Ohio History Journal

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"Newspapers in Battle: The Dayton Empire and the Dayton Journal During the Civil War," by Carl M. Becker. Volume 99, , Winter-Spring, 1990, pp. 29-50.
... CARL M CARL M BECKER Newspapers in Battle The Dayton Empire and the Dayton Journal During the Civil War Throughout the Civil War as Union armies fought and bled Northern newspapers opposing and supporting the Lincoln administration engaged in a war of words that sometimes triggered violence on the home front Especially in the Middle West the Peace Democrats or Copperheads as these ultra-conservative Democrats came to be known employed the press for a continuing assault on Lincoln and his ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 112, , Summer-Autumn, 2003, pp. 113.
... Notes and Queries Summer-Autumn 2003 pp 113 PDF of Notes and Queries CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Robert L Daugherty PhD the tenth editor of Ohio History retired August 8 2003 Bob a native of West Virginia earned his undergraduate and masters degrees from West Virginia University and his doctorate in military history from The Ohio State University in 1974 He served in the United States Army and was a member of the history faculties of ...

"The Carmichael Case: Animal Science At The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, 1905-1921," by Chris Cumo. Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 31-41.
... CHRIS CUMO CHRIS CUMO The Carmichael Case Animal Science At The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station 1905-1921 The late nineteenth century was an important period in Ohio because agricultural education and science began to take shape then Farmers had welcomed the Morrill Act of 1862 and the Ohio legislature translated it into institutional form by creating The Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College in 1870 which the Board of Trustees renamed The Ohio State University in 18781 Its creation ...

"William C. Mills," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 201.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 201 Reviews Notes and Comments 201 Western Reserve Historical Society and the Cleveland Foundation Mr Palmer was a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and was at one time a member of its Board of Trustees DEATH OF DR WILLIAM C MILLS While the current issue of the QUARTERLY was passing through the press Dr William C Mills since 1898 archaeologist and director of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society passed to his final ...

"No Interest, No Time, No Money: Civil Defense in Cleveland in the Cold War," by Andrew McIlroy. Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 59-86.
... ANDREW McILROY ANDREW McILROY No Interest No Time No Money Civil Defense in Cleveland in the Cold War In recent years historians have shown that fear of the atomic bomb pervaded all aspects of American life in the early cold war era Paul Boyer argued that the ever-present reality of the bomb was so great that it was built into the very structure of our minds giving shape and meaning to all our perceptions Magazines such as Life Time and Newsweek offered evidence through a wealth of articles ...

"Index to Minutes of Forty-First Annual Meeting of the Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 35, Binding Supplement, , 1926, pp. 693-695.
... INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTY-FIRST INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Archaeological and Historical Society gifts to Museum 623-624 list of acholds Annual Meeting 607 urges cessions 624-629 the Seip Mound completion of Building 607-608 need 630 American Anthropological Assofor expansion of Building 656-658 ciation Central section at the MuArchives Committee on appointed 608 seum 630 re-elected 668 Donahue ...

"Ohio," by J. J. Bliss. Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 115-117.
... OHIO OHIO BY J J BLISS BUCYRUS Lo next the Union stars and stripes Ohio's pennant streaming Lo in the field of brightest blue The Buckeye emblem gleaming Come muses then in chorus join To voice Ohio's praises Aright your sweetest notes attune And choose your fairest phrases CHORUS Ohio our Ohio most favored by the fates Hurrah for dear Ohio and our great United States Sing forests vast of stately trees Choice orchards ranked in order Sweet silver streams and lakelet gems That fertile fields ...

"Death of Senator Frank Bartlette Willis," Volume 37, Number 2, April, 1928, pp. 433-434.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 433 Reviews Notes and Comments 433 DEATH OF SENATOR FRANK BARTLETTE WILLIS On the evening of March 28 1928 when he was about to deliver an address in his campaign for the nomination of President of the United States at a home-coming celebration in his honor at Gray Chapel Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware Ohio United States Senator Frank B Willis was stricken and died while 2500 of his friends and neighbors were waiting to hear him Senator Willis was born in Delaware ...

"Fort Ancient and Warren County Serpent Mound," committee report by B. F. Prince. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 621-623 .
... Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 621 Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 621 Outlines of Psychology by Dr Henry G Williams now President of Wilmington College Wilmington Ohio One lot of school publications by R Heber Holbrook in the interest of the Lebanon School to-wit The Reunion The National Normal The Home and School The National Normal Exponent Also catalogues of the school for the years 1873-74 1875-76 1882-83 1883-84 and 1891-93 Among the noted graduates from this school were ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, April 5, 1940," Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 247-248.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 247 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 247 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY APRIL 5 1940 The regular April meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Ohio State Museum Friday noon April 5 1940 Trustees present were Messrs Eagleson who presided Florence Rightmire Spencer Spetnagel Weygandt and Wolfe Director Shetrone ...

