Ohio History Journal

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"The Chieftan Wacousta, the Young Lahkopis, and the Maiden Ahyomah," by Mrs. David Gebhart. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 455-457.
... The Black Hand The Black Hand 455 the rock was in mute appeal and forcibly reminded the wayfarer in a way at once forcible as it was poetical that thus far and no farther should the waves of unglutted vengeance roll The hand marked the portal of a sanctuary which was sacred to the savage whose lust for blood rose above every other consideration in his narrow but intense isolated but eventful life THE CHIEFTAIN WACOUSTA THE YOUNG LAHKOPIS AND THE MAIDEN AHYOMAH MRS DAVID GEBHART An unremembered ...

"Conference of Historical Agencies in the Upper Mississippi Valley: Minutes of a Meeting at Rochester, New York, on December 29, 1926," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 148-149.
... 148 Ohio Arch 148 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Mr Meeker is the author of a number of books The list according to information at hand is as follows Washington Territory West of the Cascade Mountains 1870 Hop Growing in the United States 1883 Pioneer Reminiscences of Puget Sound 1905 The Tragedy of Leschi 1906 The Oregon Trail 1907 Uncle Ezra's Pioneer Stories for Children 1916 Eighty-five Years of a Busy Life 1916 Seventy Years of Progress in Washington 1921 Ox-Team Days on the ...

Volume 87, Number 2, Spring, 1978, pp. 211-246.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Collection Use and Care of Historical Photographs By Robert A Weinstein and Larry Booth Nashville American Association for State and Local History 1977 xiv 222p illustrations appendices bibliography index 1600 The authors of this work share a passionate interest in the preservation of the photographic past Their concerns are many their experience is wide and their enthusiasm is contagious For some time there has been a pressing need for a concise introduction to the ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 68-69.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Academy of History annual meeting will be held on Friday and Saturday April 26-27 1991 at Capital University in Columbus Ohio For details concerning the meeting contact Clayton R Koppes OAH Program Committee Oberlin College Department of History Oberlin Ohio 440741095 The Second Annual University of Cincinnati Social History Conference invites interested scholars to submit papers in social history broadly defined as any aspect of the history of ...

"Study of the Oklahoma Eccentric Flints, A," by H. Holmes Ellis. Volume 49, Number 2, April April, 1940, pp. 121-127.
... A STUDY OF THE OKLAHOMA ECCENTRIC FLINTS A STUDY OF THE OKLAHOMA ECCENTRIC FLINTS By H HOLMES ELLIS Since March 1936 when they were first called to the attention of the general public7 the Oklahoma eccentric flints have presented a puzzling archaeological phenomenon Dr Forrest E Clements1 collaborating with Mr Alfred Reed Jr wrote the only satisfactory account of the find and the circumstances surrounding it but due to lack of time and facilities he was unable to carry out a detailed analysis ...

"Are the Hopewell Copper Objects Prehistoric?," by Warren K. Moorehead. Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 317-321.
... ARE THE HOPEWELL COPPER OBJECTS PREHISARE THE HOPEWELL COPPER OBJECTS PREHISTORIC BY WARREN K MOOREHEAD At the Washington meeting of the American Anthropological Association held conjointly with Section H of the American Association for the Advancement of Science I read a brief paper on the Hopewell copper objects and it is now my wish to present a more extended communication on the subjest Mr Clarence B Moore whose valuable work in southeastern United States is so favorably known to all who ...

"Joshua Giddings and the Ohio Abolitionists: a Study in Radical Politics," by Douglas A. Gamble. Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 37-56.
... DOUGLAS A DOUGLAS A GAMBLE Joshua Giddings and the Ohio Abolitionists a Study in Radical Politics Much recent scholarship on American abolitionism emphasizes its role as part of a general antebellum reform movement' Perceptive and valuable though this work is its broad focus necessarily blurs important distinctions within and among different factions of abolitionism In spite of recent contrary opinion there is still much to learn by studying the diversity of abolitionism Identifying the social ...

"Women's History as Local History," by Karen J. Blair. Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 438-443.
... KAREN J KAREN J BLAIR Women's History as Local History In 1928 a crowd of 10000 witnessed the unveiling in Vandalia Illinois of an eighteen-foot-high marble statue entitled the Madonna of the Trail Donated by the Daughters of the American Revolution the large monument commemorated the sacrifices of pioneer Illinois mothers in the frontier era But like the role assigned until recently to women in the collective historical imagination the statue itself was an abstraction The Madonna did not ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 96, , Winter-Spring, 1987, pp. 57-59.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent appointments retirements and awards within the professional community of Ohio historians include H Roger Grant of The University of Akron has been appointed to the editorial board of Railroad History Warren F Kuehl who joined the history department of The University of Akron in 1964 has retired Roberta S Alexander of the University of Dayton received an NEH-Project '87 Grant to attend a conference on the Constitution Erving Beauregard of the ...

