Ohio History Journal

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"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Annual Business Session, 10:00 A.M., April 7, Ohio State Museum, Arthur C. Johnson, Sr., Presiding," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 97-98.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 97 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 97 ing of the necessity for propaganda Dr Grimm stressed the importance of missionary work among American youth Their minds must be educated and their wills motivated he said They face a new frontier even as did their progenitors they too are pioneers in new fields and if they know the task ahead of them they can--as did their forebears--arm themselves with faith and hope and the cooperative spirit and by so doing make ...

"Ohio in the Chinese Uprising," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 467-468.
... Editorialana Editorialana 467 novelist The Stockport Brass Band interspersed the program with musical selections It was a unique and interesting event in the history of the society as this is the first time that the society has come into the possession of a purely historic site The proceedings with the speeches in detail will be published in the January Quarterly of the society The society will proceed without delay to protect the site with a fitting enclosure making it an attractive place of ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 182-184.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY A HISTORY OF CHINESE CIVILIZATION A SHORT HISTORY OF CHINESE CIVILIZATION BY RICHARD WILHELM TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY JOAN JOSHUA VIKING PRESS NEW YORK This is a single volume which covers the entire subject in 284 pages In his preface the author states that works previously published may be divided into two classes the one following the native Chinese Annals and dealing with the actual history of ...

Volume 90, Number 1, Winter, 1981, pp. 77-94.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Black Detroit and the Rise of the UAW By August Meier and Elliott Rudwick New York Oxford University Press 1979 xii 289p notes illustrations bibliographical essay index 1500 The gulf of suspicion and hostility between the black community and labor that derived from the AFL craft union's systematic exclusion of blacks and occasional black strikebreaking was wider in Detroit than elsewhere in the industrial north in the 1930s In Detroit Henry Ford had furthered the gulf ...

Volume 55, Number 1, January-March, 1946, pp. 68-77.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Johnny Appleseed Source Book By Robert C Harris Old Fort News Vol IX Nos 1 -2 The Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society Fort Wayne Ind March-June 1945 31p Secretary of the Johnny Appleseed Memorial Commission of Fort Wayne vice-president of the Allen County Historical Society principal of the James H Smart School author inventor and civic leader Robert C Harris of Fort Wayne has for nearly fifteen years been doing a major service to Middle Western folklore by ...

"Dental Education in Ohio, 1838-1858," Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 294-312.
... DENTAL EDUCATION IN OHIO DENTAL EDUCATION IN OHIO 1838-1858 By EDWARD C MI LLS DDS With the unprecedented tide of immigration to Ohio during the early decades of the nineteenth century came the physician as a necessary adjunct to the widely scattered communities for the preservation of health and the consequent prosperity of those sturdy pioneers His praises have been largely unsung because in addition to his administrations to the medical needs of the community his attention was necessarily ...

"Who Killed Tecumseh?," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 562-563 .
... 562 Ohio Arch 562 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Introductory Note For some months there has been in contemplation by interested parties a series of publications entitled Ohio Historical Collections It was first thought that the monographs of this series should be limited to political history Upon mature deliberation however it was decided to adopt a title more comprehensive in scope Volumes 1 and 2 of the series are political history and Volume 3 will be political and biographical ...

"Dr. James H. Salisbury and the Salisbury Diet," by Clyde L. Cummer. Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 352-370.
... DR DR JAMES H SALISBURY AND THE SALISBURY DIET by CLYDE L CUMMER MD The life of James H Salisbury should be of interest to the historically minded for three reasons The first and least is that he devised and popularized a dietary regimen still remembered almost half a century after his death The second is that he was a pioneer exponent of the germ theory of disease and carried out laborious and painstaking investigations The third and tragic one is that had he persisted in his researches for ...

"Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925: A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response," Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 5-23.
... SHIRLEY SUI LING TAM SHIRLEY SUI LING TAM Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925 A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response On September 22 1925 a Chinese waiter named Yee Chock was found dead with his head chopped off in the Chinatown section of Cleveland Ohio Identifying such a hatchet murder as being connected with rivalry among tongs a kind of Chinese association in America the Safety Director of Cleveland Edwin D Barry ordered a wholesale arrest of all the Chinese ...

"'Mr. Republican' Turns 'Socialist': Robert A. Taft and Public Housing," by Richard O. Davies. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 135-143, notes 196-197.
... Mr Mr Republican Turns SOCIALIST ROBERT A TAFT and Public Housing by RICHARD O DAVIES To the great majority of his contemporaries Senator Robert A Taft embodied the traditional values of self-help private enterprise and dislike for governmental welfare programs Most Americans believed that Taft had as his major purpose the root and branch eradication of all New Deal welfare and regulatory programs His adamant opposition to the proliferation of such governmental activities supposedly led to a ...

