Ohio History Journal

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"The Museum and Library in Modern Education," Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 289-291.
... PROCEEDINGS 289 PROCEEDINGS 289 The guest speaker of the day was Mr Wilbur D Peat director of the John Herron Art Institute of Indianapolis who spoke on the subject The Museum and Library in Modern Education parts of which follow The place that the museums and public libraries occupy in contemporary life is so well known to curators and librarians that any further comment is unnecessary and instead of reviewing their achievements for you here I would prefer to point out certain dangers that ...

"The Libraries of Paddy's Run," by S. R. Williams. Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 462-465.
... THE LIBRARIES OF PADDY'S RUN THE LIBRARIES OF PADDY'S RUN BY S R WILLIAMS The first State School Commissioner of Common Schools of Ohio called attention to a library founded in a community in the state by the contributions of its pioneer settlers To the inspirations from this library to quote the Commissioner some of the first names in our annals owe the impulse to a distinguished career The history of this library and its successors follows At the opening of the country west of the Great ...

"Henry T. Hunt and Civic Reform in Cincinnati, 1903-1913," Volume 62, Number 2, April, 1953, pp. 146-161.
... HENRY T HENRY T HUNT AND CIVIC REFORM IN CINCINNATI 1903-1913 by LANDON WARNER Associate Professor of History Kenyon College One April day in 1903 two law students were watching with interest and curiosity the voting processes during a municipal election in their native city Cincinnati1 Stationed near a polling booth in one of the notorious precincts along the river front they witnessed a long line of Negro voters shuffle from the Silver Moon flophouse through the polling place and with ...

"Psychiatric Progress in Ohio in the Twentieth Century," by Joseph L. Fetterman and Jack Horrocks. Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 378-389.
... PETER WITT 377 PETER WITT 377 irascible exterior and his biting invective there were qualities of honesty fidelity and generosity that made him the loyal sentimental friend of many people He had genuine oratorical gifts though he sometimes attacked unreasonably and without full information about the facts and he had a tongue that he always found it hard to curb He never attacked with a rapier A meat cleaver was his favorite tool as he himself readily admitted to his friends But he never lacked ...

"Report of the Building Committee for the World War Memorial Building," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 619-623.
... Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 619 Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 619 upright so as to add moisture and supply fertilizer to the unexposed and growing roots is also recommended For all the purposes stated we ask an appropriation of 400 40 only now being available Respectfully submitted Signed FRANK TALLMADGE Mr Booth drew attention to the fact that previous recommendations of the committee on the Logan Elm had not been acted upon President Campbell stated that before the desired improvements ...

"Portrait of Senator Thomas Morris," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 349-352.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 349 Reviews Notes and Comments 3 49 officers in the allied service There were also citations and high honors conferred upon him Ohioans will experience genuine pride in reading this interesting record of the World War service of one of her distinguished sons The Journal is supplemented by the official reports of General Dawes and the work as a whole deserves a place in every library with a department devoted to World War history We must add of course that these ...

"Report of the Committee on Speical Legislation for D. A. R.," by Mrs. Lewis C. Laylin. Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 253-254.
... Editorialana Editorialana 2 53 'Your house is going up on Tuesday If Wadsworth can't raise it Norton will We will meet at Norton Center for a game of base-ball prepared with wagons and horses if warned by one o'clock that we will be wanted Then when we come every Wadsworth man must stand back and see Norton men put up the frame' The same messenger then slyly told the leading men of the whisky party the plan being to bring all Wadsworth to see Norton's triumph The day came Being myself the ...

"The New City and the New Journalism: The Case of Dayton, Ohio," by James E. Cebula. Volume 88, Number 2, Summer, 1979, pp. 277-290.
... JAMES E JAMES E CEBULA The New City and the New Journalism The Case of Dayton Ohio Prior to the introduction of mass transportation systems the nineteenth century city was physically compact with diverse land usages in close proximity to each other With the availability of railroads street cars and inter-urban electric rail lines the urban population could live further away from the workplace and entrepreneurs would recognize the advantages of building in less congested areas These increased ...

"Erie Lackawanna: An Ohio Railroad," by H. Roger Grant. Volume 101, , Winter-Spring, 1992, pp. 5-20.
... H H ROGER GRANT Erie Lackawanna An Ohio Railroad The Erie Railroad possessed a strange past In the nineteenth century it could claim to be an unusual road For one thing it was America's first long-distance trunk line Under the corporate banner of the New York amp Erie Railway the company in April 1851 completed a 483-mile route Between the Ocean and Lakes linking the New York communities of Piermont on the Hudson River with Dunkirk on Lake Erie The railroad also extolled its distinctive broad ...

Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 91-95.
... Book Notes Book Notes Little Cities of Black Diamonds Urban Development in the Hocking Coal Region 1870-1900 By Ivan M Tribe Athens Athens County Historical Society and Museum 1988 vii 130p tables notes index and Sprinkled with Coal Dust Life and Work in the Hocking Coal Region 1870-1900 By Ivan M Tribe Athens Athens County Historical Society and Museum 1989 viii 168p tables notes index Tribe's two books constitute a history of the Hocking Valley coal mining towns in the corners of Perry ...

