Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Taft, MacArthur, and the Establishment of Civil Government in the Philippines," by Ralph Eldin Minger. Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 308-331.
... Taft MacArthur and the Establishment Taft MacArthur and the Establishment Of Civil Government in the Philippines By RALPH ELDIN MINGER ON APRIL 17 1900 a brilliant golden sunny day the United States Army Transport Hancock with the Second Philippine Commission on board pulled away from the crowded dock at San Francisco California while whistles shrieked a shrill farewell and the air rang with enthusiastic cheers1 The boat had barely passed through San Francisco Harbor when the commissioners ...

Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 192-223.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Saving the Waifs Reformers and Dependent Children 1890-1917 By LeRoy Ashby Philadelphia Temple University Press 1984 xiii 336p notes bibliographical notes index 3795 This fine book reflects the current interest in dependent children private philanthropy and public policy and shares the hypothesis of other recent works that since child welfare is somehow at the heart of Progressive reformism understanding the child savers is key to understanding Progressivism In these ...

"William T. Coggeshall: 'Booster' of Western Literature," by William D. Andrews. Volume 81, Number 3, Summer, 1972, pp. 210-220.
... WILLIAM D WILLIAM D ANDREWS William T Coggeshall Boosterof Western Literature Students of nineteenth-century America have long been familiar with a type of person that intellectual historian Daniel Boorstin precisely labeled the booster1 Typically he was a small-town midwestern newspaper editor or dry-goods entrepreneur anxious to make a killing for himself and a reputation for his town--the order of his desires was never clear Promotion was his method the most insignificant occurrence in his ...

"The Great Goodyear Strike of 1936," by Daniel Nelson. Volume 92, , Annual, 1983, pp. 6-36.
... DANIEL NELSON DANIEL NELSON The Great Goodyear Strike of 1936 It was the first CIO strike a stepping stone toward the automobile industry an affirmation of the potentialities of the sit-down strike a case study of rank and file militancy and a remarkable example of the effects of non-violent agitation' Its beginnings were obscure its consequences uncertain The circumstances in which the strike was carried on and the method used rather than the immediate causes or results made it a turning ...

Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 40-76.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner Volume One 1830-1859 Edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer Boston Northeastern University Press 1990 xxxvii 538p illustrations editing principles chronology abbreviations list of recipients notes 13000 per set The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner Volume Two 1859-1874 Edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer Boston Northeastern University Press 1990 vii 703p illustrations notes index 13000 per set Literary giant Henry James dubbed him the ...

Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 64-81.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Crigler Mounds Sites Be 20 and Be 27 and the Hartman Mound Site Be 32 Boone County Kentucky By William S Webb With Chapter on Physical Anthropology By Charles E Snow University of Kentucky Reports in Anthropology and Archaeology Vol V no 6 Lexington University of Kentucky 1943 74p 20 figs 10 tables This new report on the Adena Complex in Kentucky is the sixth in a series of eight bulletins describing mound explorations of an important prehistoric Indian culture ...

"Robert Clarke, 1829-1899," Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 487-488.
... ROBERT CLARKE ROBERT CLARKE 1829-1899 - Robert Clarke was a native of Annan Dumfreeshire Scotland where he was born May 1st 1 829 He came with his parents to Cincinnati in 1840 and was educated in the public schools of Cincinnati and at Woodward College For a short time he was bookkeeper for William Hanna and then followed his bent by becoming interested in a little second-hand book-store near the corner of 6th and Walnut streets The story of his subsequent life is the history of the famous ...

"The Carmichael Case: Animal Science At The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, 1905-1921," by Chris Cumo. Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 31-41.
... CHRIS CUMO CHRIS CUMO The Carmichael Case Animal Science At The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station 1905-1921 The late nineteenth century was an important period in Ohio because agricultural education and science began to take shape then Farmers had welcomed the Morrill Act of 1862 and the Ohio legislature translated it into institutional form by creating The Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College in 1870 which the Board of Trustees renamed The Ohio State University in 18781 Its creation ...

"Newcomers to the City: A Study of Black Population Growth in Toledo, Ohio, 1910-1930," Volume 89, Number 1, Winter, 1980, pp. 5-24.
... LEE WILLIAMS LEE WILLIAMS Newcomers to the City A Study of Black Population Growth in Toledo Ohio 1910-1930 Negroes no longer live in a few houses in a widely separated section They have come to constitute in themselves a good size city1 Beginning around 1915 increasing numbers of Afro-Americans pushed out of the south into northern and midwestern urban communities large and small The massive migration of blacks to the north is well known but has been documented chiefly for the largest ...

"A Letter of Rufus Putnam's to Nehemiah Hubbard, Esquire, A Non-Resident Proprietor of Marietta, Ohio," by Frank Ankenbrand, Jr.. Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 213-215.
... A LETTER OF RUFUS PUTNAM'S TO NEHEMIAH A LETTER OF RUFUS PUTNAM'S TO NEHEMIAH HUBBARD ESQUIRE A NON-RESIDENT PROPRIETOR OF MARIETTA OHIO Contributed by FRANK ANKENBRAND JR This letter written by Rufus Putnam1 the founder of the city of Marietta Ohio gives but an inkling of the many petty annoyances that beset a man of vision Here are all the little irksome things the exasperating delays and hindrances the mosquito bites of adversity such as irritated the men who hewed from the vast American ...

