Ohio History Journal

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"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Held April 21, 1936," Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 287-291.
... PROCEEDINGS 287 PROCEEDINGS 287 MR STOUT To honor Mr Sater I think it would be very fitting that these resolutions become a part of the Minutes of our Society Will someone make a motion to that effect A motion was made by Mr Spetnagel and seconded by Mr Roof that these resolutions be made a part of the Minutes of the Society The motion was unanimously carried Mr Spetnagel chairman of the Nominating Committee then made the following report Speaking for your Nominating Committee I wish to ...

Volume 90, Number 3, Summer, 1981, pp. 262-290.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Workers in Industrial America Essays on the 20th Century Struggle By David Brody New York Oxford University Press 1980 ix 257p notes 1495 In recent years as the intellectual luster of the labor movement has dimmed and unions have become as attractive to scholars as say the Knights of Columbus labor historians have beat a hasty retreat Labor history has become working class history ethnic divisions social mobility and the consciousness or workers increasingly have ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 93, , Winter-Spring, 1984, pp. 88-89.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Joe L Dubbert 43 Professor of History at Muskingum College died September 27 1983 after a valiant fight against cancer Born in Laurens Iowa Dr Dubbert pursued a fascination for rural American culture at Parsons College BA 1962 and the University of Minnesota PhD 1967 He joined the history department of Muskingum College in 1967 and has been credited with re-animating the study of American history at that institution Noted for his fairness his common sense ...

"James E. Campbell Honored," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 634-637.
... JAMES E JAMES E CAMPBELL HONORED On July 7 1923 Honorable James E Campbell by general consent was hailed as the first citizen of Columbus on the occasion of the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of his birth Throughout the day he was the recipient in his office of many congratulatory greetings and messages from other states and nations In the evening a banquet was given in his honor at the Scioto Country Club by about 250 of his friends Honorable Claude Meeker of Columbus formerly ...

"The Buckeye," by Alice Williams Brotherton. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 180-181.
... THE BUCKEYE THE BUCKEYE BY ALICE WILLIAMS BROTHERTON The rose and the thistle and the shamrock green And the leek are the flowers of Britain The fleur-de-lys on the flag of France In a band of blood is written But what shall we claim for our own fair land What flower for our own fair token The golden rod or the tasseled maize For each has its own bard spoken Oh the tasseled corn for the whole broad land For the Union no power can sever But the buckeye brown for the Buckeye State Shall be our ...

"The Middle West and the Coming of World War II," by Jeannette P. Nichols. Volume 62, Number 2, April, 1953, pp. 122-145.
... THE MIDDLE WEST AND THE COMING OF THE MIDDLE WEST AND THE COMING OF WORLD WAR II by JEANNETTE P N ICHOLS Such a topic as The Middle West and the Coming of World War II admits the premise that public opinion in a particular section of a nation can importantly affect the foreign policy of the central government particularly in a country run on the representative principle This premise has received endorsement repeatedly in the history of the United States and other countries and especially among ...

Volume 56, Number 1, January, 1947, pp. 103-114.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Genesis of Dental Education in the United States By Van B Dalton Columbus Spahr amp Glenn c1946 216p illus Visiting foreign lecturers are often heard to remark to their admiring audiences that the United States' only contributions to the culture of the world are the modern bathrooms and the comic strip They would no doubt admit however that they had been guilty of one omission and that is the Art and Science of Modern Dentistry In The Genesis of Dental Education ...

"Rembrandt and the Ohio Historical Society," (Collections and Exhibits) by William G. Keener. Volume 71, Number 1, January, 1962, pp. 57-61.
... COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS REMBRANDT and THE OHIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY b y WILLIAM C KEENER A FEW MONTHS ago the Metropolitan Museum of Art shocked the public and certainly surprised the museum world by paying the remarkable sum of 2300000 for Rembrandt's painting of Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer It was an historic occasion and one filled with more than its share of drama Socialites art dealers critics collectors and museum people gathered for the sale in the austerely ...

Volume 85, Number 3, Summer, 1976, pp. 265-276.
... 265 265 Book Reviews The Loyalist Americans A Focus on Greater New York Edited by Robert A East and Jacob Judd Tarrytown Sleepy Hollow Restorations 1975 xiv 176p illustrations notes appendix index 1200 Few aspects of life during the colonial era have failed to be singled out and judged in terms of their importance to the American Revolution yet important phases of that event remain inadequately explored Although the subject of several recent investigations Loyalism is a case in point For this ...

"Shakers and the Historical Society Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 566-567.
... 566 Ohio Arch 566 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dealers of the kind in question with something of the nature of a certificate from year to year Yours respectfully DAVID BOYLE Superintendent Provincial Museum PAGE HALL COLUMBUS O March 25 1904 MY DEAR PROF MOOREHEADI feel that the dealers and so-called commercially inclined collectors are a great menace to our scientific museums in very many ways Many dealers collect specimens giving little or no attention to authentic data and offer ...

