... PREGLACIAL MAN IN OHIO PREGLACIAL MAN IN OHIO AT the meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History2 for November 4 1885 Mr Putnam showed an implement chipped from a pebble of black flint found by Dr C L Metz in gravel eight feet below the surface in Madisonville Ohio This rude implement is about the same size and shape of one made of the same material found by Dr Abbott in the Trenton N J gravel and is of special interest as the first one known from the gravels of Ohio This announcement ...
... EMIL R EMIL R PINTA Samuel M Smith Dr Cure-Awl's Assistant at the Ohio Lunatic Asylum His 1841 Case-Reports on Insanity The first half of the nineteenth century was an enlightened era for understanding and treating mental illness One prevailing theory was that insanity was a physical disease This replaced beliefs that considered the mind to be an emanation from the Creator and therefore not subject to physical laws and interventions In 1812 Benjamin Rush 1745-1813 the Father of American ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 217 Reviews Notes and Comments 217 A LATE ESTIMATE OF JOHN BROWN The time will never come perhaps when there will not be conflicting opinions in regard to John Brown and his mission It is remarkable however how well without any special advocate his character stands the test of time In spite of the critical portions of the biography written by Oswald Garrison Villard and the severe attack occupying an entire volume by Hill Peebles Wilson written for a consideration ...
... 398 Ohio Arch 398 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications torian George H Twiss Columbus Chaplain Julius W Atwood Columbus Vice-Presidents ex-officio Orlando J Hodge President Western Reserve Chapter Cleveland Dr E D Gardner President Anthony Wayne Chapter Toledo E P Whallon President Cincinnati Chapter Cincinnati Wm A Taylor President Benjamin Franklin Chapter Columbus Chas C Shearer President Nathaniel Greene Chapter Xenia Robert M Davidson President George Washington Chapter Newark Disney ...
... JOHN E JOHN E MOSER Principles Without Program Senator Robert A Taft and American Foreign Policy When it came to domestic policy there was very little that was confusing about Senator Robert Alfonso Taft of Ohio 1889-1953 A die-hard conservative Taft remained up until his death a convinced enemy of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and the assault on the Constitution which he believed it to represent So solid were his political credentials that he came to be known widely as Mr Republican defining ...
... DANIEL E DANIEL E WEINBERG Ethnic Identity in Industrial Cleveland The Hungarians 1900-1920 Melting pot and Americanization assimilation and acculturation accommodation and integration are traditionally popular terms used to describe the processes of interaction between immigrants to the United States and American society Exploiting the country's vibrant economy having access to cheap and expanding communication facilities and enjoying their freedom from centuries' old political and social ...
... -- Drawings by HR Goodwin 638 TYPICAL SPECIMENS FROM THE SPETNAGEL CACHE NATURAL SIZE THE SPETNAGLE CACHE OF FLINT THE SPETNAGLE CACHE OF FLINT SPEAR-POINTS Few better examples of ceremonial offerings of chipped flint artifacts than the Spetnagel cache of flint spear-points recently placed on exhibition in the Museum of the Society by Mr Albert C Spetnagel of Chillicothe have been found in Ohio or elsewhere This remarkable cache-lot of upwards of 200 ceremonial spears was unearthed in the ...
... HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL LEGISLATION HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL LEGISLATION IN OHIO 1851-1925 BY NELSON L BOSSING PH D CHAPTER IV HIGHER EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Higher education held a conspicuous place in Ohio's early legislation Approximately one-half of the educational legislation passed during the first three years of Ohio's statehood was formulated in the interests of colleges and universities1 From 1803 to 1850 there was a mass of legislation passed which dealt with various phases ...
... NANCY SAHLI NANCY SAHLI A Lost Portrait Frank Duveneck Paints Elizabeth Blackwell Frank Duveneck was probably Ohio's best known artist during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and is certainly one whose reputation has been sustained to the present day Born in Covington Kentucky in 1848 he began his career decorating churches in the United States and Canada In 1870 he traveled to Munich to study with Wilhelm von Diez returning three years later to Cincinnati By 1877 Duveneck's ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries This issue of Ohio History marks the completion of the editor's first volumeyear and provides the occasion for a brief report on his tenure and a glimpse into the future The journal has undergone a major revitalization during the past three years and the editor's chief task has always been to continue this process We have increased the number of articles and documents carried per issue enlarged the reviews section and tried to give greater weight to those ...
