Ohio History Journal

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"Goldwin Smith: A Pupil's Recollection," by E. O. Randall. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 473-475.
... Editorialana Editorialana 4 73 Mrs Mary E Bray Charles R Bartlett Mrs Catharine M Bartlett Louis M Hanff Mrs Frances P Hanff Rutland After the dinner Prof Hulbert Senator Dana and Edwin D Mead spoke briefly after which the meeting dissolved After the meeting several signed the membership roll of the Rutland Chapter of the Ohio Company of Associates GOLDWIN SMITH A Pupil's Recollection Just two score years ago-in the Fall of 1870-the editor of the QUARTERLY-then a slip of a lad just emerging ...

"William Pendleton Palmer," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 200-201.
... 200 Ohio Arch 200 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications had been especially active in the selection of books for the Hayes Memorial Library He was a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and served on its Spiegel Grove Committee Mr Root was a scholarly gentleman unassuming modest and from early manhood a great student He was a wise and trusted counselor among the student body and faculty of Oberlin College and a constantly widening circle of those who came to ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 42, Number 1, January, 1933, pp. 124-129.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR Ohio Art and Artists By Edna Maria Clark MA Richmond Garrett and Massie pp XIII 509 750 In the second paragraph of this attractive interesting and informing volume the author Mrs Clark makes the following statement The need of a volume of this kind was brought forcefully to the author's attention during an eight-year period of service as chairman of art for the Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs when club women made frequent ...

"Azariah Smith Root," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 198-200.
... 198 198 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications learned and was a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Joseph Green Butler Jr married Harriet Voorhes Ingersoll of Honesdale Pennsylvania January 10 1866 Of this union were born Mrs Blanche Butler Ford Mrs Grace Ingersoll Butler McGraw and Mr Henry A Butler The latter two survive Mrs Butler died in 1921 Mr Butler was familiarly known as Uncle Joe and his wide circle of acquaintances and friends felt a personal loss ...

Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 205-213.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Bibliography of Ohio Archaeology By Richard G Morgan and James H Rodabaugh Columbus The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1947 v 189p Paper 250 This bibliography is by far the best of its kind the reviewer has seen The number of entries will come as a surprise to those who think of the archaeology of a state area as including a few titles or even perhaps a hundred titles The number of published references available will be surprising even to those who ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 99, , Winter-Spring, 1990, pp. 72-73.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The University Press of Wright State University is currently considering for publication book-length manuscripts on the following subjects aviation history black achievers gifted and talented children and Ohio life and history For additional information write to Carl M Becker Director University Press Wright State University Dayton Ohio 45435 The North American Society for Sport History will hold its Eighteenth Annual Convention at Banff Alberta Canada on ...

"Development of the Teaching of Anatomy in Ohio, 1890-1945," by Linden F. Edwards. Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 329-343.
... DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO 1890-1945 by LINDEN F EDWARDS Professor of Anatomy Ohio State University In America during the nineteenth century there was an unprecedented expansion of population over an enormous territory This situation created a huge demand for doctors with the result that proprietary medical colleges under private ownership were founded in great numbers According to Flexner American towns produced over four ...

"First Navigator of the Ohio River," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 224.
... 224 Ohio Arch 224 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications FIRST NAVIGATOR OF THE OHIO RIVER It is a most interesting but generally unknown fact which we have verified by a letter from Mr William Loeb secretary to the President that the brother of the grandfather of President Roosevelt was the first man to navigate a steamboat on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers says Mr Charles C Allen Captain Roosevelt was a warm personal friend of Robert Fulton the inventor of steam craft and soon after ...

"Emerson and Ohio: A New Emerson Letter," by N. C. Davis. Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 101-102.
... EMERSON AND OHIO EMERSON AND OHIO A New Emerson Letter1 by N C DAVIS Graduate Assistant in English Ohio State University The following excerpt is from the editorial columns of the Cleveland Herald for March 2 1852 RALPH W EMERSON Writes from Concord Feb 26th to one of our citizens who had written to him when recently in Buffalo to come here and lecture Your letter I found on my road but it offered me fruit which I could not eat however fair All my days were promised for the Lyceums along the ...

Volume 90, Number 4, Autumn, 1981, pp. 337-368.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Empire as a Way of life An Essay on the Causes and Character of America's Present Predicament Along With a Few Thoughts About an Alternative By William Appleman Williams New York Oxford University Press 1980 xiv 226p notes 1495 Even more than most of the works of William Appleman Williams this slim volume is an attempt to influence the social and political currents of our time Unfortunately it is written with no sense of the tensions that necessarily exist between ...

