Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"The Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic," Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 387-392.
... THE CINCINNATI LANCET-CLINIC THE CINCINNATI LANCET-CLINIC by DAVID A TUCKER JR MD Professor of the History of Medicine University of Cincinnati The Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic was formed in 1878 by the merger of the Lancet and Observer 1842 with the Clinic 1871 It was known as the Lancet and Clinic until 1888 when the hyphenated title was assumed The Lancet and Observer was founded by L M Lawson in 1842 as the Western Lancet a monthly journal It was issued in Cincinnati under his direction for ...

"Winthrop Sargent VII," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 531-535.
... WINTHROP SARGENT VII WINTHROP SARGENT VII By the death of Winthrop Sargent VII of Haverford Pennsylvania on March 29 1932 this Society sustained the loss of a generous friend and life member It was chiefly through his aid that the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society came into the possession of the valuable historical papers of Winthrop Sargent Secretary of the Northwest Territory from its organization until 1798 In the year 1904 the writer learned that a relative of his who was a ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 85, Number 2, Spring, 1976, pp. 158-159.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Western Reserve Historical Society is sponsoring a Bicentennial Conference of American Genealogy and Family History August 8-12 1976 The conference will center on the people and records of the American Revolution migrations to and within the United States following the Revolution the preparation and printing or publishing of genealogical material and the nature and use of some major genealogical collections and family history studies in American ...

"New Horizon in History, A," by Bruce Catton. Volume 65, Number 3, July, 1956, pp. 221-228.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 65 NUMBER 3 JULY 1956 A New Horizon in History By BRUCE CATTON When Ulysses the wise old man of Greek mythology prepared to take off on his final voyage beyond the sunset he summed up his knowledge of life in the one remark I am a part of all that I have met By this I suppose Ulysses was simply saying that history was not a thing apart from him He had lived he had contributed his bit to the life of his times and in turn had ...

"Textile Fabrics from the Burial Mounds of the Great Earthwork Builders of Ohio," Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 273-287.
... TEXTILE FABRICS FROM THE BURIAL MOUNDS OF TEXTILE FABRICS FROM THE BURIAL MOUNDS OF THE GREAT EARTHWORK BUILDERS OF OHIO By CHARLES C WILLOUGHBY A brief description of the various types of primitive weaving shown in the cloth from the burial mounds of the great earthwork builders of Ohio will help materially to a clearer understanding of the early pre-loom stages of the textile art in general which probably passed through a similar evolution in certain other parts of the world Primitive ...

"Society and the Quarterly, The," by George W. Knight. Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 79-82.
... THE SOCIETY AND THE QUARTERLY THE SOCIETY AND THE QUARTERLY THE past fifteen years have witnessed especially in the United States a striking and continuing zeal for the pursuit of historical study and investigation By the side of the historical student the archaeologist has been pursuing his studies with unflagging energy The evidences of what we may call the new historic spirit are seen on all sides Never before in the history of this country have there been so many specialists pursuing ...

"General Session, 8:00 P.M., April 7, University Hall, O.S.U., Arthur C. Johnson, Sr., Presiding," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 137-138.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 137 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 137 of the Ohio State University was attended by over fifty persons representing the various organizations cooperating in the Ohio History Conference H C Shetrone director of the Society presided introducing Mrs Janet Wethy Foley of Akron New York who gave an address on An Adventure in Genealogy in which she related her own and her husband's experiences in adopting genealogy as their profession General Session 800 P M ...

"Edgar Stillman-Kelley, Ohio Composer," by Ophia D. Smith. Volume 49, Number 1, January, 1940, pp. 68-77.
... EDGAR STILLMAN-KELLEY OHIO COMPOSER EDGAR STILLMAN-KELLEY OHIO COMPOSER By OPHIA D SMITH Among the outstanding men of Ohio is Edgar StillmanKelley the dean of American composers For sixty years he has enriched the musical literature of the world Contemporaneous with Edward McDowell Horatio Parker George Chadwick and Arthur Foote he struggled as they did for recognition in a day when only Europeans could win applause Edgar Kelley was born in Sparta Wisconsin on April 14 1857 the first child ...

Volume 86, Number 2, Spring, 1977, pp. 137-152.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews An Ohio Portrait By George W Knepper Columbus The Ohio Historical Society 1976 282p illustrations maps index 2000 An Ohio Portrait is one of a growing list of publications resulting from the bicentennial which raises the hope that whatever the ultimate assessment may be of other phases of this national birthday celebration it will be viewed in the future as having provided the same kind of noteworthy stimulus to publications in the field of state and local history as ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 200-201.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The 38th Annual Missouri Valley History Conference will be held in Omaha Nebraska March 9-11 1995 For information about the conference contact Dale Gaeddert Chair MVHC University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha Nebraska 68182 The 1995 Western Historical Association Meeting will be held October 11-14 1995 in Denver Colorado For details write to the Western History Association University of New Mexico 1080 Mesa Vista Hall Albuquerque New Mexico 87131-1181 or phone ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 85, Number 1, Winter, 1976, pp. 84-85.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Archives-Library Division of The Ohio Historical Society is pleased to announce the opening of the Michael DiSalle Papers to the public DiSalle was governor of Ohio from 1959 to 1963 The collection contains 391 boxes of material covering in part DiSalle's years as governor the national elections of 1960 1964 and 1968 the Ohio gubernatorial elections of 1956 1958 and 1962 as well as material dealing with DiSalle's early career as a member of the Ohio ...

