Ohio History Journal

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"Radical Responses to Capitalism in Ohio Before 1913," by Lysle E. Meyer. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 193-208.
... LYSLE E LYSLE E MEYER Radical Responses to Capitalism in Ohio Before 1913 By the time Ohio entered the last two decades of the nineteenth century various forms of radicalism had already emerged which challenged the basic tenets of the prevailing style of life A number of communitarian settlements had been established in the state beginning with the first Shaker experiments Union Village in 1805 and Shakertown in 1806 The Wurttemberg Separatists soon after founded the Zoar community in 1817 ...

"Dr. B. F. Prince," Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 452-455.
... DR DR B F PRINCE A veteran educator life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and for thirtyone years a member of its board of trustees passed peacefully away at his home in Springfield Monday September 11 1933 at the age of ninety-three years The Springfield Daily News published a carefully written obituary from which the following sketch is gleaned 452 Dr Dr B F Prince 453 Dr B F Prince 93 dean of the faculty of Wittenberg college and affectionately called The ...

Volume 99, , Winter-Spring, 1990, pp. 95-100.
... Book Notes Book Notes For the General Welfare Essays in Honor of Robert H Bremner Edited by Frank Annunziata Patrick D Reagan and Roy T Wortman New York Peter Lang 1989 xiv 390p notes This is a collection of articles published by historians who feel professionally indebted to their mentor Bob Bremner Professor Bremner while at The Ohio State University was indeed a unique scholar one who could at the same time devote himself to the classroom and teaching research and publishing and the ...

Volume 87, Number 2, Spring, 1978, pp. 211-246.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Collection Use and Care of Historical Photographs By Robert A Weinstein and Larry Booth Nashville American Association for State and Local History 1977 xiv 222p illustrations appendices bibliography index 1600 The authors of this work share a passionate interest in the preservation of the photographic past Their concerns are many their experience is wide and their enthusiasm is contagious For some time there has been a pressing need for a concise introduction to the ...

"James Leffel: Double Turbine Water Wheel Inventor," by Carl M. Becker. Volume 75, Number 4, Autumn, 1966, pp. 200-211, notes 269-270.
... JAMES LEFFEL DOUBLE TURBINE WATER WHEEL INVENTOR by CARL M BECKER Though the evolution of steam engines in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries was a dramatic advance in the development of prime movers waterpower mechanisms retained substantial importance in the industrial growth of western Europe and the United States Indeed European and American inventors were substantially improving conventional water wheels and developing new kinds of fluid mechanisms Much of NOTES ARE ON ...

"Explorations of the Seip Group of Pre-Historic Earthworks," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 343-509.
... EXPLORATIONS OF THE SEIP GROUP OF PREEXPLORATIONS OF THE SEIP GROUP OF PREHISTORIC EARTHWORKS BY HENRY C SHETRONE AND EMERSON F GREENMAN CONTENTS Prefatory Note Introductory The Earthworks in General Structural Aspects of the Central Mound The Primary Mound The Retaining Walls The Floor Crematory Basins Depressions Pits and Post-molds Burial Platforms Burials and Deposits of Major Interest The Great Multiple Burial Burials 2-7 The Burnt Offering The Ceremonial Cache Burials 1 10 1 9 26 28 32 ...

"Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915" Volume 111, , Winter-Spring, 2002, pp. 7-24.
... DeMatteo Winter-Spring 2002 pp 7-24 Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915 By Arthur E DeMatteo click to view larger image Between 1890 and the early 1920s a number of progressive mayors assumed office ...

"Pioneer Physicians and Their Participation in the Establishment of Social Institutions in Ohio," by Robert G. Paterson. Volume 48, Number 3, July, 1939, pp. 224-230.
... PIONEER PHYSICIANS AND THEIR PARTICIPATION PIONEER PHYSICIANS AND THEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN OHIO By ROBERT G PATERSON PhD Participation of the pioneer physicians in the establishment of social institutions in Ohio during the period 1788-1835 was sporadic without long term vision and was born of the immediate necessities of the times Almost without exception such participation was confined to a few outstanding medical men They were as a rule men of ...

"America's First Red Scare-The Cincinnati Reds of 1869," Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 13-24, notes 68-69.
... The Reds of 1869 by DAVID QUENTIN VOIGT We are a band of baseball players From Cincinnati City We come to toss the ball around And sing to you our ditty And if you listen to the song We are about to sing We'll tell you all about baseball And make the welkin ring The ladies want to know Who are those gallant men in Stockings red they'd like to know When the victorious 1869 Red Stockings were on tour they introduced themselves by singing the team's official song set to the tune of Bonnie Blue ...

"George Hunt Pendleton, The Ohio Idea and Political Continuity in Reconstruction America," by Thomas S. Mach. Volume 108, , Summer-Autumn, 1999, pp. 125-144.
... THOMAS S THOMAS S MACH George Hunt Pendleton The Ohio Idea and Political Continuity in Reconstruction America The severe defeat of the Democrats in the 1866 election in Ohio and across the country left some of the party's political positions meaningless With a Republican majority in Congress and Reconstruction issues under its control the Democratic Party pinned its future on the ideas of a politician in the throes of resurrecting a political career George Hunt Pendleton a leading Democrat ...

