Ohio History Journal

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"Under the Aged Logan Elm" (A Poem) by Rachel E. Hughes. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 548-549.
... 548 Ohio Arch 548 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The little band in homespun suits To whom our ancestry we trace With pride were Freedom's first recruits -- The heroes of a noble race They heard the call of Paul Revere -- His rousing cry To arms to arms And eager flocked from far and near The stalwart yeomen of the farms Hail to the men that made us free Hail to the stainless swords they drew A thousand years will never see Forgetfulness of men so true Their deeds will live while ...

"The Organization of the Ohio State Medical Society and Its Relation to the Ohio Medical Convention," Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 366-372.
... THE ORGANIZATION OF THE OHIO STATE MEDICAL THE ORGANIZATION OF THE OHIO STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY AND ITS RELATION TO THE OHIO MEDICAL CONVENTION By DONALD D SHIRA MD The endeavor during the period of 1811-1833 to establish a satisfactory method of medical licensure under the aegis of the law and which turned out to be such a dismal failure has been recounted in various articles published in the Historian's Notebook o f the Ohio State M edical Journal and in the QUARTERLY of the Ohio State ...

Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 269-271.
... Historical News Historical News THE RUTHERFORD B HAYES L IBRA RY has acquired in the past few months a file of the weekly Clyde Enterprise from the first issue on March 21 1878 through December 1900 The issues for 1958 are being received as published and the file for the intervening years will be completed at a later date Two original letters written by Rutherford B Hayes have been added to the Hayes collections One dated October 31 1884 was addressed to Colonel H J Johnson of Cumberland ...

"The Architectural Legacy of Guy Tilden of Canton," by Eric Johannesen. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 124-141.
... ERIC JOHANNESEN ERIC JOHANNESEN The Architectural Legacy of Guy Tilden of Canton For forty years from the mid-1880's to the mid-1920's Guy Tilden was the leading architect of Canton Ohio according to Edward T Heald Stark County's encyclopedic historian1 Of Tilden's enormous output only a remnant exists but this sample serves to indicate both the variety and the quality of building done in a growing Ohio industrial town during those years Buildings reveal the needs ambitions tastes and whims of ...

"David Kellogg Cartter," by Ruth Gertrude Curran. Volume 42, Number 1, January, 1933, pp. 105-115.
... DAVID KELLOGG CARTTER DAVID KELLOGG CARTTER BY RUTH GERTRUDE CURRAN Naming the oldest son David Kellogg has been a custom of the Cartter family for five generations The second David Kellogg Cartter was born in Jefferson County New York June 22 1812 four days after the declaration of war on the part of the United States against England He was the son of David K Cartter a prominent and well-to-do carpenter and Elizabeth Hollister Cartter The father died when David was ten years old and in ...

"Address of Welcome by Governor J. B. Foraker," Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 13-15.
... ADDRESSES OF APRIL SEVENTH ADDRESSES OF APRIL SEVENTH ADDRESS OF WELCOME BY GOVERNOR J B FORAKER FELLOW-C IT IZENS The duty that has been assigned to me in connection with this occasion is very simple in its character It does not require nor even allow me to enumerate much less elaborate any of the many interesting and important suggestions which a consideration of the event we celebrate is calculated to start in every intelligent mind Neither does it authorize me to recount the progress and ...

"Social History: A Nation Announcing Itself," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 66, Number 3, July, 1957, pp. 229-237.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 66 NUMBER 3 JULY 1957 Social History A Nation Announcing Itself By PHILIP D JORDAN Twenty-odd years ago when the series entitled A History of American Life seemed a shining new constellation in the heavens of historiography a caravan of wise men journeyed by day and by night to Providence Rhode Island to stargaze These priests of Clio ministering to a general session of the American Historical Association were carried away with ...

"Index to Zeisberger's History of the Northern American Indians," Volume 19, Numbers 1 & 2, January-April, 1910, pp. 174-189.
... INDEX I NDEX A hunters 57 hunted in the spring 57 love of nuts 57 skins of little value Aboriginal Races of North America The 57 King of 58 fond of pigs 58 see Drake seized women and children 58 more Account of the History Manners and common in Iroquois country 58 and Customs of the Indian Nations An panther fight 60 sacrificed to dead see Heckewelder 140 Achewilens a rich man 146 Beard pulled out 12 Achsunnami1unschi Delaware name for Beaver season 13 described 61 scarce sugar maple 48 in ...

"Alfred R. McIntire," Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 123-124.
... Editorialana Editorialana 1 23 ALFRED R M cI NTIRE Hon Alfred R McIntire died on Monday September 21 1903 near Jewelsburg Colorado while a passenger upon a train from Emmett Idaho to his home at Mt Vernon He was born July 14 1840 on a farm near Mt Hope Holmes county Ohio and at the age of fourteen removed with his parents to Knox county and settled upon a farm near Fredericktown His ancestors on both the paternal and maternal sides were Irish His grandfathers emigrated to America and his ...

"Minutes of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, Ohio , April 13, 1954," Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 283-287.
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Columbus Ohio April 3 1954 The Ohio Academy of History held its annual spring meeting at Columbus April 3 1954 Registration was followed at 10 A M by two concurrent sessions at the Ohio State Museum At one with Robert Hilliard of Ohio Northern University as chairman James H Rodabaugh of the Ohio Historical Society presented a paper on Opportunities for Writing and Research in Ohio History Comments were made by Randolph C Downes of the ...

