feldstein has ...

"Science and the American Tradition," by James B. Conant. Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 231-238.
... SCIENCE AND THE AMERICAN TRADITION SCIENCE AND THE AMERICAN TRADITION by JAMES B CONANT President of Harvard University We are gathered here tonight I take it because we believe that to be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to be always a child I count it a privilege to give the address at this annual dinner of a society dedicated to a furtherance of the study of the history of this state I am particularly glad to be here when you are dedicating a new addition to your building ...

Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 75-78.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Howe Brothers and the American Revolu t ion By IRA D GRUBER New York Atheneum 1972 notes and index 1495 Why some twenty years after it had won the world's greatest empire did Great Britain have to admit military defeat to a small number of colonists on the periphery of that empire This question has perplexed historians for generations and the literature explaining the reasons fills library shelves Current historiography points to a combination of an ideological ...

"Logan Elm Park," by Mrs. Orson D. Dryer. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 629-630.
... Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 629 Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 629 can devote his attention to matters of the sort and such has been finally accomplished Matters should now soon be adjusted which will permit some activity on the part of the agent and the purpose for which he was employed and for which the Historical Societies Committee was organized should now in the not distant future become apparent Officers and members of this Society and members of this committee should ...

"Municipal Government in an Average City: Cleveland, 1876-1900," Volume 62, Number 1, January, 1953, pp. 1-24.
... MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT IN AN AVERAGE CITY MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT IN AN AVERAGE CITY CLEVELAND 1876-1900 by JAMES B WHIPPLE Instructor in History Western Reserve University I Studies of municipal politics have tended to emphasize the best governed city or the worst In many ways this may be an accurate reflection of the national scene where contemporaries were preoccupied with the same extremes Cleveland between 1876 and 1900 does not fall into either of these classifications Nevertheless taken as ...

Volume 90, Number 3, Summer, 1981, pp. 262-290.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Workers in Industrial America Essays on the 20th Century Struggle By David Brody New York Oxford University Press 1980 ix 257p notes 1495 In recent years as the intellectual luster of the labor movement has dimmed and unions have become as attractive to scholars as say the Knights of Columbus labor historians have beat a hasty retreat Labor history has become working class history ethnic divisions social mobility and the consciousness or workers increasingly have ...