... medicines that desirable object can be effected Emetics have been recommended by some muriate of baryta by others but though there is every reason to believe that tubercles have in some cases dispersed yet the effect appears to be as completely out of our control as the manner of their formation is beyond our knowledge All that PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO 215 PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO 215 can be reasonably expected from medicine is to keep ...
... 102 Ohio Arch 102 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications was introduced by Mr Burdell and asked to invoke the Divine blessing REVEREND NAPHTALI LUCCOCK Our Father's God from out whose hand The centuries fall like grains of sand We stand in this sunlit hour of privilege with grateful hearts for the splendid inheritance thou hast given us in the midst of the years We thank thee for the happy memories which crowd our hearts and for the great opportunities which open before us Put thy blessing ...
... BOOK REVIEWS FRONTIER AMERICAN LITERATURE AND THE AMERICAN WEST By Edwin Fussell Princeton N J Princeton University Press 1965 xvi450p introduction and index 850 This is a stimulating though highly speculative book In the preface Fussell explains he offers it as an example of imaginative historiography a method of writing history in which facts are used merely as emblems to illustrate the theme His procedure seems somewhat similar to that employed in Increase Mather's Divine Providences in ...
... CHARLES RICHARD WILLIAMS 326 CHARLES RICHARD WILLIAMS CHARLES RICHARD WILLIAMS BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER In all the generation of able men now passing few possessed the vitality and social charm coupled with the keen intellect scholarly tastes and professional acumen of the late Charles R Williams It had seemed incredible that such bright sparkling springs of life could ever run dry His death on May 6 1927 at his home in Princeton New Jersey brought a sense of acute loss to a very wide and ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews First Generations Women in Colonial America By Carol Berkin New York Hill and Wang 1996 xiv 234p bibliographical essay index 2300 cloth 1200 paper In First Generations Carol Berkin has written a marvelous synthesis of the existing literature on women in the colonial era It will likely become a classroom standard Clearly the area of colonial women's history has been one in need of synthesis Imaginative and meticulous scholars have been creating histories out of the ...
... 352 Ohio Arch 352 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ALBERT DOUGLAS The county of Ross is one of the richest in Ohio in historic lore It figured potently in the pioneer and early state annals Chillicothe was the first capital of the state There on April 25 1852 was born Albert Douglas who at the last annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society of which he has long been a life and interested member was elected a Trustee Mr Douglas was educated in the Chillicothe ...
... JAMES N JAMES N GIGLIO Lawyer as Lobbyist Harry M Daugherty and the Charles W Morse Case 1911-1922 Of all President Warren G Harding's 1920 Cabinet selections none received more opposition than the Attorney General appointment of Harry M Daugherty-a fellow Ohioan who had directed the presidential nomination campaign Both the press and various public officials considered Daugherty a freewheeling lobbyist with a rather unsavory past To buttress their assessment they uncovered the indiscretions ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR DR WILLIAM H ALLEN'S REPORT ON THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Dr William H Allen head of the Institute of Public Service New York was employed by the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Reorganization to make an examination of all state educational agencies In his report on the work of the Society he sketches briefly the aims and ...
... THOMAS WILDCAT ALFORD 338 THOMAS WILDCAT ALFORD THOMAS WILDCAT ALFORD A GREAT-GRANDSON OF TECUMSEH Among the interesting persons present at the unveiling of the George Rogers Clark monument near the site of the Battle of Piqua the birthplace of Tecumseh was Thomas Wildcat Alford a lineal descendant of that great Shawnee chieftain According to the Handbook of American Indians edited by Frederick Webb Hodge and published by the Bureau of American Ethnology Big Jim who died in 1905 was the ...
... WILLIAM D WILLIAM D JENKINS Robert Bulkley Progressive Profile Twenty years ago American historians characterized progressivism as a political movement whose reform impulse was rooted in the status anxieties of its predominately middle-class membership Since then a generation of historians has effectively challenged the simplicity of that hypothesis and replaced it with the notion that progressivism was more diffuse in nature No longer viewed then as a movement cohesive in philosophy and ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Bougainville The Forgotten Campaign 1943-1945 By Harry A Gailey Lexington The University Press of Kentucky 1991 vii 237p maps illustrations notes glossary bibliography index 2700 On November 1 1943 US Marines landed on the west coast of Bougainville the largest and most northerly of the Solomon Islands Following successes on Guadalcanal and New Guinea this assault opened the last phase of the campaign to reduce Japan's base at Rabaul and oust Japan from the southwest ...
