Ohio History Journal

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"Preglacial Man in Ohio," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 257-259.
... PREGLACIAL MAN IN OHIO PREGLACIAL MAN IN OHIO AT the meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History2 for November 4 1885 Mr Putnam showed an implement chipped from a pebble of black flint found by Dr C L Metz in gravel eight feet below the surface in Madisonville Ohio This rude implement is about the same size and shape of one made of the same material found by Dr Abbott in the Trenton N J gravel and is of special interest as the first one known from the gravels of Ohio This announcement ...

"Historical Society Buildings," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 546-555.
... HISTORICAL SOCIETY BUILDINGS HISTORICAL SOCIETY BUILDINGS COMPILED BY THE EDITOR On the following pages are presented brief statements of what Illinois Wisconsin and Minnesota all younger states than Ohio have done for their historical societies Half-tone cuts of the New Hampshire and Ohio buildings are also shown Other states and a number of cities have erected buildings not less notable The Historical Society of Buffalo has a building of which any state might be proud The work of this ...

"A Socioeconomic Study of Veterans of the 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment After the Civil War," by Lawrence A. Kreiser, Jr.. Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 171-184.
... LAWRENCE A LAWRENCE A KREISER Jr A Socioeconomic Study of Veterans of the 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment After the Civil War In the closing days of the Civil War Major General William Tecumseh Sherman declared to Union soldiers preparing to muster out his belief that as in war you have been good soldiers so in peace you will make good citizens1 Many scholars neglect the second half of Sherman's appeal generalizing about the adjustments that soldiers made to peacetime society rather ...

"The Indian Mound, Miamisburg, Ohio," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 446-447.
... THE INDIAN MOUND MIAMISBURG OHIO THE INDIAN MOUND MIAMISBURG OHIO This mound is located on the upland about a mile southeast of town and is the largest of its kind in the world It was originally about eighty-five feet in height but was reduced to sixty-five feet by digging of exploring parties It measures about three hundred feet in diameter at the base In 1869 a number of citizens sunk a shaft from the top to two feet below its base So far as startling revelations are concerned the ...

Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 355-359.
... Historical News Historical News THE WISCONSIN HISTORY FOUNDATION has been awarded a 45000 research and publication grant from Lilly Endowment Inc of Indianapolis Indiana in support of a three-year program on the history of the American Midwest About one-third of the grant will be used for grants-in-aid to post-doctoral scholars doing research on midwest history between the Civil War and World War I and the balance will be used for publication of the results of these studies as well as of ...

"The 1951 Speaker's Rule at Ohio State," by Steven P. Gietschier. Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 294-309.
... STEVEN P STEVEN P GIETSCHIER The 1951 Speaker's Rule at Ohio State Like many public institutions of higher learning The Ohio State University's support for the principles of academic freedom has often been limited by the political and social views of those who have shaped its destiny Because of the university's location in the state capital and certainly because of its dependence upon a penurious General Assembly for funding Ohio State has over the years generally reflected its origins as a ...

"Lincoln and the Ohio Printmakers," by Harold Holzer. Volume 89, Number 4, Autumn, 1980, pp. 400-419.
... HAROLD HOLZER HAROLD HOLZER Lincoln and the Ohio Printmakers Much has been written about the engraved and lithographed portraiture of Abraham Lincoln a pictorial genre that did much to benefit the nation's sixteenth president both politically and historically1 These crude and homely portrayals helped introduce the little-known Lincoln to American voters following his unexpected nomination to the presidency in 1860 Later engravings and lithographs provided audiences with the first ...

"A History of Banking in Ohio," Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 312-322.
... A HISTORY OF BANKING IN OHIO A HISTORY OF BANKING IN OHIO BY P W HUNTINGTON President Huntington National Bank Columbus Ohio The early history of banking in the state of Ohio is much obscured by want of records on the subject but enough is known to demonstrate the fact that banking has been an important factor in the growth of the commonwealth from the beginning of its existence down to the year 1912 The first institution in Ohio to issue notes for circulation as money was the Miami Exporting ...

Volume 80, Number 2, Spring, 1971, pp. 163-168.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Free Soil The Election of 1848 By JOSEPH G RAYBACK Lexington University Press of Kentucky 1971 ix 326p notes and index 1250 Rayback's purpose is to analyze the campaign of 1848 from its origin in the early days of Polk's administration to the election of the Whig Zachary Taylor over Martin Van Buren for the Free Soilers and Lewis Cass for the Democrats The author finds that the presidential election of 1848 marked the emergence of antislavery sentiment as a ...

