... WINTHROP SARGENT VII WINTHROP SARGENT VII By the death of Winthrop Sargent VII of Haverford Pennsylvania on March 29 1932 this Society sustained the loss of a generous friend and life member It was chiefly through his aid that the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society came into the possession of the valuable historical papers of Winthrop Sargent Secretary of the Northwest Territory from its organization until 1798 In the year 1904 the writer learned that a relative of his who was a ...
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY 1835-1858 OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY 1835-1858 STILL FURTHER ASPECTS FIVE YEAR REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE OHIO COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL HISTORY AND ARCHIVES BY ROBERT G PATERSON PH D Material presented in this issue of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly by the Ohio Committee on Medical History and Archives represents another chapter of five continuous years of effort on the part of a small group of men throughout the State in an attempt to mirror the significant ...
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 65 NUMBER 3 JULY 1956 A New Horizon in History By BRUCE CATTON When Ulysses the wise old man of Greek mythology prepared to take off on his final voyage beyond the sunset he summed up his knowledge of life in the one remark I am a part of all that I have met By this I suppose Ulysses was simply saying that history was not a thing apart from him He had lived he had contributed his bit to the life of his times and in turn had ...
... THE COUNTRY STORE IN AMERICAN SOCIAL HISTORY THE COUNTRY STORE IN AMERICAN SOCIAL HISTORY by THOMAS D CLARK Professor of History University of Kentucky Any rural American over forty years of age and possessed of a sound memory often lets his mind wander back to the countryside and conditions of his youth Many institutions and symbols of the past are reminiscent of a life of peace and contentment There was the country church where he worshipped or perhaps more exactly sat and longed to be out ...
... THE GREAT MAN IN HISTORY THE GREAT MAN IN HISTORY By PAUL F B L OOMHARDT You will agree with me that credit is due Mr Overman and those who have arranged today's program for their alertness in recognizing the centennial of Carlyle's famous dictum The idea for his Hero lectures seems to have taken shape in his mind between February 27 and March 2 1840 The first of this series of addresses is dated Tuesday 5th May 1840 Expanded to about double the size of the lectures the essays appeared in an ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue Miss LOUISE RAU is assistant editor of the Burton Historical Collection in the Detroit Public Library DR DAVID A T U CKER JR is professor of the history of medicine in the College of Medicine of the University of Cincinnati Reprints Reprints of any paper published in the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY may be obtained by the contributor Estimates of the cost will be furnished on request and requests should be made to the editor before ...
... 240 Ohio Arch 240 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications to him of vouchers approved by the supervisor of public printing and the adjutant general E J HOPPLE Speaker of the House of Representatives EARL D BLOOM President of the Senate Passed March 21 1917 Approved March 30 1917 JAMES M Cox Governor Filed in office of Secretary of State April 2 1917 SPEECH OF GOV FRANK B WILLIS UPON THE OCCASION OF THE REMOVAL OF THE BATTLE FLAGS TO THE ROTUNDA OF THE CAPITOL This is an inspiring spectacle The ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews An Ohio Portrait By George W Knepper Columbus The Ohio Historical Society 1976 282p illustrations maps index 2000 An Ohio Portrait is one of a growing list of publications resulting from the bicentennial which raises the hope that whatever the ultimate assessment may be of other phases of this national birthday celebration it will be viewed in the future as having provided the same kind of noteworthy stimulus to publications in the field of state and local history as ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Jonathan Draws the Long Bow By Richard M Dorson Cambridge Mass Harvard University Press 1946 274p 450 This reviewer used to enjoy the old story told in Licking County of how a remarkable providence once saved a sleepy pioneer resident of Granville from drowning in the rampaging waters of Raccoon Creek The villager drove into town late one pitchdark stormy night and did not learn until the next day that the planking of the bridge he crossed had been washed away by the ...
... 390 Ohio Arch 3 90 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications a fondness for history itself Dr Naylor's book is having the large sale it well deserves It is published by the Saalfield Publishing Company Akron Ohio BLENNERHASSETT AGAIN In the July 1901 number of the QUA R TE R LY we made somewhat extended allusion to the then current July Century article by Therese Blennerhassett-Adams entitled The True Story of Harman Blennerhassett In the same number we noticed briefly Prof W H Venable's ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue ROB ERT S FLETCHER is associate professor of history at Oberlin College Oberlin Ohio W SHERMAN SAVAGE PhD Ohio State University 1934 is head of the Department of History at Lincoln University Jefferson City Missouri ALTA HARVEY HEISER who has done work at the University of Cincinnati writes nature and historical articles for the Hamilton Ohio Journal-News and does genealogical research JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS of Marietta Ohio is a research worker in early ...
