Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"The Leatherwood God: From Narrative to Novel," Volume 74, Number 3, Summer, 1965, pp. 191-202, notes 212.
... THE LEATHER WOOD GOD THE LEATHER WOOD GOD FROM NARRATIVE TO NOVEL by HASKELL S SPRINGER In 1916 at the age of seventy-nine William Dean Howells published the last great novel of his long career Less than four years later he was dead In writing The Leatherwood God Howells was fulfilling a long-time intention to make use of his enthusiasm for the history of his native Ohio as well as -- in the way of an old man -- returning to the recollections of his boyhood1 His source for the basic story of ...

"Story of an Old Dutch Chest," by C. S. Van Tassel. Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 101-106.
... STORY OF AN OLD DUTCH CHEST STORY OF AN OLD DUTCH CHEST BY C S VAN TASSEL The ordinary student of the world's history knows more or less of the story of the Spanish Armada-- how that majestic maritime wonder of the sixteenth century sailed from Corunna in July in the year 1588 in all its splendor and heralded invincibility intent upon crushing the English Dynasty and changing the map of Europe Instead of success however the great fleet met with almost annihilation only a bleeding and sadly ...

"Brooks and Burlingame," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 614-615.
... 614 Ohio Arch 614 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HISTORY OF AKRON A Centennial History of Akron 1825-1925 published under the auspices of the General Committee of the City's First Centennial Celebration July 19-23 1925 and the editorial direction of the Historical Committee Oscar E Olin LL D Mr J M Ada E Allen and Edwin W Brouse Managing Editor James A Braden This book presents the remarkable progress of the city of Akron from its humble beginning one hundred years ago to the present ...

"President McKinley's Final Attempt to Avoid War With Spain," by John Offner. Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 135-138.
... McKinley's Attempt to Avoid War 135 McKinley's Attempt to Avoid War 135 tional sovereignty22 In effect Spain still clung to sovereignty over Cuba and autonomy for the island At the same time that McKinley was dealing with the Spanish minister he made a final attempt to get the Cuban Junta to cooperate Rubens later explained that just before McKinley's message went to Congress the president's emissary told him that if the Cubans agreed to the armistice McKinley would place a reference to Cuban ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 90, Number 2, Spring, 1981, pp. 158-159.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The State History Day Contest for Ohio will be held in Cleveland on Saturday May 16 1981 at the Western Reserve Historical Society and Case Western Reserve University To qualify for the sixth annual state event 6th through 12th grade students throughout Ohio will compete in one of eleven district contests Students may compete in one of the following categories individual paper individual or group projects and individual or group performances on the junior ...

Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 324-328.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Auntie Kate Her Journey Through Ninety Years By Katharine Garford Thomas Columbus Ohio History Press Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1949 252p illustrations 350 Volumes of biography based upon reminiscences can be fruitful resources for the historian who is attempting to reconstruct the details of social history In this book the memories of Katharine Moody Smith who during her long lifetime from 1838 to 1932 lived reasonably close to the main current ...

"Ash Cave," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 271-272.
... Fortieth Annual Meeting 271 Fortieth Annual Meeting 271 have charge of arrangements for the proposed trip and suggested that members desiring to make the tour communicate with him ASH CAVE Mr Bright stated that Ash Cave has been turned over to the State Forestry Department the state purchased about 1200 acres of land and has made a state park of it Mr Wood for the Committee on Nominations stated that the committee desires to make its report in two sections We have with us today a man who has ...

Volume 87, Number 2, Spring, 1978, pp. 211-246.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Collection Use and Care of Historical Photographs By Robert A Weinstein and Larry Booth Nashville American Association for State and Local History 1977 xiv 222p illustrations appendices bibliography index 1600 The authors of this work share a passionate interest in the preservation of the photographic past Their concerns are many their experience is wide and their enthusiasm is contagious For some time there has been a pressing need for a concise introduction to the ...

"The Feurt Mounds and Village Site," by William C. Mills. Volume 26, Number 3, June, 1917, pp. 305-449.
... THE FEURT MOUNDS AND VILLAGE SITE THE FEURT MOUNDS AND VILLAGE SITE BY WILLIAM C MILLS The Feurt Mounds and Village Site are situated about five miles north of the city of Portsmouth on the east side of the Scioto river in Clay township Scioto county Ohio The land upon which this group of mounds and the village site is located is a part of the estate of Mr William C Feurt which consists of more than 400 acres of rich bottom lands and sloping hillsides and is considered one of the most ...

"Yesterday and Tomorrow in Ohio," by Roy F. Nichols. Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 201-211.
... YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW IN OHIO YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW IN OHIO By ROY F NICHOLS I Those who are charged with the responsibility for the history of any community have the power to perform great services for society The tendency to waste and to be careless of the future is one of the most dangerous which man displays Conservation is one of the most necessary correctives which he has created to save himself A state historical society is a great institution dedicated to conservation and therefore ...

