Ohio History Journal

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"Survey of the Seven Ranges, The," by William D. Pattison. Volume 68, Number 2, April, 1959, pp. 115-140.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 68 NUMBER 2 A P R I L 1 9 5 9 The Survey of the Seven Ranges By WILLIAM D PATTISON THE AMERICAN RECTANGULAR LAND SURVEY SYSTEM established in the land ordinance of 1785 was first put into effect in the Seven Ranges of eastern Ohio Despite the publication of important contributions to the history of Ohio which have dealt with various aspects of the Seven Ranges interesting and significant parts of the survey story have remained ...

"Monument to Anthony Wayne," Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 266-267.
... 266 Ohio Arch 266 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tiers it might be the means of terminating all future differences without war of cultivating harmony and friendship among the tribes of bringing offenders on both sides to justice and causing treaties to be respected throughout the different nations If such a system could be introduced cultivation and instruction would naturally follow and the Americans and Indians would become one people and have but one interest at heart -the good of ...

"The Firelands Grant," by Clarence D. Laylin. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 435-451.
... The Firelands Grant The Firelands Grant 435 THE FIRELANDS GRANT BY CLARENCE D LAYLIN This article is the outgrowth of a paper read before the Political Science Club of Ohio State University The discussion which followed the reading of the paper among members of that club led to further investigation the result of which is the article as here produced-EDITOR In treating of the settlement of new countries the general and proper method is to recite the history of its pioneer days Without the ...

"Western Reserve. How it Has Played an Important Part in the History of Ohio and of the Nation, The," by F. E. Hutchins. Volume 7, Number 2, January, 1899, pp. 259-273.
... The Western Reserve The Western Reserve 259 THE WESTERN RESERVE H OW IT HAS PLAYED AN IMPORTANT PART IN THE HISTORY OF OHIO AND OF THE NATION BY F E HUTCHINS ESQ The Connecticut Western Reserve or as it is commonly called The Western Reserve has from the beginning played an important part not only in the affairs of the State of Ohio but also in those of the United States While there is a very good general idea of what this Reserve now is especially among its own people and those of the State ...

"The First Constitution: What Influenced its Adoption and its Influence on Ohio," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 11-23.
... Centennial Celebration Centennial Celebration 11 The court house square was soon covered with stone and lumber for the present building but the corner stone was not laid until July 12th 1855 when the Hon Thomas Scott and myself had the honor of delivering addresses on the occasion from a point where the northeast pillar of the portico now stands Such was my personal connection with the building on whose frontage we have this day placed a tablet commemorating 'The site on which stood the first ...

"The Origin and Location of the Firelands of the Western Reserve," by Helen M. Carpenter. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 163-203.
... THE ORIGIN AND LOCATION OF THE FIRELANDS THE ORIGIN AND LOCATION OF THE FIRELANDS OF THE WESTERN RESERVE By HELEN M CARPENTER Copyrighted 1935 by Helen M Carpenter 163 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE British Invasions of Connecticut during the Revolutionary War 65 Appraisement of Losses and Granting of Relief 69 Title of Connecticut to Lands Granted 174 Location of Claimants on Lands Granted--the Connecticut Company 175 Location of Claimants on Lands Granted--the Ohio Company 181 ...

"Historic Worthington," by Mira Clarke Parsons. Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 71-82.
... HISTORIC WORTHINGTON HISTORIC WORTHINGTON MIRA CLARKE PARSONS One hundred years ago in the month of October the quiet of the wilderness where Worthington now stands was broken by the arrival of forty families under the leadership of James Kilbourne The journey had occupied more than six weeks They came from Granby and Simsbury Conn representing many trades and occupations and bringing the hope and courage needed in founding a new home in a strange land The previous year their leader and Nathan ...

"Winthrop Sargent," by B. H. Pershing. Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 583-602.
... WINTHROP SARGENT WINTHROP SARGENT BY B H PERSHING PROFESSOR WITTENBERG COLLEGE The fate which history metes out to various men is not always the same Some are recognized by the age in which they live as men of eminence and worth who have rendered a real service to their generation This prominence they retain even at the hands of the most critical of historians Others are spoken of for some years as illustrious among men but when the day comes that they must pass the test of the historical ...

"The Copus Battle Centennial," by Eugene Ellis Williams. Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 379-395.
... THE COPUS BATTLE CENTENNIAL THE COPUS BATTLE CENTENNIAL BY REV EUGENE ELLIS WILLIAMS Sept 15 191 2 the day of the centennial of the Copus Battle was a very gloomy day with rain from early morning until evening But despite the inclement weather about 1000 people gathered in Milligan's grove near the Copus monument situated near Mifflin ten miles east of Mansfield At 11 o'clock Prof G F Wright of Oberlin called the meeting to order and after singing America Rev Eugene E Williams offered prayer ...

"County Historical Material in the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Library," Volume 45, Number 2, April, 1936, pp. 95-150.
... COUNTY HISTORICAL MATERIAL IN THE OHIO COUNTY HISTORICAL MATERIAL IN THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY Compiled by CLARENCE L WEA VE R and HELEN MILLS ADAMS COUNTY Caldwell J A Illustrated historical atlas of Adams county Ohio Newark O J A Caldwell 1880 Evans N W and Stivers E B History of Adams county Ohio West Union O E B Stivers 1900 Hillsboro Belfast and Peebles electric railroad promoters' co Prospectus Peebles O Leader book and job print 1906 ALLEN COUNTY Bowen ...

"Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance: The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews for the Year 1795-II, A," edited by Richard C. Knopf. Volume 66, Number 2, April, 1957, pp. 159-186.
... A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews For the Year 1795--II Edited by RICHARD C KNOPF In this second installment of the Andrews journal which covers the months of May June July and August 1795 the author again records the flow of events through this crossroads outpost of the American army He notes the movement of Indian delegations towards Greene Ville the arrival and departure of chiefs the coming and going of traders the ...

"The Puritanic Influence in the Northwest Territory 1788-1803," by Winfred B. Langhorst. Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 409-445.
... THE PURITANIC INFLUENCE IN THE THE PURITANIC INFLUENCE IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY 1788-1803 BY WINFRED B LANGHORST After the close of the Revolutionary War the rapid movement of settlers over the Appalachian range brought the frontier to eastern Tennessee and Kentucky and to the Monongahela and the Ohio Rivers East of this ever-shifting frontier land values were rising and land speculators and emigrants were searching the West for cheap and fertile lands1 The reports of the Indian traders had ...

"Powder Magazine at Fort Hamilton," by William C. Miller. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 404-407.
... POWDER MAGAZINE AT FORT HAMILTON POWDER MAGAZINE AT FORT HAMILTON DR WILLIAM C MILLER It is generally understood that the Revolutionary War ended with the surrender of Cornwallis October 19 1781 and a treaty of peace was signed at Ghent acknowledging the independence of the colonies and by this treaty the United States were to have and hold as part of its domain the territory from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River and south of the Great Lakes except Florida which was ceded to Spain But did ...

"The Beginnings of Higher Education in the Northwest Territory," by Thomas N. Hoover. Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 244-260.
... THE BEGINNINGS OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE THE BEGINNINGS OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY By THOMAS N HOOVER Rufus Putman never attended a university but fathered the first institution for higher learning in the Northwest Territory He seldom if ever went to school but contributed much to the cause of education His mother when Rufus was still a small boy inflicted upon him an undesirable domineering illiterate step-father who required the lad to work all day and denied him a ...

"Along the Pathway of a Great State," by A. D. Hosterman. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 623-649.
... ALONG THE PATHWAY OF A GREAT STATE ALONG THE PATHWAY OF A GREAT STATE BY A D HOSTERMAN The Great State to Which I Refer Is Ohio Standing the fourth of all the American states in wealth and population and third in manufactures the contribution Ohio has made to the nation in great men great movements great progress and leadership justifies the claim that she is a great state It will be interesting briefly to touch some points along her pathway In the beginning Ohio and the entire American ...

"Fort Malden Today," Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 683-688.
... FORT MALDEN TODAY FORT MALDEN TODAY BY JAMES A GREEN In his correspondence with Washington William Henry Harrison while Governor of Indiana Territory frequently reported that the Indians had gone to Maiden for arms and ammunition That British Fort at the mouth of the Detroit River was a menace to the men of Ohio and Indiana in the early days It profoundly affected our relations with the Indians If they disliked our policy they could go to Malden where the British received them with open arms ...

Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 397-403.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Frontier Ohio 1788-1803 By Randolph Chandler Downes Ohio Historical Collections III Columbus Ohio The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1935 280p maps 250 Students of Ohio history will be grateful to the author for presenting this vivid and accurate account of the origins of the Commonwealth Professor Randolph Chandler Downes has examined and cited in a wealth of footnotes a great variety of widely scattered manuscript collections as well as the ...

"Daniel Boon," Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 263-277.
... DANIEL BOON DANIEL BOON WILLIAM A GALLOWAY B S M D XENIA OHIO In Prof McFarland's excellent article on Simon Kenton he mentions Daniel Boon as having been the most prominent early settler of Kentucky He also quotes from Boon's own account giving the date of his first journey from his home on the Yadkin River North Carolina in quest of the country of Kentucky and the names of his associates on this memorable trip Some of Col Boon's most strenuous experiences occurred in Ohio and on this account ...

"George Washington's Interest in the Ohio Country," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 20-27.
... GEORGE WASHINGTON'S INTEREST IN THE GEORGE WASHINGTON'S INTEREST IN THE OHIO COUNTRY BY C B GALBREATH February 22nd will be the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of George Washington We are apt to think of him as a stately heroic figure far remote from us in time and space Two hundred years is a comparatively brief period in the life of a nation Only four generations have passed away since the death of Washington Many are now living who read in the newspapers at the time the announcement ...

"Tallmadge Township," by E. O. Randall. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 275-306.
... TALLMADGE TOWNSHIP TALLMADGE TOWNSHIP E O RANDALL Six miles east of Akron the thriving official center of its county in almost its pristine solitude pioneer simplicity and primitive picturesqueness lies the quiet little village of Tallmadge Its two or three hundred contented inhabitants go their way today as undisturbed by the social follies or the commercial whirl distant but one hour's travel as though they were lodged in some vast wilderness inaccessible to the inroads of society's ...