"NOTES" Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 93-94.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue CLARE DOWLER holds a Master's degree from Duke University the thesis for which was The Life Letters and Works of John James Piatt 1835-1882 CLARENCE H CRAMER is a member of the History Department of Southern Illinois State Normal University GEORGE KUMMER holds a Master's degree in English from Harvard and is studying for his Doctor's degree at Columbia REV R PIERCE BEAVER is pastor of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Oakley in Cincinnati Ohio The late ...

"Urban Education and the New City: Cincinnati's Elementary Schools, 1870 to 1914," by Janet A. Miller. Volume 88, Number 2, Spring, 1979, pp. 152-172.
... JANET A JANET A MILLER Urban Education and the New City Cincinnati's Elementary Schools 1870 to 1914 In 1903 Richard G Boone the Superintendent of Schools in Cincinnati announced that schools in the city were gradually workng toward the modern idea The elementary course he stated had been enriched treatment of children was more humane and reasonable and teachers were awakened to what was being done elsewhere in the nation1 While still plagued with traditional problems of finance facilities and ...

"Essay and Comment, Preservation of the Newsreel Films of President Harding," Volume 78, Number 2, Spring, 1969, pp. 138-140.
... ESSAY AND COMMENT ESSAY AND COMMENT Preservation of the Newsreel Films of President Harding by Robert W Wagner Efforts of the professional archivist in his attempt to preserve historical materials are often complicated by the very nature of the substance he is trying to preserve For example all 35mm motion picture film from 1888 to 1951 was made with a cellulose nitrate base which makes the reels highly flammable and under some circumstances highly explosive A partially decomposed nitrate film ...

"Sorrow of the Nations: In Memoriam of Wm. McKinley, The," by John P. Smith. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 385-387.
... The Sorrow of the Nations The Sorrow of the Nations 385 THE SORROW OF THE NATIONS IN MEMORIAM WM MCKINLEY BY JOHN P SMITH SHARPSBURG MARYLAND Corresponding Member of the Maryland Historical Society and of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society There's darkness over every land - Man takes his fellow by the hand The hearts of men now almost fail For all the earth is one sad wail There's sorrow in the hut and hall Our land's enshrouded with a pall The bells of death do sadly toll ...

"Minutes of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, Ohio, April 5, 1952," Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 299-300.
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Columbus Ohio April 5 1952 The Ohio Academy of History met at the Ohio State Museum Columbus April 5 at 1000 AM with Dr John Hall Stewart of Western Reserve University in the chair The morning session was devoted to a symposium on American Studies programs in American colleges and universities led by Dr Lyon N Richardson director of libraries at Western Reserve University At the luncheon meeting in Pomerene Hall Ohio State University Dr ...

"List of Accessions," Volume 46, Number 3, July, 1937, pp. 281-281.
... REPORT OF THE FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING 281 REPORT OF THE FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING 281 spectively are the two more important additions to the State Memorial list during the year A number of park superintendents' residences have been built and others are under construction Storage buildings comfort stations shelters roads trails bridges fences parking areas drinking fountains flagpoles--these are but a few of the improvements to be credited to the accomplishment of the year Landscaping ...

"Prolific Ohio," Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 502.
... 502 Ohio Arch 502 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications PROLIFIC OHIO LUCIEN SEYMOUR The following poem was recited by the author at the unveiling of the Perry's Victory Monument at Hotel Victory Put-in-Bay Ohio July 8 1907 The sun never shone on a country more fair Than beautiful peerless Ohio There's life in a kiss of her rarified air Ohio prolific Ohio Her sons are valiant and noble and bright Her beautiful daughters are just about right And her babies God bless them are clear out of ...

"Science and the American Tradition," by James B. Conant. Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 231-238.
... SCIENCE AND THE AMERICAN TRADITION SCIENCE AND THE AMERICAN TRADITION by JAMES B CONANT President of Harvard University We are gathered here tonight I take it because we believe that to be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to be always a child I count it a privilege to give the address at this annual dinner of a society dedicated to a furtherance of the study of the history of this state I am particularly glad to be here when you are dedicating a new addition to your building ...

"Dr. William Oxley Thompson Honored," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 313-317.
... DR DR WILLIAM OXLEY THOMPSON HONORED Dr William Oxley Thompson was the recipient of distinguished honors at the Scioto Country Club in Columbus Friday evening June 6 1924 The occasion was a silver jubilee dinner in celebration of the completion of his twenty-five years of service as president of the Ohio State University Guests to the number of 420 including trustees faculty alumni fellow college presidents and prominent citizens of the state and city were present and a spokesman from each ...

"Dedication of Memorial Wing," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 615-616.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 615 Reviews Notes and Comments 615 Judged impartially at this distance it looks a little as though neither Brooks nor Burlingame was eager to fight a duel Of course each naturally desired the public to think that he was not lacking in courage to meet the other in mortal combat While it would doubtless have been dangerous for Brooks to travel through the hostile North direct to Canada had the public been advised of his going a journey to the point designated seems not ...