Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"A Detailed Account of Mound Openings Done During the Months of July and August 1888" by Warren K. Moorehead and Clinton Cowen. Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 534-540.
... A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF MOUND OPENING A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF MOUND OPENING Done During the Months of July and August 1888 by Warren K Moorehead and Clinton Cowen IT occurred to me a number of times last year to spend the summer in opening mounds I had done considerable of this work in several counties of our State but had never spent more than one continuous week in the field When the Cincinnati Centennial Exposition opened in July and I was free from my duties having been actively engaged in ...

"The Collecting of Historical Material," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 390-391.
... 390 Ohio Arch 390 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Mr Rickly was President He served that institution thoroughly acquainting himself with the banking business until November 4 1905 having been Assistant cashier for many years past On October 21 1905 he was elected Secretary of the Ohio State Savings and Loan Association of which institution he had been a Director some ten or twelve years previous assuming the duties of his new position November 14 1905 On January 1 1906 Mr Wood was ...

Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 454-455.
... Historical News Historical News David C Riede has been appointed an instructor in the department of history at the University of Akron Mr Riede received the BA and MA degrees in history from the University of Iowa and is now completing his dissertation for the doctor's degree Maxwell Whiteman has been appointed assistant director of the American Jewish Archives Jacob R Marcus the director of the archives is the recipient of the 1954-55 National Service Award of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity This ...

"Skulls, Rappers, Ghosts and Doctors," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 339-354.
... SKULLS RAPPERS GHOSTS AND DOCTORS SKULLS RAPPERS GHOSTS AND DOCTORS By PHILIP D JORD AN Henry Ward Beecher fashionable eastern preacher thought it vulgar to call phrenology the science of skull bumps but despite his protests that this popular pseudo-science was an investigation of the mind1 thousands of Americans hung gaily-colored charts above tin wash-basins and analyzed themselves while they shaved Lawyers plead their clients after exhaustive cranial examinations and physicians not to be ...

"Remarks of Governor Andrew L. Harris" (McKinley Monument Dedication) Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 234-237.
... 234 Ohio Arch 234 Ohio A rch and Hist Society Publications right we must be just as scrupulous in doing justice to the man of great wealth as in exacting justice from him Wrongdoing is confined to no class Good and evil are to be found among both rich and poor and in drawing the line among our fellows we must draw it on conduct and not on worldly possessions Woe to this country if we ever get to judging men by anything save their worth as men without regard to their fortune in life In other ...

"Erie Lackawanna: An Ohio Railroad," by H. Roger Grant. Volume 101, , Winter-Spring, 1992, pp. 5-20.
... H H ROGER GRANT Erie Lackawanna An Ohio Railroad The Erie Railroad possessed a strange past In the nineteenth century it could claim to be an unusual road For one thing it was America's first long-distance trunk line Under the corporate banner of the New York amp Erie Railway the company in April 1851 completed a 483-mile route Between the Ocean and Lakes linking the New York communities of Piermont on the Hudson River with Dunkirk on Lake Erie The railroad also extolled its distinctive broad ...

"American Interests in the Pacific," by Homer B. Hulbert. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 91-101.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 91 on its passenger list to preserve the equilibrium of its cash account A fine line of side-wheel boats has always been maintained between Cincinnati and Louisville and who has not heard of those magnificent double-deckers the United States and America that nightly carried great cabins full of happy travellers between those two cities until one night a disastrous collision brought a brilliant career to a tragic ending But a ...

"Who Were the Mound Builders," by E. O. Randall. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 142-144.
... 142 Ohio Arch 142 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications LAST EDITORIAL The following from The Columbus Evening Dispatch of September 2 1 919 is believed to be the last editorial contribution from Mr Randall to that paper It may be considered his final word on a subject to which he had given much thought and on which he had frequently written WHO WERE THE MOUND BUILDERS The remarkable discoveries recently unearthed by the exploring department of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical ...

"The Mississippi Squadron," by James Edwin Campbell. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 56-62.
... 56 Ohio Arch 56 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications These swarming hordes of careless unclean illy housed and frequently immoral people make the conservation of the health of the children a moral question with which religionists as well as humanitarians must deal Let us not forget that while we are doing something for the children they are doing a great deal for us Those who freely give out love and service and sacrifice get much that is of inestimable value in return The reflex action ...

"'New' Harding and American Foreign Policy: Warren G. Harding, Hiram W. Johnson, and Pragmatic Diplomacy, The," by Howard A. DeWitt. Volume 86, Number 2, Spring, 1977, pp. 96-114.
... HOWARD A HOWARD A DeWITT The New Harding and American Foreign Policy Warren G Harding Hiram W Johnson and Pragmatic Diplomacy The historiographical rehabilitation of Warren G Harding has produced a revisionist portrait of a President with moderate talent and moderate views who used persuasion compromise and conciliation to achieve a modicum of success in domestic and foreign affairs1 Although historians are divided over the extent and long-range importance of Harding's accomplishments there is ...

Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 87-117.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews An Archeological History of the Hocking Valley By James Murphy Athens Ohio University Press 1975 xi 360p illustrations tables figures appendix index 1500 In the past the major portion of the archaeological literature for Ohio has been derived from work done in the central southern and southwestern parts of the state that situation is currently changing for the better In An Archeological History of the Hocking Valley James Murphy broadens our knowledge of prehistoric ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 108, , Summer-Autumn, 1999, pp. 193-195.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Academy of History Spring Meeting will be held April 28-29 2000 at Otterbein College in Westerville Ohio For further information contact Richard Spall Ohio Wesleyan University Department of History Delaware Ohio 43015 The Academy now has a Home Page at lthttpoahhistoryohiostateedugt Nominations for the Ohio Academy of History Public History Award are sought for the award to be presented at the annual spring meeting of the OAH Public history projects ...

"From Free-Love to Catholicism: Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Nichols at Yellow Springs," by Philip Gleason. Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 283-307.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 70 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 19 61 From Free-Love to Catholicism Dr and Mrs Thomas L Nichols At Yellow Springs By PHILIP GLEASON AS THE SLAVERY controversy grew more intense in the mid1850's many of the reform movements which had preoccupied large numbers of Americans in the previous decade were submerged in the mainstream of the antislavery movement Yet currents of reform not connected with antislavery did persist and one of the most ...

"Report of the Registrar," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 528-533.
... 528 Ohio Arch 528 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications time program through study of conditions and methods utilized by other organizations and to crystallize these in definite form for presentation to the Legislature in 1933 Special emphasis is being given the requirements of the public and of tourists in the matter of developing historical archaeological and other outdoor attractions and to providing that they may be properly marked so that they may be readily intelligible On motion of Mr ...

"Who Wrote 'The Harp of a Thousand Strings'?" by George Kummer. Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 221-231.
... Who Wrote Who Wrote The Harp of a Thousand Strings By GEORGE KUMMER OF THE ECCENTRICS who flourished in the backwoods areas of America in the first half of the nineteenth century the Hardshell Baptist preachers were among the most amusing to outsiders Travelers through the South and West found diversion in contemplating the oddities of these sermonizers who unlike the clergy of most other denominations made no bones about chewing tobacco or drinking whiskey in public1 Dead set against ...

"Checklist of Major Research Projects Initiated in 1973 and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees," Volume 83, Number 3, Summer, 1974, pp. 212-215.
... compiled by compiled by PATRICIA B GATHERUM Checklist of Major Research Projects Initiated in 1973 and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees on Topics Relating to Ohio 1973 REFERENCE WORKS GUTGESELL STEPHEN C Union Guide to Ohio Newspapers Chief Cataloger Ohio Historical Society LEVSTIK FRANK R Guide to State Archives at the Ohio Historical Society Assistant State Archivist Ohio Historical Society PIKE KERMIT J Guide to the Manuscripts in the Shaker Collection at the Western Reserve Historical ...

"Blennerhassett Again," Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 390-392.
... 390 Ohio Arch 3 90 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications a fondness for history itself Dr Naylor's book is having the large sale it well deserves It is published by the Saalfield Publishing Company Akron Ohio BLENNERHASSETT AGAIN In the July 1901 number of the QUA R TE R LY we made somewhat extended allusion to the then current July Century article by Therese Blennerhassett-Adams entitled The True Story of Harman Blennerhassett In the same number we noticed briefly Prof W H Venable's ...

Volume 111, pp. 202-228, Summer-Autumn, 2002, pp. 202.
... BookReviews Summer-Autumn 2002 pp 202-228 PDF of Book Reveiws CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The American Midwest Essays on Regional History Edited by Andrew R L Cayton and Susan E Gray Reviewed by Terry A Barnhart Henry Ford and the Jews the Mass Production of Hate By Neil Baldwin Reviewed by Terry A Cooney The Goodyear Story An Inventors Obsession and the Struggle for a Rubber Monopoly By Richard Korman Reviewed by K Austin Kerr Still ...

Volume 90, Number 2, Spring, 1981, pp. 160-190.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Threat of Peace James F Byrnes and the Council of Foreign Ministers 1945-1946 By Patricia Dawson Ward Kent Kent State University Press 1979 x 227p notes bibliography index 1250 The story goes that once when Lyndon Johnson was extolling the virtues of John F Kennedy's Harvard-educated government appointees to Sam Rayburn the venerable Speaker of the House replied You may be right but I wish some of them had at least run for sheriff The story might be apocryphal but ...

"A Socioeconomic Study of Veterans of the 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment After the Civil War," by Lawrence A. Kreiser, Jr.. Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 171-184.
... LAWRENCE A LAWRENCE A KREISER Jr A Socioeconomic Study of Veterans of the 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment After the Civil War In the closing days of the Civil War Major General William Tecumseh Sherman declared to Union soldiers preparing to muster out his belief that as in war you have been good soldiers so in peace you will make good citizens1 Many scholars neglect the second half of Sherman's appeal generalizing about the adjustments that soldiers made to peacetime society rather ...