Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Ethical Function of the Historian," by David Jayne Hill. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 352-356.
... 352 Ohio Arch 352 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ALBERT DOUGLAS The county of Ross is one of the richest in Ohio in historic lore It figured potently in the pioneer and early state annals Chillicothe was the first capital of the state There on April 25 1852 was born Albert Douglas who at the last annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society of which he has long been a life and interested member was elected a Trustee Mr Douglas was educated in the Chillicothe ...

"OHS Committee Report: Ash Cave," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 585-586.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 585 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 585 umes of which was completed some time ago is still passing through the press As originally planned this work was to have been completed in four volumes When the fourth volume was in type it was found that enough manuscript remained for a fifth volume This we learn from the printer is in type awaiting the index to the entire work Increased appropriations for the Publications of the Society were allowed by the last General Assembly ...

Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 178-181.
... BOOK BOOK REVIEWS THE MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD 1845-1883 A CASE STUDY IN AMERICAN RAILROAD ECONOMICS By John Pixton The Pennsylvania State University Studies No 17 University Park The Pennsylvania State University Press 1966 94p map appendices and bibliographical essay 100 When spread out in detail on the pages of history the difficulties which faced the builders of Ohio's early railroads seem completely overwhelming First place among the difficulties probably goes to inexperience The ...

Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 329-350.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Land That I Show You Three Centuries of Jewish Life in America By Stanley Feldstein Garden City Anchor PressDoubleday 1978 xi 512 p illustrations selected bibliography index 1295 Together with Henry Feingold's Zion in America Twayne 1974 there now exist two full-length histories of the American Jewish experience While Zion in America is an exceptionally sophisticated and scholarly survey wrestling with most of the enigmas of American Jewish history Feldstein has ...

"List of Accessions," Volume 46, Number 3, July, 1937, pp. 281-281.
... REPORT OF THE FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING 281 REPORT OF THE FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING 281 spectively are the two more important additions to the State Memorial list during the year A number of park superintendents' residences have been built and others are under construction Storage buildings comfort stations shelters roads trails bridges fences parking areas drinking fountains flagpoles--these are but a few of the improvements to be credited to the accomplishment of the year Landscaping ...

"The Architectural Legacy of Guy Tilden of Canton," by Eric Johannesen. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 124-141.
... ERIC JOHANNESEN ERIC JOHANNESEN The Architectural Legacy of Guy Tilden of Canton For forty years from the mid-1880's to the mid-1920's Guy Tilden was the leading architect of Canton Ohio according to Edward T Heald Stark County's encyclopedic historian1 Of Tilden's enormous output only a remnant exists but this sample serves to indicate both the variety and the quality of building done in a growing Ohio industrial town during those years Buildings reveal the needs ambitions tastes and whims of ...

"Country Carpenters, Federal Buildings: An Early Architectural Tradition in Ohio's Western Reserve," by Nancy J. Brcak. Volume 98, , Summer-Autumn, 1989, pp. 131-146.
... NANCY J NANCY J BRCAK Country Carpenters Federal Buildings An Early Architectural Tradition in Ohio's Western Reserve The Western Reserve1 of Ohio was settled in large part by New England emigrants and slightly later by upstate New Yorkers who were themselves transplanted New Englanders These people migrating west in the 1810s and 1820s brought with them a storehouse of cultural tradition as well as dreams for prosperity and success Both the architectural historian Talbot Hamlin and the Ohio ...

"Carl Frederick Wittke: Versatile Humanist," by Roberta Mendel. Volume 84, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1975, pp. 78-95.
... ROBERTA MENDEL ROBERTA MENDEL Carl Frederick Wittke Versatile Humanist There're too many do-gooders and organizers and not enough quiet humanitarians among us Cleveland Sun Press November 18 1971 Native Ohioan Carl Frederick Wittke distinguished himself in many areas of academe At such Ohio institutions of higher learning as Ohio State University Oberlin and Western Reserve University he is recognized as an outstanding teacher administrator and mediator Nationally he is remembered as an ...

"Professor Leonard's Poem (The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910)" Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 341-344.
... The Wisconsin Archaeological Society The Wisconsin Archaeological Society 341 about Madison describing the locations of the camps trail and fur-trade stations as described by early travelers He was followed by Mr Emilius O Randall secretary of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society who protested that he was not a professional archaeologist history being his bent if he had any bent at all and regretted that his place on the program was not filled by Prof W C Mills the successful ...

"Song Writers of Ohio: Will Lamartine Thompson, Author of 'Gathering Shells from the Seashore,'" by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 291-312.
... SONG WRITERS OF OHIO SONG WRITERS OF OHIO WILL LAMARTINE THOMPSON Author of Gathering Shells from the Seashore C B GALBREATH The world no longer takes things for granted The days of original research are upon us The strenuous quest for the eternal verities works results at once constructive and iconoclastic It reveals marvels and dissipates old illusions The method of the analyst is merciless-as frigid as justice as uncompromising as truth Woe to the tradition or the ideal that rests on sandy ...