"Index to Minutes of Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 33, Binding Supplement, , 1924, pp. 614-615.
... INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-NINTH INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-NINTH MEETING OF THE SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Allen William Life of 585 Dawes Beman G term expires is reAsh Cave report on 585-586 elected 589-590 Atwood J F 587 Dennis Jerry 579-580 Director report of 548-563 Baker R C 538 Dryer Mrs Orson D 538 Bareis George F 538 569 572 report on Dunham John M 538 Museum Committee 583-584 term expires is re-elected 589-590 elected Eaton S L 549-550 ...

"Early Ohio School Books," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 579-580.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 579 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 579 is evidenced by the registration list which has been as follows for the year ending Sept 1st 1 924 viz September 1147 April 175 October 413 May 11 73 November 169 June 1092 December 128 July 1522 January 35 August 2108 February 14 March 177 Total 8153 The Maximum Sunday attendance was 245 The maximum week day attendance was 160 The average daily attendance was 24 The maximum monthly attendance was 2108 The average monthly ...

Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 181-193.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Organizations ALLIANCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alliance Dorothy R Donaldson President David Ault has been serving as vice president of the society since the death of the former vice president Walter Ellet Wilberta Johnston has been acting secretary and treasurer during the prolonged illness of Mabel Hartzell The society participated in the observance of the state sesquicentennial with a special program in September Dr B J Stanton gave a historical address ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 112, , Summer-Autumn, 2003, pp. 113.
... Notes and Queries Summer-Autumn 2003 pp 113 PDF of Notes and Queries CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Robert L Daugherty PhD the tenth editor of Ohio History retired August 8 2003 Bob a native of West Virginia earned his undergraduate and masters degrees from West Virginia University and his doctorate in military history from The Ohio State University in 1974 He served in the United States Army and was a member of the history faculties of ...

by Henry H. Simms. Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 3.
... EDITOR'S NOTE EDITOR'S NOTE With the exception of Professor Terrill's article on An Economic Aspect of the Spanish-American War which emphasizes a heretofore unused document in regard to President McKinley's motivation for war all the articles in this edition of Ohio History center around the theme of sectionalism and the Civil War Although Frederick Grimke as Professor Bloomfield points out philosophized optimistically on American institutions in his early writings he was compelled in his ...

"Groping Toward Victory: Ohio's Administration of the Civil War," by Noel Fisher. Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 25-45.
... NOEL FISHER NOEL FISHER Groping Toward Victory Ohio's Administration of the Civil War The American Civil War posed a vast challenge to the limited administrative capacities of the national and state governments both North and South As the chaos of 1861 painfully revealed recruiting large numbers of men supplying them with weapons uniforms and equipment and transporting them to the field were tasks initially beyond the ability of any American government to perform efficiently To sustain a long ...

"Annual Meeting of the Trustees," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 111-113.
... Thirty-First Annual Meeting Thirty-First Annual Meeting 111 meeting shall be mailed by the Secretary to all members of the Society at least ten days before such annual meeting is held The following were duly elected to life membership Mr Clay Barnes Waverley Dr H E Twitchell Hamilton Mr A J Rayner Piqua Prof A M Schlesinger Columbus Mr H C Shetrone Columbus Hon Harry L Goodbread Nevada Ohio Dr Wm D Tremper Portsmouth Mr W O Feurt Portsmouth Mr Geo H Heinisch Portsmouth Mr Wilbur Stout ...

"Ohio Battle Flags: House Bill No. 422," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 238-240.
... 238 Ohio Arch 238 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR INFANTRY 1st Regt O V I 1 2nd Regt O V I 2 3rd Regt 0 V I 2 4th Regt O V I 1 5th Regt O V 1 6th Regt O V I 2 7th Regt O V I 3 8th Regt 0 V I Missing 9th Battalion O V I 1 10th Regt O V I 2 ARTILLERY Bat A 1st L Arty 1 Bat C 1st L Arty 1 Bat G 1st L Arty 1 Bat H 1st L Arty 2 Troop H 1st O V C 1 Respectfully submitted W L CURRY Chairman Captain First Ohio Cavalry Civil War CHARLES HUGHES First Regiment U S C T Civil ...

"Some Unfinished Business in Cultural Anthropology," by John Gillin. Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 44-52.
... SOME UNFINISHED BUSINESS IN CULTURAL ANSOME UNFINISHED BUSINESS IN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY1 By JOHN GILLIN Cultural anthropology is a comparatively old branch of learning if we mean by it the contemplation of the objects of material culture and a vague awareness of strange customs The Babylonians of the time of Hammurabi are said to have had museums of artifacts recovered from the Sumerians and the Greeks notably Herodotus evinced a lively interest in the customs of barbarians It is only during ...

"Ohio Academy of History Session, 12:30 P.M., April 1, Deshler-Wallick Hotel," Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 217-218.
... PROCEEDINGS 217 PROCEEDINGS 217 lands as sites for the establishment of state parks along the shores of Lake Erie for conservation and recreation purposes Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be transmitted by the secretary of this organization to Conservation Commissioner L Wooddell and to each member of the conservation council and to the chairman of the Senate Conservation and Finance Committees and to the Governor of the State of Ohio Mr Miller read a report of receipts ...