"From Constitution to Higher Law: The Reinterpretation of the Northwest Ordinance," Volume 94, , Winter-Spring, 1985, pp. 5-33.
... PETER S PETER S ONUF From Constitution to Higher Law The Reinterpretation of the Northwest Ordinance The Northwest Ordinance is one of the most celebrated texts in American constitutional history During the state-making era in the Old Northwest Territory it was also a controversial document Treated reverently by some speakers and writers it was dismissed with contempt by others Promoters claimed that the Ordinance was a constitution for the territories and future states of the Northwest ...

"Annual Meeting of the Trustees," Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 255-256.
... Twenty-second Annual Meeting Twenty-second Annual Meeting 255 above named gentlemen as Trustees The Secretary cast the ballot as instructed and the five men designated were declared elected as Trustees of the Society to serve for the ensuing three years ending at the Annual Meeting in 1910 Mr Wood in making the report of the Nominating Committee stated that the committee further desired to recommend that General R Brinkerhoff be elected by the Society President Emeritus for life Such action he ...

"Some Problems of Contemporary Historiography," by Walter L. Dorn. Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 219-228.
... PROCEEDINGS 219 PROCEEDINGS 21 9 SOME PROBLEMS OF CONTEMPORARY HISTORIOGRAPHY1 By WALTER L DORN Among the multiple tendencies which inspire historians of every variety in our day one of the strongest is a synthetic or comparative study of history Although national histories are still being written in all the countries of western society there is a keen consciousness everywhere that national history in its isolation does not constitute an intelligible field of historical study Comparative ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 102, , Summer-Autumn, 1993, pp. 135-136.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Society for German-American Studies will hold its 18th Annual Symposium Thursday through Sunday April 14-17 1994 at The Pennsylvania State University The main topics will include Gateway to the New World German Migration to and from Pennsylvania from 1683-1993 The Pennsylvania Germans History and Culture and German-American Studies New Projects New Insights For further information about the symposium contact Eric Loop The Pennsylvania State University ...

Volume 2, Number 2, September, 1888, pp. 345-347.
... EDITORIAL NOTES EDITORIAL NOTES DR I W ANDREWS-At the annual meeting of the Ohio Teachers' Association held at Sandusky June 28 1888 memorial exercises occurred in honor of the late Israel W Andrews Professor M R Andrews read a memorial sketch In it he paid tribute in the highest terms to the many virtues of the deceased scholar and educator His conservative but persistent and hopeful nature his accuracy and painstaking care as a student and instructor his unswerving fidelity to every trust ...

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Annual Business Session, April 24, 1942, Ohio State Museum," Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 204-205.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL BUSINESS SESSION 1000 AM APRIL 24 1942 OHIO STATE MUSEUM The Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society convened in the auditorium of the Museum at 1000 AM on April 24 1 942 Mr Arthur C Johnson President of the Society called the meeting to order President Johnson in his brief introductory remarks referred to the small attendance caused no doubt by the fact ...

"The Third Party to the Contract," by Job E. Hedges. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 37-40.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 37 Steel Queen Lee H Brooks Slackwater Frank Tyler Margaret Return Frank Fowler Troubador Sunshine and Emily Jung The fleet was in command of Capt James A Henderson The New Orleans was in command of Melville O Irwin mate Thomas Walker engineer and T Orville Noel steward Fortunately for those in attendance at the Fifth Annual Meeting the Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce took the opportunity of President Taft's presence to hold Tuesday ...

"The Gateways to Fort Ancient," by Thomas J. Brown. Volume 12, Number 4, October, 1903, pp. 438-440.
... THE GATEWAYS TO FORT ANCIENT THE GATEWAYS TO FORT ANCIENT BY THOS J BROWN During a recent visit to Fort Ancient after a period of several years I was greatly impressed by the improvements that have taken place there since I have been acquainted with the fort My visits to it were begun forty-seven years ago and have been repeated at short intervals until late years then not so often When I first saw it and continuing until about the time the State acquired title to it it was one of the most ...

"Arthur Charles Johnson: President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 248-250.
... ARTHUR CHARLES JOHNSON ARTHUR CHARLES JOHNSON PRESIDENT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY It is our pleasure in this issue to present the newly elected President of the Society Mr Arthur Charles Johnson whose portrait appears on the page opposite The death of James E Campbell former governor of Ohio and in recent years president of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society left a vacancy that was difficult to fill After canvassing the availability and ...

"Honorary and Life Members of the Society," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 451.
... HONORARY AND LIFE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY HONORARY AND LIFE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY HONORARY MEMBERS Baird Prof S F Washington D C Bancroft Hon Hubert Howe San Francisco Cala De Reune Mrs Mary Augusta Ga Gladden Washington DD LLD Columbus Howe Henry Columbus Nicholson Jno P Philadelphia Pa Putnam Prof F W Cambridge Mass Smucker Isaac Newark Winslow Rev Dr Wm Copley Boston Mass Whittlesey Col Chas Cleveland LIFE MEMBERS Barney E J Dayton Brown Benjamin S Columbus Burgess Solon Cleveland Collins W ...