Ohio History Journal

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Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 206.
... BOOK NOTES BOOK NOTES Any book mentioned in this department can be obtained through the Pub lisher of the QUARTERLY AMERICAN STATE CONSTITUTIONS A Study of their Growth By Henry Hitchcock LL D New York and London G P Putnam's Sons 1887 This little volume is No XXXVII of Questions of the Day It is an interesting study of certain currents of political thought in the United States as seen in State Constitutions and was originally delivered as an address before the New York State Bar Association ...

"Judge Rush Elmore," Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 423-424.
... John Henri Kagi--Biographical Notes 423 John Henri KagiBiographical Notes 423 at once raised a regiment of volunteers in Pennsylvania and served throughout the conflict with great distinction He was wounded a number of times and rose to the rank of brigadier general His son Edward entered the war as a private rose to the rank of captain and was killed in action Governor Geary in 1866 was elected governor of Pennsylvania a position which he held to within two weeks of his death which occurred ...

Volume 83, Number 2, Spring, 1974, pp. 147-150.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson By MICHAEL LES BENEDICT New York W W Norton amp Company Inc 1973 x 212p notes appendix bibliographical essay and index Cloth 695 paper 245 Among the countless studies of American political institutions few have dealt with impeachment Historians and political scientists writing about Reconstruction or President Andrew Johnson have avoided treating his impeachment in depth Although few scholars any longer accept the once ...

"The Debt of the State of Ohio from 1900 to 1938, Inclusive," Volume 51, Number 2, April-June, 1942, pp. 119-142.
... THE DEBT OF THE STATE OF OHIO FROM THE DEBT OF THE STATE OF OHIO FROM 1900 TO 1938 INCLUSIVE By HENRY F WALRADT One method of raising money with which to make governmental expenditures is to issue bonds or certificates of indebtedness The record of the State Government of Ohio during the twentieth century as to debt may well be studied in this day when so many political units too recklessly meet their present desire or need for revenue by the easy expedient of going into debt At the beginning ...

"Public and the Writing of History, The," by Savoie Lottinville. Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 57-63.
... THE PUBLIC AND THE WRITING OF HISTORY THE PUBLIC AND THE WRITING OF HISTORY by SAVOIE LOTTINVILLE Director University of Oklahoma Press It has been said that if you scratch a historian you will surely find an author There is scarcely a discipline in America today as productive as history--and I do not exclude even the sciences whose cosmic chill seems to work inversely enkindling the imagination of mankind the more as the outlook for the future becomes the less Perhaps it is because the record ...

"Hayes-Tilden Controversy," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 392-393.
... 392 Ohio Arch 392 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HAYES-TILDEN CONTROVERSY There is a saying Happy is the nation that has no history We doubt the truth of that trite-ism and would certainly take issue with its philosophy To say a nation has no history is to brand it as having been one lacking necessity and activity These latter elements wanting a nation would speedily lapse into lassitude and retrogression Certain it is that the nations that have contributed the most to the progress of ...

"Ethical Function of the Historian," by David Jayne Hill. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 352-356.
... 352 Ohio Arch 352 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ALBERT DOUGLAS The county of Ross is one of the richest in Ohio in historic lore It figured potently in the pioneer and early state annals Chillicothe was the first capital of the state There on April 25 1852 was born Albert Douglas who at the last annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society of which he has long been a life and interested member was elected a Trustee Mr Douglas was educated in the Chillicothe ...

"Dentistry and Dental Education," Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 386-397.
... DENTISTRY AND DENTAL EDUCATION DENTISTRY AND DENTAL EDUCATION By EDWARD C MILLS D D S F A C D To obtain a true concept of dentistry and dental education during the period under consideration it is necessary to present a general summary of previous conditions and of the qualifications activities and contributions of some of the pioneers in dentistry which ultimately developed into the present system of dental education The course of empire has ever been westward--and this truism may apply in ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 86, Number 4, Autumn, 1977, pp. 278-280.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Nelson Lichtenstein has been named the new editor of Ohio History He received his BA from Dartmouth and his PhD from the University of California Berkeley He has published articles in Labor History Radical America New Politics and the Dictionary of American Biography Editor of the recently published The Kennedy Years and The Johnson Years two volumes in the Facts on File Political Profile series Dr Lichtenstein served as lecturer in history at The Ohio State ...

"Early Internships in St. Francis Hospital-A Reminisence," by H. M. Platter. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 399-403.
... EARLY INTERNSHIPS IN ST EARLY INTERNSHIPS IN ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL-- A REMINISCENCE by H M PLATTER MD In September 1889 I enrolled in Starling Medical College with Dr Thomas C Hoover as my preceptor I had already completed three years of preliminary education at Ohio Wesleyan University Dr Hoover was professor of surgery at the college and the visiting surgeon to St Francis Hospital At the conclusion of my freshman year the first house physician or intern was appointed for St Francis and the ...

