Ohio History Journal

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"Skulls, Rappers, Ghosts and Doctors," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 339-354.
... SKULLS RAPPERS GHOSTS AND DOCTORS SKULLS RAPPERS GHOSTS AND DOCTORS By PHILIP D JORD AN Henry Ward Beecher fashionable eastern preacher thought it vulgar to call phrenology the science of skull bumps but despite his protests that this popular pseudo-science was an investigation of the mind1 thousands of Americans hung gaily-colored charts above tin wash-basins and analyzed themselves while they shaved Lawyers plead their clients after exhaustive cranial examinations and physicians not to be ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 595-596.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 595 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 595 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO OCTOBER 2 1924 Present Messrs Campbell Bareis Prince Goodman Johnson Wood Furniss and Dawes On motion of Mr Wood duly seconded James E Campbell was elected President of the Society Professor Prince moved that George F Bareis be elected First Vice President of the Society At the suggestion of ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 101, , Summer-Autumn, 1992, pp. 140-142.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Thirty-Sixth Annual Missouri Valley History Conference will be held in Omaha Nebraska March 11-13 1993 For further information contact Dale Gaeddert MVHC Coordinator Department of History University of Nebraska at Omaha Nebraska 68182-0213 The North American Society for Sport History will hold its Twenty-first Annual Convention at Albuquerque New Mexico on May 28-June 1 1993 Those interested in presenting a paper or organizing a session should contact or ...

"Historical Societies," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 637-638.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 637 Forty-First Annual Meeting 637 have brought more than one hundred persons to the park on a single day Three thousand three hundred and thirty-six names have been secured on a register which has been offered to the public at such times as the custodians could carry it to them When the shelter house is completed the register will be available permanently Our custodians report no complaints or criticisms that the public is delighted and practically every reunion ...

"Two Prehistoric Villages Near Cleveland, Ohio," by Emerson F. Greenman. Volume 46, Number 4, October, 1937, pp. 305-366.
... TWO PREHISTORIC VILLAGES NEAR CLEVELAND TWO PREHISTORIC VILLAGES NEAR CLEVELAND OHIO By EMERSON F GREENMAN Foreword During the field season of 1930 four sites in northern Ohio were excavated for the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society The two forming the subject of this paper were on the Cuyahoga River six and seven miles south of the Public Square of the city of Cleveland Excavations were under the direction of the writer and Mr Robert Goslin field assistant Tuttle Hill was ...

Volume 89, Number 3, Summer, 1980, pp. 348-375.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Prejudice and the Old Politics The Presidential Election of 1928 By Allan J Lichtman Chapel Hill The University of North Carolina Press 1979 xii - 366p charts tables appendix notes bibliography index 2000 The 1928 race between Alfred E Smith and Herbert Hoover is probably the most studied presidential election of this century Believing that a fusion of traditional and quantitative methods is necessary to explain the outcome Allan J Lichtman offers a sophisticated ...

"Meeting of Cresap Society," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 354.
... 354 Ohio Arch 354 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren His interest in local history as attested by numerous articles and the voluminous History of Sandusky County his kindly and cheerful disposition and his optimistic spirit will long be remembered by his fellow members of the Society MEETING OF CRESAP SOCIETY The Cresap Society will hold its meeting in Columbus September 15-16 The first session will be held Friday evening September 15 at the ...

"Under the Administrative Code," Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 349-351.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 349 Reviews Notes and Comments 349 his voluntary service and the assistance of the regular employees of theSociety a mass of valuable material was collected This consists chiefly of local newspapers from which clippings have been made indexed and bound When the General Assembly finally acted it made only meager appropriations for the work At its last session no provision was made for the Commission but the work has been continued by the Society It should collect ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 37, Number 2, April, 1928, pp. 428-438.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES HENRY CLYDE SHETRONE Henry Clyde Shetrone was born in Millersport Fairfield County Ohio August 10 1876 He was edu cated in the public schools and attended Denison University At an early age he became interested in archaeology and museums and soon began gathering the literature relating to these In 1913 the opportunity came to ...

"Cincinnati Through English Spectacles: A British Diplomat's Confidential View in 1945," Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 279-291.
... edited by edited by THOMAS E HACHEY Cincinnati Through English Spectacles A British Diplomat's Confidential View in 1945 In the months immediately following the Second World War British consuls stationed throughout the United States forwarded to the London Foreign Office a substantial number of telegrams memoranda and dispatches regarding the climate of American opinion toward England What Winston Churchill had called the Grand Alliance seemed in the judgment of many of these diplomats to be ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 327-328.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries A number of professional meetings of interest to Ohio History readers will be held this coming autumn The Ohio Historical Society will host the 1979 annual meeting of the National Historic Communal Societies Association at Zoar on October 18-20 1979 California State College and Washington and Jefferson College will co-host the forty-eighth annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association on Friday and Saturday October 12-13 1979 suggestions for ...

