Ohio History Journal

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"Race and Realism in the Fiction of Charles W. Chesnutt," Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 122-130.
... CARY D CARY D WINTZ Race and Realism in the Fiction of Charles WChesnutt In this day of increased awareness of the role blacks have played in American history and culture it is somewhat surprising that Charles W Chesnutt is only recently being recognized by students of history and literature He played an important part in the development of black American literature during the last decade of the nineteenth century and also helped to lay the foundation for the Negro Renaissance of the 1920's ...

"From Constitution to Higher Law: The Reinterpretation of the Northwest Ordinance," Volume 94, , Winter-Spring, 1985, pp. 5-33.
... PETER S PETER S ONUF From Constitution to Higher Law The Reinterpretation of the Northwest Ordinance The Northwest Ordinance is one of the most celebrated texts in American constitutional history During the state-making era in the Old Northwest Territory it was also a controversial document Treated reverently by some speakers and writers it was dismissed with contempt by others Promoters claimed that the Ordinance was a constitution for the territories and future states of the Northwest ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, April 5, 1940," Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 247-248.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 247 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 247 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY APRIL 5 1940 The regular April meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Ohio State Museum Friday noon April 5 1940 Trustees present were Messrs Eagleson who presided Florence Rightmire Spencer Spetnagel Weygandt and Wolfe Director Shetrone ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 92-93.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Jonathan Stealey an adjunct assistant professor of art at The University of Findlay has been named to the Bicentennial Planning Committee of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Inc The Foundation based in Washington DC encompasses a wide spectrum of government officials historians and enthusiasts dedicated to preserving national interest in the historical worth of the nation's best-documented exploration of the American west Commissioned by ...

"Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Society Building, Columbus, Ohio, Saturday, March 29, 1930," Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 658-659.
... ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO SATURDAY MARCH 29 1930 The Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual session pursuant to call at 1 o'clock p m In the absence of President Johnson Vice-President George F Bareis presided Trustees present Bareis Orton Wood Spetnagle Goodman Florence and Hinkle Director Shetrone and ...

"Origin of Some Early Belmont County Newspapers," by Fancis C. Hibbard. Volume 55, Number 2, April-June, 1946, pp. 178-182.
... ORIGIN OF SOME EARLY BELMONT COUNTY ORIGIN OF SOME EARLY BELMONT COUNTY NEWSPAPERS By FRANCIS C HIBBARD The history of the early newspapers of Belmont County Ohio is to some extent confused and contradictory Much that has been written on the subject is based apparently upon tradition and second-hand information An attempt will herewith be made to clear up some of the confusion and rectify at least some of the errors Two of the present-day papers of the county--the St Clairsville Gazette and ...

"The Bank Wars, the Idea of 'Party,' and the Division of the Electorate in Jacksonian Ohio," by Stephen C. Fox. Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 253-276.
... STEPHEN C STEPHEN C FOX The Bank Wars the Idea of Party and the Division of the Electorate in Jacksonian Ohio Among the recent interpretations that have reinvigorated Jacksonian studies two in particular have proved to be central to understanding that period first that the Bank of the United States and banking in general were issues with more political than economic significance and second that it was during the Jacksonian era that Americans learned to accept the legitimacy and competitive ...

"Country Carpenters, Federal Buildings: An Early Architectural Tradition in Ohio's Western Reserve," by Nancy J. Brcak. Volume 98, , Summer-Autumn, 1989, pp. 131-146.
... NANCY J NANCY J BRCAK Country Carpenters Federal Buildings An Early Architectural Tradition in Ohio's Western Reserve The Western Reserve1 of Ohio was settled in large part by New England emigrants and slightly later by upstate New Yorkers who were themselves transplanted New Englanders These people migrating west in the 1810s and 1820s brought with them a storehouse of cultural tradition as well as dreams for prosperity and success Both the architectural historian Talbot Hamlin and the Ohio ...

"Nationality Groups in Cleveland Politics," by Wellington G. Fordyce. Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 109-127.
... NATIONALITY GROUPS IN CLEVELAND POLITICS NATIONALITY GROUPS IN CLEVELAND POLITICS By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE The importance of the immigrant in the political life of Cleveland was recognized at an early date both by their own leaders and by native born politicians The foreigner realizes the value of team play and may organize for spoils but he has frequently shown independence and has voted a split ticket With the increase in naturalization which has taken place since the war the foreign vote has ...

"Dentistry and Dental Education," Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 386-397.
... DENTISTRY AND DENTAL EDUCATION DENTISTRY AND DENTAL EDUCATION By EDWARD C MILLS D D S F A C D To obtain a true concept of dentistry and dental education during the period under consideration it is necessary to present a general summary of previous conditions and of the qualifications activities and contributions of some of the pioneers in dentistry which ultimately developed into the present system of dental education The course of empire has ever been westward--and this truism may apply in ...

