Ohio History Journal

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"James House Anderson (In Memoriam)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 489-491.
... Editorialana Editorialana 489 the Conference probably could not have been held last year Miss Cornelius as secretary invited the Executive Committee to meet late in June at her home in northern Wisconsin and under the generous hospitality of herself and her family the program for the Conference was drafted The letters asking for active and associate memberships were also drawn up there and on the train which brought the committee back to Chicago Now the campaign was on and the work and the ...

"Address of Welcome" (Taylor-Livingston Centenary) Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 489-492.
... The Taylor-Livingston Centenary Etc The Taylor-Livingston Centenary Etc 489 Jr of a paper prepared by his father Edward L Taylor Sr address by ex-Governor George K Nash address by Col James Kilbourne address by Hon Phil H Bruck recitation of poem by Mrs William Sprague address by Hon Thomas E Powell The program as carried out was from first to last impressive instructive and entertaining characterized by sentiment wit and humor Immediately upon the conclusion of the exercises supper was served ...

"Psychiatric Progress in Ohio in the Twentieth Century," by Joseph L. Fetterman and Jack Horrocks. Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 378-389.
... PETER WITT 377 PETER WITT 377 irascible exterior and his biting invective there were qualities of honesty fidelity and generosity that made him the loyal sentimental friend of many people He had genuine oratorical gifts though he sometimes attacked unreasonably and without full information about the facts and he had a tongue that he always found it hard to curb He never attacked with a rapier A meat cleaver was his favorite tool as he himself readily admitted to his friends But he never lacked ...

"George Wells Knight," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 352-359.
... GEORGE WELLS KNIGHT GEORGE WELLS KNIGHT Dr George Wells Knight joined the Faculty of the Ohio State University in 1885 He served as teacher of History in that institution to within a short time of his death which occurred Wednesday morning February 10 1932 In this long and uninterrupted service his teaching and personality left an impression upon a large number of students who in their turn will transmit it in an ever widening circle of influence When he came to accept a position in the ...

Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 118-119.
... Book Notes Book Notes Middle Innings A Documentary History of Baseball 1900-1948 Compiled and edited by Dean A Sullivan Lincoln University of Nebraska Press 1998 xviii 238p illustrations bibliography index Baseball if no longer reigning as the national pastime still occupies a secure place in America's collective psyche Evidence of this nostalgic affection is deeply rooted in the game's vast statistical lore it's colorful phraseology and an odd sometimes zany cast of characters Figures such as ...

"A Hoover Vignette," Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 74-82.
... PHILLIP R PHILLIP R SHRIVER A Hoover Vignette Fifty years after his defeat for reelection by Franklin D Roosevelt Herbert Hoover remains one of America's most tragic presidents For many if not most his name continues to conjure up an aura of depression of frustration of failure Arthur M Schlesinger Jr historian of The Age of Roosevelt recalls one of the myriad jokes that fixed a nation's scorn upon FDR's unhappy predecessor in the early 1930s It has Hoover asking Andrew Mellon for the loan of ...

"'Mr. Republican' Turns 'Socialist': Robert A. Taft and Public Housing," by Richard O. Davies. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 135-143, notes 196-197.
... Mr Mr Republican Turns SOCIALIST ROBERT A TAFT and Public Housing by RICHARD O DAVIES To the great majority of his contemporaries Senator Robert A Taft embodied the traditional values of self-help private enterprise and dislike for governmental welfare programs Most Americans believed that Taft had as his major purpose the root and branch eradication of all New Deal welfare and regulatory programs His adamant opposition to the proliferation of such governmental activities supposedly led to a ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, April 12, 1946, Meeting in Executive Session at 11:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 259-262.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY April 12 1 946 Meeting in Executive Session at 11 00 AM and 400 PM The following members of the Board were present Johnson Eagleson Miller Amos Belden Coppock Florence Holzer MacLean Rightmire Wittke and ex-officio Governor Lausche and Hissong A tentative program covering the Society's activities for the coming year being presented by the President it was ...

"Women's History as Local History," by Karen J. Blair. Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 438-443.
... KAREN J KAREN J BLAIR Women's History as Local History In 1928 a crowd of 10000 witnessed the unveiling in Vandalia Illinois of an eighteen-foot-high marble statue entitled the Madonna of the Trail Donated by the Daughters of the American Revolution the large monument commemorated the sacrifices of pioneer Illinois mothers in the frontier era But like the role assigned until recently to women in the collective historical imagination the statue itself was an abstraction The Madonna did not ...

"Clement L. Vallandigham Views the Charleston Convention," by James W. Geary. Volume 86, Number 2, Spring, 1977, pp. 127-134.
... JAMES W JAMES W GEARY Clement L Vallandigham Views the Charleston Convention The Democratic National Convention which opened at Charleston South Carolina on April 23 1860 provided the setting for one of the most significant turning points in American history The delegates who gathered at this southern city to select a presidential candidate and a platform failed in both efforts Radical southerners refused even to consider a program of popular sovereignty as defined by Stephen A Douglas the ...

