Ohio History Journal

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"An Economic Aspect of the Spanish-American War," Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 73-75, notes 100.
... AN ECONOMIC ASPECT OF THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR by TOM EDWARD TERRILL In the early months of 1898 the McKinley administration confronted a mounting crisis with Spain over the Cuban revolution Domestic pressures exerted by the press and politicians especially in the month of March placed heavy demands upon President McKinley to intervene to pacify Cuba One of the President's closest advisers thought war was possible in February By March 28 he believed it was probable1 The report on the sinking ...

"Provincial Basis of Patriotism, The," by Archer Butler Hulbert. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 664-676.
... 664 Ohio Arch 664 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications AFTERNOON SESSION AUDITORIUM OF THE MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING 130 O'CLOCK The addresses delivered at the afternoon session of the meeting were of an unusually high order Members of the Society and their friends came in large numbers to hear the two noted speakers on the program They soon filled the auditorium to the limit of its capacity and a number were turned away for lack of room The high anticipations of the audience were not ...

"Cleveland's Johnson: At Home," Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 319-335.
... CLEVELAND'S JOHNSON AT HOME CLEVELAND'S JOHNSON AT HOME by EUGENE C MURDOCK In an earlier article published in this Quarterly the present author made an attempt to summarize the accomplishments of Cleveland's Tom L Johnson and to point out his contributions to the growth and development of the lake city1 As mayor of Cleveland from 1901 to 1910 Johnson established and maintained high administrative standards while pushing through a broad program of municipal reform He attracted wide attention ...

"William McKinley," Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 243-249.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA WILLIAM McKINLEY Elsewhere in this Quarterly we report at some length the interesting ceremonies held on Ohio Day July 18 at the Pan-American Exposition Little did we suspect on that joyful day that in two brief months a terrible tragedy would transform the bright banners bedecking the buildings into the trappings and suits of woe On Friday September 6 President McKinley attended the Exposition and in the afternoon while holding a public reception in the Temple of ...

"Commercial vs. Scientific Collecting. A Plea for 'Art for Art's Sake,'" Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 112-117.
... COMMERCIAL VS COMMERCIAL VS SCIENTIFIC COLLECTING A PLEA FOR ART FOR ART'S SAKE WARREN K MOOREHEAD Curator of Archaeology Phillips Academy Andover Mass It occurs to me that so far as it could be accomplished without infringing upon the rights of individuals museum curators should combine against dealers in archeological specimens There seem to be two classes of these men and the one should not be confounded with the other Of recent years the dealers of archaeologic specimens have increased to ...

"Geology as a Factor in Human Life and Character," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 52-85.
... GEOLOGY AS A FACTOR IN HUMAN GEOLOGY AS A FACTOR IN HUMAN LIFE AND CHARACTER GERARD FOWKE Human history is a by-product of geology The earliest men fished in the rivers and the seas hunted in the mountains and the forests Shelter was as necessary as food and they had to live where they could find protection from inclement weather Where caves existed they were utilized where there was no such natural refuge an artificial one had to be provided This must be made of wood at first perhaps only of ...

"Down South Before the War. Record of a Ramble to New Orleans in 1858" Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 488-513.
... DOWN SOUTH BEFORE THE WAR DOWN SOUTH BEFORE THE WAR RECORD OF A RAMBLE TO NEW ORLEANS IN 18 58 ON the second day of December 1857 in company with my friend and fellow-student Alexis E Holcombe of Ravenna Ohio I started on an unpremeditated journey through Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi and Louisiana A tolerably complete diary kept during the six months of our sojourn in the South furnishes the material of the following narrative We set out from Lebanon Ohio by stage-coach for Cincinnati from ...

Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 418-421.
... Historical News Historical News Virginius C Hall director of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio since 1945 died in Cincinnati on June 8 1957 after a brief illness Mr Hall a native of North Carolina and a graduate of Trinity College Duke University came to Cincinnati in 1923 where he engaged in the advertising business and later in stockbroking until 1934 In that year he joined the faculty of the Cincinnati Country Day School and then in 1942 became a master in the French ...

"Introduction of Anesthesia into Ohio, The," by Howard Dittrick. Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 338-350.
... THE INTRODUCTION OF ANESTHESIA INTO OHIO THE INTRODUCTION OF ANESTHESIA INTO OHIO By HOWARD DITTRICK MD Since the practical application of anesthesia for the relief of dental and surgical pain originated in the United States it is not strange that early Ohio practitioners followed closely along the trails blazed by colleagues in the Eastern States and in foreign centers of science Even the name anesthesia was coined by our own Dr Oliver Wendell Holmes directly following William Thomas Green ...

"Canton and the Great Steel Strike of 1919: A Marriage of Nativism and Politics," by William E. Scheuerman. Volume 93, , Winter-Spring, 1984, pp. 68-87.
... WILLIAM E WILLIAM E SCHEUERMAN Canton and the Great Steel Strike of 1919 A Marriage of Nativism and Politics Prior to 1900 the production of iron and steel in the United States was primarily the domain of the skilled English-speaking worker1 By the turn of the century however the skilled worker was becoming extraneous Technological innovations in the production of steel deskilled the labor force and immigrants from southern and eastern Europe flocked to America's steelmills to assume the bulk ...