"Columbus, Ohio, April 18, 1953," Volume 62, Number 3, July, 1953, pp. 271-272.
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Columbus Ohio April 18 1953 The spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History was held at Columbus April 18 1953 Registration was followed at 1030 AM by two concurrent sessions at the Ohio State Museum One chairmaned by Dr Fred Kershner of Ohio University was devoted to the topic A Consideration of Some of the Intellectual Currents of the Early 20th Century Dr Robert H Bremner of Ohio State University presented a paper on The New View of ...

"Principles Without Program: Senator Robert A. Taft and American Foreign Policy," by John E. Moser. Volume 108, , Summer-Autumn, 1999, pp. 177-192.
... JOHN E JOHN E MOSER Principles Without Program Senator Robert A Taft and American Foreign Policy When it came to domestic policy there was very little that was confusing about Senator Robert Alfonso Taft of Ohio 1889-1953 A die-hard conservative Taft remained up until his death a convinced enemy of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and the assault on the Constitution which he believed it to represent So solid were his political credentials that he came to be known widely as Mr Republican defining ...

"Ode for Stanton Day," by George C. S. Southworth. Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 404-405.
... 404 Ohio Arch 404 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ory of a mind equipped with rare accomplishments and of a character whose influence could not cease with his demise Yes the grave hath quenched that eye and Death's relentless frost Withered that arm but the unfading fame the remembrance With which the happy spirit contemplates Its well-spent pilgrimage on earth Shall never pass away ODE FOR STANTON DAY Written by Prof George C S Southworth and read at the celebration at Kenyon College ...

"Remarks of James B. Yaw (MacGahan Monument)," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 224-225.
... 224 Ohio Arch 224 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications speaker's stand were also seated Judge M H Donahue of the Ohio Supreme court and Hon Randolph W Walton and Mrs Paul MacGahan The veil which consisted of a Bulgarian and American flag was presented to Dr Bozovosky and Paul MacGahan The detachment of O N G formed a guard of honor about the grave and the famous Seventh regiment band discoursed several appropriate selections REMARKS OF JAMES B YAW J A MacGahan a son of Perry County lies ...

Volume 76, Number 4, Autumn, 1967, pp. 259-266.
... BOOK BOOK REVIEWS CHARLES EVANS HUGHES AND THE ILLUSIONS OF INNOCENCE A STUDY IN AMERICAN DIPLOMACY By Betty Glad Urbana University of Illinois Press 1966 365p bibliography and index 595 Charles Evans Hughes Secretary of State under Presidents Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge 1921-1925 is considered important because he carried major responsibility for the definition of the foreign policy followed by the United States up to the eve of World War II p 1 Miss Glad divides her study into three ...

Volume 86, Number 4, Autumn, 1977, pp. 281-303.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Diaries of George Washington Edited by Donald Jackson Charlottesville The University Press of Virginia 1976 Vol I 1748-65 v 373p Vol II 1766-70 xvi 374p illustrations maps notes bibliography index 1500 each These two volumes mark the beginning of the most massive historical editing project in the nation's history-the writings of George Washington At the same time they represent the acme in the efforts of the National Historical Papers and Records Commission's ...

"Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Museum and Library Building, April 25, 1933," Volume 42, Number 3, July, 1933, pp. 358-373.
... ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Museum and Library Building April 25 1933 The Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual session in their room in the Museum and Library Building of the Society at 2 o'clock p m Tuesday April 25 1933 The meeting was opened by President Arthur C Johnson The following members were - present President Johnson Dr Thompson ...

"O.K.," by J. Warren Keifer. Volume 13, Number 3, July, 1904, pp. 350-354.
... 0 0 K J WARREN KEIFER The above is the most used form of expression in the Commercial world and is used in the United States oftener perhaps in conversation than any other purely arbitrary expression in the English language It has no classic origin or derivation it has no linguistic Greek or Latin root it cannot be claimed for it even the dignity of an American slang birth nor is it an abbreviation of an established expression or form of words properly found in any language Its universally ...

Volume 93, , Winter-Spring, 1984, pp. 90-112.
... 90 OHIO HISTORY 90 OHIO HISTORY Three books by Louis Filler have recently been re-published Horace Mann on the Crisis in Education and Wendell Phillips on Civil Rights and Freedom Second Edition with New Preface both by the University Press of America and A Dictionary of American Social Change by the Robert E Krieger Publishing Company Other books of interest are Social Action Collections at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin A Guide issued by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Friday, April 5, 1946," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 254-256.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Friday April 5 1946 The Ohio Academy of History held its annual meeting in connection with the Ohio College Association at the DeshlerWallick Hotel April 5 1946 Fifty-three persons attended the luncheon meeting and heard Professor Foster Rhea Dulles speak on Russian-American Relations His talk was followed by a report on the work of the Ohio War History Commission by its director Dr James H ...

"Bucyrus Song," by James Kilbourne. Volume 31, Number 1, January, 1922, pp. 26-28.
... 26 Ohio Arch 26 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications extent of the town and the obligations of the founders Incidentally they show that sometime between October 6 and December 15 1821 the town acquired the name of Bucyrus Colonel Kilbourne was a man of varied accomplishments for his day He was soldier minister educator congressman and we are told a musician whose songs delighted companions and audiences Someone has said half in jest half in earnest Poetry is lies and it follows that poets ...