Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For shaker medicines

"Captain Thomas Morris on the Maumee," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 49-54.
... CAPTAIN THOMAS MORRIS ON THE MAUMEE CAPTAIN THOMAS MORRIS ON THE MAUMEE By HOWARD H PECKHAM In any historical celebration of the Maumee Valley Captain Thomas Morris may justly claim a brief mention He was the first British officer to ascend the Maumee River I say officer because it is possible that one or two Pennsylvania traders may have penetrated that far into Ohio in the 1740's or 1750's But Morris did something else too He has left us two accounts of his Maumee adventures--one a ...

"Ohio Valley Historical Association: Ninth Annual Meeting," Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 157-259.
... OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION NINTH ANNUAL MEETING The ninth annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Historical Association was held in Columbus Ohio Oct 2 1 and 22 1 915 in the beautiful new building of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society The general topic for papers and discussions was the Early Religious Development in the Ohio Valley The first meeting was a joint session of the Historical Association and the Ohio History Teachers' ...

"Ohio Declaration of Independence, The," by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 404-410.
... THE OHIO DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE THE OHIO DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF B PED By permission of The Ohio Teacher The school histories have always said much about the Mecklenburg Resolutions being the prelude to the Declaration of Independence Indeed some histories make so much of it that you doubt if Thomas Jefferson would ever have mustered up courage sufficient to pen the immortal lines beginning When in the course of human events etc had he not had this brave precedent ...

"Story of Fort St. Clair, The," by Ralph B. Ehler. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 515-519.
... Fort St Fort St Clair 51 5 For purchase of Site of Fort St Clair Preble County Ohio for historical and forestry purposes Title to be vested in The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for State of Ohio 10 000 Buildings 4000 Roadway 1000 Total Site of Fort St Clair 15 000 For this commendable action the good people of southeastern Ohio and tourists from other parts of the state are under lasting obligations to the General Assembly and especially to Honorable Harry D Silver State ...

"Governors of Ohio 1803-1903," by Jean Dick Cheetham. Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 88-89.
... GOVERNORS OF OHIO 1803-1903 GOVERNORS OF OHIO 1803-1903 JEAN DICK CHEETHAM In accordance with the provisions of the constitution of 1802 Schedule Sec 6 an election for governor members of the general assembly etc was held on the second Tuesday of January 1803 Edward Tiffin being elected Chief Executive The General Assembly convened at Chillicothe on the first Tuesday of March 1803 but it was to hold regular sessions thereafter on the first Monday in December in every year Article 1 Sec 25 ...

"Fort St. Clair: Celebration of St. Clair Day," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 506-529.
... FORT ST FORT ST CLAIR CELEBRATION OF ST CLAIR DAY No history of the Northwest Territory would be complete without conspicuous reference to what is now Preble County Ohio Through its primeval forests General Arthur St Clair in the autumn of 1791 marched on his ill-fated expedition to disastrous defeat by the Indians near the present site of Fort Recovery to return later in disorderly retreat Over the same route General Anthony Wayne advanced with his legions by careful stages in October 1793 to ...

"Logan and the Logan Elm," by James E. Campbell. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 367-374.
... The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 367 The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 367 accomplishments of the Americans who came here and out of a wilderness carved a commonwealth Following this came the illuminative and interesting address by former Governor James E Campbell President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society entitled LOGAN AND THE LOGAN ELM Ladies and Gentlemen Logan whose Indian name was Tah-gah-jute was the chief of the small tribe of Indians known as the Mingos ...

"The Personal Reminiscences of General Chauncey Eggleston," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 284-320.
... THE PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF THE PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF GENERAL CHAUNCEY EGGLESTON INTRODUCTION BY FRANK EGLESTON ROBBINS University of M ich ig an General Chauncey Eggleston one of the first settlers of Aurora Ohio was a descendant of the first settler of this name Begat or Bigot Eggleston who came to Dorchester Massachusetts in 1630 and was a first settler of Windsor Connecticut in 1635 Here he died September 1 1674 His youngest son Benjamin 2 born December 18 1653 married Hannah Osborn ...

"Bibliography of the Earthworks of Ohio," Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 191-200.
... BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTHWORKS OF OHIO PREPARED BY MRS CYRUS THOMAS FOR THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Continued from page 7 8 ANY observers in the State who have facts concerning the earthworks of Ohio in addition to those here stated will confer a favor upon the world by forwarding such information to Professor G F Wright Oberlin 0 the member of the Editorial Committee in charge of this department by whom the facts will be classified and published in future ...

"The Establishment of the Second Moravian Mission on the Pettquotting," by Fred Coyne Hamil. Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 207-212.
... THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SECOND MORAVIAN MISSION THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SECOND MORAVIAN MISSION ON THE PETTQUOTTING by FRED COYNE HAMIL Assistant Professor of History Wayne University New Salem the original Moravian mission on the Pettquotting now the Huron River in northern Ohio was abandoned in 1791 after four troublous years In 1804 another settlement of Christian Indians was made close to the old site but it too failed after a few years and had to be given up This second venture had its ...

