Ohio History Journal

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"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 99, , Summer-Autumn, 1990, pp. 166-167.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Missouri Valley History Conference will be held in Omaha Nebraska March 14-16 1991 For information concerning the meeting contact William C Pratt Program Coordinator MVHC University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha Nebraska 68182 The Oral History Association will hold its 1991 Annual Meeting on October 10-13 1991 at Snowbird near Salt Lake City Utah Proposals for papers panels and speakers particularly on such themes as women ethnic topics and the region of ...

"Excavation of the Coon Mound and an Analysis of the Adena Culture," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 366-523.
... EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN ANALYSIS OF THE ADENA CULTURE E F GREENMAN CURATOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN ANALYSIS OF THE ADENA CULTURE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introductory Note 369 General Features of the Coon Mound 370 Contents of the Mound 375 The Burial 375 The Tomb 379 The Gravel Circle 387 The Horizontal Log-Molds 392 The Passage 397 Reconstruction 4 00 Conclusion 408 The Adena ...

"Visit from Benjamin Lundy, A," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 494-496.
... OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A VISIT FROM BENJAMIN LUNDY A letter of Ruth Galbreath wife of Nathan Galbreath dated New Garden Ohio 2nd mo 3rd 1833 contains among other things a description of a visit from Benjamin Lundy which may be of interest to readers of this issue of the QUARTERLY as it expresses the regard of Columbiana County Quakers for this reformer and bears testimony to the fact that ...

"The Contribution of Local History to the Community," by Henry Clyde Hubbart. Volume 58, Number 3, July, 1949, pp. 298-304.
... THE CONTRIBUTION OF LOCAL HISTORY TO THE THE CONTRIBUTION OF LOCAL HISTORY TO THE COMMUNITY by HENRY CLYDE HUBBART Professor of History Ohio Wesleyan University As we all know the day of the supremacy of political or national history has passed instead we have many historical categories The mighty torrent of history has been sluiced into various channels the economic the social the constitutional the international or diplomatic and more recently the intellectual the regional the local This is ...

Volume 79, Number 1, Winter, 1970, pp. 68-71.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Harding Era Warren G Harding and His Administration B y ROBERT K MURRAY Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press 1969 ix 626p illustrations bibliographical essay and index 1350 In the dialectic of history the hitherto almost unanimous judgment against Warren Harding--as expressed for instance by William Allen White Frederick Lewis Allen Alice Roosevelt Longworth Arthur Schlesinger Jr and Allan Nevins--had to generate sooner or later a rebuttal The opening of the ...

Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 425-449.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The McNamara Strategy and the Vietnam War Program Budgeting in the Pentagon 1960-1968 By Gregory Palmer Westport Greenwood Press 1978 169p tables notes bibliography index 1595 Recently a research fellow at the Institute of United States Studies at the University of London Gregory Palmer has written an important critique of rationalism in American strategy and especially in the McNamara Pentagon Published in Greenwood's Contributions in Political Science series and ...

"Frank L. Packard," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 106-108.
... 106 Ohio Arch 106 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications FRANK L PACKARD The announcement of the sudden death of Frank L Packard on Friday morning October 26 brought sadness to a wide circle of friends in Ohio and other states In Columbus where he was personally known as almost no other citizen the expressions of regret were general and sincere The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society of which he had been a trustee since he was appointed by Governor Davis October 15 1921 was ...

"Address of President Roosevelt" (McKinley Monument Dedication) Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 229-234.
... The McKinley Monument The McKinley Monument 229 ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT We have gathered together to-day to pay our meed of respect and affection to the memory of William McKinley who as President won a place in the hearts of the American people such as but three or four of all the Presidents of this country have ever won He was of singular uprightness and purity of character alike in public and in private life a citizen who loved peace he did his duty faithfully and well for four years ...

"Serpent Mound Park," (OHS Committee Report) Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 586-587.
... 586 Ohio Arch 586 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications the show places of Ohio Its interest for botanists is well known and Professor Robert F Griggs has published a survey of this and a much larger region of which it is a part under the name of the Sugar Grove Region This pamphlet is a Biological Survey and is published by the Ohio State University Not least among the attractions of the region to which a much more distinctive name the Queer Creek Region might be given are the trees most ...

"Wilson L. Gill," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 158.
... 158 Ohio Arch 158 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications WILSON L GILL Wilson Lindsley Gill younger by one year than Emilius O Randall with whom he was associated in 1866 in the editorship of Whip-poor-will was born in Columbus Ohio September 1 2 1851 His biographer states that he was a member of the first kindergarten class in America taught by Caroline Louise Frankenberg who had been for a number of years an associate of Froebel Mr Gill was educated in the schools of Columbus at Dartmouth ...

