Ohio History Journal

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The Ideal of Nature and the "Good Farmer": Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community by Philip J. Nelson. Volume 110, , Winter-Spring, 2001, pp. 26-47.
... Nelson Winter-Spring 2001 pp 5-25 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page The Ideal of Nature and the Good Farmer Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community By Philip J Nelson click to view larger image World War II and its aftermath dominated the 1940s as have few events in other decades ...

Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 258.
... Announcing Announcing THE HISTORY OF THE STATE OF OHIO Edited by CARL WITTKE and Published under the Auspices of the OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY in Six Volumes Volumes I II and III are now available and Volume VI is in press Volumes IV and V are expected later The price of the complete set is 2500 and orders should be sent direct to the Secretary Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Ohio State Museum Columbus Ohio Because of the limited edition sets will not be ...

"Economic Issues in Ohio's Politics During the Recession of 1857-1858," by B. W. Collins. Volume 89, Number 1, Winter, 1980, pp. 46-64.
... B B W COLLINS Economic Issues in Ohio's Politics During the Recession of 1857-1858 Historians are just beginning to integrate the study of local and state issues with the study of national issues in American politics For some periods federal issues are so important and interesting that state history tends to be reduced to a batch of mere case studies detailing the local impact of great national questions One period suffering acutely from such neglect is the 1850s Recently however state and ...

"Sargent Genealogy," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 318-321.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR SARGENT GENEALOGY Epes Sargent of Gloucester and His Descendants by Emma Worcester Sargent and Charles Sprague Sargent Houghton Mifflin Company publishers Boston and New York 1923 One of the most valuable and finely wrought books that has been added to the library of the Society is the sumptuous volume entitled Epes Sargent of Gloucester and His Descendants ...

Volume 51, Number 2, April-June, 1942, pp. 164.
... Announcing Announcing THE HISTORY OF THE STATE OF OHIO Edited by CARL WITTKE and Published under the Auspices of the OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY in Six Volumes Volumes I II and III are now available and Volume VI is in press Volumes IV and V are expected in 1942 The price of the complete set is 2500 and orders should be sent direct to the Secretary Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Ohio State Museum Columbus Ohio Because of the limited edition sets will not ...

"Abstract of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, April 1, 1938," Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 215-217.
... PROCEEDINGS 215 PROCEEDINGS 215 tory section under the supervision of the State Historical Society It is not intended to limit the activities and interests of the conference to Ohio history alone but rather to develop an annual Ohio History Conference devoted to all phases of history in which the membership might be interested The president called for a report of the Nominating Committee for trustees The chairman of the committee reported that the committee recommended the re-appointment of Dr ...

"The Liberty Party Leaders of Ohio: Exponents of Anti-Slavery Coalition," Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 165-178.
... THE LIBERTY PARTY LEADERS OF OHIO EXPONENTS THE LIBERTY PARTY LEADERS OF OHIO EXPONENTS OF ANTISLAVERY COALITION by JOSEPH G RAYBAC K Assistant Professor of American History The Pennsylvania State College If there is one aspect of American history that has received the attention that is its due it is the role of the abolitionist in the antislavery movement The main outlines of the part played by that small semifanatical body of men and women have long been revealed the eternal history of the ...

"Ohio Agriculture Since World War II," by R. Douglas Hurt. Volume 97, , Winter-Spring, 1988, pp. 50-71.
... R R DOUGLAS HURT Ohio Agriculture Since World War II The atomic bombs which exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 not only ended the Second World War but they also marked the beginning of a new age Thereafter life was never quite the same as it had been prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor Indeed fundamental change spurred by wartime industrialization and economic need characterized American life after the war The history of Ohio agriculture since World War II is the story of ...

"A Letter of Rufus Putnam's to Nehemiah Hubbard, Esquire, A Non-Resident Proprietor of Marietta, Ohio," by Frank Ankenbrand, Jr.. Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 213-215.
... A LETTER OF RUFUS PUTNAM'S TO NEHEMIAH A LETTER OF RUFUS PUTNAM'S TO NEHEMIAH HUBBARD ESQUIRE A NON-RESIDENT PROPRIETOR OF MARIETTA OHIO Contributed by FRANK ANKENBRAND JR This letter written by Rufus Putnam1 the founder of the city of Marietta Ohio gives but an inkling of the many petty annoyances that beset a man of vision Here are all the little irksome things the exasperating delays and hindrances the mosquito bites of adversity such as irritated the men who hewed from the vast American ...

"The Cincinnati Post and Municipal Reform, 1914-1941," Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 231-242.
... GEORGE E GEORGE E STEVENS THE CINCINNA TI POST AND MUNICIPAL REFORM 1914-1941 City government in Cincinnati underwent a drastic overhaul in the 1920's Once called the worst governed city in the United States by Lincoln Steffens1 Cincinnati became a model of good government so quickly that the transformation amazed even the most idealistic reformers The new regime showed so complete a reversal of form from the old that it left observers dazed wrote Alvin F Harlow2 This reversal of form was made ...

