Ohio History Journal

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"Tablet to Abraham Lincoln at Mansfield: Where the Organized Movement Began to Make Him President of the United States," by Charles H. Workman. Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 505-521.
... TABLET TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN AT MANSFIELD TABLET TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN AT MANSFIELD WHERE THE ORGANIZED MOVEMENT BEGAN TO MAKE HIM PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES SPEECH BY HONORABLE CHARLES II WORKMAN I arise on behalf of the Abraham Lincoln Association of Richland county We meet to give proper recognition to our forebears in 1858 in this city and in this country for their political acumen sagacity and intuition We meet to commemorate an important fact or event in the political history of the United ...

Volume 68, Number 2, April, 1959, pp. 188-192.
... Historical News Historical News THE INSTITUTE OF EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE and the Jamestown Foundation announce the establishment of a special prize competition for the best unpublished book-length manuscript about seventeenth-century America The annual prize will consist of 1000 and publication by the institute All manuscripts submitted whether winning an award or not will be considered for publication by the institute The competition will be judged by the publications committee of ...

"List of Accessions," Volume 46, Number 3, July, 1937, pp. 281-281.
... REPORT OF THE FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING 281 REPORT OF THE FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING 281 spectively are the two more important additions to the State Memorial list during the year A number of park superintendents' residences have been built and others are under construction Storage buildings comfort stations shelters roads trails bridges fences parking areas drinking fountains flagpoles--these are but a few of the improvements to be credited to the accomplishment of the year Landscaping ...

"General Edward Orton, Jr.," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 656-661.
... 656 Ohio Arch 656 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tees to go forward with the completion of this building and it has been decided to ask the Legislature at its next session for an appropriation sufficient to carry out that policy That having been decided the next step in the project is to prepare a tentative plan upon which to base estimates in asking for the necessary appropriation General Orton having done such a remarkable piece of work for this organization as Chairman of the ...

"Diversity and Woman Suffrage: A Case Study of the Dayton Woman Suffrage Association in the 1912 Referendum Campaign" by Cynthia Wilkey. Volume 112, pp. 27-37, Winter-Spring, 2003, pp. 27.
... Wilkey Winter-Spring 2003 pp 27-37 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Diversity and Woman Suffrage A Case Study of the Dayton Woman Suffrage Association in the 1912 Referendum Campaign By Cynthia Wilkey That it is the duty of the women of this country to secure unto themselves their sacred right to the elective franchise When Elizabeth Cady Stanton penned these famous words in 1848 little did she imagine that she would ...

"Agriculture, Christian Stewardship, and Aesthetics: Ohio Farmers' Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s" Chad Montrie. Volume 111, , Winter-Spring, 2002, pp. 44-63.
... Montrie Winter-Spring 2002 pp 44-63 Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page Agriculture Christian Stewardship and Aesthetics Ohio Farmers' Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s By Chad Montrie In the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries more than a few American farmers took up coal ...

"Marcus A. Hanna and Theodore E. Burton," by Wilbur Devereux Jones. Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 10-19.
... MARCUS A MARCUS A HANNA AND THEODORE E BURTON by WILBUR DEVEREUX JONES Instructor in History University of Georgia The tempestuous career of Marcus A Hanna during the triumphant days of the Republican party at the turn of the century is still the object of considerable interest to the historian While his importance is generally recognized possibly even exaggerated the available biographical material on Hanna is not very satisfactory partly because the accounts tend to be biased partly because ...

"Jesup W. Scott and A West of Cities," by Charles N. Glaab. Volume 73, Number 1, Winter, 1964, pp. 3-12, notes 56.
... JESUP W SCOTT AND A WEST OF CITIES by CHARLES N GLAAB Nineteenth-century writing about the meaning of the American westward movement often emphasizes primitive romantic or agrarian sides of this national experience In the West the American casts off the bonds of Old Europe struggles against elemental forces of nature finds republican virtue in the freehold and adopts the values of an agricultural society Scholars justifiably have paid considerable attention to these conceptions themes to be ...

"Seed Humbuggery Among the Western Farmers, 1850-1888," by Earl W. Hayter. Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 52-68.
... SEED HUMBUGGERY AMONG THE WESTERN FARMERS SEED HUMBUGGERY AMONG THE WESTERN FARMERS 1850-1888 by EARL W HAYTER Professor of Social Sciences Northern Illinois State Teachers College The development of American agriculture as it unfolded from the pioneer subsistence level to that of a diversified enterprise was marked by the general characteristic of change-change from old practices to new ones There were several factors responsible for this inconstancy one of which was a growing necessity for ...

"Ohio's Germans, 1840-1875," Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 339-354.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 66 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1957 Ohio's Germans 1840-1875 By CARL WITTKE The great period of German immigration is long since past and the Germans have been diluted and absorbed along with other nationality groups into a composite Americanism A century ago German immigrants in number and quality constituted one of the most important elements in the American population Most of them were plain people peasants laborers or craftsmen ...

