Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Some Ohio Caves and Rock Shelters Bearing Evidences of Human Occupancy," by H. C. Shetrone. Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 1-34.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS SOME OHIO CAVES AND ROCK SHELTERS BEARING EVIDENCES OF HUMAN OCCUPANCY BY H C SHETRONE Curator of Archaeology CANTER'S CAVES -- KETTLE HILL CAVE Caves caverns and rock-shelters are fruitful sources of archaeological evidence particularly as regards the early phases of human development Primitive humans the world over very naturally repaired to these readymade retreats in time of stress whether from inclement weather danger from wild beasts ...

"Exploration of the Tremper Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 25, Number 3, July, 1916, pp. 263-398.
... EXPLORATION OF THE TREMPER MOUND EXPLORATION OF THE TREMPER MOUND WILLIAM C MILLS The Tremper mound is situated five miles north of the city of Portsmouth on the west side of the Scioto river in Rush township Scioto county Ohio The land upon which it is located is a part of the estate of Senator William D Tremper Portsmouth which consists of more than seven hundred acres of the rich bottom lands at the confluence of the Pond creek and Scioto valleys The immediate site of the mound is a level ...

"The Chieftan Wacousta, the Young Lahkopis, and the Maiden Ahyomah," by Mrs. David Gebhart. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 455-457.
... The Black Hand The Black Hand 455 the rock was in mute appeal and forcibly reminded the wayfarer in a way at once forcible as it was poetical that thus far and no farther should the waves of unglutted vengeance roll The hand marked the portal of a sanctuary which was sacred to the savage whose lust for blood rose above every other consideration in his narrow but intense isolated but eventful life THE CHIEFTAIN WACOUSTA THE YOUNG LAHKOPIS AND THE MAIDEN AHYOMAH MRS DAVID GEBHART An unremembered ...

"Tribute of Ex-Gov. Judson Harmon (Ohio Battle Flags)," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 246-248.
... 246 Ohio Arch 246 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Mississippi Their bones are heaped in trenches where the leaden hail fell thickest and bleach unfound in prison pens where ghastly famine stalked The turbulent waves of the Atlantic and the tepid waters of the Gulf flow over the iron ships in which they are forever coffined They are the Unknown Dead -peace to their ashes These war-wasted flags are their most glorious memorial-these flags that are While for their precious honor red for ...

Volume 53, Number 3, July-September, 1944, pp. 296-302.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Greek Revival Architecture in America By Talbot Hamlin New York Oxford University Press 1944 Cloth 439p 750 The author who is librarian of the Avery Memorial library and the Fine Arts library at Columbia University is an architect and the author of a number of books on architecture In this book he has traced the important trend in American architecture and life during the period previous to the Civil War emphasizing the development of Greek revival architecture in the ...

Volume 95, , Winter-Spring, 1986, pp. 51-80.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The United States and NATO The Formative Years By Lawrence S Kaplan Lexington The University Press of Kentucky 1984 xi 276p notes appendixes bibliographic essays index 3000 cloth 1200 paper This volume by a distinguished historian of American diplomacy contains elements of patchwork Some of the chapters have been published before others have not some are detailed analyses of events leading up to the creation of NATO and of the organization's early development others ...

"Resolutions adopted by The American Historical Association at its Annual Meeting held at Columbus, Ohio, December 27-29, 1923," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 103.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 103 Reviews Notes and Comments 103 Resolutions adopted by THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION at its Annual Meeting held at Columbus Ohio December 27-29 1923 WHEREAS there has been in progress for several years an agitation conducted by certain newspapers patriotic societies fraternal orders and others against a number of school textbooks in history and in favor of official censorship and WHEREAS this propaganda has met with sufficient success to bring about not only ...

"Baum Prehistoric Village," by William C. Mills. Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 45-136.
... BAUM PREHISTORIC VILLAGE BAUM PREHISTORIC VILLAGE WILLIAM C MILLS The Baum Prehistoric Village site is situated in Twin Township Ross County Ohio just across the river from the small borough of Bourneville upon the first gravel terrace of Paint Creek The Paint Creek valley is drained by Paint Creek a stream of irregular turbulence flowing in a northeasterly direction and emptying into the Scioto River south of Chillicothe The Valley at the site of this village upwards of two miles in width is ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 86, Number 1, Winter, 1977, pp. 54-55.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Labor History Project of The Ohio Historical Society has completed the Preliminary Guide to Sources in Ohio Labor History a forty-seven page pamphlet listing over 350 entries Copies can be obtained for 225 by writing to Ohio Labor History Project Ohio Historical Society ArchivesManuscripts Division Columbus Ohio 43211 Please make checks payable to the Ohio Historical Society The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded a 25000 grant to the ...

"Research Projects in Ohio History," compiled by William D. Overman. Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 338-340.
... RESEARCH PROJECTS IN OHIO HISTORY RESEARCH PROJECTS IN OHIO HISTORY Compiled by WILLIAM D OVERMAN A recent survey indicates that there are thirteen biographies and nearly thirty monographs and treatises in preparation or completed but not published dealing with the history of Ohio or the Ohio Valley A list of these alphabetically arranged by author includes the following Nellie C Armstrong and Glenn A Blackburn Historical Bureau Indianapolis John Tipton Papers progress Leland D Baldwin ...