"Prevailing Manners and Customs on the Frontier: The Memoirs of Irene Hardy," edited by Louis Filler. Volume 86, Number 1, Winter, 1977, pp. 41-53.
... edited by edited by LOUIS FILLER Prevailing Manners and Customs on the Frontier The Memoirs of Irene Hardy Irene Hardy schoolmistress poet and early Stanford University professor was born July 22 1841 in Eaton Ohio the eldest daughter of Kentucky and Virginia parents Her father Walter Buell Hardy was a schoolteacher of culture whose four daughters-he also had a son Lewis-all taught school successfully Irene was so named from a character in Edward Bulwer-Lytton's novel Rienzi with conscientious ...

"Dr. Gladden's Centenary Poem " (Ohio-Columbus Centennial) Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 447-452.
... The Ohio-Columbus Centennial The Ohio-Columbus Centennial 447 to their homes without a serious accident There was abundant entertainment for all and there was no extortion anywhere Every feature of the celebration over which the commission had control was absolutely free yet when the books were closed every expense had been provided for The great Sunday afternoon meeting at the park seemed to indicate that the tumult and the shouting had not driven out of mind the more serious considerations ...

"The Genealogist as Historian," by Harold J. Grimm. Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 276-281.
... 276 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 27 6 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Mr Frank A Livingston President of the first-named organization presided Dr Harold J Grimm of the Ohio State University presented a paper on The Genealogist as Historian and Dr Harlow Lindley of the Ohio State Museum read a paper prepared by Mr Delbert L Gratz of Bluffton Ohio on The Swiss Mennonites of Alien and Putnam Counties THE GENEALOGIST AS HISTORIAN By HAROLD J GRIMM The genealogist ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 109, , Summer-Autumn, 2000, pp. 187-189.
... Book Reviews Summer-Autumn 2000 pp 187-189 Copyright 2000 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page NOTES AND QUERIES The 2001 spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held April 6 and 7 at Capital University in Columbus For details contact Prof Thomas C Maroukis Department of History amp Political Science Capital ...

"First Navigator of the Ohio River," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 224.
... 224 Ohio Arch 224 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications FIRST NAVIGATOR OF THE OHIO RIVER It is a most interesting but generally unknown fact which we have verified by a letter from Mr William Loeb secretary to the President that the brother of the grandfather of President Roosevelt was the first man to navigate a steamboat on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers says Mr Charles C Allen Captain Roosevelt was a warm personal friend of Robert Fulton the inventor of steam craft and soon after ...

"Oscar Wilde in Cleveland," by Francis X. Roellinger, Jr.. Volume 59, Number 2, April, 1950, pp. 129-138.
... OSCAR WILDE IN CLEVELAND OSCAR WILDE IN CLEVELAND by FRANCIS X ROELLINGER JR Assistant Professor of English Oberlin College A Clevelander in search of amusement during the week of February 12 1882 could rejoice at the number and variety if not the excellence of his opportunities At the Euclid Avenue Opera House Mr John McCullough the eminent tragedian fresh from a brilliant season in London was presenting a repertoire that included Othello and Richard III At the Academy of Music Buffalo Bill ...

"Third Ohio Volunteer Cavalry: A View from the Inside, The," by Stephen Z. Starr. Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 306-318.
... STEPHEN Z STEPHEN Z STARR The Third Ohio Volunteer Cavalry A View from the Inside Anyone sufficiently interested in a Civil War regiment to make an intensive study of its history would normally begin with the Official Records Its 128 ponderous volumes contain a bare chronicle telling where the regiment was at any given time which larger units it was a part of from time to time and what its varying fortunes were in the scouts expeditions skirmishes fights and battles in which all or parts of it ...

"Leaden Plate at the Mouth of the Muskingum," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 477-480.
... LEADEN PLATE AT THE MOUTH OF THE MUSKINGUM LEADEN PLATE AT THE MOUTH OF THE MUSKINGUM In the October QUARTE RL Y were published cuts of the leaden plate prepared for deposit at the mouth of the Conewango and the one buried at the mouth of the Kanawha On the following pages are illustrations of the remnant of the plate buried at the mouth of the Muskingum and what was probably its entire text This plate was considerably multilated A portion of the lead was cut away for bullets before the ...

"Ohio Artist in Australia: Livingston Hopkins," by Frederick D. Kershner, Jr.. Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 113-134.
... OHIO ARTIST IN AUSTRALIA LIVINGSTON HOPKINS OHIO ARTIST IN AUSTRALIA LIVINGSTON HOPKINS by FREDERICK D KERSHNER JR In times present and past Americans have complained bitterly about the lack of knowledge of the United States revealed by foreigners Commonly they have attributed this ignorance to nationalistic myopia upper-class snobbery intellectual narcissism or a combination of the three One hundred percent Yankees like to supplement their critiques with gratuitous prophecies of impending ...

"Fowke's Book Reviewed," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 143-148.
... Fowke's Book Reviewed Fowke's Book Reviewed 143 which seem to be very real and very correct This should also be the case with the person who studies the earthworks of Ohio He should be so familiar with ancient Society as to make the monuments speak and interpret the works and relics so that they will be suggestive of the people who used them A negative criticism does not serve any good purpose Every writer should rise to a plane higher than the ordinary observer and should put into the works ...