"The Two Lives of Frances Dana Gage," by Carol Steinhagen. Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 22-38.
... CAROL STEINHAGEN CAROL STEINHAGEN The Two Lives of Frances Dana Gage In the year before her death Frances Dana Gage 1808-1884 wrote an autobiographical sketch for Woman's Journal the organ of the American Woman Suffrage Association1 It seems appropriate that the infirm and isolated veteran of so many antebellum woman's rights campaigns would want to create a link to the younger generation of reformers and to mark her place in the history of nineteenth-century reform movements Gage might have ...

"Elizur Wright, Jr., and the Emergence of Anti-Colonization Sentiments on the Connecticut Western Reserve," by David French. Volume 85, Number 1, Winter, 1976, pp. 49-66.
... DAVID FRENCH DAVID FRENCH Elizur Wright Jr and the Emergence of Anti-Colonization Sentiments on the Connecticut Western Reserve Probing the origins of reform sentiment is the sort of sleuthing particularly attractive to students of social history The Connecticut Western Reserve has evoked considerable scholarly discussion much of which vastly over-simplified the interaction of reformers with their environment The origins of sentiments in the Western Reserve in opposition to schemes for ...

"Brooks and Burlingame," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 614-615.
... 614 Ohio Arch 614 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HISTORY OF AKRON A Centennial History of Akron 1825-1925 published under the auspices of the General Committee of the City's First Centennial Celebration July 19-23 1925 and the editorial direction of the Historical Committee Oscar E Olin LL D Mr J M Ada E Allen and Edwin W Brouse Managing Editor James A Braden This book presents the remarkable progress of the city of Akron from its humble beginning one hundred years ago to the present ...

"Disharmony in the Harding Cabinet: Hoover-Wallace Conflict," Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 126-136, notes 188-190.
... DISHARMONY IN THE HARDING CABINET HOOVER-WALLACE CONFLICT by EDWARD L SCHAPSMEIER and FREDERICK H SCHAPSMEIER The campaign of 1920 was a twofold success for the Republican Party Warren G Harding brought the Grand Old Party back into national power and he succeeded in reuniting the party The rupture of 1912 had been healed The cabinet represented all factions During Harding's presidency party harmony was sustained by balancing the desires of the Progressive and conservative wings -- neither ...

"Necrology," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 645-647.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 645 Forty-First Annual Meeting 645 they shall have settled well did not seem advisable nor would it have been possible owing to lack of funds Careful leveling and grading of the park area or as much of it as may be deemed advisable remains as a task for the future A preliminary step would be the breaking up of the entire tract and seeding it to wheat This would facilitate leveling and grading by thorough harrowing or disking and dragging and the wheat stubble would ...

Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 329-350.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Land That I Show You Three Centuries of Jewish Life in America By Stanley Feldstein Garden City Anchor PressDoubleday 1978 xi 512 p illustrations selected bibliography index 1295 Together with Henry Feingold's Zion in America Twayne 1974 there now exist two full-length histories of the American Jewish experience While Zion in America is an exceptionally sophisticated and scholarly survey wrestling with most of the enigmas of American Jewish history Feldstein has ...

"Fish-Hooks Found at the Baum Village Site. A Comparison With Those Found at Madisonville and Other Parts of the State," by W. C. Mills. Volume 9, Number 4, April, 1901, pp. 520-524.
... FISH-HOOKS FOUND AT THE BAUM VILLAGE SITE FISH-HOOKS FOUND AT THE BAUM VILLAGE SITE A COMPARISON WITH THOSE FOUND AT MADISONVILLE AND OTHER PARTS OF THE STATE BY W C MILLS The Baum Prehistoric Village Site is situated in the western part of Ross County Ohio near the small village of Bournville and is located upon one of the gravel terraces in the valley of Paint Creek For two years during the months of July and August the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society has been exploring in ...

"Origin of the Phase, 'Keep the Ball Rolling,'" by Thomas J. Brown. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 444-445.
... 444 Ohio Arch 444 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Again page 279 The French settlers did not locate at the mouth of the Scioto but at Gallipolis See Laws of the U S Vol 2 page 503 On page 276 it is stated that Mount Logan is on Paint Creek Mount Logan is on the east side of the Scioto nearly two miles northeast of the Court House in Chillicothe and is miles away from Paint Creek which is west of the Scioto Page 286 College Hill is named from two colleges College Corner with similar ...

Volume 95, , Winter-Spring, 1986, pp. 51-80.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The United States and NATO The Formative Years By Lawrence S Kaplan Lexington The University Press of Kentucky 1984 xi 276p notes appendixes bibliographic essays index 3000 cloth 1200 paper This volume by a distinguished historian of American diplomacy contains elements of patchwork Some of the chapters have been published before others have not some are detailed analyses of events leading up to the creation of NATO and of the organization's early development others ...

"Government of Ohio," Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 95-96.
... Editorialana Editorialana 95 ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA The latest and one of the best encyclopedias to appear is that known as the Encyclopedia Americana published under the auspices of the Scientific American Company and edited by Frederick Converse Beach and a corps of competent assistants It comprises sixteen large volumes and is produced in the best mechanical and typographical form with copious illustrations maps tables etc One of its excellent features is that the articles on leading ...