Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Odyssey of Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby, The," by David D. Anderson. Volume 74, Number 4, Autumn, 1965, pp. 232-246, notes 279.
... THE ODYSSEY OF PETROLEUM VESUVIUS NASBY by DAVID D ANDERSON After more than a century the American Civil War remains garbed in tragedy and pathos heroes and hero worship sentiment and cynicism as it has been since the guns fell silent and the printing presses began to pour out a still unabated torrent of memoirs histories and biographies As an age of heroes it is resplendent with the names of Lincoln Grant Lee Sherman Sheridan -- and Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby Perhaps the least remembered of ...

"First Ascent of the Mountain of the Holy Cross," by W. H. Holmes (of the Hayden Survey of the Territories, 1873). Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 517-527.
... Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 517 Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 517 of powwow as we could traded some matches for some arrows and gave them bread to eat It appears that they were really trying to find their lariats and possibly to claim them We watched them so closely that they failed to steal anything and we saw them depart at last with feelings of relief These fellows came more nearly up to my notion of what bad Indians were than any mortals I had heretofore seen We ...

"Exploration of the Wright Group of Pre-Historic Earthworks," by H. C. Shetrone. Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 341-358.
... EXPLORATION OF THE WRIGHT GROUP OF EXPLORATION OF THE WRIGHT GROUP OF PRE-HISTORIC EARTHWORKS BY H C SHETRONE CURATOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY The Wright Group of Earth-works is located in Perry Township IFran-kli County Ohic one mile northeast of the vill ag e of Dubl in The three uni l s composing the group --a rectangular and two circular enclosures - lie mostly upon the land of Samuel M Wright whose name in recognition of examination privileges and personal assistance accorded by him is hereby given ...

"Address of Welcome by Governor J. B. Foraker," Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 13-15.
... ADDRESSES OF APRIL SEVENTH ADDRESSES OF APRIL SEVENTH ADDRESS OF WELCOME BY GOVERNOR J B FORAKER FELLOW-C IT IZENS The duty that has been assigned to me in connection with this occasion is very simple in its character It does not require nor even allow me to enumerate much less elaborate any of the many interesting and important suggestions which a consideration of the event we celebrate is calculated to start in every intelligent mind Neither does it authorize me to recount the progress and ...

Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 91-116.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Historic Contact Indian People and Colonists in Today's Northeastern United States in the Sixteen Through Eighteenth Centuries By Robert S Grumet Norman amp London University of Oklahoma Press 1995 xxx 514p illustrations maps appendix conspectus bibliography index 4750 cloth The process of cultural contact between Europeans and North America's native peoples has become the focus of a growing body of recent historical and anthropological scholarship The publication of ...

"Outdoor Guiding in History and Prehistory," by Carl E. Guthe. Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 583-595.
... AFTERNOON SESSION AFTERNOON SESSION ADDRESS OF PROFESSOR CARL E GUTHE Chairman Sater called the meeting to order at 2 p m After a few well chosen remarks he introduced Prof Carl E Guthe University Museums of the University of Michigan who delivered an address which was heard with the closest attention entitled Outdoor Guiding in History and Prehistory Professor Guthe spoke as follows OUTDOOR GUIDING IN HISTORY AND PREHISTORY BY CARL E GUTHE The phrase outdoor guiding if considered in the ...

"Robert White McFarland," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 333-334.
... Editorialana Editorialana 333 ROBERT WHITE McFARLAND The Faculty of the Ohio State University as a mark of respect and wishing to preserve in some permanent form a simple record of the life of its late member and associate Robert White McFarland who died at his home Oxford Ohio October 23 1910 prepared the following memorial Professor McFarland was born in Champaign county Ohio June 16 1825 and was a descendant of Simon Kenton He graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1847 and for four ...

"Stephen D. Peet: In Memoriam," Volume 26, Number 2, April, 1917, pp. 299-301.
... Editorialana Editorialana 299 known as Campus Martius and shall hold the same and the property thereon subject to such use as the General Assembly may direct E J HOPPLE Speaker of the House of Representatives EARL D BLOOM President of the Senate Passed March 21 1917 Approved March 29 1917 JAMES M Cox G overnor Filed in office of Secretary of State April 2 1917 STEPHEN D PEET IN MEMORIAM It was in one of the early months of the year 1875 that Isaac Smucker of Newark and Stephen D Peet then ...

Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 421-445.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX Abbot Capt 275 history 105 nationalism 133 education Acoustic sound 355 185-90 mobilization for war 249-61 reAdams Alice Dana cited 160-1 sources 252 culture 261 Swiss 281 Adams C F cited 50 284 286 cholera 378 383 frontier 404 Adams John 408 life 405 See also British America Adams John Quincy 44 50 52-3 56 Central America and South America 163 304 American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Adams Dr R E W 342-3 Society 162 Adams Co 0 19 232 ...