"Columbus, Ohio, April 18, 1953," Volume 62, Number 3, July, 1953, pp. 271-272.
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Columbus Ohio April 18 1953 The spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History was held at Columbus April 18 1953 Registration was followed at 1030 AM by two concurrent sessions at the Ohio State Museum One chairmaned by Dr Fred Kershner of Ohio University was devoted to the topic A Consideration of Some of the Intellectual Currents of the Early 20th Century Dr Robert H Bremner of Ohio State University presented a paper on The New View of ...

"The Politics of Sinophobia: Garfield, the Morey Letter, and the Presidential Election of 1880," by Ted C. Hinckley. Volume 89, Number 4, Autumn, 1980, pp. 381-399.
... TED C TED C HINCKLEY The Politics of Sinophobia Garfield the Morey Letter and the Presidential Election of 1880 Looking backward from the 1890s and ruminating on the almost dozen presidential contests with which he had been familiar Charles Francis Adams Jr reflected So far as the country as a whole is concerned the grand result would in the long run have been about the same whether at any particular election-with the exception of 1864-the party I sympathized with had won the day or whether ...

"Electric Railroad to Serpent Mound," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 287-288.
... Editorialana Editorialana 287 students of the Ohio State University Mr C P McClelland and Mr C C Huntington working under the direction of Professor J E Hagerty of the Department of Political Science and Economics Ohio State University and by whom the preface is written In an introductory note by the Secretary of the Society it is said This monograph does not attempt of course to discuss in any way the question of the policy of the State as to the retention or abandonment of the canals The ...

"Tablet for Campus Martius," Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 353-354.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 353 Reviews Notes and Comments 353 The amount of money provided in the different states for additional compensation to World War veterans varies from 2500000 in Rhode Island to 45000000 in New York TABLET FOR CAMPUS MARTIUS The Ohio Daughters of the American Revolution will have placed upon the old Campus Martius house at Marietta a tablet marking this as an important historic point in our state It will be unveiled Wednesday September 28 1921 Dr Edwin Earl Sparks of ...

"An Introduction to the Harding Papers," Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 76-84, notes 182-183.
... AN INTRODUCTION TO THE HARDING PAPERS by DONALD E PITZER April 25 1964 marked the beginning of an opportunity for a new perspective in telling the story of the life and times of Warren G Harding On that date The Ohio Historical Society opened to the public a collection of Harding papers which it had received in the preceding six months from the Harding Memorial Association at Marion Ohio1 Material never before available for scholarly research thus began to shed a clearer light upon Harding and ...

"The Cincinnati Tablet: An Interpretation," Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 257-264.
... THE CINCINNATI TABLET AN INTERPRETATION THE CINCINNATI TABLET AN INTERPRETATION By CHARLES C WILLOUGHBY The Great Horned Serpent of our American tribes was usually considered a god of waters lakes and streams His anger was manifested through storms thunder and lightning Forked lightning was the darting of his tongue The Algonquians of the Great Lakes believed that a monster serpent Gitche-Kenebig dwelt in these waters who unless appeased with offerings raised a tempest or broke the ice beneath ...

"Archaeological Map of Ohio," Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 409-410.
... ARCHAEOLOGICAL MAP OF OHIO ARCH A EOLOGICAL MAP OF OHIO The accompanying map of Ohio showing the distribution of prehistoric Mounds and Enclosures in the state is reproduced on a reduced scale from the Archaeological Atlas of Ohio This map will be of special interest to the public as it shows at a glance the centers of occupation and the relative distribution of prehistoric man in the territory included The valleys of the larger rivers-the Miamis the Scioto the Muskingum the Hocking and their ...

Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 480-482.
... ROBERT BUTLER ROBERT BUTLER Book Notes The Journal of Dr William Schooley Edited by George A Schooley Baltimore Gateway Press 1977 261p illustrations index As Dr Schooley noted his intention in writing this journal was not merely to record his life but at the same time to instruct Hence personal recollection is kept to a minimum a large part of the journal is composed of didactic letters and newspaper articles from the early nineteenth century by the liberal Quaker doctor Though he wrote ...

"Memorial to Thomas Wilson," by W. C. Mills. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 157-159.
... MEMORIAL TO THOMAS WILSON MEMORIAL TO THOMAS WILSON W C MILLS This memorial was submitted by the writer at the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society June 6 1902EDITOR It is my sad duty to record for the annals of our Society the decease of our esteemed friend Dr Thomas Wilson late curator of Archaeology in the Smithsonian Institution Washington D C whose death occurred early Sunday morning May 4th 1 90 2 Dr Wilson was a great friend of our Society and was also ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 89, Number 3, Summer, 1980, pp. 345-347.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The fourteenth annual Duquesne University History Forum will be held on October 27 28 and 29 1980 at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Well established as one of the major professional meetings of its type having sessions in all fields of history the Forum is the largest annually held meeting in the northeastern United States Those interested in submitting proposals for papers andor complete sessions or who desire to serve as a moderator or ...