Ohio History Journal

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"Address of Dr. Benjamin F. Shambaugh," Volume 39, Number 2, April, 1930, pp. 414-433.
... 414 Ohio Arch 414 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications introduce the speaker of the occasion Dr Benjamin Franklin Shambaugh and I will merely give you a few of his titles sufficient to enable you to judge of his ability for this occasion Superintendent of the State Historical Society of Iowa Editor of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics Head of the Department of Political Science State University of Iowa Editor of the publications of the State Historical Society of Iowa and President ...

"Othniel Looker," Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 215-217.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 215 Reviews Notes and Comments 215 OTHNIEL LOOKER For many years the biographies that have appeared from time to time of Governor Othniel Looker have been far from satisfactory The text of the sketch which has appeared in many publications is reproduced in the note below As will be seen it is incorrect in almost every particular The editor recently learned that Governor Looker died in the village of Palestine Illinois A very obliging correspondent was found in the ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 90, Number 1, Winter, 1981, pp. 74-76.
... NOTES AND QUERIES NOTES AND QUERIES The annual spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held at the Fawcett Center on the Ohio State University campus in Columbus April 24 and 25 1981 Address all inquiries to Professor H Roger Grant OAH Program Chair Department of History The University of Akron Akron Ohio 44324 Phone 216 375-7006 A call for papers is requested for the Thirteenth Annual Dakota History Conference to be held at Madison South Dakota on the campus of Dakota State ...

"Visit to the Ohio State Prison in 1837, A," edited by Merton L. Dillon. Volume 69, Number 1, January, 1960, pp. 69-72.
... A Visit to the Ohio State Prison in 1837 A Visit to the Ohio State Prison in 1837 Edited by MERTON L DILLON ONE OF THE MANY SOCIAL PROBLEMS that demanded solution in the early nineteenth century was how best to deal with convicted criminals The answer provided by the system inaugurated in 1823 at the state prison at Auburn New York enjoyed great vogue among penal reformers and set the fashion in American prison administration for the next half century The Auburn system required the isolation ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 611-616.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A LIFE OF WILLIAM ALLEN William Allen A Study in Western Democracy By Reginald C McGrane Columbus Ohio The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1 925 279 p William Allen was one of those political luminaries who never quite attained the brilliance of a star of the first magnitude in the political firmament of his state and nation Very nearly but never ...

"Address of Mayor George W. Kinney" (Hayes Dedication) Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 437-439.
... Dedication of the Haves Memorial Dedication of the Haves Memorial 437 Bless we pray the Republic of which we are a part Be with all who are in places of leadership Guide the Nation through all dangers to a safe harbor Help us to become to all nations the truest expression of the divine program for human government We ask all in the name of Jesus Christ who has given us the ideals upon which all lasting human civilizations must stand Amen The Star Spangled Banner was then sung by the Col George ...

"Ohio's Tallest Building: The A.I.U. Citadel, at Columbus," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 135-142.
... Story of the First Geological Survey in Ohio 135 Story of the First Geological Survey in Ohio 135 Among the other books which contained useful reference material were Hasse's Economic Material in the Documents of the States Ohio II Ohio Second Geological Survey Columbus 1869 G P Merrill's The First Hundred Years of American Geology New Haven 1924 and for the biographical information Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography New York 1900 In the periodical and newspaper field the most ...

"Good Will in Fields of Peace," by Louis Blake Duff. Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 27-30.
... GOOD WILL IN FIELDS OF PEACE GOOD WILL IN FIELDS OF PEACE By Louis BLAKE DUFF We hear in these September days the clock of destiny click the clock of your destiny the clock of Canadian destiny the clock of world destiny A momentous month draws to a close In it your role and ours has been changed By one stroke there has been made a new relationship and may no evil fate ever disturb it There sprang up overnight almost a new doctrine that the defense of the North American continent is one single ...

"Ohio Sons of the American Revolution," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 337-338.
... Editorialana Editorialana 337 OHIO SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION On Saturday April 18 1903 the Ohio Society Sons of the American Revolution held its annual meeting at the Great Southern Hotel Columbus Ohio There was a goodly attendance of members from various parts of the state The usual reports of officers and committees were heard and in the afternoon the election of officers occurred resulting in the following President Colonel James Kilbourne Columbus Vice-Presidents Isaac F Mack ...

"New Life Members Added Since Annual Meeting of 1926," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 644-645.
... 644 Ohio Arch 644 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications NECROLOGY Since the last Annual Meeting of the Society five alphabetically arranged lists of our membership have been prepared and mailed to members in various parts of the state with a request that the Secretary be notified of the death of any member A card-index list of the members has also been prepared for the use of the President During the year the Society lost by death the following members LIFE MEMBERS Mr A M Woolson Toledo Ohio ...

Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 201-204.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR STATE AND LOCAL HISTORY S K Stevens President The Association is publishing a new quarterly journal titled American Heritage It will deal exclusively with the teaching of local community history in our schools historical societies museums and similar agencies throughout the United States and Canada The editor will be Miss Mary Cunningham well known for her work as editor of New York History and the New York State Historical Association's ...