"Black Insurgency in the Republican Party of Ohio, 1920-1932," by William Giffin. Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 25-45.
... WILLIAM GIFFIN WILLIAM GIFFIN Black Insurgency in the Republican Party of Ohio 1920-1932 An extraordinary change in Negro voting patterns has occurred between the postCivil War period and the present The black vote was remarkably consistent for the party of Lincoln from the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment to the New Deal period but this solidly Republican bloc vote was broken during the 1930's The black vote became more and more overwhelmingly Democratic following the New Deal A misleading ...

"Second Party System Collapses: The 1853 Maine Law Campaign in Ohio, The," by Anthony Gene Carey. Volume 100, , Summer-Autumn, 1991, pp. 129-153.
... ANTHONY GENE CAREY ANTHONY GENE CAREY The Second Party System Collapses The 1853 Maine Law Campaign in Ohio As he sat at his desk in Cincinnati in late September 1852 Rutherford B Hayes recorded his thoughts on the apparent disintegration of a party system that had held the loyalties of Americans for a generation Government no longer has its ancient importance he wrote Its duties and its powers no longer reach to the happiness of the people The people's progress progress of every sort no ...

"The Eclectic of St. Clairsville," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 387-391.
... THE ECLECTIC OF ST THE ECLECTIC OF ST CLAIRSVILLE by PHILIP D JORDAN Professor of History University of Minnesota and Research Associate Minnesota Historical Society For decades the charming village of St Clairsville named in honor of a stiff-necked soldier and governor who opposed Buckeye statehood played an important role in determining the development of the Northwest country Other Ohio communities-- classic-tinged Marietta Cincinnati the Queen City of seven hills sturdy ...

"Fort Ancient and Warren County Serpent Mound," committee report by B. F. Prince. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 621-623 .
... Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 621 Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 621 Outlines of Psychology by Dr Henry G Williams now President of Wilmington College Wilmington Ohio One lot of school publications by R Heber Holbrook in the interest of the Lebanon School to-wit The Reunion The National Normal The Home and School The National Normal Exponent Also catalogues of the school for the years 1873-74 1875-76 1882-83 1883-84 and 1891-93 Among the noted graduates from this school were ...

"State of Ohio's History: A Review Essay, The," by Andrew R.L. Cayton. Volume 106, , Summer-Autumn, 1997, pp. 192-199.
... ANDREW R ANDREW RL CAYTON The State of Ohio's Early History A Review Essay The Ohio Frontier Crucible of the Old Northwest 1720-1830 By R Douglas Hurt Bloomington Indiana University Press 1996 xv 418p illustrations bibliographic essay index 3500 It is axiomatic that each generation creates its own version of the past As much as historians value objectivity most of them see it is a noble but unattainable goal Historians always have and always will interpret the past through the prism of the ...

"Harding Memorial Association," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 643-645.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 643 Reviews Notes and Comments 643 in the minds of the students to imitate them We lack a book describing such people Whereupon some person in the audience called out perhaps not without sarcasm Why don't you write one The challenge was accepted and the result is here presented to the teaching public The choice of subjects is not beyond criticism and the method of treatment may not satisfy all admirers We are too near the subjects for exact appraisement All are ...

"James Fairchild Baldwin, M. D., 1850-1936," by George M. Curtis. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 374-378.
... JAMES FAIRCHILD BALDWIN M JAMES FAIRCHILD BALDWIN MD 1850-1936 by GEORGE M CURTIS MD James Fairchild Baldwin surgeon extraordinary was born in the little village of Orangeville New York on February 12 1850 He died at Columbus Ohio on January 20 1936 approximately 86 years of age He had practiced almost sixty years and nearly forty of these as a surgeon A master of his craft this rugged individualist was finally conquered by one of the surgical diseases of which the least was then known i e ...

"The Liberty Party Leaders of Ohio: Exponents of Anti-Slavery Coalition," Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 165-178.
... THE LIBERTY PARTY LEADERS OF OHIO EXPONENTS THE LIBERTY PARTY LEADERS OF OHIO EXPONENTS OF ANTISLAVERY COALITION by JOSEPH G RAYBAC K Assistant Professor of American History The Pennsylvania State College If there is one aspect of American history that has received the attention that is its due it is the role of the abolitionist in the antislavery movement The main outlines of the part played by that small semifanatical body of men and women have long been revealed the eternal history of the ...

"Albert Shaw's Ohio Youth," by Lloyd J. Graybar. Volume 74, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 29-34, notes 72-73.
... ALBERT SHAW'S OHIO YOUTH by LLOYD J GRAYBAR In the twenty-eight years between 1829 and 1857 there were born in Ohio four distinguished American journalists Murat Halstead Whitelaw Reid William Dean Howells and Albert Shaw In 1857 Murat Halstead born in 1829 had already achieved recognition Whitelaw Reid and William Dean Howells were commencing their brilliant careers and Albert Shaw had just been born All four were intimately associated with one small corner of the state--Butler County--and ...

"Some Ohio Aspects of Military Nursing, 1861-1945," by Mary Jane Rodabaugh. Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 339-351.
... SOME OHIO ASPECTS OF MILITARY NURSING 1861-1945 SOME OHIO ASPECTS OF MILITARY NURSING 1861-1945 by MARY JANE RODABAUGH Managing Editor Ohio Nurses Review The history of modern nursing in the United States has its beginnings in the Civil War At the outbreak of the Civil War there was no group of trained nurses in the United States but after the first battles the demand for nursing service became imperative Secretary of War Cameron appointed Dorothea Lynde Dix-already well known for her work as ...