... Historical News Historical News Columbia University is preparing for publication a new and complete edition of the papers of Alexander Hamilton The editors wish to locate any letters to or from Hamilton and any other Hamilton documents that are in private hands Communications may be addressed to Harold C Syrett Executive Editor The Papers of Alexander Hamilton Columbia University New York 27 New York On the editorial board are John A Krout chairman Harold C Syrett executive editor Henry Steele ...
... DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO 1890-1945 by LINDEN F EDWARDS Professor of Anatomy Ohio State University In America during the nineteenth century there was an unprecedented expansion of population over an enormous territory This situation created a huge demand for doctors with the result that proprietary medical colleges under private ownership were founded in great numbers According to Flexner American towns produced over four ...
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Columbus Ohio April 5 1952 The Ohio Academy of History met at the Ohio State Museum Columbus April 5 at 1000 AM with Dr John Hall Stewart of Western Reserve University in the chair The morning session was devoted to a symposium on American Studies programs in American colleges and universities led by Dr Lyon N Richardson director of libraries at Western Reserve University At the luncheon meeting in Pomerene Hall Ohio State University Dr ...
... LEE WILLIAMS LEE WILLIAMS Newcomers to the City A Study of Black Population Growth in Toledo Ohio 1910-1930 Negroes no longer live in a few houses in a widely separated section They have come to constitute in themselves a good size city1 Beginning around 1915 increasing numbers of Afro-Americans pushed out of the south into northern and midwestern urban communities large and small The massive migration of blacks to the north is well known but has been documented chiefly for the largest ...
... CLEVELAND'S JOHNSON AT HOME CLEVELAND'S JOHNSON AT HOME by EUGENE C MURDOCK In an earlier article published in this Quarterly the present author made an attempt to summarize the accomplishments of Cleveland's Tom L Johnson and to point out his contributions to the growth and development of the lake city1 As mayor of Cleveland from 1901 to 1910 Johnson established and maintained high administrative standards while pushing through a broad program of municipal reform He attracted wide attention ...
... 652 Ohio Arch and Hist 652 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ber of the Committee from Dayton accompanied by a representative group of Dayton citizens who piloted us to Miami Mound where a short stop was made thence into Dayton where dinner was served and a short meeting held At Dayton we visited the Conservancy Works the Wright Aviation Field and other points of interest This closed our activities for the day There is no question that both of these trips were highly enjoyable and ...
... 112 Ohio Arch 112 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The years in which Professor Randall taught were previous to the introduction of the Case system in the Colleges of Law In a degree he anticipated this method of teaching He had familiarized himself with a large number of the important decisions of the courts in cases where commercial paper was the cause of the litigation In addition he had the happy faculty of developing by hypothesis a well constructed controversy His students from ...
... The Naive Liberal the Devious Communist and the Johnson Case by David L Sterling Particularly during the decade of the 1950's but by no means unheard today the allegation has been made that in any cause where liberals and Communists join either fortuitously or by design the former are inevitably manipulated by the latter for propagandist and even more sinister purposes The accusation has emanated from congressional committees newspapers and other publications veterans and patriotic ...
... NANCY SAHLI NANCY SAHLI A Lost Portrait Frank Duveneck Paints Elizabeth Blackwell Frank Duveneck was probably Ohio's best known artist during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and is certainly one whose reputation has been sustained to the present day Born in Covington Kentucky in 1848 he began his career decorating churches in the United States and Canada In 1870 he traveled to Munich to study with Wilhelm von Diez returning three years later to Cincinnati By 1877 Duveneck's ...
... Do the Job He Left Behind Summer-Autumn 2000 pp 144-166 This article is presented page by page and footnoted according to the original print version If a sentence appears to be incomplete scroll down to continue with the next page Copyright 2000 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Do the Job He Left Behind The Cleveland Womanpower Committee 1943-1945 By Julieanne Phillips We feel you just haven't come to grips with the manpower problem or realized that there is a problem ...
