Ohio History Journal

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"Early Ohio School Books," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 266-269.
... 266 Ohio Arch 266 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications sentiment has not been aroused to the point of appreciation and to a large degree self-support is too frequently committed Respectfully submitted Signed H R MCPHERSON The report was ordered received and placed on file REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EARLY OHIO SCHOOL BOOKS The Chairman of the Committee Mr John R Horst read the following report Your committee on Ohio Early School Books respectfully reports that it has completed a fair ...

"Report of the Registrar," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 528-533.
... 528 Ohio Arch 528 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications time program through study of conditions and methods utilized by other organizations and to crystallize these in definite form for presentation to the Legislature in 1933 Special emphasis is being given the requirements of the public and of tourists in the matter of developing historical archaeological and other outdoor attractions and to providing that they may be properly marked so that they may be readily intelligible On motion of Mr ...

"Ohio in the Spanish and Philippine War," by Thomas M. Anderson. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 551-554.
... OHIO IN THE SPANISH AND PHILIPPINE WAR OHIO IN THE SPANISH AND PHILIPPINE WAR THOMAS M ANDERSON Few can fulfill Pliny's motto To do what deserves to be written To write what deserves to be read Great generals are nearly always able administrators and have often proved themselves great statesmen The ability to command and to administer go together but few military commanders have wielded equally well the sword and pen Julius Caesar The foremost man of all the world was at once a great orator ...

"Immigrants and Temperance: Ethnocultural Conflict in Cincinnati, 1845-1860," by Jed Dannenbaum. Volume 87, Number 2, Spring, 1978, pp. 125-139.
... JED DANNENBAUM JED DANNENBAUM Immigrants and Temperance Ethnocultural Conflict in Cincinnati 1845-1860 In the United States the decade of the 1850s was marked by pronounced social and political upheaval Until recently most historians believed that this turmoil derived almost entirely from the issues of sectionalism and slavery which dominated American life in this era and which culminated in the Civil War However recent historical work at the state and local level has revealed that so-called ...

"NEWS AND NOTES" Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 150-154.
... 150 OHIO HISTORY 150 OHIO HISTORY NEWS and NOTES AN EARLY PHOTOGRAPH o f the Ohio State Capitol has been received through the kindness of Dr Wilcomb E Washburn curator of the division of political history of the Smithsonian Institution Washington DC The glass negative was acquired recently by the Smithsonian from the archives of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad It is shown on the opposite page The picture was probably taken in the early 1870's The Columbus City Hall completed in 1872 is shown ...

"Ohio Canals, The," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 286-287.
... 286 Ohio Arch 286 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications worship It may have been the great religious temple of the mound builders for the Ohio Valley The book gives a full account of the rescue of the mound from destruction by Prof F W Putnam the eminent American archaeologist of Cambridge Mass Professor Putnam succeeded in interesting some worthy and philanthropic ladies of Boston who purchased the property restored it and presented it to the Peabody Museum The latter institution ...

"Ohio's Germans, 1840-1875," Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 339-354.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 66 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1957 Ohio's Germans 1840-1875 By CARL WITTKE The great period of German immigration is long since past and the Germans have been diluted and absorbed along with other nationality groups into a composite Americanism A century ago German immigrants in number and quality constituted one of the most important elements in the American population Most of them were plain people peasants laborers or craftsmen ...

"Origin of the Ohio Company. Petition of Officers in the Continental Line of the Army," Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 37-46.
... The Ordinance of July 13th 1787 The Ordinance of July 13th 1 787 37 pioneer fathers that in all the slow and tedious processes of building up in cherishing organic ideas and giving them vitality in supporting their Nation and moulding its character in defending its life in time of extremest dangers they have borne their full share of patriotic service and may now pass that nation over with a clean record to posterity sending its ideas and principles onward in their mighty mission of dominion ...

"War at Mingo Junction: The Autonomous Workman and the Decline of the Knights of Labor, The," by Elizabeth and Kenneth Fones-Wolf. Volume 92, , Annual, 1983, pp. 37-51.
... ELIZABETH AND KENNETH FONES-WOLF ELIZABETH AND KENNETH FONES-WOLF The War at Mingo Junction The Autonomous Workman and the Decline of the Knights of Labor In early February 1887 workers at the Laughlin and Junction steel plant in Mingo Junction Ohio walked out protesting a violation of traditional work rules Members of both the Knights of Labor KOL and the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers AAISW the men applied to each for assistance While the Amalgamated quickly recognized the ...

Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 185-205.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Dangerous Relations The Soviet Union in World Politics 1970-1982 By Adam B Ulam New York Oxford University Press 1983 vi 325p notes index 2500 In a recent study of American diplomatic historiography Jerald Combs had some difficulty deciding if Adam Ulam had revisionist leanings or belonged firmly to the orthodox camp No such doubts could follow from Ulam's most recent study a continuation chronologically of his Expansion and Coexistence and the Rivals Ulam sees a ...