"Scott Papers: An Inside View of Reconstruction, The," by Charles M. Cummings. Volume 79, Number 2, Spring, 1970, pp. 112-118.
... CHARLES M CHARLES M CUMMINGS The Scott Papers An Inside View of Reconstruction In the light of contemporary turbulence over racial integration resurgent southern Negro voting power and upgrading of black history special significance accrues to the private papers of Robert Kingston Scott which were acquired in July 1969 by the Ohio Historical Society1 Scott was a Henry County Ohio physician who became a brevet major general for service in the Civil War then headed the Freedmen's Bureau in South ...

"Obstacles to Plan Implementation in the Age of Comprehensive City Planning: Cincinnati's Experience," by Robert A. Burnham. Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 157-173.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A BURNHAM Obstacles to Plan Implementation in the Age of Comprehensive City Planning Cincinnati's Experience During the period from roughly 1915 to 1945 when city planning became institutionalized in the United States efforts to rationalize the city through comprehensive city planning often met with only measured success1 This stemmed in part from the nature of planning itself in that planning at one level was just that planning a vision to guide the future development of the ...

Volume 103, , Winter-Spring, 1994, pp. 118-120.
... Book Notes Book Notes Cincinnati Observed Architecture and History By John Clubbe Columbus The Ohio State University Press 1992 xxvi 531p illustrations bibliography index At long last here is an engaging and informative portrait of Cincinnati's architecture history and cultural traditions Written by a native New Yorker and professor of English literature Cincinnati Observed wonderfully blends facts descriptions essays quotes and wit into the first comprehensive examination of its kind since ...

"Urban Rivalry and Internal Improvements in the Old Northwest, 1820-1960," by Harry N. Scheiber. Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 227-239, notes 289-292.
... URBAN RIVALRY URBAN RIVALRY AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE OLD NORTHWEST 1820-1860 by HARRY N SCHEIBER At the very beginning of settlement in the Old Northwest urban communities developed in response to the commercial needs of the surrounding country And almost as soon as they appeared there was urban rivalry that is competition among them for advantages that would promote their growth and enhance their attractiveness to emigrants and investors1 The earliest rivalries usually involved ...

Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 297.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Transylvania Colony By William Lester Stewart Spencer Indiana Samuel R Guard amp Co 1935 288p 300 Professor W L Stewart has made an exhaustive study of the sources by using the Draper Manuscripts the Haldimand Papers the American State Papers the Swain Manuscripts the Colonial Records of North Carolina newspapers etc He points out in an informative preface that the Transylvania company among the several that were formulated for the exploitation of the land lying ...

"Lincoln and the Ohio Printmakers," by Harold Holzer. Volume 89, Number 4, Autumn, 1980, pp. 400-419.
... HAROLD HOLZER HAROLD HOLZER Lincoln and the Ohio Printmakers Much has been written about the engraved and lithographed portraiture of Abraham Lincoln a pictorial genre that did much to benefit the nation's sixteenth president both politically and historically1 These crude and homely portrayals helped introduce the little-known Lincoln to American voters following his unexpected nomination to the presidency in 1860 Later engravings and lithographs provided audiences with the first ...

"Between 'America First' and 'All-Out' Internationalism: The Fulbright Resolution and Ohio Republican John M. Vorys," by Jeffery C. Livingston. Volume 102, , Summer-Autumn, 1993, pp. 118-134.
... JEFFERY C JEFFERY C LIVINGSTON Between America First and All-Out Internationalism The Fulbright Resolution and Ohio Republican John M Vorys In the US House of Representatives on June 16 1943 Congressman John M Vorys interrupted a floor debate on domestic programs to present the Fulbright Resolution Passed by the House in September 1943 the Fulbright Resolution was during the Second World War the first official endorsement of permanent US participation in a collective security arrangement The ...

"Politics and Pedagogy: The 1892 Cleveland School Reform," by Ronald M. Johnson. Volume 84, Number 4, Autumn, 1975, pp. 196-206.
... RONALD M RONALD M JOHNSON Politics and Pedagogy The 1892 Cleveland School Reform On May 25 1892 a large crowd gathered at Cleveland's Stillman Hotel The occasion was the announcement of Andrew S Draper as the city's new school superintendent The assembled group listened attentively as H Q Sargent the school director introduced Draper a prominent New York educator Sargent dwelt momentarily on the recently reformed school system which had led to the creation of his own office Draper followed ...

"List of Accessions," Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 227-230.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 227 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 227 planned with Ohio State University Broadcasting station and is being offered each Tuesday afternoon over WOSU This series which is professional in caliber has attracted wide attention and is being rebroadcast by several additional stations Dr William D Overman as historian deserves credit for the exhaustive research which has made these broadcasts unique up to the present time As of January 1 1940 two members of ...

Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 140-142.
... Book Notes Book Notes Celebrating the City A Pictorial Essay of Toledo 1890-1940 Compiled by Morgan J Barclay Toledo Toledo-Lucas County Public Library 1979 48p illustrations The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library and Ohio Program in the Humanities combined forces to produce an outstanding exhibit displaying a selection of the work of two late-nineteenth and early twentieth-century Toledo photographers Charles Mensing and Norman Hauger Thirty-eight of the photographs are reproduced in an ...