... INDEX TO FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING INDEX TO FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING Auditor Report of 537-538 Good Dr H L 526 Bachert W H 526 Greenman Emerson F 527 Basket Maker Prehistoric presented to Headley J E 524 Society 526 unveiled 567-569 Heer Fred J 521 538 Beaton Ralph 526 Hine James S 527 Bond Beverley W Jr The Old NorthHooper Osman C 519 west to Eastern Eyes 542-555 Houston Mrs William 518 Brown William A 519 Howells William D 518 Bush F W 519 Japan Gifts from 526 Business Agent Office of ...
... A WILSONIAN PARADOX A WILSONIAN PARADOX by PHILLIP R SHRIVER Historians are often prone to conjecture What might have happened if-- Perhaps no other event in the history of the United States has been the subject of as much hindsight speculation as this nation's refusal to join the League of Nations after the conclusion of the first World War Not a few historians have suggested that World War II was in large degree made inevitable when the United States declined to assume the role of world ...
... Report of the Forty-fifth Annual Meeting 539 Report of the Forty-fifth Annual Meeting 539 probably purchase these volumes at that price if they had the opportunity to do so It is suggested that two years hence a request should be made for the republication of the volumes to be distributed at cost to those desiring to purchase ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY Within the past year progress has been made in additions to the library Books and bound pamphlets to the number of 882 have been accessioned ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Ohio History is pleased to announce the reestablishment of an editorial advisory board Listed on the inside front cover of the journal are the names of twelve distinguished historians representing a wide variety of interests and perspectives who have agreed to serve for an initial two-year term Working closely with the editor these scholars will review many of the manuscripts submitted to the journal suggest books for review and perhaps most importantly ...
... 250 Ohio Arch 25 0 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications Ohio where he opened a law office in the Beckett Block which he occupied continuously until the time of his death He pursued an extensive and lucrative practice For many years prior to and during the Civil War he was the proprietor and editor of the Hamilton Intelligencer Mr Williams was an ardent loyalist and warm supporter of President Lincoln and took a very active and prominent part in aiding Governors Tod and Brough in their ...
... 226 Ohio Arch 226 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications JANUARIUS ALOYSIUS MACGAHAN Eulogy by William A Taylor Many years ago when a boy attending Dist No 6 school in Harrison township I was deeply but not then favorably impressed by this sentence in Kirkham's Grammar The evil that men do lives after them the good is often interred with their bones which I was called on to parse analyse and expatiate on generally by my teacher Philander H Binckley student philosopher literary writer and ...
... Brand Whitlock's Macochee Brand Whitlock's Macochee Puritan Theo-Politics in the Midwest By ABE C RAVITZ TO BE REGARDED as an American Hardy or an American Turgenev was a lifelong ambition of Brand Whitlock wellknown midwest political figure and diplomat who to his everlasting disappointment failed in his ambitious quest for such literary renown1 Held in high esteem however by political scientists and historians alike for his successful methods in the administration of local government and ...
... BOOK NOTES BOOK NOTES THE OLD NORTHWEST with a View of the Thirteen Colonies as Constituted by Royal Charters By B A Hinsdale Ph D New York Townsend Mac Coun 1888 The importance of the Northwest Territory has been fully emphasized during the present year by centennial celebrations of various kinds beginning with that at Marietta in April last of which the full proceedings were published in the last issue of the QUARTERLY While many parts of the history of this region have been fully ...
... Some Memoranda of the Locust Some Memoranda of the Locust Season in Ohio 1855 Edited by RENDELL RHOADES THE FIRST CHATTEL I ever remember buying at a public sale was a bushel of books This was in August 1931 at the John L West farm about three miles north of Hillsboro in Highland County Ohio The lot consisted of such choice items as a history of the modern world up to 1828 a volume of funereal poetry a running account of Greek mythology and an old-fashioned bound copybook containing a few ...