Ohio History Journal

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"The Bank Wars, the Idea of 'Party,' and the Division of the Electorate in Jacksonian Ohio," by Stephen C. Fox. Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 253-276.
... STEPHEN C STEPHEN C FOX The Bank Wars the Idea of Party and the Division of the Electorate in Jacksonian Ohio Among the recent interpretations that have reinvigorated Jacksonian studies two in particular have proved to be central to understanding that period first that the Bank of the United States and banking in general were issues with more political than economic significance and second that it was during the Jacksonian era that Americans learned to accept the legitimacy and competitive ...

Volume 90, Number 3, Summer, 1981, pp. 291-292.
... LAURA RUSSELL LAURA RUSSELL Book Notes Growth Amidst Struggle A Sesquicentennial History of the Longenecker Mennonite Church By James O Lehman Winesburg Ohio Longenecker Mennonite Church 1980 160p illustrations maps notes index Once again James O Lehman puts together the history of a congregation and in so doing makes an important contribution to Ohio's local history In Growth Amidst Struggle Lehman traces the two meetinghouses-Kolb's and Longenecker's-which today comprise the Longenecker ...

"Three Vallandigham Letters, 1865," contributed by Charles H. Coleman. Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 461-464.
... THREE VALLANDIGHAM LETTERS 1865 THREE VALLANDIGHAM LETTERS 1865 CONTRIBUTED BY CHARLES H COLEMAN Associate Professor of History The Eastern Illinois State Teachers College at Charleston The two letters from Clement L Vallandigham to Horace Greeley editor of the New York Tribune are from the Greeley Papers in the New York City Public Library The letter to James W Wall prominent New Jersey Peace Democrat is from the manuscript collection of the library of the New York Historical Society The ...

"'Contest MY seat sir!': Lewis D. Campbell, Clement L. Vallandigham, and the Election of 1856," Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 5-30.
... ROBERT J ROBERT J ZALIMAS JR Contest MY seat sir Lewis D Campbell Clement L Vallandigham and the Election of 1856 After the October 1856 elections a heated political controversy arose in Ohio's Third Congressional District which mirrored the regional and factional turmoil dividing the nation The District lay in the southwestern part of the state and included three politically diverse counties Butler Montgomery and Preble In the election Democrat candidate Clement L Vallandigham lost to ...

"Buffalo Child Long Lance," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 336-337.
... BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE Buffalo Child Long Lance a scholarly Indian chieftain from Alberta Canada spoke at the annual meeting of the Society October 2 An account of his address and his visit to Ohio is found on a succeeding page In introducing him at the annual meeting Governor James E Campbell President of the Society spoke in part as follows I am going to introduce a real live Indian of the Blood tribe His name in our language is Buffalo Child Long Lance His name in ...

"Professor Charles Sumner Plumb," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 108.
... 108 Ohio Arch 108 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Columbus was done with generous enthusiasm To him more than to any other man Columbus owes the fact that the dream of a Civic Center is becoming a reality That noble idea in its concrete form at least was Mr Packard's and many hours and days and weeks he gave to perfecting his plans and to helping create an irresistible sentiment for this greatest of city beautifications this building for the future of Columbus What a monument this will ...

"Restless Americans: The Geographic Mobility of Farm Laborers in the Old Midwest, 1850-1870," Volume 89, Number 1, Winter, 1980, pp. 25-45.
... REBECCA A REBECCA A SHEPHERD Restless Americans The Geographic Mobility of Farm Laborers in the Old Midwest 1850-1870 Groups of people moving westward with their families and belongings were a common sight for residents of the Midwest in the nineteenth century Observers and diarists commented on the westward movement at the time and it later became an important consideration in historians' study of the frontier There were many motives for people joining the westward-moving stream increased ...

Volume 103, , Winter-Spring, 1994, pp. 118-120.
... Book Notes Book Notes Cincinnati Observed Architecture and History By John Clubbe Columbus The Ohio State University Press 1992 xxvi 531p illustrations bibliography index At long last here is an engaging and informative portrait of Cincinnati's architecture history and cultural traditions Written by a native New Yorker and professor of English literature Cincinnati Observed wonderfully blends facts descriptions essays quotes and wit into the first comprehensive examination of its kind since ...

"Hocking Valley Railroad Promotion in the 1870's: The Atlantic and Lake Erie Railway," Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 263-278.
... DAVID G DAVID G TAYLOR Hocking Valley Railroad Promotion in the 1870's The Atlantic and Lake Erie Railway Industrialization had begun in Ohio before the Civil War and after a war-imposed delay promised to accelerate rapidly thereafter The Panic of 1873 however stalled the process substantially and destroyed many small industrialists and businessmen With the elimination of the financially weaker businessmen the way was paved for reorganization of the state's railroad coal mining and iron ...

"On the History of Intellectual History," by Raymond D. Cahall. Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 173-183.
... ON THE HISTORY OF INTELLECTUAL HISTORY ON THE HISTORY OF INTELLECTUAL HISTORY BY RAYMOND D CAHALL For more than a score of years I have been giving a course at Kenyon College on the Intellectual History of Europe It has been a combination of James Harvey Robinson's course and of the reading of the greatest books dealt with in that course As I have brought it up to date added here or diminished there I have sought to avoid the panoramic and encyclopedic and have tried to lead my students to a ...