"Raisch-Smith Site, An Early Indian Occupation in Preble County, Ohio, The," by Ross Moffet. Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 428-441.
... DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY 427 DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY 427 persons present authorized their names to be signed to the constitution when it should be properly transcribed paid two dollars each as a membership fee and then after an informal talk adjourned to meet at the call of the President I have been reading to day three very interesting and able articles The first by Andrew D White President of Cornell University entitled The Nineteenth Century to the Twentieth in which he condemns the spirit of ...

"Road to Boston: 1860 Travel Correspondence of William Dean Howells, The," edited by Robert Price. Volume 80, Number 2, Spring, 1971, pp. 85-154.
... edited by edited by ROBERT PRICE The Road to Boston 1860 Travel Correspondence of William Dean Howells Young William Dean Howells' travel letters written for two Ohio newspapers during the summer of 1860 and collected here for the first time record the weeks immediately preceding one of the most oft-retold incidents in the story of American letters The time was the first week of August the place Boston's famed Parker House James Russell Lowell editor of the Atlantic Monthly was hosting a ...

"Colonel Harry Parker Ward," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 149-150.
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 149 The calendaring of Letters Received in the War Department files was approved Dr Mereness was given an extension of leave to September 30 with the understanding that he would continue to exercise general supervision over the work and that it would be carried forward by Mr Smith SOLON J BUCK Secretary COLONEL HARRY PARKER WARD Colonel Harry Parker Ward a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society died at his home ...

"A Cleveland Drug Store of 1835," by Howard Dittrick. Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 338-345.
... A CLEVELAND DRUG STORE OF 1835 A CLEVELAND DRUG STORE OF 1835 by HOWARD DITTRICK MD Editorial Director the Cleveland Clinic Cleveland This presentation outlines many activities of an early Cleveland druggist with some mention of contemporary patrons and customs The information is based upon a manuscript volume which was presented recently to the Howard Dittrick Museum of Historical Medicine in the Cleveland Medical Library Written in long hand the book deals with drugs medicine and a number of ...

"A New Letter of Hiram Powers," by Thomas B. Brumbaugh. Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 399-402.
... A New Letter of Hiram Powers A New Letter of Hiram Powers By THOMAS B BRUMBAUGH Make me as I am Mr Powers and be true to nature always and in everything Andrew Jackson reportedly told the sculptor Hiram Powers 1805-1873 born in Vermont trained as a young man in Watson's clock factory in Cincinnati and later employed by Dorfueille's Western Museum scarcely needed such advice for on the road to making High Art he had also been a maker of writhing wax figures controlled by automatic insides for ...

"Early Ohio School Books," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 579-580.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 579 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 579 is evidenced by the registration list which has been as follows for the year ending Sept 1st 1 924 viz September 1147 April 175 October 413 May 11 73 November 169 June 1092 December 128 July 1522 January 35 August 2108 February 14 March 177 Total 8153 The Maximum Sunday attendance was 245 The maximum week day attendance was 160 The average daily attendance was 24 The maximum monthly attendance was 2108 The average monthly ...

"Report of the Director," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 594-596.
... 594 Ohio Arch 594 Ohio A r ch and Hist Society Publications The most important problem now claiming the immediate attention of the Secretary of the Society is the upbuilding of the Library A large extension of its newspaper collection in the very near future is in prospect The present opportunity may not continue indefinitely The library is accumulating gradually a creditable collection of county histories of Ohio This can be supplemented at any time After a thorough canvass of the Ohio ...

Volume 90, Number 1, Winter, 1981, pp. 77-94.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Black Detroit and the Rise of the UAW By August Meier and Elliott Rudwick New York Oxford University Press 1979 xii 289p notes illustrations bibliographical essay index 1500 The gulf of suspicion and hostility between the black community and labor that derived from the AFL craft union's systematic exclusion of blacks and occasional black strikebreaking was wider in Detroit than elsewhere in the industrial north in the 1930s In Detroit Henry Ford had furthered the gulf ...

Volume 90, Number 4, Autumn, 1981, pp. 337-368.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Empire as a Way of life An Essay on the Causes and Character of America's Present Predicament Along With a Few Thoughts About an Alternative By William Appleman Williams New York Oxford University Press 1980 xiv 226p notes 1495 Even more than most of the works of William Appleman Williams this slim volume is an attempt to influence the social and political currents of our time Unfortunately it is written with no sense of the tensions that necessarily exist between ...

"Explorations of the Campbell Island Village Site and the Hine Mound and Village Site," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 434-467.
... 434 EXPLORATIONS OF THE CAMPBELL ISLAND VILEXPLORATIONS OF THE CAMPBELL ISLAND VILLAGE SITE AND THE HINE MOUND AND VILLAGE SITE BY H C SHETRONE Curator of Archaeology TRANSMITTAL OF REPORT JUNE 11 1923 PROFESSOR WILLIAM C MILLS Director Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Museum MY DEAR PROFESSOR MILLS I have the honor to submit for your approval a condensed report of the examination of the Campbell Island Village Site and Hine Mound and Village Site located near Hamilton Butler County ...