Ohio History Journal

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Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 306.
... Announcing Announcing THE HISTORY OF THE STATE OF OHIO Edited by CARL WITTKE and Published under the Auspices of the OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY in Six Volumes Volumes I II III and VI are now available Volume V is in press and Volume IV is expected this year The price of the complete set is 2500 and orders should be sent direct to the Secretary Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Ohio State Museum Columbus Ohio Because of the limited edition sets will not be ...

"Recently Appointed Trustees" (William H. Cole and Waldo C. Moore) Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 600-602.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XXIV No 4 OCTOBER 1915 RECENTLY APPOINTED TRUSTEES WI L LIAM H COLE recently appointed trustee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society is a resident of Sabina and by education and taste brings to the office special qualifications for the discharge of its duties He was born in Hillsboro Highland County Ohio July 29 1840 Upon completing a course of study in the public schools of his native town he was elected principal of the Walnut Street school ...

"Shaping the Seminar in Local History," Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 179-184.
... SHAPING THE SEMINAR IN LOCAL HISTORY1 SHAPING THE SEMINAR IN LOCAL HISTORY1 by HARVEY WISH Associate Professor of History Western Reserve University History-writing has no prouder tradition than the pretentious seminar for graduate students and yet in far too many cases it has no rival for stuffiness and ineptitude That the seminar has survived and is in no immediate danger of extinction is not due to the guiding principles of Ranke or Herbert B Adams but rather because it serves as a ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 95, , Winter-Spring, 1986, pp. 49-50.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent retirements within the professional community include Ruth Helmuth Case Western Reserve University Archivist William D Aeschbacher teacher and administrator at the University of Cincinnati and Lenore R O'Boyle and Leon C Soule of Cleveland State University The 1986 Northern Great Plains History Conference will be held September 25-27 For details contact Jack M Lauber University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Department of History Eau Claire Wisconsin 54701 ...

"Martin Davey, John Bricker and the Ohio Election of 1936," Volume 104, , Winter-Spring, 1995, pp. 5-23.
... FRANK P FRANK P VAZZANO Martin Davey John Bricker and the Ohio Election of 1936 There's something wrong in Columbus With those words John W Bricker the Republican nominee for governor of Ohio opened the 1936 campaign against his Democratic opponent Martin L Davey Bricker's declaration more an accusation than a challenge initiated a contest destined to become one of the meanest in the history of Ohio But the campaign did more than that it generated a bitter personal feud between two of the ...

"William Dean Howells and the Gilded Age: Socialist in a Fur-lined Overcoat," by Gregory L. Crider. Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 408-418.
... GREGORY L GREGORY L CRIDER William Dean Howells and the Gilded Age Socialist in a Fur-lined Overcoat William Dean Howells was among the foremost of several latenineteenth century novelists including Mark Twain and Hamlin Garland who left small midwestern towns to seek their literary fortunes in the East Esteemed as a first-rank novelist the Father of American Realism and the nation's most prominent literary critic he became a celebrated symbol of Gilded Age culture When four hundred guests ...

"Abraham J. Baughman," Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 551-552.
... Editorialana Editorialana 551 Academy of Sciences and a contributor to the organ of that body During his years of study and field explorations Mr Brown assembled a large collection of Geological and Archaeological specimens A few years before his death he presented to the Bellbrook High School where as a youth he had been a pupil his Geological collection and a few years previously gave his Archaeological collection to the Museum of the O S A and H Society On May 23 1861 in St Barnabas Church ...

Volume 69, Number 1, January, 1960, pp. 73-77.
... Historical News Historical News THE OHIO-INDIANA AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION held its fall meeting at Kent State University on November 7 1959 Papers were read at the morning session on Clarence Darrow and the American Literary Tradition Abe C Ravitz of the department of English Hiram College Communal Societies on the American Frontier Hallock C Raup of the department of geography Kent State and Magazine Fiction Image or Mirage William Coyle of the department of English Wittenberg University ...

"By-Laws," Volume 42, Number 3, July, 1933, pp. 345-346.
... Report of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting 345 Report of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting 345 The bicentennial of the birth of George Washington was extensively celebrated within the past year An extended account of the pageant representing Washington's journey on the Ohio River in 1770 was published in the QUARTERLY for January 1933 The Ohio History Conference at a meeting here went on record in favor of the preparation of a check-list of newspapers Within the past year through the ...

"Tom L. Johnson," by Robert H. Bremner. Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 1-13.
... TOM L TOM L JOHNSON by ROBERT H BREMNER Instructor in History Ohio State University In 1901 the voters of Cleveland Ohio chose as their mayor a resourceful and unconventional man newly retired from a successful business career who was the best known American follower of Henry George Tom L Johnson remained in office for eight exciting and enlightening years Born in 1854 into an aristocratic southern family which was impoverished during the Civil War Johnson had to go to work while still a child ...