"Subsistence Homesteading in Dayton, Ohio, 1933-1935," by Jacob H. Dorn. Volume 78, Number 2, Spring, 1969, pp. 75-93, notes 146-149.
... Subsistence Homesteading Subsistence Homesteading in Dayton Ohio 1933-1935 by Jacob H Dorn T he United States was born in the country and has moved to the city wrote Richard Hofstadter in a provocative study of modern American reform movements1 The tide of migration from rural areas to urban centers has been with few exceptions continuous and irresistible since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution Driven along by a host of economic social and psychological forces it reached a symbolic ...

Volume 74, Number 4, Autumn, 1965, pp. 270-276.
... BOOK REVIEWS FRONTIER AMERICAN LITERATURE AND THE AMERICAN WEST By Edwin Fussell Princeton N J Princeton University Press 1965 xvi450p introduction and index 850 This is a stimulating though highly speculative book In the preface Fussell explains he offers it as an example of imaginative historiography a method of writing history in which facts are used merely as emblems to illustrate the theme His procedure seems somewhat similar to that employed in Increase Mather's Divine Providences in ...

"Josh Billings Once Lives in Norwalk, Ohio," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 328-329.
... 328 Ohio Arch 328 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications high character and mechanical execution of its predecessors in the series which is generally recognized as the monumental work on the The Mythology of All Races JOSH BILLINGS ONCE LIVED IN NORWALK OHIO The special edition of the Sandusky Register published December 21 1922 abounds in interesting history of Sandusky Erie County and adjacent territory One contribution proves clearly that the noted humorist Henry Wheeler Shaw known as Josh ...

"Market Integration, Urban Growth and Economic Change in an Ohio County, 1850-1880," by Jack S. Blacker Jr.. Volume 90, Number 4, Autumn, 1981, pp. 298-316.
... JACK S JACK S BLOCKER JR Market Integration Urban Growth and Economic Change in an Ohio County 1850-1880 In March 1870 the editor of a local newspaper in Washington Court House county seat of Fayette County Ohio announced the inauguration of a new service by the Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley Railroad The Train which leaves this place at 616 in the morning arrives in the city at 105 and leaves Cincinnati at 350 pm thus affording our citizens some FIVE HOURS for business or pleasure It is a ...

"State Historians," Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 267.
... Editorialana Editorialana 26 7 Defiance has better claims for such a monument as is proposed The beauty of the site here situated in the heart of the city should give Defiance the precedence The Maumee Valley Pioneer Association wishes to save Roche de Boeuf from being used as a pier for a bridge to be built across the river at that point by the Cincinnati Northern Traction Co Secretary J L Pray said the association would probably first attempt to persuade the electric company to change its ...

"Land to the Freedmen: A Vision of Reconstruction," by Robert F. Horowitz. Volume 86, Number 3, Summer, 1977, pp. 187-199.
... ROBERT F ROBERT F HOROWITZ Land to the Freedmen A Vision of Reconstruction The Reconstruction Acts of March 1867 were much closer to the ideas of the moderate and conservative elements of the Republican party than to the views of the radicals Influential Republicans such as George Julian Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner had originally hoped for a more thorough reconstruction policy which they were never able to obtain In fact the phrase Radical Reconstruction is in part unjustified since ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 83-88.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent promotions appointments and awards within the professional community of Ohio historians include Edmund J Danziger of Bowling Green State University has been promoted to Chairman of the Department of History Gary R Hess of Bowling Green State University has been appointed Acting Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve David C Skaggs of Bowling Green State University will take a leave of absence to attend the ...

"Some Notes on Ohio Historiography," by Clarence E. Carter. Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 176-185.
... SOME NOTES ON OHIO HISTORIOGRAPHY SOME NOTES ON OHIO HISTORIOGRAPHY1 BY CLARENCE E CARTER MIAMI UNIVERSITY The rise of historiography in the trans-Alleghany states in the first half of the nineteenth century follows the order of development so familiar in every national experience European as well as American in which annalists antiquarian compilers and composers of didactic narrative successively emerge This conventional order of succession is observable moreover in the American colonies and ...

Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 347-350.
... SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL XLVIII For Index of Authors see Contents page iii PAGE ANTHROPOLOGY--STUDY AND TEACHING Gillin John Some Unfinished Business in Cultural Anthropology 4452 BACKUS FAMILY Phillips Mrs J E Ohio's Deep Roots in Connecticut 7482 The Beginning of Formal Dental Education at Bainbridge O by Edward C Mills 243-256 Benjamin F Wade and the Atrocity Propaganda of the Civil War by Harry Williams 3343 BIOGRAPHY Weisenburger F P The Personal ...

The Ideal of Nature and the "Good Farmer": Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community by Philip J. Nelson. Volume 110, , Winter-Spring, 2001, pp. 26-47.
... Nelson Winter-Spring 2001 pp 5-25 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page The Ideal of Nature and the Good Farmer Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community By Philip J Nelson click to view larger image World War II and its aftermath dominated the 1940s as have few events in other decades ...