... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The 38th Annual Missouri Valley History Conference will be held in Omaha Nebraska March 9-11 1995 For information about the conference contact Dale Gaeddert Chair MVHC University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha Nebraska 68182 The 1995 Western Historical Association Meeting will be held October 11-14 1995 in Denver Colorado For details write to the Western History Association University of New Mexico 1080 Mesa Vista Hall Albuquerque New Mexico 87131-1181 or phone ...
... 352 Ohio Arch 352 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications a demand that would have overcome his indifference to display and publicity Three of his sons were prominent in their day Rev B F Morris the author of his life Jonathan D Morris who served two terms as congressman from Ohio Isaac N Morris who served two terms as congressman from Illinois and was appointed by President Grant commissioner for the Union Pacific Railway in 1869 If a daguerreotype or painting of the Senator is in the ...
... Historical News Historical News David C Riede has been appointed an instructor in the department of history at the University of Akron Mr Riede received the BA and MA degrees in history from the University of Iowa and is now completing his dissertation for the doctor's degree Maxwell Whiteman has been appointed assistant director of the American Jewish Archives Jacob R Marcus the director of the archives is the recipient of the 1954-55 National Service Award of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity This ...
... 2 EXCAVATION OF THE REEVE VILLAGE SITE EXCAVATION OF THE REEVE VILLAGE SITE LAKE COUNTY OHIO By EMERSON F GREENMAN 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Foreword 5 Description of the Site 5 Burial 10 Artifacts 11 Bibliography 31 Appendix 32 4 EXCAVATION OF THE REEVE VILLAGE SITE EXCAVATION OF THE REEVE VILLAGE SITE LAKE COUNTY OHIO Foreword The entire season of 1 929 was spent in locating and examining a number of aboriginal sites in northern Ohio from the eastern border of the ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 323 Reviews Notes and Comments 323 The question Are any of the Griffiths there yet Mr Gessner answered in the affirmative The General then humorously observes The town of Batavia must now be very much dried up with all the facilities the people have to get away I used to take much delight in visiting there and through Clermont And then he added with a touch of pathos But I have made my last visit In this connection the author makes some statements that will be news ...
... Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 629 Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 629 can devote his attention to matters of the sort and such has been finally accomplished Matters should now soon be adjusted which will permit some activity on the part of the agent and the purpose for which he was employed and for which the Historical Societies Committee was organized should now in the not distant future become apparent Officers and members of this Society and members of this committee should ...
... Annual Meeting Ohio alley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio alley Historical Association 463 until along in the eighties This was made possible just as the completion of the turnpike roads had been rendered possible by means of county subscriptions and for a long time the railroad was operated in the interest of the counties through which it passed and which had contributed to its construction A new chapter in the development of transportation and intercourse between the two towns ...
... INTRODUCTORY REMARKS INTRODUCTORY REMARKS By PHILIP C NASH LADIES AND GENTLEMEN It is my very great pleasure and honor to declare open the sessions of the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention It was 146 years ago that the Battle of Fallen Timbers was fought and all the events that we are commemorating in this Convention occurred more than a century ago There has been an orderly and gradual development of civilization in this neighborhood and in this country ever since those days ...
... 108 Ohio Arch 108 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Columbus was done with generous enthusiasm To him more than to any other man Columbus owes the fact that the dream of a Civic Center is becoming a reality That noble idea in its concrete form at least was Mr Packard's and many hours and days and weeks he gave to perfecting his plans and to helping create an irresistible sentiment for this greatest of city beautifications this building for the future of Columbus What a monument this will ...
... A LETTER OF RUFUS PUTNAM'S TO NEHEMIAH A LETTER OF RUFUS PUTNAM'S TO NEHEMIAH HUBBARD ESQUIRE A NON-RESIDENT PROPRIETOR OF MARIETTA OHIO Contributed by FRANK ANKENBRAND JR This letter written by Rufus Putnam1 the founder of the city of Marietta Ohio gives but an inkling of the many petty annoyances that beset a man of vision Here are all the little irksome things the exasperating delays and hindrances the mosquito bites of adversity such as irritated the men who hewed from the vast American ...
