Ohio History Journal

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"Arthur Charles Johnson: President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 248-250.
... ARTHUR CHARLES JOHNSON ARTHUR CHARLES JOHNSON PRESIDENT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY It is our pleasure in this issue to present the newly elected President of the Society Mr Arthur Charles Johnson whose portrait appears on the page opposite The death of James E Campbell former governor of Ohio and in recent years president of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society left a vacancy that was difficult to fill After canvassing the availability and ...

Volume 89, Number 3, Summer, 1980, pp. 348-375.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Prejudice and the Old Politics The Presidential Election of 1928 By Allan J Lichtman Chapel Hill The University of North Carolina Press 1979 xii - 366p charts tables appendix notes bibliography index 2000 The 1928 race between Alfred E Smith and Herbert Hoover is probably the most studied presidential election of this century Believing that a fusion of traditional and quantitative methods is necessary to explain the outcome Allan J Lichtman offers a sophisticated ...

"On Slavery's Fringe: City-Building and Black Community Development in Cincinnati, 1800-1850," Volume 95, , Winter-Spring, 1986, pp. 5-33.
... HENRY L HENRY L TAYLOR On Slavery's Fringe City-Building and Black Community Development in Cincinnati 1800-1850 Scholars of the antebellum black urban experience have ignored the issue of the relationship between the city-building process and the development of the black community Most studies of the antebellum black experience published since Leon Litwack's North of Slavery have instead focused on legal aspects of racial discrimination the relationship between race and politics the ...

"A Century of Statehood," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 25-29.
... A CENTURY OF STATEHOOD A CENTURY OF STATEHOOD ADDRESS BY GEORGE K NASH On the evening of Saturday December 27 1902-the members of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce participated in their Annual Christmas Dinner It was an elaborate banquet held in the spacious hall of the Chamber of Commerce Many distinguished speakers were present among them being Major-General Henry C Corbin Major-General Samuel B M Young Major-General Adna R Chaffee Hon John G Milburn of Buffalo One of the speakers of the ...

"Seed Humbuggery Among the Western Farmers, 1850-1888," by Earl W. Hayter. Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 52-68.
... SEED HUMBUGGERY AMONG THE WESTERN FARMERS SEED HUMBUGGERY AMONG THE WESTERN FARMERS 1850-1888 by EARL W HAYTER Professor of Social Sciences Northern Illinois State Teachers College The development of American agriculture as it unfolded from the pioneer subsistence level to that of a diversified enterprise was marked by the general characteristic of change-change from old practices to new ones There were several factors responsible for this inconstancy one of which was a growing necessity for ...

"Town Promotion in the Progressive Era: The Case of Newark, Ohio," by G. Wallace Chessman. Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 253-275.
... G G WALLACE CHESSMAN Town Promotion in the Progressive Era The Case of Newark Ohio On July 8 1910 an angry mob stormed the county jail at Newark Ohio seized a young white dry detective being held there carried him off to the courthouse square and lynched him1 That violent act stunned local leaders who had long promoted their booming industrial town in Licking County as the best place in Ohio to live and work At the same time it dramatized the inter-city struggle that had long engaged business ...

"John Fitch, Inventor of Steamboats," by Mira Clarke Parsons. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 238-242.
... JOHN FITCH INVENTOR OF STEAMBOATS JOHN FITCH INVENTOR OF STEAMBOATS BY MIRA CLARKE PARSONS By a coincidence of which the writer was not then aware while the article on the Steamboat was in type the name of Robert Fulton was brought to public notice for the purpose of bestowing further honors upon the memory of a great inventor The object of this paper is to offer additional proof of the validity of the prior claim of John Fitch as the inventor and originator of steam navigation While all due ...

"The Medical Journals of the Period, 1835-1858," by Jonathan Forman. Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 361-366.
... THE MEDICAL JOURNALS OF THE PERIOD 1835-1858 THE MEDICAL JOURNALS OF THE PERIOD 1835-1858 By JONATHAN FORMAN M D The period which we are describing today was one in which the American public was very critical of the medical profession To the general charges of fraud and futility was added that of hearsay In order to save the physician's fee family medical books were frequently bought and sold Patent medicines were coming in at a pace parallel to the growth of newspapers in which they could be ...

"Early Ohio Postal Routes," by William D. Overman. Volume 55, Number 1, January-March, 1946, pp. 21-29.
... EARLY OHIO POSTAL ROUTES EARLY OHIO POSTAL ROUTES BY WILLIAM D OVERMAN Regular United States mail service followed closely upon the heels of organized government in the Northwest Territory The statesmen of that day were aware of the value of a contact with the new settlers in the West and the postmasters-general1 urged 1 Samuel Osgood 1789-91 and Timothy Pickering 1791-94 21 22 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 22 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY the extension of ...

Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 328-342.
... 328 OHIO HISTORY 328 OHIO HISTORY Book Reviews A Cartoon History of United States Foreign Policy 1776-1976 By the Editors of the Foreign Policy Association New York William Morrow and Company 1975 xi 210p illustrations guide to sources index Cloth 795 paper 395 The word cartoon in a title immediately creates an impression that a work is light is designed to entertain and is not meant to be taken seriously which is certainly the case with this book It is not a complete history of American ...

"Clement L. Vallandigham Views the Charleston Convention," by James W. Geary. Volume 86, Number 2, Spring, 1977, pp. 127-134.
... JAMES W JAMES W GEARY Clement L Vallandigham Views the Charleston Convention The Democratic National Convention which opened at Charleston South Carolina on April 23 1860 provided the setting for one of the most significant turning points in American history The delegates who gathered at this southern city to select a presidential candidate and a platform failed in both efforts Radical southerners refused even to consider a program of popular sovereignty as defined by Stephen A Douglas the ...

"Death of Caleb H. Gallup," Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 603-604.
... Editorialana Editorialana 603 DEATH OF CALEB H GALLUP Hon Caleb Hathaway Gallup for many years a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and Trustee by election of the members for a period of six years from 1909 to 1915 died at Norwalk his home on Saturday October 16 1915 He was a man of unusual ability endowed with a strong determined character His life was a busy and fruitful one He was born in Norwalk Ohio May 10 1834 and had therefore passed his eighty-first ...

Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 444-451.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Brecksville Ernest Green President Harold E Wallin of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History has been appointed curator of the museum maintained by the association in the Squire Rich house The secretary Mrs Walter S Lister reports that the society sponsored this year a contest for the junior class of the local high school for one-act plays on early Brecksville CLAR K COUNTY HISTORICAL ...

"The Carmichael Case: Animal Science At The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, 1905-1921," by Chris Cumo. Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 31-41.
... CHRIS CUMO CHRIS CUMO The Carmichael Case Animal Science At The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station 1905-1921 The late nineteenth century was an important period in Ohio because agricultural education and science began to take shape then Farmers had welcomed the Morrill Act of 1862 and the Ohio legislature translated it into institutional form by creating The Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College in 1870 which the Board of Trustees renamed The Ohio State University in 18781 Its creation ...

"Report of the Director," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 594-596.
... 594 Ohio Arch 594 Ohio A r ch and Hist Society Publications The most important problem now claiming the immediate attention of the Secretary of the Society is the upbuilding of the Library A large extension of its newspaper collection in the very near future is in prospect The present opportunity may not continue indefinitely The library is accumulating gradually a creditable collection of county histories of Ohio This can be supplemented at any time After a thorough canvass of the Ohio ...

"Oberlin and Co-Education," by Robert S. Fletcher. Volume 47, Number 1, January, 1938, pp. 1-19.
... OBERLIN AND CO-EDUCATION OBERLIN AND CO-EDUCATION By ROBERT S FLETCHER Early Oberlin is best understood as the experimental college of its day For the most part the colleges of the middle third of the nineteenth century sternly resisted the assaults of innovation A monastic unworldliness and timelessness characterized the great majority they stood barrenly and stubbornly isolated amidst the pounding surf of romantic reformism Even newly-established institutions of the always-innovating West ...

"Study of Notable Ohioans, A," by Harry R. Stevens. Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 159-167.
... A STUDY OF NOTABLE OHIOANS A STUDY OF NOTABLE OHIOANS By HARRY R STEVENS In the past three or four years there have been published many social studies of genius Data have been accumulated analyzed and interpreted problems have been defined and some answers attempted1 Underlying much of this seems to be the criticism formulated a century ago by De Tocqueville that American society being a democracy naturally tended to inhibit the development of genius individuality and leadership That challenge ...

"The Decline of Epidemics in Ohio," Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 310-337.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue Roy F Nichols is Professor of History in the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Raymond F Fletcher is Business Manager of the Portsmouth Ohio Times Howard H Peckham is Director of the Indiana Historical Bureau and Secretary of the Indiana Historical Society Indianapolis William Alexander Mabry is Professor of History in Mount Union College Alliance Ohio Cathaline Alford Archer Mrs John Clark Archer of Hamden Conn interests herself in local and family ...

"Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference Memorial," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 560-561.
... 560 Ohio Arch 5 60 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications mysterious Mound Builder was at all events a good liver The weather proved delightful and the State officials as well as trustees pronounced themselves as highly pleased first with the fact that the State had secured the property and second that it was being so admirably protected under the custodianship of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE MEMORIAL On Tuesday June 28 1904 at Columbus ...

"Carl Frederick Wittke: Versatile Humanist," by Roberta Mendel. Volume 84, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1975, pp. 78-95.
... ROBERTA MENDEL ROBERTA MENDEL Carl Frederick Wittke Versatile Humanist There're too many do-gooders and organizers and not enough quiet humanitarians among us Cleveland Sun Press November 18 1971 Native Ohioan Carl Frederick Wittke distinguished himself in many areas of academe At such Ohio institutions of higher learning as Ohio State University Oberlin and Western Reserve University he is recognized as an outstanding teacher administrator and mediator Nationally he is remembered as an ...