"Explorations of the Seip Group of Pre-Historic Earthworks," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 343-509.
... EXPLORATIONS OF THE SEIP GROUP OF PREEXPLORATIONS OF THE SEIP GROUP OF PREHISTORIC EARTHWORKS BY HENRY C SHETRONE AND EMERSON F GREENMAN CONTENTS Prefatory Note Introductory The Earthworks in General Structural Aspects of the Central Mound The Primary Mound The Retaining Walls The Floor Crematory Basins Depressions Pits and Post-molds Burial Platforms Burials and Deposits of Major Interest The Great Multiple Burial Burials 2-7 The Burnt Offering The Ceremonial Cache Burials 1 10 1 9 26 28 32 ...

"Purveyors to the Profession: Cincinnati Drug Houses, 1859-1860," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 54, Number 4, October-December, 1945, pp. 371-380.
... PURVEYORS TO THE PROFESSION CINCINNATI PURVEYORS TO THE PROFESSION CINCINNATI DRUG HOUSES 1850-1860 By PHILIP D JORDAN During the twenty years prior to the Civil War the hardworked Ohio physician could replenish his saddlebags and his office drug stock from well-established and reputable pharmaceutical houses at home and abroad1 No longer was it necessary for the doctor to search the fields and pastures of the back country for the makings of a botanic materia medica He was freed at last from ...

"Presentation of Portraits of American Indians," by General Edward Orton, Jr.. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 132-137.
... PRESENTATION OF PORTRAITS OF PRESENTATION OF PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN INDIANS BY GENERAL EDWARD ORTON JR During the spring of 1924 an exhibit of the work of a rising young American artist Mr W Langdon Kihn of New York was shown in this city and was found to consist wholly of original portraits of American Indians made from life in their own homes under conditions which reduced their natural embarrassment timidity or superstitious fear of portraiture to a minimum thus greatly favoring truthful and ...

"In Memoriam Daniel J. Ryan," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 591-592.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 591 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 591 torical Society at Nazareth are assured that every precaution will be taken to insure its safety Some day I hope every one of you can go to the old Church and sit in front of the old fireplace which we discovered was twelve feet long and six feet deep We will have candlesticks along the wall we will serve you on a Moravian service such as was used one hundred and fifty years ago when the Moravians held services there I know the ...

"Amending the U. S. Constitution: Ratification Controversies, 1917-1971," Volume 83, Number 3, Summer, 1974, pp. 156-169.
... DAVID E DAVID E KYVIG Amending the US Constitution Ratification Controversies 1917-1971 Do the American people have the final approval of proposed amendments to the Constitution of the United States or is that power solely in the hands of their state legislators This might seem an inconsequential legal point had not state legislatures on various occasions in the twentieth century actually ratified amendments in the face of clear voter opposition By referendum voters in several states rejected ...

"Saving Mothers and Babies: The Sheppard-Towner Act in Ohio, 1921-1929," by Kriste Lindenmeyer. Volume 99, , Summer-Autumn, 1990, pp. 105-134.
... KRISTE LINDENMEYER KRISTE LINDENMEYER Saving Mothers and Babies The Sheppard-Towner Act in Ohio 1921-1929 In 1985 the year for which the latest statistics are available 106 American babies died for every 1000 live births in the United States This is a dramatic improvement over the country's 1921 infant mortality rate of 76 per 1000 but as in 1921 the United States' rate continues to compare poorly with many other industrialized countries In 1921 the United States rate ranked seventeenth out of ...

"Boz Reports on Ohio," Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 195-202.
... BOZ REPORTS ON OHIO BOZ REPORTS ON OHIO By ROBERT PRICE On Tuesday the twenty-sixth of April 1842 Charles Dickens writing from America to John Forster in London began his letter with the heading Niagara Falls upon the English Side1 Then very suggestively he drew ten dashes underneath the word English 2 Dickens' first tour of the United States then just about completed had not been altogether pleasant The typical British attitude of the time toward people and things in the States had probably ...

"Critical Investigation versus Careless Presentation," by Bertha E. Josephson. Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 243-246.
... PROCEEDINGS 243 PROCEEDINGS 243 by the Society as its chief contribution in connection with the State-wide celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Establishment of Civil Government within the limits of the State His general presentation is printed in this number of the QUARTERLY as a part of the Prospectus for a History for the State of Ohio pp 249-259 Miss Bertha E Josephson editorial associate of the Mississippi Valley Historical Review was next on the program CRITICAL INVESTIGATION ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 722-726.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR CONFERENCE OF PARK SUPERINTENDENTS The first annual conference of superintendents of parks under the custody of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Museum and Library building August 7 and 8 1929 The work of the conference is set forth in the following PROGRAM FIRST ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF PARK SUPERINTENDENTS Ohio State Museum August 7 and 8 1929 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AUGUST 7 I 5 Introduction and ...

"Annual Meeting of the Trustees," Volume 26, Number 4, October, 1917, pp. 569-571.
... Thirty-Second Annual Meeting Thirty-Second Annual Meeting 569 Col Curry stated that he would start the collection by presenting the Society a full roster of Ohio soldiers in the civil war On motion the meeting adjourned ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES SOCIETY BUILDING SEPTEMBER 28 1917 Present Messrs Wright Cole Buck Prince Ryan Bareis Moore Treadway Schaus Randall Wood and Thompson Absent Messrs Hayes Palmer and Campbell The meeting was called to order by President Wright Secretary Randall ...