"Theodore E. Burton," Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 436-437.
... 436 THEODORE E THEODORE E BURTON Theodore E Burton was born at Jefferson Ohio December 20 1851 was graduated from Oberlin College in 1872 received the degree of LL D from Oberlin and Dartmouth Colleges and from New York University Ohio University and other institutions was admitted to the bar and commenced the practice of law in Cleveland in 1875 was elected to the National House of Representatives and served through the fifty-first fifty-fourth to sixtieth and sixty-sixth and sixty-eighth ...

"War Mothers of Ohio," by Elizabeth L. Clark. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 518-520.
... 518 Ohio Arch 518 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Following Mr Burton's address President Johnson said We may well hope that a million radio listeners scattered from lakes to gulf and from coast to coast have been sitting at their instruments listening to these lessons of truth and magnetism We are greatly indebted to Mr Burton for the message which he has brought us I am sure you will all join in a vote of thanks to him for coming to Columbus and appearing before this assembly Mr ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1965-1967," Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 76-78.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS ON THE HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF OHIO 1965-1967 RELIGION WEIS James The Problem of Language Transition Among Lutherans in Ohio 18361858 Concordia Historical Institution Quarterly XXXIX 1966 5-19 Concerns the conflict over the use of the German and English languages in Lutheran services and seminaries WELSH Edward Burgett Origins of Ohio Presbyterianism Journal of Presbyterian History XLIII March 1965 16-27 SOCIAL HISTORY BORGWALD Charles W and Milton N Gallup Memories ...

"Annual Report of the Society for 1960," Volume 70, Number 3, July, 1961, pp. 247-253.
... Annual Report of the Society for 1960 Annual Report of the Society for 1960 AFTER LAST YEAR ' S extensive report of the Society's development through its seventy-five years we shall offer but a simple review of the activities for 1960 At the end of each year the heads of the divisions and the departments prepare annual reports which are submitted to the director These statements supply most of the information from which the Society's annual report is compiled The work of the Society is after ...

"McCook Field, 1917-1927," Volume 67, Number 1, January, 1958, pp. 21-34.
... McCook Field 1917-1927 McCook Field 1917-1927 By MAURER MAURER IT IS FITTING that Dayton the birthplace of aviation should be the site of one of the great air fields of the United States Air Force And it is appropriate that the field which for many years has played a major role in the development of aircraft and equipment for the air force should bear the name of Wright The history of that air force activity in the Dayton area however goes back to a field that was not named for the Wright ...

Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 243-257.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Long Meadows By Minnie Hite Moody New York Macmillan Co 194 1 657p 3 00 Genealogy as genealogy makes mighty dry reading to any but members of the family treated history may be but often is not written with suppressed excitement but when both genealogy and history are molded in the form of fiction by the hand of an artist then we get a masterpiece transcending both genealogy and history That is the result Mrs Minnie Hite Moody has achieved in Long Meadows which is the ...

Volume 102, , Summer-Autumn, 1993, pp. 137-159.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Bougainville The Forgotten Campaign 1943-1945 By Harry A Gailey Lexington The University Press of Kentucky 1991 vii 237p maps illustrations notes glossary bibliography index 2700 On November 1 1943 US Marines landed on the west coast of Bougainville the largest and most northerly of the Solomon Islands Following successes on Guadalcanal and New Guinea this assault opened the last phase of the campaign to reduce Japan's base at Rabaul and oust Japan from the southwest ...

"Development of the Teaching of Anatomy in Ohio, 1890-1945," by Linden F. Edwards. Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 329-343.
... DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO 1890-1945 by LINDEN F EDWARDS Professor of Anatomy Ohio State University In America during the nineteenth century there was an unprecedented expansion of population over an enormous territory This situation created a huge demand for doctors with the result that proprietary medical colleges under private ownership were founded in great numbers According to Flexner American towns produced over four ...

"Honorary and Life Members of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 499-503.
... Editorialana Editorialana 499 HONORARY AND LIFE MEMBERS OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HONORARY MEMBERS Baird Prof S F Washington D C Bancroft Hon Hubert Howe San Francisco Cal De Reune Mrs Mary Augusta Ga Gladden Washington D D LL D Columbus Howe Henry Columbus Nicholson Jno P Pittsburg Pa Putnam Prof F W Cambridge Mass Smucker Isaac Newark Winslow Rev Dr Wm Copley Boston Mass Whittlesey Col Chas Cleveland LIFE MEMBERS Anderson Judge Jas HColumbus Ohio Andrews John W ...

"Commerce and Culture, The Pattern in Ohio: An Address," Volume 66, Number 3, July, 1957, pp. 269-277.
... Commerce and Culture Commerce and Culture The Pattern in Ohio An Address By HARLAN HATCHER I extend my most cordial personal greetings to my fellow members of the Ohio Historical Society with which I had the pleasure of working for so many years and which has done me honor in the past and which has especially honored me today by inviting me to come once more and share in this annual meeting of our Society I am pleased indeed to do so In fact any reasonable excuse that brings me back to a place ...