"Country Store in American Social History, The," by Thomas D. Clark. Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 126-144.
... THE COUNTRY STORE IN AMERICAN SOCIAL HISTORY THE COUNTRY STORE IN AMERICAN SOCIAL HISTORY by THOMAS D CLARK Professor of History University of Kentucky Any rural American over forty years of age and possessed of a sound memory often lets his mind wander back to the countryside and conditions of his youth Many institutions and symbols of the past are reminiscent of a life of peace and contentment There was the country church where he worshipped or perhaps more exactly sat and longed to be out ...

"Ohio," by Charles Burleigh Galbreath. Volume 43, Number 2, April, 1934, pp. 135-136.
... Charles Burleigh Galbreath 135 Charles Burleigh Galbreath 135 The final phase But why delay the bitter truth-- The story of my pride and fall-- The transit from my vernal youth To wreckage sad and skeletal Spurned by the feet of passers-by An outcast in the mire and rain Unworthy of a passing sigh And dead alike to joy or pain Fair maiden speed--I ask no more-- My flight aloft on fiery wings To Nature's mighty reservoir-- The goal of all material things Your hope serene I may not claim Of joys ...

"Sarah Elizabeth Reynolds," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 542-546.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR DEATH OF HONORABLE DANIEL J RYAN Early Friday morning June 15 1923 Daniel Joseph Ryan Vice President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society breathed his last He had been in poor health for some time but the end came unexpectedly He passed without pain from the repose of sleep to the repose of death This announcement brings sadness to the members of ...

"Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class" by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux. Volume 111, pp. 145-182, Summer-Autumn, 2002, pp. 145.
... AndersonBertaux Summer-Autumn 2002 pp 145-182 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class By M Christine Anderson and Nancy E Bertaux Male laborers such as these were the fathers of children institutionalized at the Cincinnati Orphan Asylum Image copyright the Cincinnati Historical Society Library Introduction ...

"Painted Skeletons," by William C. Mills. Volume 11, Number 2, October, 1902, pp. 246-248.
... PAINTED SKELETONS PAINTED SKELETONS BY WM C MILLS Curator Ohio State Archaeological Historical Society Very peculiar burials have been reported from the western part of Concord Township Ross County Ohio The burials were first brought to my notice by Mr A B Coover of Roxabell Ohio who removed several skeletons from a gravel pit in the western part of Concord Township and these were covered with red ocre One year later Mr Almer Hegler of Washington C H notified me that a number of skeletons ...

"Address of D. J. Ryan" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 34-36.
... 34 Ohio Arch 34 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications search history other than that of our own state for noble ideas The story of the foundation of our state and its progress is like a romance Well did Washington say in the dark days of the Revolution when he was questioned as to what he would do if he met defeat that he would come out here and settle in the valley of the Muskingum Several years ago a friend of mine a lady of Ohio met an English woman whose whole idea of America was based ...

"Henry B. Curtis. A Memorial Address," Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 47-54.
... HENRY B HENRY B CURTIS A MEMORIAL ADDRESS1 AT the re-organization of this Society in March 1885 Hon Henry B Curtis of Mt Vernon was elected as its First Vice President It is now our sad duty formally to announce the death of Mr Curtis which occurred on the fifth day of last November at the residence of his grand-daughter Mrs Charles D Seeberger in the City of Chicago Ill where he was stopping for a few days on his way home from a business trip farther West Upon this occasion it is eminently ...

"Ethnic Identity in Industrial Cleveland: The Hungarians, 1900-1920," Volume 86, Number 3, Summer, 1977, pp. 171-186.
... DANIEL E DANIEL E WEINBERG Ethnic Identity in Industrial Cleveland The Hungarians 1900-1920 Melting pot and Americanization assimilation and acculturation accommodation and integration are traditionally popular terms used to describe the processes of interaction between immigrants to the United States and American society Exploiting the country's vibrant economy having access to cheap and expanding communication facilities and enjoying their freedom from centuries' old political and social ...

"NOTES" Volume 46, Number 4, October, 1937, pp. 367.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue EMERSON F GREENMAN former curator of archaeology of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society is now at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor Reprints Reprints of any paper published in the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY may be obtained by the contributor Estimate of the cost will be furnished on request and the request should be made to the editor before the issue containing the article is to be published Publications For a ...

"The Museum and Library in Modern Education," Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 289-291.
... PROCEEDINGS 289 PROCEEDINGS 289 The guest speaker of the day was Mr Wilbur D Peat director of the John Herron Art Institute of Indianapolis who spoke on the subject The Museum and Library in Modern Education parts of which follow The place that the museums and public libraries occupy in contemporary life is so well known to curators and librarians that any further comment is unnecessary and instead of reviewing their achievements for you here I would prefer to point out certain dangers that ...