"The Great Goodyear Strike of 1936," by Daniel Nelson. Volume 92, , Annual, 1983, pp. 6-36.
... DANIEL NELSON DANIEL NELSON The Great Goodyear Strike of 1936 It was the first CIO strike a stepping stone toward the automobile industry an affirmation of the potentialities of the sit-down strike a case study of rank and file militancy and a remarkable example of the effects of non-violent agitation' Its beginnings were obscure its consequences uncertain The circumstances in which the strike was carried on and the method used rather than the immediate causes or results made it a turning ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 96, , Winter-Spring, 1987, pp. 57-59.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent appointments retirements and awards within the professional community of Ohio historians include H Roger Grant of The University of Akron has been appointed to the editorial board of Railroad History Warren F Kuehl who joined the history department of The University of Akron in 1964 has retired Roberta S Alexander of the University of Dayton received an NEH-Project '87 Grant to attend a conference on the Constitution Erving Beauregard of the ...

Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 75-78.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Howe Brothers and the American Revolu t ion By IRA D GRUBER New York Atheneum 1972 notes and index 1495 Why some twenty years after it had won the world's greatest empire did Great Britain have to admit military defeat to a small number of colonists on the periphery of that empire This question has perplexed historians for generations and the literature explaining the reasons fills library shelves Current historiography points to a combination of an ideological ...

"The Presidential Campaign of 1864 in Ohio," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 548-589.
... THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OF 1864 THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OF 1864 IN OHIO BY ELIZABETH F YAGER M A B A B S IN EDUCATION INTRODUCTION A brief resume of early Ohio politics serves to show that the state had been for the most part Democratic 30 far as national politics were concerned The Democrats who drew up the first constitution controlled the electoral vote until 1836 in 1836 and in 1840 William Henry Harrison carried the state and Henry Clay secured the electoral vote in 1844 Ohio went ...

"Burke Aaron Hinsdale," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 378-379.
... 378 Ohio Arch 378 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications friend and ardent admirer of and deep sympathizer with John Brown He wrote her a letter the night before his execution expressing his appreciation of her long friendship and his perfect resignation to his fate Well do we remember though at that time but a child of eight how on the morning of December 2 after the breakfast meal that mother at the morning invocation broke forth in a fervent prayer that Divine Providence would sustain John ...

"Ohio Representative John M. Vorys and the Arms Embargo in 1939," by David L. Porter. Volume 83, Number 2, Spring, 1974, pp. 103-113.
... DAVID L DAVID L PORTER Ohio Representative John M Vorys and the Arms Embargo in 1939 During the last few years Congress increasingly has favored a reduction in American commitments to foreign nations This action has reversed a long-standing policy of globalism stemming from World War II Congress probably has not witnessed such widespread noninterventionist sentiments since shortly before World War II when the legislative branch refused to repeal the arms embargo or permit munitions sales to ...

"John Sherman and the Silver Drive of 1877-78: The Origins of the Gigantic Subsidy," by Jeannette P. Nichols. Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 148-165.
... JOHN SHERMAN AND THE SILVER DRIVE OF 1877-78 JOHN SHERMAN AND THE SILVER DRIVE OF 1877-78 THE ORIGINS OF THE GIGANTIC SUBSIDY By JEANNETTE P NICHOLS That tour de force the Silver Purchase Act of 1934 is too close to the present to be judged fairly1 While some critics claim that it simply signifies a cowardly unpatriotic surrender to a small group of wealthy mine-owners others suspect that the faithful servitors of those interests--the fourteen senators from the seven silver states--had the ...

"Newcomers to the City: A Study of Black Population Growth in Toledo, Ohio, 1910-1930," Volume 89, Number 1, Winter, 1980, pp. 5-24.
... LEE WILLIAMS LEE WILLIAMS Newcomers to the City A Study of Black Population Growth in Toledo Ohio 1910-1930 Negroes no longer live in a few houses in a widely separated section They have come to constitute in themselves a good size city1 Beginning around 1915 increasing numbers of Afro-Americans pushed out of the south into northern and midwestern urban communities large and small The massive migration of blacks to the north is well known but has been documented chiefly for the largest ...

"Ohio's Best: The Mobilization of the Fourth Infantry, Ohio National Guard, in 1917," by David G. Thompson. Volume 101, , Winter-Spring, 1992, pp. 37-53.
... DAVID G DAVID G THOMPSON Ohio's Best The Mobilization of the Fourth Infantry Ohio National Guard in 1917 In World War I the United States created and sent to France a massive army which effectively turned the tide of the conflict against Germany Although the American forces were built up from an indispensable cadre of Regular US Army troops and professional officers the National Guard also played an important part Two of the first four American divisions to reach France in 1917 and eventually ...

"Baseball's First Professional Manager," by Harold Seymour. Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 406-423.
... Baseball's First Professional Manager Baseball's First Professional Manager By HAROLD SEYMOUR It is fairly common knowledge that Ohio holds the distinction of fielding the first admittedly professional team in baseball history the Cincinnati Red Stockings1 It is less well known that the manager of that famous team was perhaps the outstanding baseball figure of his time Harry Wright's career spanned the amateur and early professional periods of baseball and provided a link between the two He ...