Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Remarks on Address by Dr. Sparks," by T. C. Mendenhall. Volume 32, Number 2, April, 1923, pp. 312-313.
... 312 Ohio Arch 312 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications REMARKS ON ADDRESS OF DR SPARKS BY DR T C MENDENHALL Mr President and Members of the Society I had a story to tell this afternoon but in view of the late hour I have begged the Chairman to let me off As he insists on not doing so I will put off my story for a future day and speak very briefly of a thought that has been in my mind while listening to the extremely interesting paper of Dr Sparks and the very impressive address of General ...

"Baseball's First Professional Manager," by Harold Seymour. Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 406-423.
... Baseball's First Professional Manager Baseball's First Professional Manager By HAROLD SEYMOUR It is fairly common knowledge that Ohio holds the distinction of fielding the first admittedly professional team in baseball history the Cincinnati Red Stockings1 It is less well known that the manager of that famous team was perhaps the outstanding baseball figure of his time Harry Wright's career spanned the amateur and early professional periods of baseball and provided a link between the two He ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 86, Number 4, Autumn, 1977, pp. 278-280.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Nelson Lichtenstein has been named the new editor of Ohio History He received his BA from Dartmouth and his PhD from the University of California Berkeley He has published articles in Labor History Radical America New Politics and the Dictionary of American Biography Editor of the recently published The Kennedy Years and The Johnson Years two volumes in the Facts on File Political Profile series Dr Lichtenstein served as lecturer in history at The Ohio State ...

"List of Accessions," Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 227-230.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 227 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 227 planned with Ohio State University Broadcasting station and is being offered each Tuesday afternoon over WOSU This series which is professional in caliber has attracted wide attention and is being rebroadcast by several additional stations Dr William D Overman as historian deserves credit for the exhaustive research which has made these broadcasts unique up to the present time As of January 1 1940 two members of ...

Volume 56, Number 1, January, 1947, pp. 103-114.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Genesis of Dental Education in the United States By Van B Dalton Columbus Spahr amp Glenn c1946 216p illus Visiting foreign lecturers are often heard to remark to their admiring audiences that the United States' only contributions to the culture of the world are the modern bathrooms and the comic strip They would no doubt admit however that they had been guilty of one omission and that is the Art and Science of Modern Dentistry In The Genesis of Dental Education ...

"Archaeological Work in Ohio," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 499-500.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 499 Reviews Notes and Comments 499 respondence between Rutherford Birchard Hayes and his college classmate and intimate friend Guy Morrison Bryan The two were members of the same college club at Kenyon After graduation Mr Bryan returned to Texas Of opposite political views and identified in sympathy with their respective sections their warm personal friendship extended over many years and their correspondence was unbroken except through the period of the Civil War ...

"Goldwin Smith: A Pupil's Recollection," by E. O. Randall. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 473-475.
... Editorialana Editorialana 4 73 Mrs Mary E Bray Charles R Bartlett Mrs Catharine M Bartlett Louis M Hanff Mrs Frances P Hanff Rutland After the dinner Prof Hulbert Senator Dana and Edwin D Mead spoke briefly after which the meeting dissolved After the meeting several signed the membership roll of the Rutland Chapter of the Ohio Company of Associates GOLDWIN SMITH A Pupil's Recollection Just two score years ago-in the Fall of 1870-the editor of the QUARTERLY-then a slip of a lad just emerging ...

Volume 101, , Winter-Spring, 1992, pp. 86-88.
... Book Notes Book Notes The Civil War Letters of an Ohio Soldier SO Chamberlain and the 49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry By Dick and Judy Chamberlain Flournoy California Dick Chamberlain 1990 ix 67p illustrations Letters written by a Seneca County soldier during the years 1861 -65 are interspersed with the authors' explication of their contents A candid portrayal of campaigning with the Army of the Cumberland the letters speak with a certain rude eloquence of the tedium and hardship of the tented ...

Volume 96, , Winter-Spring, 1986, pp. 93-95.
... Book Notes Book Notes State Maps on File Midwest Illinois Indiana Iowa Michigan Minnesota Missouri Ohio Wisconsin New York Facts on File Publications 1984 maps index and Illustrated Dictionary of Place Names United States and Canada Edited by Kelsie B Harder New York Facts on File Publications 1985 reprint xiv 631p illustrations bibliography State Maps on File is one of a seven-volume series of state maps compiled by the publishers and specifically geared to the needs of teachers students and ...

"Race and Realism in the Fiction of Charles W. Chesnutt," Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 122-130.
... CARY D CARY D WINTZ Race and Realism in the Fiction of Charles WChesnutt In this day of increased awareness of the role blacks have played in American history and culture it is somewhat surprising that Charles W Chesnutt is only recently being recognized by students of history and literature He played an important part in the development of black American literature during the last decade of the nineteenth century and also helped to lay the foundation for the Negro Renaissance of the 1920's ...