... Notes Notes 289 are many others as important as the 'Serpent' which need attention at once to preserve them A member of the Society writes We must do something before the centennial celebration for their purchase and protection or be disgraced Every member of the Society should use his influence to interest the members of the Legislature in the matter in order that the State may fitly add to the glory of its centennial by the purchase of the more important of the works of its prehistoric ...
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Deshler-Wallick Hotel Columbus Ohio April 21 1950 The Ohio Academy of History met in Columbus April 21 in connection with the Ohio College Association The morning session at 1000 A M was attended by nearly one hundred persons This session was devoted to a panel discussion conducted by the members of the committee on the teaching of history in Ohio colleges of which Frank L Esterquest of Western College is the chairman Robert L Jones of Marietta ...
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 653 Forty-First Annual Meeting 653 change in Logan Elm during the past year The famous old tree continues to hold its own against the elements More than four thousand visitors registered at the park during July and possibly as many or more in August could they have been checked Some time during the first week of August a sneak thief carried away the register and either the same party or another ran an automobile through the wire fence near the creek This makes it ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue Miss LOUISE RAU is assistant editor of the Burton Historical Collection in the Detroit Public Library DR DAVID A T U CKER JR is professor of the history of medicine in the College of Medicine of the University of Cincinnati Reprints Reprints of any paper published in the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY may be obtained by the contributor Estimates of the cost will be furnished on request and requests should be made to the editor before ...
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 631 Forty-First Annual Meeting 631 my deep appreciation of their cooperation in the welfare of the Museum Respectfully submitted Signed WILLIAM C MILLS Mr John R Horst Chairman of the Committee on EARLY OHIO SCHOOL BOOKS stated that the Ray collection is almost complete and progress is being made in securing other books used in the early schools of the state As to the McGuffey books while the Committee is still seeking the First Readers of the 1843 and 1885 editions ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 26 7 Defiance has better claims for such a monument as is proposed The beauty of the site here situated in the heart of the city should give Defiance the precedence The Maumee Valley Pioneer Association wishes to save Roche de Boeuf from being used as a pier for a bridge to be built across the river at that point by the Cincinnati Northern Traction Co Secretary J L Pray said the association would probably first attempt to persuade the electric company to change its ...
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 579 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 579 is evidenced by the registration list which has been as follows for the year ending Sept 1st 1 924 viz September 1147 April 175 October 413 May 11 73 November 169 June 1092 December 128 July 1522 January 35 August 2108 February 14 March 177 Total 8153 The Maximum Sunday attendance was 245 The maximum week day attendance was 160 The average daily attendance was 24 The maximum monthly attendance was 2108 The average monthly ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XVIII No l JANUARY 1909 SERPENT MOUND TOWER It will be recalled that the Seventy-Seventh General Assembly 1908 in the appropriations for the Society made provision by a special appropriation of 500 for the erection of a tower at Serpent Mound At the meeting of the Executive Committee held July 16 1908 the matter of making a contract and supervising the erection of this tower was placed in charge of a special committee consisting of Treasurer Wood and Secretary ...
... URINALYSIS INSTRUMENTS OF PRECISION THE URINALYSIS INSTRUMENTS OF PRECISION THE STETHOSCOPE ET CETERA OF THE PERIOD 1835-1858 By HOWARD DITTRICK M D The period 1835 to 1858 was one during which there was little or no advance in the scientific side of medicine According to F H Garrison the scientific movement did not start until well after the middle of the nineteenth century Medicine of the early half was with a few exceptions only part and parcel of the stationary theorizing of the preceding ...
... A New Letter of Hiram Powers A New Letter of Hiram Powers By THOMAS B BRUMBAUGH Make me as I am Mr Powers and be true to nature always and in everything Andrew Jackson reportedly told the sculptor Hiram Powers 1805-1873 born in Vermont trained as a young man in Watson's clock factory in Cincinnati and later employed by Dorfueille's Western Museum scarcely needed such advice for on the road to making High Art he had also been a maker of writhing wax figures controlled by automatic insides for ...