"NOTES" Volume 44, Number 4, October, 1935, pp. 469-470.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue Miss LOUISE RAU is assistant editor of the Burton Historical Collection in the Detroit Public Library DR DAVID A T U CKER JR is professor of the history of medicine in the College of Medicine of the University of Cincinnati Reprints Reprints of any paper published in the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY may be obtained by the contributor Estimates of the cost will be furnished on request and requests should be made to the editor before ...

"Colonel S. K. Donavan," Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 346-347.
... 346 Ohio Arch 346 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications became captain of Company C of that regiment He served with distinction through the Civil War and attained the rank of lieutenant colonel He was again in the Legislature in 1867-1868 and was Speaker in the latter year In 1876 he was elected United States senator and twice afterward re-elected He died in 1891 before the close of his third term His life history as presented by Connelley in this volume is an inspiration to every healthy ...

"Prospective Endowment of the Hayes Historical Society in the Spiegel Grove State Park," Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 571-574.
... History of Archaeological Society 571 History of Archaeological Society 571 long I shall honor his grave with a better tombstone and write an inscription upon it that will inform the passerby who occupies that lonely spot Give my respects to old Uncle Dan Allman tell him I should be glad to hear from him Accept of these lines and remember a Son a Brother and his little family Goodbye Mother and Friends WILLIAM WARNER SARAH WARNER ALI C E WARNER the babe PROSPECTIVE ENDOWMENT OF THE HAYES ...

"Dr. B. F. Prince," Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 452-455.
... DR DR B F PRINCE A veteran educator life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and for thirtyone years a member of its board of trustees passed peacefully away at his home in Springfield Monday September 11 1933 at the age of ninety-three years The Springfield Daily News published a carefully written obituary from which the following sketch is gleaned 452 Dr Dr B F Prince 453 Dr B F Prince 93 dean of the faculty of Wittenberg college and affectionately called The ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 327-328.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries A number of professional meetings of interest to Ohio History readers will be held this coming autumn The Ohio Historical Society will host the 1979 annual meeting of the National Historic Communal Societies Association at Zoar on October 18-20 1979 California State College and Washington and Jefferson College will co-host the forty-eighth annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association on Friday and Saturday October 12-13 1979 suggestions for ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 101, , Summer-Autumn, 1992, pp. 140-142.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Thirty-Sixth Annual Missouri Valley History Conference will be held in Omaha Nebraska March 11-13 1993 For further information contact Dale Gaeddert MVHC Coordinator Department of History University of Nebraska at Omaha Nebraska 68182-0213 The North American Society for Sport History will hold its Twenty-first Annual Convention at Albuquerque New Mexico on May 28-June 1 1993 Those interested in presenting a paper or organizing a session should contact or ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 334-335.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Ohio History is pleased to announce the reestablishment of an editorial advisory board Listed on the inside front cover of the journal are the names of twelve distinguished historians representing a wide variety of interests and perspectives who have agreed to serve for an initial two-year term Working closely with the editor these scholars will review many of the manuscripts submitted to the journal suggest books for review and perhaps most importantly ...

"Old Perry (A Poem)," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 217.
... The MacGahan Monument The MacGahan Monument 217 Thy hills thy fields thy woods have been Since boyhood days my own blood-kin And long my soul and the soul of thee Are blent as one for eternity In infant eyes thy mother-face Poured deep the wine of mystic grace And now to me thy voice and spell Speak high as heaven and deep as hell To breathe of thee all I have known Or dreamed beloved and my own Were to assail a sacred lore But thine and mine forevermore Thus much howe'er I may impart That in ...

"Ohio Generals and Field Officers in the Civil War," by W. L. Curry. Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 306-311.
... OHIO GENERALS AND FIELD OFFICERS IN THE OHIO GENERALS AND FIELD OFFICERS IN THE CIVIL WAR BY COLONEL W L CURRY In every crisis through which our Nation has passed since the firing of that shot at Concord April 19 1775 that was heard around the world there seem to have been men born to meet every emergency statesmen and men of military genius called from the walks of civil life to carry the ship of State safely through both in peace and war Therefore when the first gun of the War of the ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 99, , Winter-Spring, 1990, pp. 72-73.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The University Press of Wright State University is currently considering for publication book-length manuscripts on the following subjects aviation history black achievers gifted and talented children and Ohio life and history For additional information write to Carl M Becker Director University Press Wright State University Dayton Ohio 45435 The North American Society for Sport History will hold its Eighteenth Annual Convention at Banff Alberta Canada on ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 70-71.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Academy of History's 1989 Spring Meeting will be held at The Ohio State University in Columbus Ohio on April 21-22 1989 Those interested in further information regarding the meeting should contact Dr Richard Francis Spall Jr Program ChairpersonOAH Department of History Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware Ohio 43015 The Mormon History Association will hold its annual meeting at the Quincy Holiday Inn Quincy Illinois May 11-14 1989 For further ...