"The Ideology of Social Harmony and Efficiencey: Workmen's Compensation in Ohio, 1904-1919," by Patrick D. Reagan. Volume 90, Number 4, Autumn, 1981, pp. 317-331.
... PATRICK D PATRICK D REAGAN The Ideology of Social Harmony and Efficiency Workmen's Compensation in Ohio 1904-1919 From 1912 through the early 1920s progressive reformers tried to enact social insurance legislation through a state-by-state and stepby-step strategy to ameliorate the industrial conditions of work accidents sickness unemployment and premature old age An integral part of the campaign concerned the workmen's compensation movement in Ohio from 1904 through 1919 The successful ...

Volume 33, Binding Supplement, , 1924, pp. 597-613.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII Alder Jonathan early pioneer honored Bible Indian translates Gospels into with marker 533-536 sketch of life Shawnee language 339-340 Bibles proby great-granddaughter 534-535 advided for prisoners at Ohio Penidresses by C B Galbreath L C tentiary 390 Dick and others 535 unveiling by Bibliography Shorthorn Cattle 65-66 descendants 535 list of descendants works of George Kennan 226 Mitchpresent 535-536 ener's Legend of the White Woman Alford Thomas ...

"Harmar's Campaign," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 393-396.
... HARMAR'S CAMPAIGN HARMAR'S CAMPAIGN Through the courtesy of Mr Frazer E Wilson of Greenville Ohio the author of several articles on Wayne's campaign and the Greenville Treaty we herewith publish from a duplicate of the original MS a letter written by one Thomas Irvin who participated in Harmar's advance and retreat The document has a double interest the first hand information which it imparts and the crude but direct style of expression typical of the scholarship of the pioneers--EDITOR Dear ...

"Introduction of Methodism in Ohio," by I. F. King. Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 165-219.
... Introduction of Methodism in Ohio Introduction of Methodism in Ohio 165 INTRODUCTION OF METHODISM IN OHIO BY REV I F KING D D Dr King is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University in the class of 1858 He received the degree of D D from Miami University For forty-three years he has served in the ministry of his church and for fourteen years was a presiding elder in the Ohio ConferenceEDITOR The recent celebration at Delaware Ohio of the one hundredth anniversary of the introduction of Methodism in ...

"Northwest Under Three Flags, The," Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 101-118.
... Editorialana Editoria l ana 101 self-deluded It became his monomania He was more Simplician than Charlatan though a curious mixture of both The Ohio legislature in 1850 enacted the Homestead Exemption Law-granting homestead of certain value or a certain amount of property exempt from the reach of creditors Allen it was claimed was instrumental in securing the passage of this law but that is only another of the Allen myths There is no evidence that he had anything to do with it Indeed he is not ...

"The Chillicothes," Volume 11, Number 2, October, 1902, pp. 230-231.
... THE CHILLICOTHES THE CHILLICOTHES BY R W MCFARLAND LL D In any pioneer history of Ohio or of the West in general the word Chillicothe is found as the Indian name of a town As there were several of these it may be well to mention some points so as to identify the one intended 1 Chillicothe-Howe's Ohio and other histories speak of a town of this name on the Great Miami river It was on the site of the present city of Piqua 2 ChillicotheOften called Old Chillicothe This was about three miles north ...

"The Legal Requirements for Medical Practice-An Attempt to Regulate by Law and the Purpose Behind the Movement," Volume 48, Number 3, July, 1939, pp. 181-188.
... THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO THEIR LIVES AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE 1788-1835 THE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MEDICAL PRACTICE--AN ATTEMPT TO REGULATE BY LAW AND THE PURPOSE BEHIND THE MOVEMENT By DONALD D SHIRA AB MD In discussing the legal requirements for medical practice during the period from the first official settlement of the Northwest Territory to the repeal of all laws designed to regulate the practice of physic and surgery in ...

"Ohio in the War of 1812" First Newspaper in the West Reserve," Volume 28, Number 3, July, 1919, pp. 286-368.
... OHIO IN THE WAR OF 1812 OHIO IN THE WAR OF 1812 FIRST NEWSPAPER IN THE WEST RESERVE The first newspaper published in the Western Reserve was the TRUMP OF FAME edited by Thomas D Webb It was a weekly published at Warren Trumbull County the first issue being dated June 16 1812--The date of the declaration of war by Congress David Fleming was the printer As the first volume covers the year 1812 the first half year of the war it is doubly interesting as giving information at first hand concerning ...

"David Zeisberger: Address of Rev. W. H. Rice at Sharon, Nov. 20, 1908," Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 164-173.
... 164 Ohio Arch 164 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications C L McIlvaine representing the New Philadelphia Board of Trade The announcement was made of the organization under the auspices of the Board of Trade of the Schoen-Brunn Monument Association and the names of the Board of Officers were announced as printed on the program President Wm A Wagner President Board of Trade Vice-President Rev Dr Wm H Rice Gnadenhutten O Financial Secretary Professor George C Maurer Treasurer James F Kildenbaugh ...

"Report on the Present Condition of Mounds and Earthworks in Ohio," Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 341-348.
... REPORT ON THE PRESENT CONDITION OF REPORT ON THE PRESENT CONDITION OF MOUNDS AND EARTHWORKS OF OHIO HAVING been appointed by the Ohio Arch ae ological and Historial Society Chairman of a Committee to consider the necessity and the means of preserving the prehistoric mounds and earthworks of Ohio I arranged last summer to spend a week in company with Judge C C Baldwin of Cleveland in making a tour of inspection which should enable us to supplement investigations which we had previously made ...