"The Architectural Legacy of Guy Tilden of Canton," by Eric Johannesen. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 124-141.
... ERIC JOHANNESEN ERIC JOHANNESEN The Architectural Legacy of Guy Tilden of Canton For forty years from the mid-1880's to the mid-1920's Guy Tilden was the leading architect of Canton Ohio according to Edward T Heald Stark County's encyclopedic historian1 Of Tilden's enormous output only a remnant exists but this sample serves to indicate both the variety and the quality of building done in a growing Ohio industrial town during those years Buildings reveal the needs ambitions tastes and whims of ...

"Robert Frederick Wolfe," Volume 36, Number 2, April, 1927, pp. 315-317.
... Reviews and Comments 315 Reviews and Comments 315 1885 A copy of each of these with his autograph he presented to the McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio They are in the list of books presented to the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Just as we go to press Henry Ford has contributed Reprints of the Fifth and Sixth Readers Copyright of 1866 These complete his series of reprints ROBERT FREDERICK WOLFE The capital city of Ohio was shocked on January 13 1927 to learn of the tragic ...

"Early Ohio Postal Routes," by William D. Overman. Volume 55, Number 1, January-March, 1946, pp. 21-29.
... EARLY OHIO POSTAL ROUTES EARLY OHIO POSTAL ROUTES BY WILLIAM D OVERMAN Regular United States mail service followed closely upon the heels of organized government in the Northwest Territory The statesmen of that day were aware of the value of a contact with the new settlers in the West and the postmasters-general1 urged 1 Samuel Osgood 1789-91 and Timothy Pickering 1791-94 21 22 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 22 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY the extension of ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 97, , Winter-Spring, 1988, pp. 72-74.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Museums Association OMA a nonprofit statewide organization of nature centers zoos art science history and natural history museums has located its headquarters at the Ohio Historical Center in Columbus Ohio Although separate from the Ohio Historical Society the OMA provides workshops conferences annual meetings and a monthly newsletter to OHS and other organizations throughout the state in an effort to provide educational opportunities for staff ...

"Background of Calvin E. Stowe's 'Report on Elementary Public Instruction in Europe' (1837), The," by Charles G. Miller. Volume 49, Number 2, April April, 1940, pp. 185-190.
... THE BACKGROUND OF CALVIN E THE BACKGROUND OF CALVIN E STOWE'S REPORT ON ELEMENTARY PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IN EUROPE 1837 By CHARLES G MILLER In 1836 Calvin E Stowe was a professor in a theological seminary Lane in the young state of Ohio Though no formal connection existed between the seminary and the State there already existed the idea of the higher schools' responsibility to the State to such a degree that the General Assembly requested Stowe with no mention of compensation but see below quite ...

"'Think Kindly of Us of the South': A Letter to William Tecumseh Sherman," edited by Lee N. Newcomer. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 148-150, notes 200.
... Think Kindly of Think Kindly of Us of the South A LETTER TO WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN edited by LEE N NEWCOMER The following letter to William Tecumseh Sherman dates from a short and almost forgotten era of United States history the few years following the Civil War in which the South thought well of General Sherman Southern liking for Sherman though short-lived was well-grounded in fact Before the war Sherman taught at what later became Louisiana State University he liked the southerners and ...

"Preservation of Ohio Mounds," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 288-289.
... NOTES NOTES PRESERVATION OF OHIO MOUNDS--Three years ago Professor F W Putnam in a letter to one of the editors of the QUARTERLY said The State of Ohio has an important trust in her keeping and one which has been neglected too long Even now many of the important works of the peoples who formerly lived in her beautiful valleys have been leveled by the plough or thoughtlessly destroyed in building towns and cities At the annual meeting for 1886 of the State Archaeological and Historical Society ...

"Organizing a National Convention: A Lesson From Senator Dick," by Thomas E. Felt. Volume 67, Number 1, January, 1958, pp. 50-62.
... Organizing a National Convention Organizing a National Convention A Lesson from Senator Dick E dited by THOMAS E FELT FROM THE CIVIL WAR to the present the engineers and operators of Ohio's major party machinery have been obliged by circumstances to learn their trade thoroughly The state's strategic geographic position its coveted electoral votes and its diverse economic interests have made it not only a home of presidents and would-be presidents but a school for party managers as well In this ...

"Eminent Representatives of the Sargent Family: Charles Sprague Sargent, John Singer Sargent, Winthrop Sargent," Volume 36, Number 2, April, 1927, pp. 181-187.
... EMINENT REPRESENTATIVES OF THE SARGENT EMINENT REPRESENTATIVES OF THE SARGENT FAMILY CHARLES SPRAGUE SARGENT The Sargent family somewhat extensively noted in a previous issue of the QUARTERLY is one of the most continuously and favorably noted in American History The definite genealogy of this family begins with William Sargent who married Mary daughter of Peter Duncan and Mary Epes of Gloucester June 21 1678 The marriage ceremony was performed by Deputy Governor Samuel Symonds of Ipswich ...

"Joseph S. Benham," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 558-559.
... 558 Ohio Arch 558 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and counter-charges on issues growing out of this subject Those interested are referred to this literature and the newspapers for the attitude of men and parties toward workmen's compensation No good purpose can be subserved by the publication in the QUARTERLY of the views of representatives of political parties on this subject It should be sufficient to record here the fact that a protest has been made The Society desires the interest ...