... edited by edited by JOHN B GABEL Medical Education in the 1890s An Ohio Woman's Memories The material presented here is drawn from the unpublished papers of a long-time Columbus physician the late Ida May Wilson Written in 1941 when she was in her seventy-seventh year this excerpt records Dr Wilson's memories of her medical education during the years 1894-1896 at the Ohio Medical University1 Her description of the primitive training provided as late as the 1890s by an accredited medical school ...
... DeMatteo Winter-Spring 2002 pp 7-24 Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915 By Arthur E DeMatteo click to view larger image Between 1890 and the early 1920s a number of progressive mayors assumed office ...
... TOM D TOM D CROUCH Thomas Kirkby Pioneer Aeronaut in Ohio The decade of the 1830's marked the dawn of American aeronautical history Although the first American balloon ascent had been made on June 24 1784 when Edward Warren a thirteen year old Baltimore lad made a captive flight in a homemade balloon the citizens of the young republic remained aloof from so impractical an enterprise as free ballooning1 The American tour of Jean Pierre Blanchard in 1793 demonstrated that even a highly ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 4 73 Mrs Mary E Bray Charles R Bartlett Mrs Catharine M Bartlett Louis M Hanff Mrs Frances P Hanff Rutland After the dinner Prof Hulbert Senator Dana and Edwin D Mead spoke briefly after which the meeting dissolved After the meeting several signed the membership roll of the Rutland Chapter of the Ohio Company of Associates GOLDWIN SMITH A Pupil's Recollection Just two score years ago-in the Fall of 1870-the editor of the QUARTERLY-then a slip of a lad just emerging ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE OHIO WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAW BY H R MENGERT FOREWORD Because the Ohio Workmen's Compensation Law has been looked upon as the very embodiment of what Col Theodore Roosevelt called social justice because it is being copied in other states of the Union because of the praise bestowed upon it by King Albert of Belgium who upon the occasion of his visit to Ohio pronounced it one of the greatest pieces of legislation upon the statute books ...
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 581 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 581 FORT ST CLAIR Mr H R McPherson read the report of the Committee as follows As chairman of The Fort St Clair Committee I have the honor to report as follows Since securing possession of Fort St Clair December 1923 the following work has been performed on the grounds Purchased 280 rods of wire for fence and new posts for 80 rods of old wire fence A total of 360 rods of fence has been erected Four hundred and ninety-one steel posts ...
... 596 Ohio Arch 596 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications for regret nor yet a wrongful act although the methods employed were not always beyond reproach It was not in the scheme of things that such a vast and fertile country should remain the abode of a handful of savages -- perhaps never more than 50000 in number the advance of civilization demanded the change and the Indian gave way to civilization and today But he was an Ohioan just the same who lived loved fought and died on Ohio soil ...
... An Iron Workers' Strike in An Iron Workers' Strike in The Ohio Valley 1873-1874 By HERBERT G GUTMAN DURING THE EAR L Y MONTHS of the depression of 1873 a serious strike of iron workers took place in the Ohio Valley The stoppage affected iron mills in southern Ohio and northern Kentucky and in Indiana Illinois Missouri and Tennessee as men left work in mills in large cities like Cincinnati Indianapolis and St Louis and in smaller industrial towns like Ironton and Portsmouth Ohio Newport and ...
... ANDREW BIRTLE ANDREW BIRTLE Governor George Hoadly's Use of the Ohio National Guard in the Hocking Valley Coal Strike of 1884 During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the United State experienced a large number of labor strikes that involved outbreaks of violence While the causes of this violence are both numerous and varied some students of labor history cite the intervention of police forces as a major catalyst1 Indeed the list of clashes between police and labor during this ...
... ROBERT CLARKE ROBERT CLARKE 1829-1899 - Robert Clarke was a native of Annan Dumfreeshire Scotland where he was born May 1st 1 829 He came with his parents to Cincinnati in 1840 and was educated in the public schools of Cincinnati and at Woodward College For a short time he was bookkeeper for William Hanna and then followed his bent by becoming interested in a little second-hand book-store near the corner of 6th and Walnut streets The story of his subsequent life is the history of the famous ...