"Henry Ford and the McGuffey Readers," Volume 36, Number 2, April, 1927, pp. 314-315.
... 314 Ohio Arch 314 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications historic building but no one has come forward with the money to purchase and preserve it It is likely to share the fate of the house in Niles in which William McKinley was born JUDSON HARMON Judson Harmon jurist attorney general in the cabinet of President Cleveland and twice elected governor of Ohio died in Cincinnati February 22 1927 He was a graduate of Denison University a lawyer of eminent ability and a life member of the Ohio ...

"Emilius Oviatt Randall, Professor of Law," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 109-112.
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 109 Then with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raise So by my woes to be Nearer my God to Thee Nearer to Thee The meeting was concluded with prayer BENEDICTION BY DR JOSEPH S KORNFELD To the departed Emilius Oviatt Randall whom we now affectionately remember may peace and bliss be granted in the realm of eternal life There may he find grace and mercy before the Lord of Heaven and earth May his soul ...

"The Museum and Library in Modern Education," Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 289-291.
... PROCEEDINGS 289 PROCEEDINGS 289 The guest speaker of the day was Mr Wilbur D Peat director of the John Herron Art Institute of Indianapolis who spoke on the subject The Museum and Library in Modern Education parts of which follow The place that the museums and public libraries occupy in contemporary life is so well known to curators and librarians that any further comment is unnecessary and instead of reviewing their achievements for you here I would prefer to point out certain dangers that ...

"George Bancroft Smith," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 362-364.
... GEORGE BANCROFT SMITH GEORGE BANCROFT SMITH Secretary-Treasurer of C F Kettering Inc Dayton Ohio George Bancroft Smith Secretary-Treasurer of C F Kettering Inc Dayton Ohio was born November 16 1867 at Phillipsburg Ohio a son of Lewis R Smith who was actively identified in the legal profession at one time in the contracting business and of Mary John Smith Ancestry on father's side Scotch and Holland Dutch on mother's side of Welsh descent George Bancroft Smith received a public school education ...

"Frank George Carpenter," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 528-530.
... 528 Ohio Arch 528 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications FRANK GEORGE CARPENTER Frank George Carpenter well known correspondent traveler and author was born at Mansfield Ohio May 8 1855 He was the son of George F and Jennette L Carpenter He was graduated from the University of Wooster Ohio in 1877 with the degree of A B Later he received the degrees of A M and Litt D He married Joanna D Condict of Mansfield Ohio January 10 1883 Mr Carpenter began newspaper work as legislative correspondent of ...

"Purveyors to the Profession: Cincinnati Drug Houses, 1859-1860," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 54, Number 4, October-December, 1945, pp. 371-380.
... PURVEYORS TO THE PROFESSION CINCINNATI PURVEYORS TO THE PROFESSION CINCINNATI DRUG HOUSES 1850-1860 By PHILIP D JORDAN During the twenty years prior to the Civil War the hardworked Ohio physician could replenish his saddlebags and his office drug stock from well-established and reputable pharmaceutical houses at home and abroad1 No longer was it necessary for the doctor to search the fields and pastures of the back country for the makings of a botanic materia medica He was freed at last from ...

"Necrology," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 645-647.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 645 Forty-First Annual Meeting 645 they shall have settled well did not seem advisable nor would it have been possible owing to lack of funds Careful leveling and grading of the park area or as much of it as may be deemed advisable remains as a task for the future A preliminary step would be the breaking up of the entire tract and seeding it to wheat This would facilitate leveling and grading by thorough harrowing or disking and dragging and the wheat stubble would ...

"NOTES" Volume 47, Number 1, January, 1938, pp. 85-86.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue ROB ERT S FLETCHER is associate professor of history at Oberlin College Oberlin Ohio W SHERMAN SAVAGE PhD Ohio State University 1934 is head of the Department of History at Lincoln University Jefferson City Missouri ALTA HARVEY HEISER who has done work at the University of Cincinnati writes nature and historical articles for the Hamilton Ohio Journal-News and does genealogical research JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS of Marietta Ohio is a research worker in early ...

"American Historical Association, The," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 289-290.
... Notes Notes 289 are many others as important as the 'Serpent' which need attention at once to preserve them A member of the Society writes We must do something before the centennial celebration for their purchase and protection or be disgraced Every member of the Society should use his influence to interest the members of the Legislature in the matter in order that the State may fitly add to the glory of its centennial by the purchase of the more important of the works of its prehistoric ...

"Mythologies of Our Aborigines," by Henry Roe Cloud. Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 561-567.
... Minutes of the Annual Meeting 561 Minutes of the Annual Meeting 561 listened to some arguments I made there and now he will get even by forcing me to listen to him He holds a policy in the same life insurance company in which I hold a policy but I will not give the name of the company myself but I will say that this man has a great gift of getting into good company and I want to congratulate him this afternoon on getting into this company here He belongs to a race that is a hundred per cent ...