"The Northeastern Religious Press and John Brown," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 128-145.
... THE NORTHEASTERN RELIGIOUS PRESS AND THE NORTHEASTERN RELIGIOUS PRESS AND JOHN BROWN by WILLIAM S ROLLINS Analyst National Research Council On October 16 1859 long-smoldering passions in North and South which within a year and a half would burst into the flame of civil war were thrown new fuel On that day John Brown and eighteen staunch followers raided Harper's Ferry Virginia to free the slaves1 After more than twenty-four hours of havoc Colonel Robert E Lee commanding a handful of United ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 90, Number 1, Winter, 1981, pp. 74-76.
... NOTES AND QUERIES NOTES AND QUERIES The annual spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held at the Fawcett Center on the Ohio State University campus in Columbus April 24 and 25 1981 Address all inquiries to Professor H Roger Grant OAH Program Chair Department of History The University of Akron Akron Ohio 44324 Phone 216 375-7006 A call for papers is requested for the Thirteenth Annual Dakota History Conference to be held at Madison South Dakota on the campus of Dakota State ...

"Address of D. J. Ryan" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 34-36.
... 34 Ohio Arch 34 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications search history other than that of our own state for noble ideas The story of the foundation of our state and its progress is like a romance Well did Washington say in the dark days of the Revolution when he was questioned as to what he would do if he met defeat that he would come out here and settle in the valley of the Muskingum Several years ago a friend of mine a lady of Ohio met an English woman whose whole idea of America was based ...

"Address of Governor Donahey," Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 501-508.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 501 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 501 It is particularly appropriate that the address of welcome with which the program proper is to begin should be delivered by His Excellency the Governor of Ohio that staunch friend of the Society neighbor and fellow-citizen Vic Donahey May I present the Governor of Ohio The audience rose and extended a very cordial greeting to Governor Donahey When the applause concluded he spoke as follows Mr Chairman ...

"Daniel Drake as a Pioneer in Modern Ecology," Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 362-373.
... DANIEL DRAKE AS A PIONEER IN MODERN DANIEL DRAKE AS A PIONEER IN MODERN ECOLOGY by ADOLPH E WALLER Associate Professor and Curator of the Botanic Garden Ohio State University When in 1895 Warming of Copenhagen summarized his studies of the coastal dunes of the North Sea he wakened biologists to a new point of view He wrote the word oecology into the record It soon became widely used as a tool to aid in the understanding of the complex relations existing between organism and environment As a ...

"Cincinnati: Athens of the West, 1830-1861," Volume 75, Number 1, Winter, 1966, pp. 10-25, notes 67-68.
... 10 OHIO HISTORY 10 OHIO HISTORY TO CINCINNATI by EDWARD A M'LAUGHLIN Fair is thy seat in soft recumbent rest Beneath the grove-clad hills whence morning wings The gentle breezes of the fragrant west That kiss the surface of a thousand springs Nature her many-colored mantle flings Around thee and adorns thee as a bride While polished Art his gorgeous tribute brings And dome and spire ascending far and wide Their pointed shadows dip in thy Ohio's tide So fair in infancy -- O what shall be Thy ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 93-94.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Academy of History Fall Meeting will be held at the Toledo Museum of Art on Friday October 6 2000 The Executive Council will meet at 300 pm and a reception will take place at 530 pm For further information contact Richard Spall Ohio Wesleyan University Department of History Delaware Ohio 43015 e-mail ltRFSPALLccowuedugt Northwest Ohio Quarterly a peer-reviewed history journal founded in 1929 and published by the Lucas CountyMaumee Valley Historical ...

"When Lafayette Came to Cincinnati" Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 427-428.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 427 Reviews Notes and Comments 427 ago entertained Lafayette In the failure to adopt and carry out generally a program for such celebration of the anniversary of this remarkable tour the patriotic societies of America lost a real opportunity The following editorial of the Cincinnati Times-Star of May 18 reflects the spirit that this celebration revived in the Queen City of the West WHEN LAFAYETTE CAME TO CINCINNATI The most romantic figure in American history was not ...

"'Go and Sin No More': Maternity Homes in Cleveland, 1869-1936," Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 117-146.
... MARIAN J MARIAN J MORTON Go and Sin No More Maternity Homes in Cleveland 1869-1936 In 1869 the Woman's Christian Association of Cleveland founded the Retreat the first of the city's maternity homes and refuges for women who had lost the glory of their womanhood1 Its founders sought to emulate Christ's injunction to Mary Magdalen Woman sin no more thy faith hath saved thee2 As its name suggests the Retreat was a shelter a refuge in which the fallen woman both victim and sinner could be saved ...

Volume 106, , Summer-Autumn, 1997, pp. 202-222.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Best Intentions The Triumph and Failure of the Great Society Under Kennedy Johnson and Nixon By Irwin Unger New York Doubleday 1996 399p notes index 2795 Guns or Butter The Presidency of Lyndon Johnson By Irving Bernstein New York The Oxford University Press 1996 x 606p illustrations notes index 3500 Irwin Unger's The Best of Intentions and Irving Bernstein's Guns or Butter offer timely accounts of the Johnson years tracing the ideas programs and agencies that ...