Ohio History Journal

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"Cleveland Doctors and Their Fees (about 1840)," by Howard Dittrick. Volume 54, Number 4, October-December, 1945, pp. 361-370.
... CLEVELAND DOCTORS AND THEIR FEES CLEVELAND DOCTORS AND THEIR FEES ABOUT 184 0 By HOWARD DITTRICK In determining the period of an undated Cleveland Fee Table presented to the Museum of the Cleveland Medical Library by Henry Schuman of New York the writer became interested not only in the Table itself but also in the signers of this document and the conditions under which they practiced Some factors leading to the publication of such a list of charges are to be discussed here an endeavor will be ...

Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 431-439.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima Mrs Harry B Longsworth Secretary The society recently acquired the record book of the Lima Recruiting Club for 1864 It contains bounty records for 1864 for Ottawa Township which then included the town of Lima James A MacDonell president of the society has donated a Webster wire recorder It will be used for recording talks and lectures and in interviewing older people who find it difficult to write their ...

Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 197-204.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF NEGRO LIFE AND HISTORY Columbus William F Savoy State Director The Columbus branch of the association observed the 23d annual celebration of Negro History Week during the second week in February Radio speakers were Dr James H Rodabaugh Mrs Julia Burrell Charles Allen Dr William Utterbeck Dr John Bennett Dr Allen Griffen Chester Gray and William F Savoy state director of the association Dr Rodabaugh and Mr Savoy ...

"Story of the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention, The," by M. M. Quaife. Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 6-12.
... THE STORY OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATHE STORY OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL CONVENTION By M M QUAIFE Several years ago Mr George Macdonald of Windsor Ont and the present writer attended the joint historical conference of the New York and Ontario historical societies held at Niagara Falls N Y and Niagara Falls Ont The conference was a great success and we came home imbued with the desire to bring about a similar gathering in Detroit and vicinity of the historical societies and ...

"A Paradox of Prohibition: Election of Robert J. Bulkley as Senator from Ohio, 1930," Volume 83, Number 3, Summer, 1974, pp. 170-182.
... LESLIE J LESLIE J STEGH A Paradox of Prohibition Election of Robert J Bulkley as Senator from Ohio 1930 Hail Hallowed Ohio Rich and beautiful state Rivers and roads and railways And queenly cities and great Fertile fields and factories Happy homes and healthM-O-T-H-E-R of Prohibition And a s-o-b-e-r Commonwealth1 The issue of prohibition of the liquor traffic was one that had kept Ohio in turmoil prior to the enactment of state prohibition and the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment to the ...

"The Hopewell Culture," by Raymond S. Baby. Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 182-185.
... THE HOPEWELL CULTURE THE HOPEWELL CULTURE by RAYMOND S BABY Curator of Archaeology Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society This prehistoric culture named by William C Mills from the Hopewell mound group in Ross County closely followed Adena in time and like the Adena people the Hopewell people lived along the principal streams emptying into the Ohio River Valley Sites and centers of occupation of the Hopewell people are located in the main along or in the valleys of the Scioto Little ...

"Professor Charles Sumner Plumb," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 108.
... 108 Ohio Arch 108 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Columbus was done with generous enthusiasm To him more than to any other man Columbus owes the fact that the dream of a Civic Center is becoming a reality That noble idea in its concrete form at least was Mr Packard's and many hours and days and weeks he gave to perfecting his plans and to helping create an irresistible sentiment for this greatest of city beautifications this building for the future of Columbus What a monument this will ...

"George Armstrong Custer," Volume 41, Number 4, October, 1932, pp. 651-654.
... George Armstrong Custer 651 George Armstrong Custer 651 GEORGE ARMSTRONG CUSTER BY GOVERNOR GEORGE WHITE On December 5th 1839 the people of New Rumley were extending their neighborly congratulations upon the birth of a boy Today after the lapse of nearly a hundred years the people of Ohio are extending to the village of New Rumley their congratulations upon the same event and the nation honors Ohio as the birthplace of George Armstrong Custer a national hero In the unveiling of this splendid ...

"Interurbans in the Automobile Age: The Case of the Toledo, Port Clinton and Lakeside," by Douglas V. Shaw. Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 125-151.
... DOUGLAS V DOUGLAS V SHAW Interurbans in the Automobile Age The Case of the Toledo Port Clinton and Lakeside From the first decade of the twentieth century until the early 1930s electric interurban railways connected almost all Ohio towns and villages of more than 5000 population With its numerous cities and market towns within reasonable proximity of one another prosperous agriculture and generally favorable topography everywhere but in the southeast Ohio provided ideal territory for ...

"The Accomplishments and Future Program of the Ohio Historical Records Survey Project," Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 277-292.
... THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND FUTURE PROGRAM THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND FUTURE PROGRAM OF THE OHIO HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY PROJECT By JAMES H RODABAUG H Beginnings The Ohio Historical Records Survey Project began operations in February 1936 It was organized and operated by the supervisors of the Writers' Project until November 1936 when it became an independent part of Federal Project No 1 In September 1939 Congress abolished the Federal projects after which the Ohio survey was established as a State ...

Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 431-439.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLIANCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alliance Mrs Fred R Donaldson President At the March meeting of the society Melvin Van Winkle was elected to the board of trustees and Mrs Melvin Van Winkle was elected the society's representative to the Stark County Historical Society A current project of the organization is the placing of a marker in the old Williamsport Cemetery at the graves of William and Martha Teeters co-founders of Williamsport in 1827 ...

"Annual Report of the Society for 1960," Volume 70, Number 3, July, 1961, pp. 247-253.
... Annual Report of the Society for 1960 Annual Report of the Society for 1960 AFTER LAST YEAR ' S extensive report of the Society's development through its seventy-five years we shall offer but a simple review of the activities for 1960 At the end of each year the heads of the divisions and the departments prepare annual reports which are submitted to the director These statements supply most of the information from which the Society's annual report is compiled The work of the Society is after ...

"Ohio State Medical Journal, The," by Jonathan Forman. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 379-386.
... THE OHIO STATE MEDICAL JOURNAL THE OHIO STATE MEDICAL JOURNAL by JONATHAN FORMAN BA MD FACA Professor of Medical History Ohio State University Editor OHIO STATE MEDICAL JOURNAL The first medical journals in the Western Country published by the faculties of the new medical colleges were used to promote the interests of their schools There was no better medium through which the professors could keep in touch with their former students the journals served as a means of getting new students for ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 556-560.
... OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR KENTUCKY-MOTHER OF UNITED STATES SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES This is the title of valuable compilation by A C Quisenberry published in The Register of the Kentucky State Historical Society for January 192 0 It appears from this that Kentucky has given to other states sixty-one United States senators and one hundred fifty-one represensatives in Congress making a total ...

"Background of Calvin E. Stowe's 'Report on Elementary Public Instruction in Europe' (1837), The," by Charles G. Miller. Volume 49, Number 2, April April, 1940, pp. 185-190.
... THE BACKGROUND OF CALVIN E THE BACKGROUND OF CALVIN E STOWE'S REPORT ON ELEMENTARY PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IN EUROPE 1837 By CHARLES G MILLER In 1836 Calvin E Stowe was a professor in a theological seminary Lane in the young state of Ohio Though no formal connection existed between the seminary and the State there already existed the idea of the higher schools' responsibility to the State to such a degree that the General Assembly requested Stowe with no mention of compensation but see below quite ...

"Inequality Amidst Abundance: Land Ownership in Early Nineteenth Century Ohio," Volume 88, Number 2, Spring, 1979, pp. 133-151.
... LEE SOLTOW LEE SOLTOW Inequality Amidst Abundance Land Ownership in Early Nineteenth Century Ohio As the great trans-Appalachian West opened to settlement in the years after the founding of the Republic Americans saw in the virtually unlimited lands of the interior the promise of a prosperous citizenry and a healthy body politic Most believed that those rights declared self-evident in the ringing words of the Declaration of Independence must be firmly grounded in a social fabric characterized ...

"Cooperation between The Ohio State University and the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 568-574.
... 568 Ohio Arch 568 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ferring the Dedication till next year when all parties cooperating in this work will have full time to do their work unhurried and in the best artistic fashion The contract with the Sculptor calls for the completion of all of his work by January 1st 1926 with possibility of extension of time for cause In no case can the panels in the rotunda be ready for the dedication date Their place in the room can be clearly indicated on that ...

"Charles Richard Williams," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 36, Number 3, July, 1927, pp. 326-331.
... CHARLES RICHARD WILLIAMS 326 CHARLES RICHARD WILLIAMS CHARLES RICHARD WILLIAMS BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER In all the generation of able men now passing few possessed the vitality and social charm coupled with the keen intellect scholarly tastes and professional acumen of the late Charles R Williams It had seemed incredible that such bright sparkling springs of life could ever run dry His death on May 6 1927 at his home in Princeton New Jersey brought a sense of acute loss to a very wide and ...

"The Taylor Family of Dentists," by Edward C. Mills. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 392-398.
... THE TAYLOR FAMILY OF DENTISTS THE TAYLOR FAMILY OF DENTISTS by EDWARD C MILLS DDS FACD Of the many families of America which have made outstanding permanent contributions to science and to the professions Ohio may claim one which has made a special contribution to the field of dentistry--the Taylor family The progenitor of this family William Taylor a Revolutionary soldier of Monmouth County New Jersey was born December 27 1744 His forbears of English extraction had settled in New Jersey in ...

"OHS Committee Report: Spiegel Grove," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 577-579.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 577 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 577 end of the biennium but the improvement of the grounds has not yet been started We wish at this time to submit the following extract from the deed of conveyance to the Society from Miss Clarissa C Moor of the tract referred to above Provided always and these presents are upon this express condition that the premises hereby conveyed shall be used for a park and monument site and approaches Said grantee its successors and assigns ...