Volume 111, , Winter-Spring, 2002, pp. 94-95.
... Book Notes Winter-Spring 2002 pp 94-95 Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page BOOK NOTES Field Guide to Projectile Points of the Midwest By Noel D Justice and Suzanne K Kudlaty Bloomington and Indianapolis Indiana University Press 2001 xii 53 p 112 figures appendixes This slim volume is intended as a beginner's ...

Volume 65, Number 2, April, 1956, pp. 191-194.
... Historical News Historical News The thirty-seventh annual meeting of the American Council of Learned Societies held in Washington DC January 26-27 featured a panel of twelve scholars discussing the relevance of eighteenth-century ideas in twentieth-century society Thinking Americans have been aroused from their complacency by the greatly increased contact with other nations and cultures many of which are in sharp conflict with our national interest values and way of life The startling ...

"Origin of Indian Names of Certain States and Rivers," by William E. Connelley. Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 451-454.
... ORIGIN OF INDIAN NAMES OF CERTAIN STATES ORIGIN OF INDIAN NAMES OF CERTAIN STATES AND RIVERS BY WILLIAM E CONNELLEY Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society Explanations of the origin of certain Indian names are varied and conflicting The writer submits the following authoritative statements relative to the derivation and meaning of the names of the states of Iowa Missouri Mississippi Ohio and Kentucky and the rivers Ohio Mississippi Missouri and Neosha IOWA The Iowa Indians called ...

"Address of Mayor George W. Kinney" (Hayes Dedication) Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 437-439.
... Dedication of the Haves Memorial Dedication of the Haves Memorial 437 Bless we pray the Republic of which we are a part Be with all who are in places of leadership Guide the Nation through all dangers to a safe harbor Help us to become to all nations the truest expression of the divine program for human government We ask all in the name of Jesus Christ who has given us the ideals upon which all lasting human civilizations must stand Amen The Star Spangled Banner was then sung by the Col George ...

"The Historian and His Materials," Volume 42, Number 3, July, 1933, pp. 360-373.
... 360 Ohio Arch 360 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications AFTERNOON SESSION President Johnson called the meeting to order at 2 o'clock The audience was delightfully instructed and entertained by Dr George W Rightmire who delivered the following timely address on the subject THE HISTORIAN AND HIS MATERIALS I should like to open my remarks with a quotation from an Italian historian Beccari Long ago he wrote Happy is the country without a history To him history meant military campaigns political ...

"Ohio Magazine, The," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 393-394.
... Editorialana Editorialana 393 left little or nothing to be desired in the treatment of his subject To the presentation of his facts he gives logical organization and from the results draws a judicial and convincing conclusion After a painstaking minute and unprejudiced investigation the author sums up the evidence -in his chapter on the Legal Aspects and the Equities - and elicits the verdict that the seating of Mr Hayes was a justifiable compromise of a doubtful perversion of political rights ...

"Ohio History Day at the Logan Elm," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 104-105.
... 104 Ohio Arch 104 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications OHIO HISTORY DAY AT THE LOGAN ELM A large and appreciative audience assembled in Logan Elm Park near the grand old tree which gives it its name to celebrate Ohio History Day on October 7 1923 The local papers gave generous space to this notable event The Union Herald prefaces an extended account as follows The celebration of History day at Logan Elm Park Sunday was attended by from 1500 to 1800 people from all over central Ohio and the ...

"Annual Meeting of the Trustees: Society Building, June 29, 1914," Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 406-408.
... 406 Ohio Arch 406 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications TERMS EXPIRE IN 1917 Col Webb C Hayes Fremont Dr W O Thompson Columbus Dr G Frederick Wright Oberlin APPOINTED BY THE GOVERNOR Hon J W Harper Cincinnati 1915 Hon J W Yeagley New Philadelphia 1915 Hon James E Campbell Columbus 1916 Hon Myron T Herrick Cleveland 1916 Prof B F Prince Springfield 1917 Mr E O Randall Columbus 1917 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES SOCIETY BUILDING JUNE 29 1914 The annual meeting of the trustees of the Society ...

Volume 92, , Annual, 1983, pp. 214-218.
... Book Notes Book Notes The Covered Bridges of Pennsylvania A Guide By Susan M Zacher Harrisburg Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission 1982 vi 141p illustrations maps bibliography index As its title might indicate this book functions primarily as a tourist guide to the covered bridges which are found throughout Pennsylvania Following a brief introduction to truss types the book consists of a list of the 227 extant covered bridges in the state with the bridges grouped by region and by ...

"Teaching of Pharmacy in Ohio, The," by B. V. Christensen. Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 352-364.
... THE TEACHING OF PHARMACY IN OHIO THE TEACHING OF PHARMACY IN OHIO by B V CHRISTENSEN Dean of the College of Pharmacy Ohio State University The early development of pharmacy in the United States went hand in hand with the development of medical practice As a matter of fact up until about 1800 there was no appreciable separation between medicine and pharmacy and in many instances both medicine and pharmacy were practiced by the same individuals Not infrequently neither medicine nor pharmacy was ...