Ohio History Journal

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"The Architectural Legacy of Guy Tilden of Canton," by Eric Johannesen. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 124-141.
... ERIC JOHANNESEN ERIC JOHANNESEN The Architectural Legacy of Guy Tilden of Canton For forty years from the mid-1880's to the mid-1920's Guy Tilden was the leading architect of Canton Ohio according to Edward T Heald Stark County's encyclopedic historian1 Of Tilden's enormous output only a remnant exists but this sample serves to indicate both the variety and the quality of building done in a growing Ohio industrial town during those years Buildings reveal the needs ambitions tastes and whims of ...

"Randall, Our President," by Osman C. Hooper. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 85-87.
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 85 It is fitting that Mr Hooper should speak for the Club on this occasion Mr Hooper is a charter member of the Club was its first President and has been for many years its Secretary and active Executive I have the privilege of presenting Mr Osman C Hooper RANDALL OUR PRESIDENT BY OSMAN C HOOPER Secretary of the Kit-Kat Club The Kit-Kat Club meets today in sorrow Death has entered our circle and taken our President Emilius Oviatt Randall who ...

"Tribute of the Daughters of the American Revolution," by Mrs. Edgar M. Hatton. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 116-117.
... 116 Ohio Arch 116 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications TRIBUTE OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION BY MRS EDGAR M HATTON REGENT At the service held at the Chittenden Hotel Sunday February 1 in memory of the late Mr Emilius Oviatt Randall the only floral tribute was a simple but beautiful cyclamen white with a touch of purple the symbol of royalty and I was reminded of the first wild ones I gathered on the site of the Emperor Hadrian's villa at Trivoli Italy springing so simply from ...

"Student Societies in Nineteenth Century Ohio: Misconceptions and Realities," by Rita S. Saslaw. Volume 88, Number 2, Spring, 1979, pp. 198-210.
... RITA S RITA S SASLAW Student Societies in Nineteenth Century Ohio Misconceptions and Realities Student societies flourished in American colleges in the first half of the nineteenth century Historians of higher education have viewed this development as a student attempt to bring about substantive change in the curriculum and extracurricular life1 This idea follows logically from the fact that these societies grew in a period of numerous reform movements movements dedicated to deliberate ...

"Electric Railroad to Serpent Mound," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 287-288.
... Editorialana Editorialana 287 students of the Ohio State University Mr C P McClelland and Mr C C Huntington working under the direction of Professor J E Hagerty of the Department of Political Science and Economics Ohio State University and by whom the preface is written In an introductory note by the Secretary of the Society it is said This monograph does not attempt of course to discuss in any way the question of the policy of the State as to the retention or abandonment of the canals The ...

"William Henry Hunter," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 383-386.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA WILLIAM HENRY HUNTER William H Hunter Trustee and member of the Executive Committee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society died suddenly at his residence Chillicothe Ohio in the early morning of Wednesday June 19 1906 after an illness of only five days' duration Mr Hunter closed his earthly career as he had often expressed a desire to do in the very midst of his daily activities Never was he more energetic or enthusiastic in his life work On the ...

"John Henri Kagi-Biographical Notes," Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 422-425.
... JOHN WHITE GEARY JOHN WHITE GEARY As Kagi in his letters to the press severely criticized Governor Geary it is but fair to state here that the Governor went to Kansas Territory as he afterwards freely admitted with erroneous opinions as to conditions there He was sincerely desirous to do justice to the contending parties but his preconceived prejudices were in favor of the pro-slavery party This led to severe criticism on the part of the free state men It was not long however until the ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1971 to 1972," Volume 80, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1971, pp. 272-279.
... compiled by compiled by HELEN M THURSTON A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio 1971 to 1972 ARCHAEOLOGY Central States Archaeological Journal 1971 published by several archaeological societies CERAM C W The First American A Story of North American Archaeology New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc 1971 357p Ohio archaeology MILLER JEFFERSON J II and LYLE M STONE Eighteenth-Century Cer a mics fr om Fort Michilimackinac A Study in Historical Archaeology Washington DC ...

"NOTES, REVIEWS AND COMMENTS," by THE EDITOR. Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 561-564.
... NOTES REVIEWS AND COMMENTS NOTES REVIEWS AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A NEW BOOK BY LANDON C BELL That scholarly and indefatigable research worker Landon C Bell life member of our Society has published an attractive and substantial volume of 503 pages entitled Sunlight on the Southside Lists of Titles 17481783 Lunenburg County Virginia The carefully prepared index to this work covers 82 pages The book will be reviewed in our next issue COATES KINNEY An Interpretation of the Life and Poetry of ...

"Auxiliary and Non-Party Politics: The 1936 Democratic Presidential Campaign in Ohio," Volume 90, Number 2, Spring, 1981, pp. 114-128.
... THOMAS T THOMAS T SPENCER Auxiliary and Non-Party Politics The 1936 Democratic Presidential Campaign in Ohio Presidential candidates and political observers have long viewed Ohio as a key state In the 1936 presidential election both parties made an intense effort to capture the state's twenty-six electoral votes The Democrats were successful because of their candidate the popular incumbent Franklin D Roosevelt and their campaign strategy which was to go outside of the Democratic party to ...

"Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress Relating to Ohio," Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 297-301.
... compiled by compiled by DAVID R LARSON Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress Relating to Ohio REFERENCE WORKS BELL OLIVER History of Ohio seventh grade school text Research Associate Educational Research Council DITTBRENNER CURTIS H Guide to County and Municipal Government Records in Ohio Archives Specialist Ohio Hist Society DOOLEN RICHARD M THOMAS H SMITH and HARRY R STEVENS Readings and Sources in Ohio History Hist profs Ohio Univ LARSON DAVID R Reference Guide to Researching Ohio History ...

Volume 96, , Winter-Spring, 1986, pp. 93-95.
... Book Notes Book Notes State Maps on File Midwest Illinois Indiana Iowa Michigan Minnesota Missouri Ohio Wisconsin New York Facts on File Publications 1984 maps index and Illustrated Dictionary of Place Names United States and Canada Edited by Kelsie B Harder New York Facts on File Publications 1985 reprint xiv 631p illustrations bibliography State Maps on File is one of a seven-volume series of state maps compiled by the publishers and specifically geared to the needs of teachers students and ...

"Hocking Valley Railroad Promotion in the 1870's: The Atlantic and Lake Erie Railway," Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 263-278.
... DAVID G DAVID G TAYLOR Hocking Valley Railroad Promotion in the 1870's The Atlantic and Lake Erie Railway Industrialization had begun in Ohio before the Civil War and after a war-imposed delay promised to accelerate rapidly thereafter The Panic of 1873 however stalled the process substantially and destroyed many small industrialists and businessmen With the elimination of the financially weaker businessmen the way was paved for reorganization of the state's railroad coal mining and iron ...

Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 380-383.
... Historical News Historical News THE INLAND RIVERS LIBRARY o f the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County has acquired during the past year two large collections of photographs of boats and other river subjects One collection was the gift of Captain Frederick Way Jr and the other is composed of prints of negatives in the Howard National Steamboat Museum The library acquired also by gift a collection from the Greene Line which includes photographs log books account books menus and ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 35-39.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Spring Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held Friday and Saturday 23-24 April 1993 at Wittenberg University The Oral History Association will hold its 1993 Annual Meeting on November 4-7 1993 at the Birmingham Raddison Hotel in Birmingham Alabama For more information write to Kim Lacy Rogers Department of History Dickinson College Carlisle Pennsylvania 17013-2896 The Forest History Society announces the availability of Alfred D Bell Jr ...

Volume 98, , Summer-Autumn, 1989, pp. 179-200.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Harry Hopkins Ally of the Poor and Defender of Democracy By George McJimsey Cambridge Harvard University Press 1987 xiv 474p illustrations notes index 2500 Perhaps it was the common bond of a Grinnell College education that lured George McJimsey to Harry Hopkins as a biographical subject Certainly few men other than heads of state and a handful of generals were more important than Hopkins during World War II and no one including Franklin D Roosevelt himself was more ...

"Appendix: Report of the Registrar and a List of Accessions 1933-'34," by H. R. Goodwin. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 332-336.
... 332 Ohio Arch 332 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ilton Montana Dr J M Brennan University of Kansas Dr Alan Stone U S National Museum Washington Dr T H Hubbell University of Michigan Dr C L Fluke University of Wisconsin and others Your curator gave 29 lectures during the year before 3000 people and gave one talk over radio station WOSU besides leading a number of field-trips for various scientific organizations During the last meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science he was appointed ...

"NOTES" Volume 52, Number 1, January-March, 1943, pp. 94.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to this Issue RICHARD G MORGAN is curator of archaeology H HOLMES ELLIS assistant curator of archaeology is now in war production work ROBERT GOSLIN was formerly a museum assistant in archaeology MRS HOWARD JONES MARY MCMULLIN JONES is president of the Ohio History Day Association EL M ER E NOYES is studying for his doctorate in history at the Graduate School of Ohio State University A Communication November 13 1942 Mr Charles M Thomas Department of History Ohio State ...

"Judson Harmon," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 136-150.
... JUDSON HARMON JUDSON HARMON BY HUGH L NICHOLS Judson Harmon forty-fourth governor of Ohio 1909-1913 was born at Newtown Hamilton County Ohio on the 3rd of February 1846 He was the eldest son of Rev Benjamin Franklin Harmon one of the pioneer preachers of the Baptist faith who extended the field of his spiritual ministrations through the medium of the old-time circuit-riding to the adjoining County of Clermont Judson Harmon was of English ancestry His lineage has been authentically traced to ...

"Blennerhassett Again," Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 390-392.
... 390 Ohio Arch 3 90 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications a fondness for history itself Dr Naylor's book is having the large sale it well deserves It is published by the Saalfield Publishing Company Akron Ohio BLENNERHASSETT AGAIN In the July 1901 number of the QUA R TE R LY we made somewhat extended allusion to the then current July Century article by Therese Blennerhassett-Adams entitled The True Story of Harman Blennerhassett In the same number we noticed briefly Prof W H Venable's ...