"Dr. B. F. Prince," Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 452-455.
... DR DR B F PRINCE A veteran educator life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and for thirtyone years a member of its board of trustees passed peacefully away at his home in Springfield Monday September 11 1933 at the age of ninety-three years The Springfield Daily News published a carefully written obituary from which the following sketch is gleaned 452 Dr Dr B F Prince 453 Dr B F Prince 93 dean of the faculty of Wittenberg college and affectionately called The ...

"The Educational Lessons of This Hour," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 168-171.
... 168 Ohio Arch 168 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 THE EDUCATIONAL LESSONS OF THIS HOUR REV H A THOMPSON I appreciate the high honor done me by your Chairman in the invitation which he has extended me to speak for a few moments I must tell you in advance that I am not on the program for the day that I have no speech prepared for your listening ears I am here as a member of the Ohio Historical Society whose members are the guests of your committee I am here for the first time in ...

Volume 68, Number 2, April, 1959, pp. 188-192.
... Historical News Historical News THE INSTITUTE OF EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE and the Jamestown Foundation announce the establishment of a special prize competition for the best unpublished book-length manuscript about seventeenth-century America The annual prize will consist of 1000 and publication by the institute All manuscripts submitted whether winning an award or not will be considered for publication by the institute The competition will be judged by the publications committee of ...

"The Mounds of Florida and Their Builders," Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 445-454.
... THE MOUNDS OF FLORIDA AND THEIR BUILDERS THE MOUNDS OF FLORIDA AND THEIR BUILDERS REV J F RICHMOND Mr Richmond now resident of McConnelsville Ohio was born and educated in New York in which city he was for many years pastor of a prominent Methodist Episcopal Church He is the author of several books For twenty years he made his home in Florida where he improved the opportunity of giving thoughtful investigation to the so-called Indian Mounds and the various theories concerning the race that ...

"Index to the Minutes of the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 39, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 872-873.
... INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTYINDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTYFOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Annual meeting Discussion on notificaEaton Starling L 624 tion of 634 Fallen Timbers Battlefield of 630 Archaeology Department of 623 Archaeology Department of 623 First suggestion of change in name of Armstrong Jeremiah 617 Society 626 Society 626 Armstrong Minter 617 Armstrong Minter 617 Fitch engine ...

"The Middle West and the Coming of World War II," by Jeannette P. Nichols. Volume 62, Number 2, April, 1953, pp. 122-145.
... THE MIDDLE WEST AND THE COMING OF THE MIDDLE WEST AND THE COMING OF WORLD WAR II by JEANNETTE P N ICHOLS Such a topic as The Middle West and the Coming of World War II admits the premise that public opinion in a particular section of a nation can importantly affect the foreign policy of the central government particularly in a country run on the representative principle This premise has received endorsement repeatedly in the history of the United States and other countries and especially among ...

"Letters by Governor Tiffin," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 563.
... Editorialana Editorial an a 563 families through his mother being connected with Roger Williams and related to the Reverend John Robinson pastor and founder in 1606 of the Pilgrim Church at Leyden Holland Mr Bates is a graduate of the University of Michigan and is a practicing attorney in the city of his birth Detroit and wields a potent influence in social Masonic educational and scientific circles of that beautiful enterprising city Mr Bates is an orator of unusual force and eloquence and is ...

"The Making of Pine Tar in Hocking County," by Pascal A. Bright. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 151-160.
... THE MAKING OF PINE TAR IN HOCKING THE MAKING OF PINE TAR IN HOCKING COUNTY BY PASCAL A BRIGHT One of the primitive industries in southern Ohio where pine trees are found native was the making of pine tar In the summer of 1929 in company with Mr Emory Bainter who then lived on Big Pine Creek Mr A L Burgess of Columbus whose photographs have done so much to help popularize the state parks and his son I was on a trip in the park region of Hocking County We were in the hollow which contains Sand ...

"Publisher's Information and Table of Contents" Volume 111, 97-100, Summer-Autumn, 2002, pp. 97.
... AboutSA2002 Summer-Autumn 2002 Contents Editorial Staff and Advisory Board Instructions for Authors OHS Board of Trustees PDF of these pages Click page numbers to view articles PDF links are also provided for printing articles Can't read PDFs Get Adobe Acrobat Reader ARTICLES 101 Visions of America 17871501788 The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler by Louis W Potts PDF of this article 121 The Political Judge Justice John McLeans Pursuit of the Presidency by Thomas E Carney PDF of this article ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 92-93.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Jonathan Stealey an adjunct assistant professor of art at The University of Findlay has been named to the Bicentennial Planning Committee of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Inc The Foundation based in Washington DC encompasses a wide spectrum of government officials historians and enthusiasts dedicated to preserving national interest in the historical worth of the nation's best-documented exploration of the American west Commissioned by ...

"Randall, the Journalist," by James W. Faulkner. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 112-115.
... 112 Ohio Arch 112 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The years in which Professor Randall taught were previous to the introduction of the Case system in the Colleges of Law In a degree he anticipated this method of teaching He had familiarized himself with a large number of the important decisions of the courts in cases where commercial paper was the cause of the litigation In addition he had the happy faculty of developing by hypothesis a well constructed controversy His students from ...