Ohio History Journal

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"Report of William C. Mills, Secretary Building Committee" (Dedication of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum and Library Building:) Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 358-361.
... 358 Ohio Arch 358 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications REPORT OF WILLIAM C MILLS Secretary Building Committee I trust as Secretary of the Building Committee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society that a brief history of the building including its cost as it now stands will be of interest at this time The appropriation of 100000 for this building was made by the 79th General Assembly 1911 It was presented to the assembly through the Auditor of State's office and acted upon ...

"Tribute to James Edwin Campbell," by William Oxley Thompson. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 468-471.
... HONORABLE JAMES E CAMPBELL 46 8President of Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Former Governor of Ohio TRIBUTE TO JAMES EDWIN CAMPBELL TRIBUTE TO JAMES EDWIN CAMPBELL BY DR WILLIAM OXLEY THOMPSON HONORABLE JAMES EDWIN CAMPBELL The present opportunity is taken by the University to extend to you most cordial greetings in recognition of your distinguished citizenship and of the approaching anniversary of your birthday The University unable to be in session on July seventh ...

"The Collapse of the Peculiar Institution Through Military and Legal Action," by W. Sherman Jackson. Volume 83, Number 3, Summer, 1974, pp. 183-191.
... W W SHERMAN JACKSON The Collapse of the Peculiar Institution Through Military and Legal Action Before May 1861 the right of slavery to exist as an institution in the states and territories was an axiom of American constitutional law This resulted in part from the highly controversial Dred Scott decision of 1857 Speaking for a divided court Chief Justice Roger B Taney ruled that Scott an African slave could not sue in a federal court to obtain his freedom on grounds that Blacks were not ...

"Medical Societies in Cleveland From 1890 to 1945," by Clyde L. Cummer. Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 344-377.
... MEDICAL SOCIETIES IN CLEVELAND FROM 1890 TO 1945 MEDICAL SOCIETIES IN CLEVELAND FROM 1890 TO 1945 by CLYDE L CUMMER MD Part I THE REVOLUTIONARY NINETIES Since 1810 when Dr David Long moved to Cleveland from Hebron New York and became Cleveland's first physician there was no decade in its medical history so fraught with change as that extending from 1893 to 1903 This development in medicine was but a part of the times Although preparing to celebrate its centennial in 1896 Cleveland as a city ...

"The International Institute: First Organized Opposition to the Metric System," by Edward F. Cox. Volume 68, Number 1, January, 1959, pp. 54-83.
... The International Institute The International Institute First Organized Opposition To the Metric System By EDWARD F Cox SWEEPING AROUND THE GLOBE in the nineteenth century was a new reform bidding for universal acceptance the metric system of weights and measures Coming into a world burdened with a fantastic metrological diversity it arose in answer to the articulate needs of an emerging modern science an expanding world economy of commerce and industry and a growing trend of international ...

Volume 79, Number 2, Spring, 1970, pp. 124-131.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Ohio Canal Era A Case Study of Government and the Economy 1820-1861 By HARRY N SCHEIBER Athens Ohio University Press 1969 xviii 430p maps tables appendices bibliography and index 1000 This book is a study in political economic and ideological history focused at the state level for the period 1820 to 1861 The author assumes and demonstrates 1 that in the area of transportation the state government occasionally implemented policy aims by outright public enterprise 2 ...

Volume 73, Number 2, Spring, 1964, pp. 119-125.
... BOOK REVIEWS FREEDOM'S FORUM THE CITY CLUB 1912-1962 By Thomas F Campbell Cleveland The City Club 1963 128p frontispiece and index 350 The occasion for this book was the celebration of the golden anniversary of the City Club of Cleveland in 1962 The phrase Freedom's Forum incorporated in the title underscores the spirit and purpose of the club Its dedicated adherence to free speech has been the key to its vigorous life and survival It was founded during the progressive era when city clubs ...

"Founding of the Finnish Settlements in Ohio," Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 150-159.
... FOUNDING OF THE FINNISH SETTLEMENTS IN FOUNDING OF THE FINNISH SETTLEMENTS IN OHIO By JOHN I KOLEHMAINEN In the fall of 1886 the septuagenarian Henry Howe returned to Ashtabula on his second historic tour of Ohio Not the least interesting innovation which there captured the fancy of the beloved white bearded chronicler was the presence at the Harbor of the Fins a new element lately come into this region1 The coming of the Finns to Ohio can be traced with some precision About eighteen years ...

Volume 73, Number 4, Autumn, 1964, pp. 263-269.
... B O O K R E V I E W S PROGRESSIVISM IN OHIO 1897-1917 By Hoyt Landon Warner Columbus Ohio State University Press for the Ohio Historical Society 1964 xiii 556p bibliography and index 1000 In 1914 Ohio cities under-represented in the state legislature by design and careful calculation were under the control and sway of what Newton D Baker called the rustic garland that makes a member from Pike County our sovereign A half century later Ohio cities in 1964 are still under-represented--but ...

Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 177-187.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Early Stockaded Settlements in the Governador New Mexico By Edward Twitchell Hall Jr Columbia Studies in Archaeology and Ethnology Vol II Pt I New York Columbia University Press 1944 96p Illus 200 This is a report of excavations carried on in north-central New Mexico by a joint expedition from Columbia University and the Laboratory of Anthropology Santa Fe New Mexico The purpose of the expedition was to expand our knowledge of the Rosa culture phase the oldest known ...