"NOTES, REVIEWS AND COMMENTS," by THE EDITOR. Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 561-564.
... NOTES REVIEWS AND COMMENTS NOTES REVIEWS AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A NEW BOOK BY LANDON C BELL That scholarly and indefatigable research worker Landon C Bell life member of our Society has published an attractive and substantial volume of 503 pages entitled Sunlight on the Southside Lists of Titles 17481783 Lunenburg County Virginia The carefully prepared index to this work covers 82 pages The book will be reviewed in our next issue COATES KINNEY An Interpretation of the Life and Poetry of ...

"Claude Meeker: As Member of the Kit-Kat Club, and the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 600-612.
... 600 Ohio Arch 600 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications He was community-minded He was proud of his city He loved his neighbor He was devoted to his friends He was so unselfish gracious thoughtful and kind as Governor Cox said that he exalted the thing we too casually call friendship He found good in everything and was always of good cheer--a kindhearted courteous high-minded cultured gentleman the like of which we shall not look upon again soon CLAUDE MEEKER AS MEMBER OF THE KIT-KAT CLUB ...

"James Leffel: Double Turbine Water Wheel Inventor," by Carl M. Becker. Volume 75, Number 4, Autumn, 1966, pp. 200-211, notes 269-270.
... JAMES LEFFEL DOUBLE TURBINE WATER WHEEL INVENTOR by CARL M BECKER Though the evolution of steam engines in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries was a dramatic advance in the development of prime movers waterpower mechanisms retained substantial importance in the industrial growth of western Europe and the United States Indeed European and American inventors were substantially improving conventional water wheels and developing new kinds of fluid mechanisms Much of NOTES ARE ON ...

"Walter Charles Metz," Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 250-251.
... 250 Ohio Arch 250 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications 1878 chairman of its trustees since 1878 and also its treasurer since 1901 a life member of the Firelands Historical Society since 1876 a member of its board of trustees librarian and editor of its publications since 1888 member of the National Geographical Society member of Huron County Children's Home Association member of its board of trustees since 1889 and its treasurer since 1902 member of the Young Men's Library and Reading Room ...

"Remarks of Governor Andrew L. Harris" (McKinley Monument Dedication) Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 234-237.
... 234 Ohio Arch 234 Ohio A rch and Hist Society Publications right we must be just as scrupulous in doing justice to the man of great wealth as in exacting justice from him Wrongdoing is confined to no class Good and evil are to be found among both rich and poor and in drawing the line among our fellows we must draw it on conduct and not on worldly possessions Woe to this country if we ever get to judging men by anything save their worth as men without regard to their fortune in life In other ...

"Winthrop B. Smith: Creator of the Eclectic Educational Series," by Mauck Brammer. Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 45-59.
... MAUCK BRAMMER MAUCK BRAMMER Winthrop B Smith Creator of the Eclectic Educational Series William Holmes McGuffey 1800-1873 is generally credited with the phenomenal spread of moral eclecticism throughout the United States during the middle third of the nineteenth century Much of the credit should go however to his canny publisher Winthrop B Smith who was the first to recognize the evocative magic of the word eclectic as an advertising device He also wrested complete ownership of the McGuffey ...

"Ohio Agricultural Commission, 1913-1915, The," by James H. Lee. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 219-230.
... JAMES H JAMES H LEE The Ohio Agricultural Commission 1913-1915 When James M Cox assumed the governorship for the first time in 1913 Ohio agriculture was passing through a period of rapid transition The demographic expansion of the late nineteenth century had inflated land values and crop prices a trend which converted agriculture into a potentially highly profitable enterprise Ohio farmers responded by gradually transforming themselves into rural businessmen they specialized developed more ...

"John William Lowe: Failure in Inner-Direction," by Carl M. Becker. Volume 73, Number 2, Spring, 1964, pp. 75-89, notes 127-129.
... FAILURE IN inner - direction by CARL M BECKER In David Riesman's brilliant study of social character types The Lonely Crowd the inner-directed man appears as a typical--indeed the dominant--characterological product of nineteenth-century American civilization1 His values implanted early in life by adult authority and then internalized by the self and supported by edifying print the innerdirected man was rigidly individuated and self-oriented measuring all of life by a personalized yardstick ...

"William Dean Howells and the Ashtabula Sentinel," by Edwin Harrison Cody. Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 39-51.
... WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS AND THE WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS AND THE ASHTABULA SENTINEL By EDWIN HARRISON CADY Few facts about the formative years of William Dean Howells are known except what the author himself left in the form of personal reminiscence Books such as A Boy's Town My Literary Passions My Year in a Log Cabin and Years of My Youth are mellow and interesting autobiography Mildred Howells' Life in Letters of her father contains a few early letters and two revealing photographs The amount of ...

"Letter of Hon. George B. Loring Read at the Celebration by R. R. Dawes," Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 88-90.
... LETTER OF HON LETTER OF HON GEORGE B LORING READ AT THE C ELE BRATION BY R R DAWES WASHINGTON D C April 5 1888 SIR I have been requested by His Excellency Gov ernor Ames of Massachusetts to represent that Commonwealth at the Centennial Celebration of the first settlement of the Northwest Territory under the Ordinance of 1787 at Marietta Ohio I regret exceedingly that at a late hour I am compelled to deny myself the pleasure of being present on the occasion I feel it to be my duty however to ...