"Minutes of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 381-395.
... MINUTES MINUTES OF THE SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Ohio State Archaeological and Historical SOCIETY Held at Columbus Ohio February 24 and 25 1892 The Seventh Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society opened at the Board of Trade on the evening of the 24th inst with an address by Hon Benjamin Butterworth Secretary of the Columbian Exposition There was a fair sized audience Admittance was by invitation Among the prominent people present were Governor Wm McKinley ...

"Great Seal of Ohio," Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 392-393.
... 392 Ohio Arch 392 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications and honor is not deserving of praise The historical data are heavily conclusively against Burr Burr was a man with the inordinate ambition of Bonaparte and equally unscrupulous cold blooded and selfish There was no sacrifice of friends or country or honor or truth or morality he would not make for self-gratification and self-glorification Burr was a born intriguer and was associated with Lee and Gates in their schemes against Washington ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 89, Number 4, Autumn, 1980, pp. 439-442.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent promotions appointments and awards within the professional community of Ohio historians include Arnold Snyder PhD candidate at McMaster University has joined Bluffton College as an assistant professor of history and philosophy Gary A Hunt formerly of Boston University replaced Richard W Ryan as Department Head of the Ohio University Library's Archives and Special Collections Department as of July 1 1979 David E Kyvig Associate Professor at the ...

"No Interest, No Time, No Money: Civil Defense in Cleveland in the Cold War," by Andrew McIlroy. Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 59-86.
... ANDREW McILROY ANDREW McILROY No Interest No Time No Money Civil Defense in Cleveland in the Cold War In recent years historians have shown that fear of the atomic bomb pervaded all aspects of American life in the early cold war era Paul Boyer argued that the ever-present reality of the bomb was so great that it was built into the very structure of our minds giving shape and meaning to all our perceptions Magazines such as Life Time and Newsweek offered evidence through a wealth of articles ...

"Ohio Agricultural Commission, 1913-1915, The," by James H. Lee. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 219-230.
... JAMES H JAMES H LEE The Ohio Agricultural Commission 1913-1915 When James M Cox assumed the governorship for the first time in 1913 Ohio agriculture was passing through a period of rapid transition The demographic expansion of the late nineteenth century had inflated land values and crop prices a trend which converted agriculture into a potentially highly profitable enterprise Ohio farmers responded by gradually transforming themselves into rural businessmen they specialized developed more ...

"A High School to Rmember: The Greenfield Legacy of McClain, Harris, and Ittner" by Virginia E. McCormick. Volume 112, pp. 19-26, Winter-Spring, 2003, pp. 19.
... McCormick Winter-Spring 2003 pp 19-26 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved A High School to Remember The Greenfield Legacy of McClain Harris and Ittner By Virginia E McCormick McClain High School Greenfield Ohio Photo courtesy Virginia E McCormick As Supreme Court justices legislators and educators begin the twenty-first century wrestling with equitable funding for Ohio schools and the School Facilities Commission ...

"William Williams Mather," by John H. Newvahner. Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 190-199.
... WILLIAM WILLIAMS MATHER WILLIAM WILLIAMS MATHER BY JOHN H NEWVAHNER William Williams Mather was the first State Geologist of Ohio and chief of the first Geological Survey of the State In this capacity he discovered and brought to light a knowledge of the vast mineral resources of the State And the development of these resources has brought untold wealth to Ohio and to the Nation Who was this man who was entrusted with such responsibility by our great commonwealth Why was he chosen for this ...

Volume 85, Number 3, Summer, 1976, pp. 265-276.
... 265 265 Book Reviews The Loyalist Americans A Focus on Greater New York Edited by Robert A East and Jacob Judd Tarrytown Sleepy Hollow Restorations 1975 xiv 176p illustrations notes appendix index 1200 Few aspects of life during the colonial era have failed to be singled out and judged in terms of their importance to the American Revolution yet important phases of that event remain inadequately explored Although the subject of several recent investigations Loyalism is a case in point For this ...

"New York Historical Society Building," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 221-222.
... Editorialana Editorialana 221 Society Wednesday evening and a reception Thursday afternoon by President and Mrs Harper at their residence corner of Fifty-ninth street and Lexington avenue President Harper is an Ohio man and was formerly connected with Muskingum College at New Concord His wife is also a Buckeye and when a girl lived in Mansfield She is the daughter of the Rev David Paul who was the pastor of the Mansfield United Presbyterian Church from 1858 until 1864 when he resigned to ...

"Country Store in American Social History, The," by Thomas D. Clark. Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 126-144.
... THE COUNTRY STORE IN AMERICAN SOCIAL HISTORY THE COUNTRY STORE IN AMERICAN SOCIAL HISTORY by THOMAS D CLARK Professor of History University of Kentucky Any rural American over forty years of age and possessed of a sound memory often lets his mind wander back to the countryside and conditions of his youth Many institutions and symbols of the past are reminiscent of a life of peace and contentment There was the country church where he worshipped or perhaps more exactly sat and longed to be out ...