"Critical Investigation versus Careless Presentation," by Bertha E. Josephson. Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 243-246.
... PROCEEDINGS 243 PROCEEDINGS 243 by the Society as its chief contribution in connection with the State-wide celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Establishment of Civil Government within the limits of the State His general presentation is printed in this number of the QUARTERLY as a part of the Prospectus for a History for the State of Ohio pp 249-259 Miss Bertha E Josephson editorial associate of the Mississippi Valley Historical Review was next on the program CRITICAL INVESTIGATION ...

Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 114-118.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Presidency of Rutherford B Hayes By KENNETH E DAVISON Westport Conn Greenwood Press Inc 1972 xiii 266p illustrations notes and index 1200 In his account of the Hayes presidency Professor Davison has attempted to correct the interpretation of the Gilded Age as an era of ruthless plunder depicted by Parrington Beard Josephson Twain and others He portrays Hayes as a decent high-principled experienced statesman a unifier pacifier and reformer He views the Hayes ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History of Ohio, 1974 to 1976," compiled by Charles A. Isetts. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 67-83.
... compiled by compiled by CHARLES A ISETTS A Survey of Publications on the History of Ohio 1974 to 1976 ANTISLAVERY Cardinal Eric J Antislavery Sentiment and Political Transformation in the 1850's Portage County Ohio Old Northwest 1 1975 223-238 Harrold Stanley C Jr Forging an Antislavery Instrument Gamaliel Bailey and the Foundation of the Ohio Liberty Party Old Northwest 2 1976 371-387 Ludwig Charles Levi Coffin and the Underground Railroad Scottdale Pennsylvania Herald Press 1975 184p Lupold ...

"Robert Frederick Wolfe," Volume 36, Number 2, April, 1927, pp. 315-317.
... Reviews and Comments 315 Reviews and Comments 315 1885 A copy of each of these with his autograph he presented to the McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio They are in the list of books presented to the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Just as we go to press Henry Ford has contributed Reprints of the Fifth and Sixth Readers Copyright of 1866 These complete his series of reprints ROBERT FREDERICK WOLFE The capital city of Ohio was shocked on January 13 1927 to learn of the tragic ...

Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 425-449.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The McNamara Strategy and the Vietnam War Program Budgeting in the Pentagon 1960-1968 By Gregory Palmer Westport Greenwood Press 1978 169p tables notes bibliography index 1595 Recently a research fellow at the Institute of United States Studies at the University of London Gregory Palmer has written an important critique of rationalism in American strategy and especially in the McNamara Pentagon Published in Greenwood's Contributions in Political Science series and ...

"Conference of Historical Agencies in the Upper Mississippi Valley: Minutes of a Meeting at Rochester, New York, on December 29, 1926," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 148-149.
... 148 Ohio Arch 148 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Mr Meeker is the author of a number of books The list according to information at hand is as follows Washington Territory West of the Cascade Mountains 1870 Hop Growing in the United States 1883 Pioneer Reminiscences of Puget Sound 1905 The Tragedy of Leschi 1906 The Oregon Trail 1907 Uncle Ezra's Pioneer Stories for Children 1916 Eighty-five Years of a Busy Life 1916 Seventy Years of Progress in Washington 1921 Ox-Team Days on the ...

"Jesup W. Scott and A West of Cities," by Charles N. Glaab. Volume 73, Number 1, Winter, 1964, pp. 3-12, notes 56.
... JESUP W SCOTT AND A WEST OF CITIES by CHARLES N GLAAB Nineteenth-century writing about the meaning of the American westward movement often emphasizes primitive romantic or agrarian sides of this national experience In the West the American casts off the bonds of Old Europe struggles against elemental forces of nature finds republican virtue in the freehold and adopts the values of an agricultural society Scholars justifiably have paid considerable attention to these conceptions themes to be ...

"Tom L. Johnson," by Robert H. Bremner. Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 1-13.
... TOM L TOM L JOHNSON by ROBERT H BREMNER Instructor in History Ohio State University In 1901 the voters of Cleveland Ohio chose as their mayor a resourceful and unconventional man newly retired from a successful business career who was the best known American follower of Henry George Tom L Johnson remained in office for eight exciting and enlightening years Born in 1854 into an aristocratic southern family which was impoverished during the Civil War Johnson had to go to work while still a child ...

"Early Ohio Painters: Cincinnati, 1830-1850," (Collections and Exhibits) Volume 73, Number 2, Spring, 1964, pp. 111-118, notes 131-132.
... COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS EARLY OHIO PAINTERS CINCINNATI 1830-1850 by DONALD R MacKENZIE WHEN AN 1840 editor of the New York Star wrote Cincinnati What is there in the atmosphere of Cincinnati that has so thoroughly awakened the arts of sculpture and painting he was expressing an outsider's appraisal of the Queen City The famous Mrs Trollope after three years in Cincinnati had come nearer the truth with her observation on the indigenous American artist With regard to the fine arts ...

"John Bailhache: A British Editor in Early Ohio," by William L. Fisk. Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 141-147.
... John Bailhache John Bailhache A British Editor in Early Ohio By WILLIAM L FISK THE WESTERN PRESS was one of the chief formative inf l uences upon public opinion in early ninteenth-century Ohio Cut off by time and distance from eastern standards and eastern inhibitions it might apprise its readers of the imminent threat of British interests in the Old Northwest and at the same time vigorously promote regional or sectional interests or gleefully involve itself in internecine warfare with other ...