Ohio History Journal

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"Samuel Robinson: Champion of the Thomasonian System," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 263-270.
... SAMUEL ROBINSON CHAMPION OF THE SAMUEL ROBINSON CHAMPION OF THE THOMSONIAN SYSTEM By PHILIP D JORDAN PHD Thomsonian medicine as a system of medical botany created a decided stir both among physicians and the laity during the nineteenth century when so many curious panaceas were being sponsored by scientific groups and by social organizations The Thomsonian school was represented in Ohio not only by scores of physicians but also by medical journals dedicated to the dictum that the flora of our ...

"Class Conflict over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland's Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy" Volume 111, , Winter-Spring, 2002, pp. 25-43.
... Moore Winter-Spring 2002 pp 25-43 Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page Class Conflict over Residential Space in an African American Community Cleveland's Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy By Leonard Moore When discussing the conflict over residential space in America historians have placed ...

"Rise of Medical Colleges in the Ohio Valley," by Otto Juettner. Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 481-491.
... RISE OF MEDICAL COLLEGES IN THE OHIO VALLEY RISE OF MEDICAL COLLEGES IN THE OHIO VALLEY BY OTTO JUETTNER M D F R S M ENGL Author of Daniel Drake and His Followers Secretary of the Western Association for the Preservation of Medical Records Cincinnati O Read at the sixth annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Historical Society at Miami University Oxford Ohio November 6 1912 In telling the story of early medical education in the Ohio Valley or for that matter in the West the account must properly ...

"Old Perry (A Poem)," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 217.
... The MacGahan Monument The MacGahan Monument 217 Thy hills thy fields thy woods have been Since boyhood days my own blood-kin And long my soul and the soul of thee Are blent as one for eternity In infant eyes thy mother-face Poured deep the wine of mystic grace And now to me thy voice and spell Speak high as heaven and deep as hell To breathe of thee all I have known Or dreamed beloved and my own Were to assail a sacred lore But thine and mine forevermore Thus much howe'er I may impart That in ...

"NOTES" Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 161-162.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue EMERSON F GREENMAN is curator of archaeology in the Ohio State Museum MAURICE F NEUFELD is an assistant in the Department of History in the University of Wisconsin He received the degree of Master of Arts in 1932 and Three Aspects of the Economic Life of Cincinnati from 1815 to 1840 forms a part of his master's thesis EDGAR ER S KINE HUME an officer of the Medical Corps of the regular United States Army is librarian of the Army Medical Library in ...

Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 123-124.
... Book Notes Book Notes Ohio Pottery and Glass Marks and Manufacturers By Lois Lehner Des Moines Iowa Wallace-Homestead Books 1978 113p illustrations notes bibliography A useful updating of John Ramsay's 1947 check list of Ohio potteries with additional material on Ohio glass manufacturers this work contains brief company histories arranged alphabetically by town or city and accompanied by reproductions of known ware marks The bibliography indicates an uneven utilization of available material ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 845-854.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR THE MOUND BUILDERS A chorus of cordial appreciation greets the sumptuous volume entitled The Mound Builders by Henry Clyde Shetrone Director of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Promptly on its appearance from the press the following appreciative review appeared in the Cincinnati Enquirer THE MOUND BUILDERS THE MOUND BUILDERS By Henry Clyde Shetrone D Appleton amp Co New York Ohio should be proud that it is ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 611-616.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A LIFE OF WILLIAM ALLEN William Allen A Study in Western Democracy By Reginald C McGrane Columbus Ohio The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1 925 279 p William Allen was one of those political luminaries who never quite attained the brilliance of a star of the first magnitude in the political firmament of his state and nation Very nearly but never ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 37, Number 4, October, 1928, pp. 618-624.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR THE NATION'S HISTORY A new edition of The Nation's History by two Ohio authors Arthur R Leonard head of the Department of History in the Central High School and Bertha E Jacobs of the North High School of Columbus Ohio has just been issued by Henry Holt and Company of New York City The content of the volume of 648 pages with addenda including 37 pages of biography a list of important dates in 1789 and a copy of the ...

"A Bulgarian's Tribute to MacGahan (MacGahan Monument)," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 228-235.
... 228 Ohio Arch 228 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications by assumed super and supra-natural means but in accordance with the laws which govern in the every day world of to-day The twelve labors of Hercules were not more onerous nor more beset with impending perils than were his efforts in the council chambers of chancellories and the closets of cabinets none the less along nervous lines of gathering armies in his task of arousing supine Europe to the point of stamping out the nameless ...

"The Eclectic of St. Clairsville," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 387-391.
... THE ECLECTIC OF ST THE ECLECTIC OF ST CLAIRSVILLE by PHILIP D JORDAN Professor of History University of Minnesota and Research Associate Minnesota Historical Society For decades the charming village of St Clairsville named in honor of a stiff-necked soldier and governor who opposed Buckeye statehood played an important role in determining the development of the Northwest country Other Ohio communities-- classic-tinged Marietta Cincinnati the Queen City of seven hills sturdy ...