"To Raise Perry's Flagship 'Niagara,'" Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 223.
... Editorialana Editorialana 22 3 longer contemplate buying that property as it had been purchased by Mr A M Woolson who they were glad to learn proposed to preserve the landmark and it was understood would set off a portion to the Daughters of the American Revolution There was also some discussion concerning the proposition that the association acquire possession of the old court house at Maumee which building is located on the spot of the famous Dudley massacre The court house would be a most ...

"Great Man in History, The," by Paul F. Bloomhardt. Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 233-243.
... THE GREAT MAN IN HISTORY THE GREAT MAN IN HISTORY By PAUL F B L OOMHARDT You will agree with me that credit is due Mr Overman and those who have arranged today's program for their alertness in recognizing the centennial of Carlyle's famous dictum The idea for his Hero lectures seems to have taken shape in his mind between February 27 and March 2 1840 The first of this series of addresses is dated Tuesday 5th May 1840 Expanded to about double the size of the lectures the essays appeared in an ...

"DOCUMENTARY DATA," Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 184-185.
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA By Bertha E Josephson During the first two months of the current year the Department of Documents has been devoting as much time as possible to an inventory and organization of numerous heterogenous and individual items Because these materials do not belong to any definite collections they have hitherto been neglected yet many of them are of considerable importance and value They are now being sorted and a card catalogue with name and subject crossreferences ...

"OHS Committee Report: Spiegel Grove," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 577-579.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 577 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 577 end of the biennium but the improvement of the grounds has not yet been started We wish at this time to submit the following extract from the deed of conveyance to the Society from Miss Clarissa C Moor of the tract referred to above Provided always and these presents are upon this express condition that the premises hereby conveyed shall be used for a park and monument site and approaches Said grantee its successors and assigns ...

"Accessions to Museum Collections: October 1, 1926 to September 1, 1927," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 600-605.
... 600 Ohio Arch 600 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The Registrar has reported the additions to the Museum from Oct o ber 1 1926 to September 1 1927 as follows Accessions to Museum Collections October 1 1 926 to September 1 1 927 The most important additions to the Archaeological collection aside from the material secured by explorations have been the collections of the late Dr G Miesse Lancaster Ohio which was bequeathed to the Society of Mr C O Tracy Bexley Ohio presented by his son Mr ...

"Launching The Ship," by Ida Eckert-Lawrence. Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 46-48.
... 46 Ohio Arch 46 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications LAUNCHING THE SHIP BY IDA ECKERT-LAWRENCE This poem was written by Mrs Lawrence and read by her as she stood by President McKinley upon the occasion of the launching of the Ohio at San Francisco May 18 1901 Mrs Lawrence is a native of Richland county Ohio and now a resident of Toledo She is the author of the well-known little volume of poems entitled Day Dreams I Oh Star of empire thou that went before The pilgrim in the misty days of yore ...

Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 418-421.
... Historical News Historical News Virginius C Hall director of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio since 1945 died in Cincinnati on June 8 1957 after a brief illness Mr Hall a native of North Carolina and a graduate of Trinity College Duke University came to Cincinnati in 1923 where he engaged in the advertising business and later in stockbroking until 1934 In that year he joined the faculty of the Cincinnati Country Day School and then in 1942 became a master in the French ...

"Azariah Smith Root," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 198-200.
... 198 198 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications learned and was a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Joseph Green Butler Jr married Harriet Voorhes Ingersoll of Honesdale Pennsylvania January 10 1866 Of this union were born Mrs Blanche Butler Ford Mrs Grace Ingersoll Butler McGraw and Mr Henry A Butler The latter two survive Mrs Butler died in 1921 Mr Butler was familiarly known as Uncle Joe and his wide circle of acquaintances and friends felt a personal loss ...

"Salmon P. Chase, Nativism, and the Formation of the Republican Party in Ohio," by William E. Gienapp. Volume 93, , Winter-Spring, 1984, pp. 5-39.
... WILLIAM E WILLIAM E GIENAPP Salmon P Chase Nativism and the Formation of the Republican Party in Ohio Accounts of the formation of the Republican party traditionally emphasize the political upheaval of 1854 In this year the party first took shape in Michigan and Wisconsin and in several other states fusion anti-Nebraska coalitions which are often viewed as protoRepublican organizations contested the fall elections1 Certainly the momentous political events of that year unleashed forces that ...

"Two Notable Additions to the Library of the Society," Volume 35, Number 2, April, 1926, pp. 433-434.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 433 Reviews Notes and Comments 433 The timely and appreciative words of welcome by Governor Vic Donahey friend of the Society the brief but eloquent speeches delivered in the afternoon by Judge Benson W Hough and Lieutenant Colonel Ralph D Cole former Congressman and the dedicatory address by Congressman Theodore E Burton former United States Senator from Ohio were in the opinion of the large audience among the most impressive ever delivered on the grounds of the ...