... TRAVEL TO CINCINNATI IN 1853 TRAVEL TO CINCINNATI IN 1853 EDITED BY WILLIAM D HOYT JR Writers have described the hardships of travel in the middle of the nineteenth century when railroads were in their infancy but few accounts are as expressive or as vivid as that penned by the Honorable Peter Vivian Daniel Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States while on his way to the Mississippi Valley to hold judicial sessions in his circuit A letter written to his daughter from the ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Guarding the Frontier A Study of Frontier Defense from 1815 to 1825 By Edgar Bruce Wesley Minneapolis Minnesota University of Minnesota Press 1935 217p 250 The author who is head of the history department of the University High School and associate professor of education in the University of Minnesota gives in this volume a study of the frontier defenses from 1815 to 1825 He treats particularly of the defensive military measures adopted against various Indian tribes ...
... About WS 2003 Summer-Autumn 2003 Contents Staff and Advisory Board OHS Board of Trustees Instructions for Authors PDF of these pages Click page numbers to view articles PDF links are also provided for printing articles Can't read PDFs Get Adobe Acrobat Reader ARTICLES 68 Property and Power Women Religious Defend Their Rights in Nineteenth-Century Cleveland by Leslie Liedel PDF of this article 87 The State of Ohio in 1848 As Seen by Traugott Bromme translated by Richard L Bland PDF of this ...
... McCook Field 1917-1927 McCook Field 1917-1927 By MAURER MAURER IT IS FITTING that Dayton the birthplace of aviation should be the site of one of the great air fields of the United States Air Force And it is appropriate that the field which for many years has played a major role in the development of aircraft and equipment for the air force should bear the name of Wright The history of that air force activity in the Dayton area however goes back to a field that was not named for the Wright ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Historic Contact Indian People and Colonists in Today's Northeastern United States in the Sixteen Through Eighteenth Centuries By Robert S Grumet Norman amp London University of Oklahoma Press 1995 xxx 514p illustrations maps appendix conspectus bibliography index 4750 cloth The process of cultural contact between Europeans and North America's native peoples has become the focus of a growing body of recent historical and anthropological scholarship The publication of ...
... BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE Buffalo Child Long Lance a scholarly Indian chieftain from Alberta Canada spoke at the annual meeting of the Society October 2 An account of his address and his visit to Ohio is found on a succeeding page In introducing him at the annual meeting Governor James E Campbell President of the Society spoke in part as follows I am going to introduce a real live Indian of the Blood tribe His name in our language is Buffalo Child Long Lance His name in ...
... AboutSA2002 Summer-Autumn 2002 Contents Editorial Staff and Advisory Board Instructions for Authors OHS Board of Trustees PDF of these pages Click page numbers to view articles PDF links are also provided for printing articles Can't read PDFs Get Adobe Acrobat Reader ARTICLES 101 Visions of America 17871501788 The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler by Louis W Potts PDF of this article 121 The Political Judge Justice John McLeans Pursuit of the Presidency by Thomas E Carney PDF of this article ...
... 48 Ohio Arch 48 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications represent the majesty the dignity the power and the glory of this Great Republic THE GOSPEL OF BURNISHED STEEL AN ADDRESS DELIVERED AT THE BROAD STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAY 25 19 24 Although the Honor Roll which we are dedicating today contains names only of World War soldiers it is thought something should be said about the soldiers of former wars and perhaps in this day of mistaken pacificism something about war in general As this ...
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 85 It is fitting that Mr Hooper should speak for the Club on this occasion Mr Hooper is a charter member of the Club was its first President and has been for many years its Secretary and active Executive I have the privilege of presenting Mr Osman C Hooper RANDALL OUR PRESIDENT BY OSMAN C HOOPER Secretary of the Kit-Kat Club The Kit-Kat Club meets today in sorrow Death has entered our circle and taken our President Emilius Oviatt Randall who ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Best Intentions The Triumph and Failure of the Great Society Under Kennedy Johnson and Nixon By Irwin Unger New York Doubleday 1996 399p notes index 2795 Guns or Butter The Presidency of Lyndon Johnson By Irving Bernstein New York The Oxford University Press 1996 x 606p illustrations notes index 3500 Irwin Unger's The Best of Intentions and Irving Bernstein's Guns or Butter offer timely accounts of the Johnson years tracing the ideas programs and agencies that ...