"The Late Prehistoric Cultures of the Ohio Valley," by James B. Griffin. Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 186-195.
... THE LATE PREHISTORIC CULTURES OF THE THE LATE PREHISTORIC CULTURES OF THE OHIO VALLEY by JAMES B GRIFFIN Director Museum of Anthropology University of Michigan After the decline of the Hopewell culture there can be recognized a period of unknown length during which relatively little cultural progress was made Actually this was a period of decline in quite a number of the ceremonial aspects of Indian life as it is revealed by materials placed with the dead and by the type and amount of time ...

"The Early Use of the Microscope in Ohio," by Russell L. Haden. Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 271-278.
... THE EARLY USE OF THE MICROSCOPE IN OHIO THE EARLY USE OF THE MICROSCOPE IN OHIO By RUSSELL L HADEN MD The compound microscope invented in 1 59 0 made possible the observation of a new world of minute things The practical application of this instrument however developed very slowly No field of science for instance has profited more from the revelations of the microscope than medicine Bacteria protozoa and many animal parasites were observed by the early microscopists yet the microscope was not ...

"Spetnagle Cache of Flint Spear-Points, The," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 638-640.
... -- Drawings by HR Goodwin 638 TYPICAL SPECIMENS FROM THE SPETNAGEL CACHE NATURAL SIZE THE SPETNAGLE CACHE OF FLINT THE SPETNAGLE CACHE OF FLINT SPEAR-POINTS Few better examples of ceremonial offerings of chipped flint artifacts than the Spetnagel cache of flint spear-points recently placed on exhibition in the Museum of the Society by Mr Albert C Spetnagel of Chillicothe have been found in Ohio or elsewhere This remarkable cache-lot of upwards of 200 ceremonial spears was unearthed in the ...

"Early Ohio Medicine: A Museum Display," Volume 54, Number 4, October-December, 1945, pp. 381-385.
... EARLY OHIO MEDICINE A MUSEUM DISPLAY EARLY OHIO MEDICINE A MUSEUM DISPLAY By EDWARD S T HO MAS As a compliment to the medical history section of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society the Museum of the Society arranged a special exhibit featuring early days of Ohio medicine which attracted a great deal of attention not only on the part of medical practitioners pharmacists and students but also the general public Emphasis was placed on medical practice prior to 1860 but some ...

Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 450-479.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews A Bibliography of Ohio Archeology By James L Murphy Ann Arbor University Microfilms International 1977 xi 488 p index 2375 This is the second comprehensive bibliography of Ohio archaeology The earlier compilation by Richard G Morgan and James H Rodabaugh was published by the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society in 1947 and contained 1351 entries This larger volume has 3138 entries and reflects both the striking growth of publications in the intervening ...

"Blacks and the Republican Nomination of 1908," Volume 84, Number 4, Autumn, 1975, pp. 207-221.
... JAMES E JAMES E HANEY Blacks and the Republican Nomination of 1908 Theodore Roosevelt's decision not to seek the Republican presidential nomination in 1908 left the field open to several Republican hopefuls but his influence in the party and control of its machinery made it clear that the candidate he supported would win the nomination as well as the national election that followed This was especially important when it is remembered that national politics during the first decade of the ...

"In Memoriam Daniel J. Ryan," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 591-592.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 591 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 591 torical Society at Nazareth are assured that every precaution will be taken to insure its safety Some day I hope every one of you can go to the old Church and sit in front of the old fireplace which we discovered was twelve feet long and six feet deep We will have candlesticks along the wall we will serve you on a Moravian service such as was used one hundred and fifty years ago when the Moravians held services there I know the ...

"Ohio, the Site of the Garden of Eden. The Serpent Mound, the Home of Adam and Eve," Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 225-231.
... Ohio the Site of the Garden of Eden Ohio the Site of the Garden of Eden 225 OHIO THE SITE OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN THE SERPENT MOUND THE HOME OF ADAM AND EVE THE THEORY OF REV LANDON WEST The following article is not exactly archaeology nor history though it contains something of each It is however so unique and entertaining that we reproduce it as it has been given to the public in the daily press-EDITOR Here is food for the higher critics the Egyptologists archaeologists and the Biblical ...

Volume 94, , Winter-Spring, 1985, pp. 82-115.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews A Covenant with Power America and World Orderfrom Wilson to Reagan By Lloyd C Gardner New York Oxford University Press 1984 xv 251p notes note on sources and further reading index 2295 Somehow it seems consistent with the character of this book that the author tells us his purpose at the end rather than the beginning Each chapter is really an 'essay' or think-piece and together they form a cluster around the principal themes of the liberal state its supporters and the ...