"Homes of the Mound Builders," by William Jackson Armstrong. Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 28-38.
... HOMES OF THE MOUND BUILDERS HOMES OF THE MOUND BUILDERS WILLIAM JACKSON ARMSTRONG Col W J Armstrong was inspector of the United States consulates under the administrations of President Grant He is the author of Siberia and the Nihilists The Heroes of Defeat etc - EDITOR The Mound Builder is still a mystery His story has not been told He is not yet intelligibly tangent to any known race He is not only prehistoric but unconnected His clues are shy and evasive lacking the thread of either written ...

"Annual Address of F. C. Sessions, President of the Society. Read in the Senate Chamber, at the Fourth Annual Meeting, Thursday Evening, January 31, 1889" Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 548-558.
... ANNUAL ADDRESS OF F ANNUAL ADDRESS OF F C SESSIONS PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY Read in the Senate Chamber at the Fourth Annual Meeting Thursday Evening January 31 1889 ALMOST one year ago this Society went to Marietta O to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the settlement by Americans of the Northwest Territory of which Ohio is an integral part and of which she is the oldest State and one of the most powerful of American commonwealths The settlement was hence the first by Americans in ...

"A History of Flood Control in Ohio," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 474-503.
... A HISTORY OF FLOOD CONTROL IN OHIO A HISTORY OF FLOOD CONTROL IN OHIO BY ARTHUR E MORGAN AND C A BOCK The great ice cap which covered northeastern North America during the Glacial period is estimated to have been about two miles thick in the region north-east of the Great Lakes The weight of this great mass caused it to creep gradually toward the ocean on the east and toward the south where the pressure was less In this relentless advance it ground off the hill tops and filled up the valleys ...

"Historians and Their Helpers," Volume 59, Number 2, April, 1950, pp. 154-164.
... HISTORIANS AND THEIR HELPERS HISTORIANS AND THEIR HELPERS by JOHN HALL STEWART Associate Professor of History Western Reserve University For far too many years far too many people have been calling themselves--or permitting others to call them--historians I have been conscious of this ever since I first entered the ranks of what we academic folk like to think of as the professional historians But I was never as fully aware of the dangers inherent in this common practice until I began to ...

"State of Ohio's History: A Review Essay, The," by Andrew R.L. Cayton. Volume 106, , Summer-Autumn, 1997, pp. 192-199.
... ANDREW R ANDREW RL CAYTON The State of Ohio's Early History A Review Essay The Ohio Frontier Crucible of the Old Northwest 1720-1830 By R Douglas Hurt Bloomington Indiana University Press 1996 xv 418p illustrations bibliographic essay index 3500 It is axiomatic that each generation creates its own version of the past As much as historians value objectivity most of them see it is a noble but unattainable goal Historians always have and always will interpret the past through the prism of the ...

"Charles F. Brush and the First Public Electric Street Lighting System in America," Volume 70, Number 2, April, 1961, pp. 128-144.
... Charles F Charles F Brush and the First Public Electric Street Lighting System in America By MEL GORMAN THE DEVELOPMENT OF street lighting is one of the most important factors which can be considered in gauging the social history of urban life Until the middle of the eighteenth century there was very little incentive for the dweller to leave his house after dark but with the advent of the industrial revolution the tempo of life exerted more and more pressure of activities which could not be ...

"From Progressive to Patrician: George Bellamy and Hiram House Social Settlement, 1896-1914," by John J. Grabowski. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 37-52.
... JOHN J JOHN J GRABOWSKI From Progressive to Patrician George Bellamy and Hiram House Social Settlement 1896-1914 The institution most closely associated with the birth and early development of turn of the century Progressivism was the social settlement house which best symbolized the movement's drive for reform and order in urban America As aptly described by Allen Davis the settlement houses were spearheads for reform whose partisans were among the first to recognize and attack problems of ...

"Rescue Headquarters House at Camp Sherman," Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 712-716.
... RESCUE HEADQUARTERS HOUSE AT CAMP RESCUE HEADQUARTERS HOUSE AT CAMP SHERMAN Mr Louis H Warner Chairman of the Pueblo Lands Board in a contribution to the February issue of the National Republic writes Did you ever consider how closely we associate men and events with certain buildings and structures To think of one is to recall the other This seems always to have been so Can you think of the temples of Old Jerusalem the Parthenon of Ancient Greece or the Roman Forum without at once being ...

"Three Aspects of the Economic Life of Cincinnati from 1815 to 1840," by Maurice F. Neufeld. Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 65-80.
... THREE ASPECTS OF THE ECONOMIC LIFE OF THREE ASPECTS OF THE ECONOMIC LIFE OF CINCINNATI FROM 1815 TO 1840 By MAURICE F NEUFELD In contemporary America when the principles of capitalism are being challenged negatively by prolonged unemployment and positively through the social-planning projects of Russia the experience of an American metropolis during the early maturity of capitalism in the United States has peculiar significance to the historian Although the life of the United States centers so ...