"Januarius Aloysius MacGahan: Eulogy (MacGahan Monument)," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 226-228.
... 226 Ohio Arch 226 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications JANUARIUS ALOYSIUS MACGAHAN Eulogy by William A Taylor Many years ago when a boy attending Dist No 6 school in Harrison township I was deeply but not then favorably impressed by this sentence in Kirkham's Grammar The evil that men do lives after them the good is often interred with their bones which I was called on to parse analyse and expatiate on generally by my teacher Philander H Binckley student philosopher literary writer and ...

"Excavations of the Adena Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 452-479.
... 452 Ohio Arch 45 2 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications EXCAVATIONS OF THE ADENA MOUND BY WILLIAM C MILLS B SC Curator Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society The Adena mound so named by Governor Worthington and owned by his estate until a few years ago was thoroughly examined by the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society under the direction of its curator during the summer of 1901 The mound is located 112 miles from the northwestern part of the city of Chillicothe in the ...

"Critical Investigation versus Careless Presentation," by Bertha E. Josephson. Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 243-246.
... PROCEEDINGS 243 PROCEEDINGS 243 by the Society as its chief contribution in connection with the State-wide celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Establishment of Civil Government within the limits of the State His general presentation is printed in this number of the QUARTERLY as a part of the Prospectus for a History for the State of Ohio pp 249-259 Miss Bertha E Josephson editorial associate of the Mississippi Valley Historical Review was next on the program CRITICAL INVESTIGATION ...

"The Manufacture and Use of Aboriginal Stone Implements" by Gerard Fowke. Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 514-533.
... THE MANUFACTURE AND USE OF ABORIGINAL THE MANUFACTURE AND USE OF ABORIGINAL STONE IMPLEMENTS PROBABLY no other equal area in the Union has furnished so great a number and variety of the so-called Indian Relics as has been found within the southern half of Ohio and the adjacent portions of Kentucky and West Virginia Although few persons have made any particular study of them curiosity in regard to them is active among all classes and the successful collector often finds life made a burden by ...

Volume 2, Number2, September, 1888, pp. 348.
... BOOK NOTES BOOK NOTES THE OLD NORTHWEST with a View of the Thirteen Colonies as Constituted by Royal Charters By B A Hinsdale Ph D New York Townsend Mac Coun 1888 The importance of the Northwest Territory has been fully emphasized during the present year by centennial celebrations of various kinds beginning with that at Marietta in April last of which the full proceedings were published in the last issue of the QUARTERLY While many parts of the history of this region have been fully ...

"World War Papers: Presented by Sergeant Neil K. Reese," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 551-552.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 551 Reviews Notes and Comments 551 house and the first church established in the Ohio Country When this property is improved it is to be transferred to the custody of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society A bill introduced by Honorable Thomas L Calvert of Clark County appropriates 10000 for the purpose of aiding in paying the cost of constructing a monument to General George Rogers Clark and to commemorate the battle of Piqua and birthplace of Tecumseh ...

"Address of Hon. George W. Long, (Laying Corner Stone of The Society's Building)" Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 424-425.
... 424 Ohio Arch 424 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications pass through the Governor's office for he holds the veto power and we are equally indebted therefore to good Governor Judson Harmon who has long been a member of our Society and taken a deep and active interest in its proceedings We had a very delightful and successful voyage through the Governor's office Governor Harmon is not able to be present in person but we are greatly favored in having with us his good Secretary Honorable George ...

"Honorary and Life Members of the Society," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 451.
... HONORARY AND LIFE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY HONORARY AND LIFE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY HONORARY MEMBERS Baird Prof S F Washington D C Bancroft Hon Hubert Howe San Francisco Cala De Reune Mrs Mary Augusta Ga Gladden Washington DD LLD Columbus Howe Henry Columbus Nicholson Jno P Philadelphia Pa Putnam Prof F W Cambridge Mass Smucker Isaac Newark Winslow Rev Dr Wm Copley Boston Mass Whittlesey Col Chas Cleveland LIFE MEMBERS Barney E J Dayton Brown Benjamin S Columbus Burgess Solon Cleveland Collins W ...

"A Newly Discovered Extension of the Newark Works," Volume 45, Number 2, April, 1936, pp. 189-193.
... A NEWLY DISCOVERED EXTENSION OF THE A NEWLY DISCOVERED EXTENSION OF THE NEWARK WORKS By DACHE M REEVES1 The study of aerial photographs of the famous Newark group of prehistoric earthworks resulted in the discovery of a hitherto unknown extension to these works An interesting feature of this discovery is the fact that an important section of the works was found on the Newark flying field This area had been prepared for flying purposes after having been under cultivation for a long period and ...