Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"A Public Official as a Muckraker: Brand Whitlock," by Neil Thorburn. Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 5-12, notes 67-68.
... A Public Official A Public Official as a Muckraker BRAND WHITLOCK by NEIL THORBURN One would not expect to find the name of Brand Whitlock on a list of muckrakers Yet several articles he wrote while mayor of Toledo and his most successful novel The Turn of the Balance are so typical of the muckraking literature popular in the first decade of the twentieth century that the resemblance cannot be a coincidence Whitlock thought of himself primarily as an author not a politician although today he ...

"Emerson and Ohio: A New Emerson Letter," by N. C. Davis. Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 101-102.
... EMERSON AND OHIO EMERSON AND OHIO A New Emerson Letter1 by N C DAVIS Graduate Assistant in English Ohio State University The following excerpt is from the editorial columns of the Cleveland Herald for March 2 1852 RALPH W EMERSON Writes from Concord Feb 26th to one of our citizens who had written to him when recently in Buffalo to come here and lecture Your letter I found on my road but it offered me fruit which I could not eat however fair All my days were promised for the Lyceums along the ...

Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 91-122.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Ohio Its People and Culture By George C Crout and W E Rosenfelt Minneapolis T S Denison amp Co 1977 281p illustrations maps index 695 I optimistically launched my reading of Ohio Its People and Culture with the hope that the book would help to meet the need of junior high school teachers for a fresh and lively treatment of Ohio history Unfortunately my optimism was misplaced In a word the book is sloppy It appears to lack clarity in conceptualization is permeated with ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 595-596.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 595 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 595 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO OCTOBER 2 1924 Present Messrs Campbell Bareis Prince Goodman Johnson Wood Furniss and Dawes On motion of Mr Wood duly seconded James E Campbell was elected President of the Society Professor Prince moved that George F Bareis be elected First Vice President of the Society At the suggestion of ...

"DOCUMENTARY DATA," Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 184-185.
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA By Bertha E Josephson During the first two months of the current year the Department of Documents has been devoting as much time as possible to an inventory and organization of numerous heterogenous and individual items Because these materials do not belong to any definite collections they have hitherto been neglected yet many of them are of considerable importance and value They are now being sorted and a card catalogue with name and subject crossreferences ...

Volume 108, , Winter-Spring, 1999, pp. 117-120.
... Book Notes Book Notes Covered Wooden Truss Bridges of Greene County Ohio A collection of photos and data of a vanishing era By James H Shell Xenia Ohio Greene County Historical Society 1998 76p illustrations bibliography At first glance this slender volume appears to be just another covered bridge picture book Many of this genre emphasize numbingly repetitive photos of bridge exteriors and indeed the lead section of this book includes the expected photo gallery But this publication actually ...

"Our Patriotic Forefathers," by W. L. Curry. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 547-548.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 547 Reviews Notes and Comments 547 Senator Fess then delivered an eloquent address on the origin and achievements of the government of the United States He paid a glowing tribute to the Revolutionary fathers and the framers of our institutions This he followed with a survey of the progress under our republican form of government His address was received with frequent applause by the attentive and appreciative audience Mr Henry Williams recited the famous message of ...

"Early Ohio School Books," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 620-621.
... 620 Ohio Arch 620 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications appointed by the Governor to make a complete survey of all the historical and archaeological parks and sites to outline a program for their improvement and maintenance and to submit an estimate of the amount that should be appropriated by the Legislature for the purpose Our experience with the work of caring for these parks has shown us that in most instances even the essential needs of these parks cannot be adequately met because of ...

Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 72-90.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The C au ti ou s Dipl oma t Ch a rles E Bohlen and the Soviet Union 1929-1969 By T Michael Ruddy Kent The Kent State University Press 1986 xii 219p notes bibliography index 2700 In this first book T Michael Ruddy gives us both a useful sketch of the career of one of the most important American foreign service officials of the middle third of the twentieth century and a sense of the Cold War as he saw it A product of the Ivy League establishment Charles Bohlen was ...

Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 328-342.
... 328 OHIO HISTORY 328 OHIO HISTORY Book Reviews A Cartoon History of United States Foreign Policy 1776-1976 By the Editors of the Foreign Policy Association New York William Morrow and Company 1975 xi 210p illustrations guide to sources index Cloth 795 paper 395 The word cartoon in a title immediately creates an impression that a work is light is designed to entertain and is not meant to be taken seriously which is certainly the case with this book It is not a complete history of American ...

Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 285-304.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Ohio in the Twentieth Century 1 900 -1938 Planned and compiled by Harlow Lindley The History of the State of Ohio Edited by Carl Wittke Vol VI Columbus The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1942 xiv 563p Illustrations and maps 2500 per set of 6 vols Ohio in the Twentieth Century final volume in the six volume History of the State of Ohio is the fourth in the series to be published Previously presented have been Bond's Foundations of Ohio Utter's ...