... A LETTER OF RUFUS PUTNAM'S TO NEHEMIAH A LETTER OF RUFUS PUTNAM'S TO NEHEMIAH HUBBARD ESQUIRE A NON-RESIDENT PROPRIETOR OF MARIETTA OHIO Contributed by FRANK ANKENBRAND JR This letter written by Rufus Putnam1 the founder of the city of Marietta Ohio gives but an inkling of the many petty annoyances that beset a man of vision Here are all the little irksome things the exasperating delays and hindrances the mosquito bites of adversity such as irritated the men who hewed from the vast American ...
... 460 Ohio Arch 460 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications technic Institute the Brooklyn Institute the Missouri Historical Society the Florida State Museum the president of Tufts College the National Society of D A R etc ADDRESS OF CONGRESSMAN OVERMYER Congressman A W Overmyer of the 13th Ohio District who came from Washington D C expressly to take part in the dedicatory exercises then delivered the following address Fortunate indeed are all of us who have been permitted to witness this ...
... BARBARA GROSECLOSE BARBARA GROSECLOSE Itinerant Painting In Ohio Origins and Implications Among the most intriguing features of Ohio's art history is the role of itinerant painting in the development of the region's arthow and why itinerant painting occurred what implications the itinerant experience had for the career of the individual artist and in what manner Ohio itinerant painting might have contributed to or be related to the growth of mainstream American painting Itinerant painting is ...
... Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 629 Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 629 can devote his attention to matters of the sort and such has been finally accomplished Matters should now soon be adjusted which will permit some activity on the part of the agent and the purpose for which he was employed and for which the Historical Societies Committee was organized should now in the not distant future become apparent Officers and members of this Society and members of this committee should ...
... VERNON L VERNON L VOLPE Benjamin Wade's Strange Defeat Benjamin Wade is known to countless thousands of undergraduates as Bluff Ben a grim outspoken advocate of equal justice for freed Southern slaves The memorable but not completely flattering portrait of Wade found in most college textbooks sometimes obscures the prominent part the Ohio Senator played in national politics during the great crisis of the Civil War and Reconstruction A leading radical Republican he chaired the powerful Joint ...
... SHULL'S ROAD SHULL'S ROAD The following letter addressed to the Editor by John William Scholl professor emeritus in the University of Michigan contains enough of historical data to warrant its publication as a matter of record ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN April 6 1946 Dear Sir I have before me a Road Map of Montgomery County Ohio made revised in 1936 by Victor C Smith then County Engineer which contains an especially interesting error Near the northeast corner of the county in Wayne Township there is a ...
... STEPHEN M STEPHEN M MILLETT Charles E Ruthenberg The Development of an American Communist 1909-1927 The Communist Party of America was the product of native radicalism and a foreign ideology that inflamed extremists world wide after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia In the United States many Socialists who had resisted American involvement in the First World War on moral and ideological grounds later saw the Bolshevik experiment as man's only hope for international peace class ...
... Miss Newcomb and the Talking Machine Miss Newcomb and the Talking Machine Edited by ROBERT M WARNER ON THE MORNING OF MAY 25 1878 the girls of the female seminary at Painesville Ohio interrupted their normal school routine to bark mew crow and tell Mother Goose rhymes to a most unusual auditor--a strange looking machine which listened patiently to all their confidences and then performed the amazing feat of repeating them all back again to the intrigued listeners For the first time in their ...
... 614 Ohio Arch 614 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HISTORY OF AKRON A Centennial History of Akron 1825-1925 published under the auspices of the General Committee of the City's First Centennial Celebration July 19-23 1925 and the editorial direction of the Historical Committee Oscar E Olin LL D Mr J M Ada E Allen and Edwin W Brouse Managing Editor James A Braden This book presents the remarkable progress of the city of Akron from its humble beginning one hundred years ago to the present ...