"Clark County Historical Society," Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 99.
... Editorialana Editorialana 90 Secretary--Harry Brent Mackoy Covington Ky Deputy Secretary - Murray Marvin Shoemaker Cincinnati Treasurer - Howard Sydenham Winslow Cincinnati Registrar - Robert Ralston Jones Cincinnati Historian - John Uri Lloyd Norwood Chancellor - Herbert Jenney Cincinnati Surgeon - Dr Phineas Sanborn Conner Cincinnnati Chaplain - Rev Henry Melville Curtis Cincinnati Gentlemen of the Council - Nathaniel Henchman Davis Cincinnati Edwin C Gashorn Cincinnati Charles Humphrey ...

"A Documentary History of Ohio" by A. A. Graham. Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 423-429.
... A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF OHIO A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF OHIO Few American States possess a more national history or one embodying a greater variety of interests than Ohio The centennial celebrations that have lately been held within her borders commemorative of the beginning Of the Northwest Territory were more than local in character They embodied ideas that have a marked bearing on our National history The settlement at Marietta on the Muskingum on that April morning one hundred years ago was ...

Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 118-119.
... Book Notes Book Notes Middle Innings A Documentary History of Baseball 1900-1948 Compiled and edited by Dean A Sullivan Lincoln University of Nebraska Press 1998 xviii 238p illustrations bibliography index Baseball if no longer reigning as the national pastime still occupies a secure place in America's collective psyche Evidence of this nostalgic affection is deeply rooted in the game's vast statistical lore it's colorful phraseology and an odd sometimes zany cast of characters Figures such as ...

"America's First Red Scare-The Cincinnati Reds of 1869," Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 13-24, notes 68-69.
... The Reds of 1869 by DAVID QUENTIN VOIGT We are a band of baseball players From Cincinnati City We come to toss the ball around And sing to you our ditty And if you listen to the song We are about to sing We'll tell you all about baseball And make the welkin ring The ladies want to know Who are those gallant men in Stockings red they'd like to know When the victorious 1869 Red Stockings were on tour they introduced themselves by singing the team's official song set to the tune of Bonnie Blue ...

"William Pendleton Palmer," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 200-201.
... 200 Ohio Arch 200 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications had been especially active in the selection of books for the Hayes Memorial Library He was a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and served on its Spiegel Grove Committee Mr Root was a scholarly gentleman unassuming modest and from early manhood a great student He was a wise and trusted counselor among the student body and faculty of Oberlin College and a constantly widening circle of those who came to ...

"Exploration of the Hopewell Group of Prehistoric Earthworks," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 1-227.
... EXPLORATION OF THE HOPEWELL GROUP OF EXPLORATION OF THE HOPEWELL GROUP OF PREHISTORIC EARTHWORKS PREFATORY The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society's examination of the Hopewell Group of Prehistoric Earthworks if set down in detail would more than fill the allotted space and yet such a report without some mention of two former partial explorations would lack much of being a complete story Moreover should anything like a full review of previous explorations be included the resultant ...

"NOTES" Volume 44, Number 4, October, 1935, pp. 469-470.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue Miss LOUISE RAU is assistant editor of the Burton Historical Collection in the Detroit Public Library DR DAVID A T U CKER JR is professor of the history of medicine in the College of Medicine of the University of Cincinnati Reprints Reprints of any paper published in the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY may be obtained by the contributor Estimates of the cost will be furnished on request and requests should be made to the editor before ...

"Additions to the Library," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 539-542.
... Report of the Forty-fifth Annual Meeting 539 Report of the Forty-fifth Annual Meeting 539 probably purchase these volumes at that price if they had the opportunity to do so It is suggested that two years hence a request should be made for the republication of the volumes to be distributed at cost to those desiring to purchase ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY Within the past year progress has been made in additions to the library Books and bound pamphlets to the number of 882 have been accessioned ...

"State of Ohio's History: A Review Essay, The," by Andrew R.L. Cayton. Volume 106, , Summer-Autumn, 1997, pp. 192-199.
... ANDREW R ANDREW RL CAYTON The State of Ohio's Early History A Review Essay The Ohio Frontier Crucible of the Old Northwest 1720-1830 By R Douglas Hurt Bloomington Indiana University Press 1996 xv 418p illustrations bibliographic essay index 3500 It is axiomatic that each generation creates its own version of the past As much as historians value objectivity most of them see it is a noble but unattainable goal Historians always have and always will interpret the past through the prism of the ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 99, , Winter-Spring, 1990, pp. 72-73.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The University Press of Wright State University is currently considering for publication book-length manuscripts on the following subjects aviation history black achievers gifted and talented children and Ohio life and history For additional information write to Carl M Becker Director University Press Wright State University Dayton Ohio 45435 The North American Society for Sport History will hold its Eighteenth Annual Convention at Banff Alberta Canada on ...