"The Challenge of the Times to the Historian," Volume 61, Number 1, January, 1952, pp. 1-10.
... THE CHALLENGE OF THE TIMES TO THE HISTORIAN1 THE CHALLENGE OF THE TIMES TO THE HISTORIAN1 by CARL WITTKE Professor of History and Dean of the Graduate School Western Reserve University The question is frequently asked nowadays Why do historians have so little influence in public affairs and why have men and women who have been especially trained to study and distill conclusions from the long experience of the past so little status as counselors and molders of public opinion in present-day ...

"John Hay in London, 1897-1898," Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 356-375.
... John Hay in London 1897-1898 John Hay in London 1897-1898 By Louis MARTIN SEARS The mission of John Hay to London 1897-98 was among the most successful in his country's annals Time and the man had met The Venezuelan incident happily was past leaving few scars The Boer War while looming larger as a portent had not yet terminated Britain's golden age yet forces were already casting the diplomacy of Great Britain and America as well into a new mold The two leaders of the Anglo-Saxon world ...

"Exploration of the Ginther Mound," Volume 34, Number 2, April, 1925, pp. 154-168.
... EXPLORATION OF THE GINTHER MOUND EXPLORATION OF THE GINTHER MOUND H C SHETRONE CURATOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY The type of prehistoric tumuli known variously as Temple mounds Platform mounds Truncated mounds and Flat-topped mounds has furnished substance for much speculation in the archaeological literature of Ohio The early attitude of writers on the subject may be summarized in the words of Squier and Davis whose opinion is expressed as follows So far as ascertained they cover no remains and seem ...

"Contested Terrain: The Struggle Over Gender Norms for Black Working-Class Women in Cleveland's Phillis Wheatley Association, 1920-1950," by Virginia R. Boynton. Volume 103, , Winter-Spring, 1994, pp. 5-22.
... VIRGINIA R VIRGINIA R BOYNTON Contested Terrain The Struggle Over Gender Norms for Black Working-Class Women in Cleveland's Phillis Wheatley Association 1920-1950 When Adrien Jean Smith came to live at the Phillis Wheatley Association PWA of Cleveland Ohio in 1947 the young unemployed black woman was hired as a domestic servant by the home for black working women Although her work satisfied her employers for a time Smith's off-hours behavior constantly irritated and concerned the black ...

"Old Ohio River Steamboat Days: Memories of Upper Ohio River Activities Between 1860 and 1890," by W. G. Sibley. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 86-97.
... OLD OHIO RIVER STEAMBOAT DAYS OLD OHIO RIVER STEAMBOAT DAYS MEMORIES OF UPPER OHIO RIVER ACTIVITIES BETWEEN 1860 AN D 1890 BY W G SIBLEY A great river is a powerful influence over the lives of all who dwell on its banks just as lofty hills or mountains seen day after day finally come to have meaning in a man's life as does any other striking natural environment When a river is intimately associated with the affairs of a small community its whole population becomes conscious of it So it was ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Friday, April 12, 1946, 1:00 P.M.," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 257-258.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Friday April 12 1946 100 P M The meeting was called to order by President Arthur C Johnson Sr at 100 PM with a larger and more representative attendance than usual In opening the meeting President Johnson made the following introductory remarks We are now at an important crossroads in the life of the Society We will not read the reports of the activities for the past year ...

"Bull Moose" Rabbi: Judaism and Progressivism in the Life of a Reform Rabbi," by Amy Hill Shevitz. Volume 108, , Winter-Spring, 1999, pp. 6-25.
... AMY HILL SHEVITZ AMY HILL SHEVITZ Bull Moose Rabbi Judaism and Progressivism in the Life of a Reform Rabbi When he spoke Mrs R told me it was just like the voice of God This is how one of his congregants described Rabbi Isador Philo almost fifty years after his death His successor in the pulpit of Reform temple Rodef Sholom in Youngstown Ohio eulogized Philo in 1948 with similar words He was blessed with a rich resonant voice and a keen analytical mindhis entire dignified physical appearance ...

"Ohio Agriculture Since World War II," by R. Douglas Hurt. Volume 97, , Winter-Spring, 1988, pp. 50-71.
... R R DOUGLAS HURT Ohio Agriculture Since World War II The atomic bombs which exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 not only ended the Second World War but they also marked the beginning of a new age Thereafter life was never quite the same as it had been prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor Indeed fundamental change spurred by wartime industrialization and economic need characterized American life after the war The history of Ohio agriculture since World War II is the story of ...

"America: Argument," Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 213-220.
... Philip Bevan -- Minor Poet of Ohio 213 Philip Bevan -- Minor Poet of Ohio 213 Although Bevan's verse was modeled after the English school and so was representative of that period of imitation in poetry which possessed American poets at the opening of the nineteenth century his frank avowal of love for the new nation and his delight in the beauty of the frontier states are reason enough to mark him as one of the important members of the minor school Then too the reprinting of America will ...