"A Note on Mrs. Trollope," by John Francis McDermott. Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 369-370.
... A NOTE ON MRS A NOTE ON MRS TROLLOPE By JOHN FRANCIS MCDERMOTT When Charles Joseph Latrobe made his tour of the West with Washington Irving in 1832 they passed through Cincinnati at a very interesting moment The citizens were big with indignation over Mrs Frances Trollope Latrobe related that they found the good citizens of that rising and flourishing city busily ruminating over the first edition of a well-known picture of their domestic manners which the English press had just sent forth for ...

"The Place of the Ohio Valley in American History," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 32-47.
... THE PLACE OF THE OHIO VALLEY THE PLACE OF THE OHIO VALLEY IN AMERICAN HISTORY FREDERICK JACKSON TURNER Professor of History University of Wisconsin Mr Turner until the fall of 1910 was professor of American History in the University of Wisconsin He is now professor of Western American History at Harvard University and the past year 1910 was president of the American Historical Association He delivered the address herewith published at the meeting of the Ohio Valley Historical Association held ...

"Land Grants for Education in the Ohio Valley States," by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 25, Number 1, January, 1916, pp. 59-70.
... LAND GRANTS FOR EDUCATION IN THE OHIO LAND GRANTS FOR EDUCATION IN THE OHIO VALLEY STATES BY CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF In the discussion of the subject at hand I find I am con fronted with three very positive limitations First because the story of land grants for education is one that even the most investigating historian can find but little new general material upon which to write Second the program committee has wisely limited the time in which the subject may be presented However laudable this ...

"Ohio College and University Departments of History," Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 236-239.
... OHIO COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY OHIO COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS OF HISTORY University of Akron Akron Reuben V Smith Summerfield Baldwin Chairman Homer R Cotterham Clara G Roe King Bradow Clarence D Leckey Case Institute of Technology Antioch College Yellow Springs Cleveland Irwin Abrams Chairman Stanton Ling Davis Chairman Louis Filler George A Carroll James Horton Kenyon C Kramer William F Zornow Ashland College Ashland Cedarville College Cedarville E G Mason Chairman R W Bixler Donald R ...

"Ohio Cave Dwellers," by J. H. Galbraith. Volume 24, Number 3, July, 1915, pp. 540.
... 540 Ohio Arch 540 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publicat io ns OHIO CAVE DWELLERS BY J H GALBRA IT H Mr Galbraith has for some time been publishing a series of Short Stories of the Buckeye State Many of them are worthy of preservation in permanent form Archaeologists will be interested in the one herewith reprinted Did the Cave Dwellers antedate the Mound Builders - EDITOR When Charles Whittlesey explored the shelter houses or caves under the sandstone outcropping along the Black river in the ...

"Address of Welcome by Governor J. B. Foraker," Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 13-15.
... ADDRESSES OF APRIL SEVENTH ADDRESSES OF APRIL SEVENTH ADDRESS OF WELCOME BY GOVERNOR J B FORAKER FELLOW-C IT IZENS The duty that has been assigned to me in connection with this occasion is very simple in its character It does not require nor even allow me to enumerate much less elaborate any of the many interesting and important suggestions which a consideration of the event we celebrate is calculated to start in every intelligent mind Neither does it authorize me to recount the progress and ...

"Mark Twain's Hadleyburg," by Guy A. Cardwell. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 257-264.
... MARK TWAIN'S HADLEYBURG MARK TWAIN'S HADLEYBURG by GUY A CARDWELL Professor of English Washington University St Louis Citizens of Oberlin Ohio have claimed for their town the distinction of being the original for Hadleyburg in Mark Twain's The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg The story reflects Twain's resentment they think at the unfavorable reception they accorded his readings in the First Congregational Church on February 11 1885 Mr Russel Nye examines and approves this Oberlin tradition in a ...

"Henry Ford and the McGuffey Readers," Volume 36, Number 2, April, 1927, pp. 314-315.
... 314 Ohio Arch 314 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications historic building but no one has come forward with the money to purchase and preserve it It is likely to share the fate of the house in Niles in which William McKinley was born JUDSON HARMON Judson Harmon jurist attorney general in the cabinet of President Cleveland and twice elected governor of Ohio died in Cincinnati February 22 1927 He was a graduate of Denison University a lawyer of eminent ability and a life member of the Ohio ...

"Tribute of Ex-Gov. J. B. Foraker (Ohio Battle Flags)," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 248-249.
... 248 Ohio Arch 2 48 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications such service varies but never ceases And it must come from its citizens themselves if our Republic is to live Sincerely yours JUDSON HARMON TRIBUTE OF EX-GOV J B FORAKER APRIL II 1917 DEAR MR LIGGITT I have your letter of April 9th and sincerely thank you for the privilege you give me of saying something about the Battle Flags to be incorporated in the Memorial Book you are intending to publish If I were in better health I would no ...